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For Clinton, election likely to be won or lost in October


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2 minutes ago, stander said:

The remaining days of the campaign will seem like years to Clinton.  She has to stay out of the public view and pray that Assange and National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard have no unpleasant surprises.


She also knows that nothing will stop the faithful from Believing.





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4 minutes ago, stander said:

The media, of course, will ignore sick Hillary’s absence from the campaign trail.


Why should she waste time and money campaigning if she doesn't need to?  She can coast to a win from here, and let the ads (and Trump) do all the talking.

Edited by attrayant
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A vote for Clinton is a vote to destroy the United States, as we know it. It will be over. She will put the final nails in the coffin, with a radical form of socialism, which will overrun country. If you value your children’s future get out and vote for Trump.

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14 minutes ago, stander said:

A vote for Clinton is a vote to destroy the United States, as we know it. It will be over. She will put the final nails in the coffin, with a radical form of socialism, which will overrun country. If you value your children’s future get out and vote for Trump.


Really? Is this radical form of socialism called open and free global trade as those Waall street speeches revealed today? :cheesy:

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29 minutes ago, stander said:

A vote for Clinton is a vote to destroy the United States, as we know it. It will be over. She will put the final nails in the coffin, with a radical form of socialism, which will overrun country. If you value your children’s future get out and vote for Trump.


We will be able to come back four years from now and read your posts again - did you know that?  Because it seems like you don't.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


We will be able to come back four years from now and read your posts again - did you know that?  Because it seems like you don't.


Just like we can look back on the last 4 years and see how obamacare has cuased so much harm and is a failing program that no private insurance company has any desire to participate in.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


Really? Is this radical form of socialism called open and free global trade as those Waall street speeches revealed today? :cheesy:


Is it possible to be a globalist and a socialist? They seem incompatible. How can Hillary be both? Hmm...

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18 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Is it possible to be a globalist and a socialist? They seem incompatible. How can Hillary be both? Hmm...


Illustrative of the level of understanding of Trump and his supporters. Trump sets a good example with his deep, complex, and nuanced understanding of economics, politics and world history.

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Just like we can look back on the last 4 years and see how obamacare has cuased so much harm and is a failing program that no private insurance company has any desire to participate in.


I call BS.  But this is not the thread to defend your claim.  Why not start a new one instead of derailing this one?

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Attention all Thai Visa Forum members!  If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. President, I will promise to discontinue posts and no longer comment on this web site ever again!  I doubt if any, nary a one, Hillary supporter will match my promise.  Come on keyboard warriors.  Put your beliefs/wisdom on the line.  You have my word; any challengers?  

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Attention all Thai Visa Forum members!  If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. President, I will promise to discontinue posts and no longer comment on this web site ever again!  I doubt if any, nary a one, Hillary supporter will match my promise.  Come on keyboard warriors.  Put your beliefs/wisdom on the line.  You have my word; any challengers?  

Won't miss ya buster
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10 hours ago, attrayant said:


I call BS.  But this is not the thread to defend your claim.  Why not start a new one instead of derailing this one?


I don't need to "defend" my statement...it is well known fact. Besides, its a waste of breath to get hilleroids to see the obvious even when clearly spelled out. They are like Jonestown residents.


In order to stay on topic, Bill Clinton himself called obamacare a terrible program just one week ago. 

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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I don't need to "defend" my statement...it is well known fact. Besides, its a waste of breath to get hilleroids to see the obvious even when clearly spelled out. They are like Jonestown residents.


In order to stay on topic, Bill Clinton himself called obamacare a terrible program just one week ago. 


I guess you won't be back to defend this one either, but hope springs eternal.  Maybe you could offer a cite for this?  The only thing I can find Bill saying WRT the ACA last week is this:




So you've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world," Clinton said.

I think [Obama’s] health care bill has been a remarkable success for 25 million people, and for getting rid of pre-existing conditions, and the problems with it show why the president was right to recommend a public option in the first place[.]



I searched for the word "terrible" and you're right, he did use that word.  But not in the way you suggest:



Look, the Affordable Health Care Act did a world of good, and the 50-something efforts to repeal it that the Republicans have staged were a terrible mistake.  We, for the first time in our history, at least are providing insurance to more than 90% of our people.


The ACA didn't go far enough towards single payer, but it's much better than what we had.

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Just now, stander said:

Her explanation for the deleted emails was characteristically feeble. Several times she was reduced to saying nothing more than “what he just said is not true,” as if that sufficed as an answer. Trust me, was her essential message. But as Trump pointed out, she is no Lincoln.

He isn't even Dan Quayle.

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On 10/9/2016 at 9:25 AM, 212Roger said:

Attention all Thai Visa Forum members!  If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. President, I will promise to discontinue posts and no longer comment on this web site ever again!  I doubt if any, nary a one, Hillary supporter will match my promise.  Come on keyboard warriors.  Put your beliefs/wisdom on the line.  You have my word; any challengers?  

What, no takers?  Shocking!  NOT!  Perhaps after seeing Trump clean Hillary's clock in the second debate, the Clinton fans are worried. 

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This OP was correct, and Clinton has won the election in October. In the midst of this historic meltdown of the GOP, The New Yorker Magazine has offered up some hope for Republicans  :biggrin::





Davis Logsdon, the head of the University of Minnesota’s political-science department, said on Saturday that the eighty-year time frame for the Republican Party to recover was “admittedly optimistic, but still doable.”


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