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What do Americans think of Poms?


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7 hours ago, rogeroc said:


No need to bring of the Holocaust with a German or Jalianwahla Bagh with a Brit because we know and accept they were wrong!


Soooooo, then you would find it annoying if we brought it up? Maybe even a little insulted that we think you, individually, have some responsibility for it?

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


Soooooo, then you would find it annoying if we brought it up? Maybe even a little insulted that we think you, individually, have some responsibility for it?


No not annoyed or insulted atall, whatever gave you that impression?

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3 hours ago, Strange said:


He's probably had just about enough of the BS as I have. 


Im inclined to believe you, I do the same, but its pretty obvious that a majority of you guys hold a deep distaste for americans and its pretty sour. 


If you do feel that it i just reserved for Americans and not other Nationalities (you are probably correct) surely it may be worth considering the question why !

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1 minute ago, rogeroc said:

No not annoyed or insulted atall, whatever gave you that impression?


The exclamation point:


10 hours ago, rogeroc said:

No need to bring of the Holocaust with a German or Jalianwahla Bagh with a Brit because we know and accept they were wrong!


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1 minute ago, rogeroc said:

If you do feel that it i just reserved for Americans and not other Nationalities (you are probably correct) surely it may be worth considering the question why !


Yeah don't even think I will buy that for a second. 


Its your problem not mine. 


What, exactly, have we done to you? Don't just parrot what everyone else says or what you think you heard, I mean to you, personally, to justify being so sour. 

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8 hours ago, JSixpack said:

My point is still 100% valid as to how you would approach conversation w/ a foreigner IF you have genuinely friendly intentions. As I noted, Brits in Thailand and on the forum anyway by and large don't have any such intention, hence their behavior. As I noted for our 'Mercun newbies, it's really warfare here on a forum that Brits consider their very own, their turf. Just acknowledging the reality of the situation.



Sure can tell by the way you write you are full of friendly intentions. 

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3 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

Yes so if you being up the subject i just say i agree it was wrong, why would i be insulted?


What exactly do you want "Americans" to admit to you about being wrong? Why even bring up something unless you just want to hear us "agree" with what you believe. 


Maybe you guys are ok with addressing people in that manner, but I'm not and the majority I know aren't either. 


Sorry but I don't know very many grown men that within 5 minutes of meeting a stranger are willing to accept being ridiculed. 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yeah don't even think I will buy that for a second. 


Its your problem not mine. 


What, exactly, have we done to you? Don't just parrot what everyone else says or what you think you heard, I mean to you, personally, to justify being so sour. 


I am not sour i have already stated in this thread that i would treat everyone as an individual whatever their Nationality However i do agree that some other nationality expats i know have an instant dislike. I have said i think they are wrong to judge. My original comment was about the resentment that many have (i am sure including a number of Americans) towards the actions of the American nation on the world stage in the past decade or so.

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6 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

Sure can tell by the way you write you are full of friendly intentions. 


Thing is, a lot of you guys believe that we somehow owe you something or should have to listen to your nonsense about us. It gets old. 


You don't think this behavior would get old? When its the same nationality doing it over and over? 

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On 10/7/2016 at 1:46 PM, rogeroc said:



I think people are often testing each other when they first meet and added to that i know there is a lot of resentment against the way America (not the individual people) has played its role in the World in recent years. Therefore if i meet an American i am interested to know whether they can understand that resentment and what their views on the subject are.



If you want to know how an American feels about their country's role in the world in recent years, why don't you ask them about how it felt to see Middle East terrorists crash jets into the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 and the Pentagon, and kill some thousands of their fellow citizens on one morning in an act of terrorism unprecedented in U.S. domestic history?


I'm not a historian, but I'm guessing in future years, it will read something like this:

--America is a longstanding and primary supporter of Israel and the world's main superpower, including for Western style democracy.

--Thus the country becomes a target for Islamic fanatics, and suffers 9/11 and the various other terrorist attacks over the years.

--That leads to a political backlash in the U.S. and a more supported public view that even Americans at home aren't safe from the fanatics in the Middle East, thus the decisions to engage the military in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.


So, what do you want to take issue with there? Yes, there were excesses (Abu Ghraib, water boarding), and lies (WMDs in Iraq), and poorly considered decisions (the impact of taking out Saddam and how that would change the region).


But the average American didn't make those decisions. One particular group of U.S. political leaders (President George W. Bush, 2001-2008) did in the wake of 9/11. But every country (including the UK, who has been the U.S.'s partner in virtually all of the military activities during the period) swerves and sways its policies based on the times and what's going on around them.


So, folks like you raising these kinds of questions kind of have to consider the alternatives...


--You want to leave the Islamic fanatics free to roam and bomb and kill at will?

--You want to turn Afghanistan over to the Taliban so they can make it a Sharia state and deny education to women, stone adulterers, etc etc

--You want the western democracies to abandon Israel so we can be more buddy buddy with the Muslims?


The average American doesn't want Islamic fanatics bombing and killing people anywhere, including the U.S.  The average American doesn't want the Taliban turning Afghanistan into a barbarian state. And the average American thinks Israel and the Jewish people there have a right to exist and maintain their country.


So that's probably what most Americans think. Do people who hold those kind of opinions cause some personal problem for you?


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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9 minutes ago, rogeroc said:

No not if you accepted that there are valid alternative viewpoints to those that you have expressed above as well.




And, this alternative viewpoint justifies ridicule of americans?

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The views expressed at 162 are well known as are the opposing arguments, the thread is not about that debate and is being side tracked.  Also 9/11 is only one example. I have never once suggested or supported the ridicule of Americans, i just answered the question put to me in the last sentence of Post 162. 



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I guess the shorter, simpler answer to the issue you raised above is:


No, when I meet someone from another country, I don't automatically form my opinion of them, or like or dislike them, based on what the rulers of their country at doing at the time, or have done in past years.


Rather, I judge the individual person on who they are, how they act, and what kind of individual opinions they hold.


Thus, were I to meet a Brit in Thailand, I wouldn't automatically dislike, or tend to dislike, that person because of any of the various questionable or controversial things their country or leaders may have done in past years.


No I would not. And I'd like to think most other fair-minded people would feel the same way.




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Plus, speaking personally in terms of "What Do Americans Thinks of Poms", gotta give the "Poms" credit where credit is due:


The Beatles, the Who, the Rolling Stones, James Bond, Winston Churchill, Shakespeare, Big Ben, fish and chips....


Well, that about covers it... :smile:

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I agree with everything you say above and have said much the same in this thread. I think my original Post on the subject (113) has been taken out of context (maybe i could have phrased it better) and been taken as a personal attack.


However, i personally, would not be offended if on someone meeting me the actions of my country of birth were attacked. It is quiite likely i would be the first to agree with them or if not make a valid argument as you have done a couple of Posts above. Not much to get upset about unless very Nationalstic.

Edited by rogeroc
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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Plus, speaking personally in terms of "What Do Americans Thinks of Poms", gotta give the "Poms" credit where credit is due:


The Beatles, the Who, the Rolling Stones, James Bond, Winston Churchill, Shakespeare, Big Ben, fish and chips....


Well, that about covers it... :smile:

You forgot me.  Lol

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5 hours ago, rogeroc said:

I agree with everything you say above and have said much the same in this thread. I think my original Post on the subject (113) has been taken out of context (maybe i could have phrased it better) and been taken as a personal attack.


However, i personally, would not be offended if on someone meeting me the actions of my country of birth were attacked. It is quiite likely i would be the first to agree with them or if not make a valid argument as you have done a couple of Posts above. Not much to get upset about unless very Nationalstic.


Im not trying to "make a valid argument" on behalf of my country every time I get into a conversation with one of you guys. Far as I'm concerned, y'all need to get over it. 

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6 hours ago, rogeroc said:

The views expressed at 162 are well known as are the opposing arguments, the thread is not about that debate and is being side tracked.  Also 9/11 is only one example. I have never once suggested or supported the ridicule of Americans, i just answered the question put to me in the last sentence of Post 162. 


lol "the opposing arguments"? Opposed to what? 

Let me guess, conspiracy theory incoming. Big bad america trying to steal the worlds oil or whatever. 

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10 hours ago, rogeroc said:


Sure can tell by the way you write you are full of friendly intentions. 


In fact I've made it crystal clear I have no friendly intentions whatsoever w/ regard Brits in Thailand or on the forum. That's unnatural for me, but I've learned that; and I've apprised our 'Mercun forum newbies of the situation and what to expect. I did give favorable mention to the Scots, though the accent is an obstacle; we seem to have no Gordon Brown types here in Thailand. (Though for that matter the fluent Brummie and Geordie, among other dialects, spoken by our Brit expats--my Oxford acquaintance a notable exception with his beautiful Received Pronunciation--is also incomprehensible.) Love the Scottish separatist movement--YEAH. Should watch Braveheart and Rob Roy again soon. Wales next? :) I don't think I've met any Welsh or Northern Irish but would be ready to give them benefit of the doubt. Northern Ireland :). Now that's a good contemporary topic to tweak English about. Lots to talk about. Ain't it about time for the colonizers to get out & pay reparations? Then there's all that English monarchy nonsense, though most forum Brits might well be anti-monarchy until some 'Mercun laughs at it. And there's a lot to laugh about really. Telly fees, OMG. Oh, £85m spent on secret upgrade of the Trident, hoo hah.


But truth is Britain is just so insignificant that even the least secure, weakest 'Mercun seems to feel no need feel superior by constantly jumping on it and sneering as Brits feel compelled to do with regard to most every other nationality but particularly w/ regard to 'Mercuh w/ its vast corporate and military presence. Just since Obama, British companies have earned more than $60bn from US military contracts . . . . Need to start giving a lot more of that to Germany or Sweden . ;)


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I was an English literature major at university in the U.S., and ended up spending about a month touring the U.K. (England, Ireland and Scotland) by car in later years. Absolutely one of the most enjoyable, memorable foreign travels I've ever had (and that had nothing to do with any sexual exploits, for the crude-minded here...), and that led to a number of trips back just to London in later years.


Haven't been back in the past 20 years or so.  Kind of wonder if I went back today, would I even recognize the place as the same place I visited 20 years+ ago. :sad:


Always had a special feeling for the place and its people in my heart...  until I started reading ThaiVisa many years later! :ph34r:  :sleepy:


Perhaps we need to be a little more like Churchill and Roosevelt here... just sayin'.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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11 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


In fact I've made it crystal clear I have no friendly intentions whatsoever w/ regard Brits in Thailand or on the forum. That's unnatural for me, but I've learned that; and I've apprised our 'Mercun forum newbies of the situation and what to expect. I did give favorable mention to the Scots, though the accent is an obstacle; we seem to have no Gordon Brown types here in Thailand. (Though for that matter the fluent Brummie and Geordie, among other dialects, spoken by our Brit expats--my Oxford acquaintance a notable exception with his beautiful Received Pronunciation--is also incomprehensible.) Love the Scottish separatist movement--YEAH. Should watch Braveheart and Rob Roy again soon. Wales next? :) I don't think I've met any Welsh or Northern Irish but would be ready to give them benefit of the doubt. Northern Ireland :). Now that's a good contemporary topic to tweak English about. Lots to talk about. Ain't it about time for the colonizers to get out & pay reparations? Then there's all that English monarchy nonsense, though most forum Brits might well be anti-monarchy until some 'Mercun laughs at it. And there's a lot to laugh about really. Telly fees, OMG. Oh, £85m spent on secret upgrade of the Trident, hoo hah.


But truth is Britain is just so insignificant that even the least secure, weakest 'Mercun seems to feel no need feel superior by constantly jumping on it and sneering as Brits feel compelled to do with regard to most every other nationality but particularly w/ regard to 'Mercuh w/ its vast corporate and military presence. Just since Obama, British companies have earned more than $60bn from US military contracts . . . . Need to start giving a lot more of that to Germany or Sweden . ;)


What a load of rollox.........:rolleyes:

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Just now, Anythingleft? said:

This forum clears up a few of the recent thread behaviors that I couldn't quite catch on to


Take it your are gracing us with your presence? English I take it? Care to comment on my drag racing or being american?



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Just now, Strange said:
2 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

This forum clears up a few of the recent thread behaviors that I couldn't quite catch on to


Take it your are gracing us with your presence? English I take it? Care to comment on my drag racing or being american?

You really are quite tenacious aren't you, already responded quite adequately to the previous posts thank you although I noticed you weren't referenced

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