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Trump fooled us all

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He never thought he would win the   presidency.   He is in the race to promote his brand.


He has done that very  well.


If there is anyone in American  who did not know of him months ago they certainly know of him now.


He is what he is and that is it.






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It's Hillary/Obama supporting banks and Wall Street.  The Wells Fargo robbed millions of its customers and the CEO is not going to jail.  It's enough to make you start coughing.  Who is opposed?  Trump is the only one.  Dirty tricks got rid of Bernie and being Jewish for President is even worse than Female or non PC.  


Didn't fool us all. Many of us were never fooled. He obviously didn't expect to get this far, but now that he has, well, he hates to lose so much ... so it still may happen. 


I am not a supporter but he does occasionally say things that I would like to see, like money spent on infrastructure rather than war - - not that he would do anything that he says... it is all sort of sad that both candidates are so strongly disliked... and yes, he is what he is, as you say... 

4 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

I am not a supporter but he does occasionally say things that I would like to see, like money spent on infrastructure rather than war - - not that he would do anything that he says... it is all sort of sad that both candidates are so strongly disliked... and yes, he is what he is, as you say... 

You want improved infrastructure? We all do!



In my first 100 days as president, I will work with both parties to pass a comprehensive plan to create the next generation of good jobs. Now the heart of my plan will be the biggest investment in American infrastructure in decades, including establishing an infrastructure bank that will bring private sector dollars off the sidelines and put them to work there. 

Hillary, June 22, 2016




13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You want improved infrastructure? We all do!




That's great, so, you are saying I win either way - - though of course I feel like there are 2 lousy options as most Americans... mostly I am just anti-war... and do not believe that either one will be able to get much done... but then again, the likelihood of my going back and using the infrastructure at any time is not likely either... 


I expect Trump to win. If I was a betting man I would have put money on it before the primaries concluded but I'm not, so I didn't.


He's been gaining traction in many states including important swing states recently based on some analysis I read the other day and unless he does something stupid (which is very possible as it's Trump) I see no reason why this will change.

1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

I am not a supporter but he does occasionally say things that I would like to see, like money spent on infrastructure rather than war - - not that he would do anything that he says.


And there is the rub.


He just might.


Which must be better than sticking with the status quo.

4 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


And there is the rub.


He just might.


Which must be better than sticking with the status quo.



The clear and present danger of Donald Trump




13 minutes ago, ukrules said:

I expect Trump to win. If I was a betting man I would have put money on it before the primaries concluded but I'm not, so I didn't.


He's been gaining traction in many states including important swing states recently based on some analysis I read the other day and unless he does something stupid (which is very possible as it's Trump) I see no reason why this will change.

You missed the debate disaster, eh?

Those trends have already reversed.

He' being doing stupid things for days now after the debate loss as well.

Maybe, keep up, and ... save your money!


Donald didn't fool me.  He's an idiot...it's all about him....got the temperament of a bully.  He'll be defeated easily on Nov 8 and smart Republicans know that.  


Heck, even FoxNews latest poll shows Trump falling behind Clinton after a brief uptick in Donald polls numbers...but the Hillary wiped the floor with Donald during the 1st debate and his poll number are taking a hit..  Even in key battleground states like Florida, land of old white folks, Clinton now has a good lead.   And his latest middle of the night twitter attacks on a former beauty queen shows where he has his priorities.   He's like a young child....he just can't concentrate on anything for any length of time before becoming easily distracted and then throwing a temper-tantrum.






See data on all major polls at RealClearPolitics, to include individual battleground states.



Below is a snapshot of polls released Friday/30 Sep 16.  Note: place little faith in the LA Times/USC Tracking Poll...it almost always has a Donald with poll lead (super biased) while most all other polls reflect the opposite...even the FoxNews poll has Hillary in the lead.


1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


And there is the rub.


He just might.


Which must be better than sticking with the status quo.


 Yo Rock. I get it. I think everyone is tired of the status quo and all that... but this is a guy who stiffs independent contractors who work for him at an alarming rate... I think there were like 3500 lawsuits against him. That would be 2 a week for 30 years... And that doesn't count the ones who did not have the funds to sue him or the inclination to be tied up in court forever. These are every day working people. Sure, there is other stuff too... but I was a small businessman and I was always annoyed with guys who lie and cheat and then proclaim themselves - 'good businessmen'  - - 


Sure, he just might... but after these types of things, does he deserve a shot? HC just might too - and the same applies - even the guy who doesn't know what an Aleppo is - isn't there someone else out there who might be more qualified? 


No, not me - anyone but me, but thanks for thinking of me. 

1 hour ago, ukrules said:

I expect Trump to win. If I was a betting man I would have put money on it before the primaries concluded but I'm not, so I didn't.


He's been gaining traction in many states including important swing states recently based on some analysis I read the other day and unless he does something stupid (which is very possible as it's Trump) I see no reason why this will change.


Usually when people are not "betting men" it is for a good reason... a great gambling technique is to find someone like this and bet against them.... this, as much as anything, convinces me Clinton will likely win... 


It's funny how people that don't have a pot to piss in hate Trump. Free stuff elects people......America needs to run like a profitable business in order to pay for the have nots.  It's failing in this.

Easy for the guys wanting something for nothing to vote for Hillary. 

A rich government can afford it's welfare state. 

Time for the Business of USA. To become profitable again.

Take care of its debts.

Appointment Ambassadors with business doctorates.

Not change any existing immigration laws but enforce the ones in place.

Most morons have no clue what a federal Republic means. It's way way more than a Democracy.  Most morons are clueless. 

24 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


Usually when people are not "betting men" it is for a good reason... a great gambling technique is to find someone like this and bet against them.... this, as much as anything, convinces me Clinton will likely win... 


There is a good reason, it's boring. Betting against what bores me is not a good strategy for winning.

36 minutes ago, sirmud63 said:

the rest of the wourld now has its eyes on america ,as sort of an IQ test , and it aint looking good .


I think I can speak for 40% of the American voting public.  The next time your little country wants to borrow money or get defended against some awful aggressor - take a leap.   

32 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

I think I can speak for 40% of the American voting public.  The next time your little country wants to borrow money or get defended against some awful aggressor - take a leap.   

what does the other 60% think ?

1 hour ago, NickJ said:

It's funny how people that don't have a pot to piss in hate Trump. Free stuff elects people......America needs to run like a profitable business in order to pay for the have nots.  It's failing in this.

Easy for the guys wanting something for nothing to vote for Hillary. 

A rich government can afford it's welfare state. 

Time for the Business of USA. To become profitable again.

Take care of its debts.


These are great points Nick, I think we should all model ourselves on Trump and pay exactly the same effective tax rates as he has been paying for say, the last 15 years?  This will surely solve all those problems.  No more free stuff for anybody!  Not sure how to manage the profitable part but maybe we can do some Trump-style bankruptcies?



1 hour ago, NickJ said:


Most morons have no clue what a federal Republic means. It's way way more than a Democracy.  Most morons are clueless. 


You have a way with words .... not ALL morons are clueless, some are well informed???  Those must be the Trump supporters??  I thought that would be called an oxymoron.  Wait maybe I am confused?


 For the morons who can't find the definition of a federal republic (and confuse that with democracy?) I thought I would help: 


A federal republic is a type of government made up of smaller areas such as states or provinces where the central government cedes certain powers to the individual areas for self-government purposes. The citizens of the federal republic elect their own representatives to lead them. (I think that might be something like the United States but maybe we should ask Trump first?)



As a Brit, I feel that the greatest harm caused by Trump has been to obscure the danger that Hilary presents. She has a proven track record of favoring interventionist foreign policies that are borderline militant. If she becomes President, her administration could drag many other countries into a war far more catastrophic than anything Trump could even conceive. 
Look at Syria now with Obama's administration. The Russians have offered numerous 48-hour ceasefires but the Americans will agree to nothing less than 7-day ceasefires for some unknown reason. As Russia doesn't want to permit terrorists time to regroup and recover, stalemate ensures. Now imagine how bad things could get with Hilary's approach to foreign policy. This is what I feel American voters should be focusing on, yet everyone is fixated on Trump. 

9 hours ago, jadee said:

As a Brit, I feel that the greatest harm caused by Trump has been to obscure the danger that Hilary presents. She has a proven track record of favoring interventionist foreign policies that are borderline militant. If she becomes President, her administration could drag many other countries into a war far more catastrophic than anything Trump could even conceive. 
Look at Syria now with Obama's administration. The Russians have offered numerous 48-hour ceasefires but the Americans will agree to nothing less than 7-day ceasefires for some unknown reason. As Russia doesn't want to permit terrorists time to regroup and recover, stalemate ensures. Now imagine how bad things could get with Hilary's approach to foreign policy. This is what I feel American voters should be focusing on, yet everyone is fixated on Trump. 


This is my concern with Hillary, also.  But what's the alternative?  If Trump were president he'd be likely to start a war with Venezuela, because their beauty queen was dissing him.

1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:


This is my concern with Hillary, also.  But what's the alternative?  If Trump were president he'd be likely to start a war with Venezuela, because their beauty queen was dissing him.

And Donald will get Venezuela to pay to the entire cost of the war....something about making a deal.   He sure needs to get someone else to pay for it because he don't pay any federal income taxes.



if he loses, then he'd be better for all - as a Senator.

Isn't that where most power for veto occurs??

if he loses, then he'd be better for all - as a Senator.
Isn't that where most power for veto occurs??

If he loses he'll never run for anything again. Not dogcatcher. Not senator. Also he could never win a senate race in New York.
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