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Most of vegetables and fruits on sale in fresh and modern trade markets are laced with pesticide residues


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I'm happy tucking into my lovley thai salad with my lovley thai chicken. Some boffin once said salt was bad for you. Some other boffin says alcoholic beverages are not good for you. Another boffin says to many hand jobs and you go blind.

So I'll be blind eating chemicals drinking alcohol do I care do I ****

Edited by Deepinthailand
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6 hours ago, AlphMichaels said:

One key here is the retail locations from which largest % of tests were conducted. Big box retailers Big C & Tesco..., Foodland could be the worst as a Thai-owned chain trying to compete..., time "from field to store" is a week minimum, and that's with regionally grown product, BEST case.  A well-known fact those providers are horrendous with pesticides.  Why you don't see any getting to western markets.  


But I'll take product from a local fresh Talad Sot or Na over these stores every time.   Buy local area (indigenous) grown veggies & fruits. Doesn't eliminate the issue but it's the better option.  If it's got a sticker on it, don't touch it.  Either way, wash your sh!$# well and that includes a light soapy solution if you're really concerned.  


Agree with another poster here..., [if the insects have taken a nibble], I also feel much better about it. 

Totally agree, we get most of our not grown at home veggies from the same source, a farmer my wife met at the Kings Project who had a class on honey with her. We have visited his farm and learned a lot about organic farming from him and we buy and sometime trade him passion fruit and other items we grow for his produce.

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This is why Thai produce are constantly being banned in Europe. Including vegetables fruit and seafood. Huge pesticide contamination. Thailand is knowingly killing its children, or at the best, creating illness and bad health for most people.

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7 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

If only there was a simple accessible way to 'wash' the residue off the veges prior to consumption.




yeah , just stroll into the kitchen of your favorite restaurant and start washing,

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35 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

I'm happy tucking into my lovley thai salad with my lovley thai chicken. Some boffin once said salt was bad for you. Some other boffin says alcoholic beverages are not good for you. Another boffin says to many hand jobs and you go blind.

So I'll be blind eating chemicals drinking alcohol do I care do I ****


Just so I understand...you are saying that you cannot understand the difference between salt and chemicals that are desgned to be poisonous and kill living orgsnisms ?

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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Just so I understand...you are saying that you cannot understand the difference between salt and chemicals that are desgned to be poisonous and kill living orgsnisms ?

Does your brain hurt or is it a hereditary condition you have. Read the post again. You might just understand one day. An organism indeed.

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9 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

This is old news but nothing is ever done about it. It has been reported a number of times before  but is seems the government's eyes are wide shut. It is also claimed that Organic certification for contaminated fruit and vegetables.readily can be purchased readily for a price from the relevant authorities Then everyone in the supply chain gets extra for  a so called premium product. Who isn't on the take in Thailand's bureaucracy?

Anyway it happens all over Asia not just Thailand; it's all about greed and making money.

I remember about a year ago there was a big outcry regarding fruit & veg laced with pesticides, levels that no one should except.
What was done after the study & findings... the usual response.
Wait a year and have another study !!!

Roll-on next years report.

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54 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

I'm happy tucking into my lovley thai salad with my lovley thai chicken. Some boffin once said salt was bad for you. Some other boffin says alcoholic beverages are not good for you. Another boffin says to many hand jobs and you go blind.

So I'll be blind eating chemicals drinking alcohol do I care do I ****


17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Just so I understand...you are saying that you cannot understand the difference between salt and chemicals that are desgned to be poisonous and kill living orgsnisms ?


11 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Does your brain hurt or is it a hereditary condition you have. Read the post again. You might just understand one day. An organism indeed.


Hmmm...my brain doesn't hurt. 


I have re-read yoour post. 


I still don't understand it and that is why I kindly asked you for clarity.


Are you drunk right now ?

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 I wanted to post a photo of some squid they now sell for 5 baht a piece and it looks like damn plastic. It's no secret that these people are using Formalin to make it look a little bit better. But the photo's gone. 


       I used to love eating squid, especially those with eggs, but I'll never touch these chemical bombs. It's enough when they fill me up with Formalin when my day has come. 

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A mate had the only pickup in his village for years and it was constantly being used as an emergency ambulance to ferry sick farmers to the hospital. 

Number one reason was pesticide poisoning, caused by them not properly following the instructions on mixing the pesticide products. Happened as regular as clockwork and they never learned from it. 

If the government had any sense it would ban concentrated pesticides (requiring mixing) and only allow premixed pesticide to be distributed to rural farmers.

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5 hours ago, Xonax said:

What is the amount of pesticides in our tab water, when runoff from the fields pollute all rivers in Thailand.

pah tap water.....who needs  that.........drilled  2  wells  got the water tested at cost of 5000 baht in Bangkok...came back perfect, posted the report up a while  back on here somewhere.

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I haven't read of any vendors, wholesalers, supermarkets and farmers, being charged and punished for selling these contaminated products. I'm sure there must be a law against it. But here it is considered, 'The law is an ass'! 

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8 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

It's all very well moaning.


We need to see the research that has investigated whether the traces of pesticides are actually harmful.


No need to panic- anyway I only ever eat tinned peas. 


Good point:

Tins are usually lined with toxic PCB's that leach into the food in the tin.

Hard to win in this modern world!

The toxic lining is there to make the shelf life longer.

It's only about the money as many have posted in this thread.



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9 hours ago, UPDEHSOI said:

Soaking the veggies  ( and fruit ) in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water for 5 to 15 minutes works somewhat also.


But will it not bleach the veggies like it does my hair?

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There are many things you can do to work around ending up as a volunteer snarfer downing sewer pipe loads of toxic waste from oil refineries that the chem corps package and sell to the agriculture industry as pesticides fertilizer medicine etc. 


There are lists out there of which fruits usually have way too much pesticide and the good fruit which don't require pesticides to grow. Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if Thai farmers get suckered into buying pesticides for fruit that don't need it, but going with those fruits that don't would be a better bet. The following is probably more or less correct. I read up on it and memorized what I can buy and can't. 


The worst fruits are:

1. apples


3. strawberries

4. cherries and plums

If you have to have these fruits I have read that soaking them for 30 minutes in water and another 30 minutes in a fresh tub helps disperse some of the chemicals. I find it hard to resist grapes. I have not tried vinegar or baking soda as others have recommended and have no way of knowing of even soaking helps, but it seems to make intuitive sense, so why not soak and then wash before eating.

Fruit with thick skins are better because the pesticides can't penetrate to the fleshy part of the fruit and because we don't usually eat the their skins.


1. oranges

2. bananas


Fruit that shouldn't have any pesticides because pesticides are not needed in growing them:


1. guava

2. mango

3. pineapple

4. papaya


As for green veggies, basically grow your own or hang it up, or at least as far as I know. That said, exercising regularly, doing fasts and detoxes with effective herbs and juices that are known to be chemical free is what needs to be done. I know that I feel significantly better, higher energy levels, better concentration, better mood, weight loss after doing a couple days of juice only diets for cleansing. There is no way to avoid becoming a sponge for all of the crap everywhere. Even our furniture and the building materials of our homes, offices etc. emanate toxic fumes that we take in and accumulate. So, you have to be pro-active or risk getting ill. What I like is that you get a real lift from exercising or occasionally fasting that is tangible immediately.


Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Just so I understand...you are saying that you cannot understand the difference between salt and chemicals that are desgned to be poisonous and kill living orgsnisms ?


2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Where did I say you WERE eating salt ?


(Insert headscratch emoticon here)


1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

There you go forgot this one did we your eating to much organic crap


I don't see anywhere in that sentence where I accused you of "eating" salt.


But you do bring up an interesting point about organics and fertilizers...there is always a  chance they have some crap (cow manure) on them and they should be rinsed as well. 


Thanks for pointing that out.

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

pah tap water.....who needs  that.........drilled  2  wells  got the water tested at cost of 5000 baht in Bangkok...came back perfect, posted the report up a while  back on here somewhere.

My goodness there's a first you actualy trusted a thai to test your water wonders never cease. Hope the tester never read your posts otherwise he might have sent it back as perfect!!!!!!!!BUT

Edited by Deepinthailand
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10 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I always cook the veg twice, once bring it to the boil and let it simmer for a bit then throw away the water,wash off the veg and recook.


Cooking for too long removes most of the vitamins which makes the whole exercise of eating it pointless. http://www.dummies.com/health/nutrition/healthy-eating/preserving-nutrients-when-cooking-foods/


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12 hours ago, UPDEHSOI said:

Soaking the veggies  ( and fruit ) in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water for 5 to 15 minutes works somewhat also.



I was interested in the use of hydrogen peroxide for washing fruits/vegetables and looked at this article to find the mixture:


I have learned another use for this product that I use for several other things. Thanks


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