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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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9 minutes ago, Strange said:

If a teacher said what trump said in the privacy of their own home or in an assumed private conversation, YES they would still be employed and YES the rightfully so. In front of the teaching facility or students, YES fired, and if there are any laws broken, YES arrested. 


This is about context. Just because you were fired for something does not mean you broke a law. 


If the teacher stated similar comments that were recorded and then shown publicly, I doubt whether it was said in private or not would make any difference. They would most likely be fired. Look at Anthony Weiner, he got caught sexting which he most likely thought were private conversations. His political career is over. 


I am not sure why you brought up laws being broken. I didn't mention that. It isn't about legal vs illegal. It is a moral issue. It is a public perception issue.

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


Dont be childish. Just because he was taking part in a TV show, does not mean that everything is live all the time and recorded. 


The dumbass should've made sure his mic was off, but it was an assumed private conversation nonetheless. 


You think he said this with a hot mic on purpose? 


When the cameras are rolling, then yes - it does mean that everything is being recorded. That's how TV works.  He knew he was wearing a mic. He knew filming was taking place. There is absolutely no way this is an 'assumed private conversation' - to attempt to describe it as such is simply ridiculous. 



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39 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

For those that dont watch old movies - there is one called Citizen Kane which many people rate as the greatest movie of all time (either that or Gone With The Wind).  Kane is a highly successful man and runs for President - the campaign is going great, but then he is undone by allegations of sexual misconduct.  Seems to me the Democrats have decided that they would try to do the same to another great man - they have been planning this smear campaign for many months.


But this time it wont work. Nowadays information gets out quickly and is investigated quickly - the smear campaign is being seen for what it is - a desperate attempt by a lying woman to degrade all women by using allegations of sexual misconduct against her opponent. And all while having years of evidence showing that she proactively attacked her husband's accusers, and as a lawyer even defended a man who raped a 12 year old.  


Crooked or Evil ??  Go figure.  Rosebud




Indeed, there are very appropriate comparisons of  William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane is based on Hearst ) and Donald Trump. Both are sons of ruthless, domineering millionare fathers that grew up to be spoilt,  narcissistic egomaniacs, starting out as progressives eventually ending up praising authoritarian dictators, using hate speech to further their personal agendas.


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2 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


There's no blackout. The wikileaks emails have been reported on. They're just not especially interesting to anyone beyond Trump fans desperate for something to attack Clinton with. 


That's why the NYT and other Statist Media are not reporting the various revelations?

Corrupt,  for sale government we guess isn't particularly interesting.:sleep:

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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


That's why the NYT and other Statist Media are not reporting the various revelations?

Corrupt,  for sale government we guess isn't particularly interesting.:sleep:


By NYT you mean New York Times?









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23 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


That's why the NYT and other Statist Media are not reporting the various revelations?

Corrupt,  for sale government we guess isn't particularly interesting.:sleep:

Of course they're reporting the 'revelations', but people are not interested in them.

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2 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


In parliamentary systems, they may have, but the US presidential system is designed to produce a majoritarian government.  The winner-take-all feature of the Electoral College strongly favors such an outcome. 


Get used to "Madame President" and a lot more fairness in government.  Not enough, I expect, but more.

How many people in America? Somewhere in the mid 300 million range? Two parties represent you all? Never ever a grassroots movement to stir the pot?  You appear to be a very compliant people.

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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

Trump accusers (of sexual assault) are being investigated and have been found to be lying and exaggerating - all of them.  One by one over the last few days, each one has been debunked. Did all you Crooked Hillary people notice that one week it was the tape and then it was the assault claims - sound like an orchestrated campaign to smear Trump (or are you that stupid).


So what do we have here.


1. We have Trump bragging about his sexual exploits and how easy women are when you are a famous billionaire. Really?? Every man's dream !! And the Clinton sycophants go off their rails (again).    But guess what??? The person who he talks about has gone on the record to say she has no problems with what he said, and that he was always extremely polite and respectful when they met, and that she liked to flirt with Trump whenever she could. 


2. One week later some false allegations by female Clinton sycophants in a coordinated and managed release - all designed to win over the female vote. Everyone of them has been bebunked and is now avoiding the non-mainstream media - and even the Clinton News Networks are avoiding them. 


So what is the outcome.


1.  Just like the blacks and the latinos - more and more women are now switching to Trump. They realise that Clinton and her Dems allies are taking their vote for granted and are just using and abusing them to get people to vote against Trump.


2.  This episode, and Bill's exploits, actually puts back then women's cause against real sexual predators.  Bill's accusers have failed at every attempt to get him prosecuted - going back to the days when he was asked to leave Oxford following an allegation of rape.  This shows other women that you will have a ruined life if you complain about being sexually assaulted by a man in power - and it tells them they are better off if they shut up - which further empowers those predators to continue.  AND the latest false allegations makes it harder for other women to come forward and make true allegations against any man, because this shows that some women will do that falsely just for political gain/fame/vindictiveness.  


Just recently in the UK a high profile footballer had his conviction for rape overturned. The reason his conviction was overturned, was because the High Court ruled that the woman's previous sexual behaviours was admissable in his Appeal. Because she had frequently previously participated in sexual liaisons with several wealthy famous men, it was ruled that there was enough doubt to overturn his conviction.  The reason the High Court has changed (forever) the admission of a woman's previous sexual history in Court, was because of the growth of false claims by women of sexual assault.  Because some women have falsely made claims of sexual assault, all women are less protected.  If this continues, then the next obvious step is that women who make false allegations of sexual assault will be liable to prosecution, and that would be an even bigger loss to the protection of women against genuine sexual predators.


All women should think very closely about whether they should vote for a woman that would coldly and calculatingly use false allegations of sexual assault against her political opponent. Clinton is a lying manipulator that does not care about women's protection against sexual predators - she only cares about winning the election.


Ye gods. Anybody? I got nothing. I wouldn't know where to start. 

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Yes, but what folks are ignoring here is this was all Locker Room talk.  Go into any men's locker room around the world and you'll hear 'pussy grabbing' or more.

Tempest in a Teacup! :smile:


Can you give me an exchange rate for rubles to dollars?


Or, please tell us more about your "men's locker room" experiences?  And what they are like. :whistling:


You seem to have an extensive knowledge of the neanderthal mind... :laugh:

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Yes, but what folks are ignoring here is this was all Locker Room talk.  Go into any men's locker room around the world and you'll hear 'pussy grabbing' or more.

Tempest in a Teacup! :smile:


Oh yeah, and there is this:

(You may have missed it while you were on a Trolling "vacation")  :whistling:


The Bloviator made that "Locker room talk" when his new, (third wife) was three months pregnant.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

How many people in America? Somewhere in the mid 300 million range? Two parties represent you all? Never ever a grassroots movement to stir the pot?  You appear to be a very compliant people.


So the difference between a presidential and a parliamentary system is above your pay grade?

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Trump may have said a few inappropriate words for public consumption (unless in a music video or movie).  But where is all the hysteria about Obama showing his erection??  Where are all the media commentators and media personalities condemning this man and demanding he resign from Office !!!


I guess it must be OK if you are a Democrat.  Hypocrites the lot of them.



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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

A third party would be a way to try and re-democratize the States, but I am sure the establishment would plant their puppets shortly, in order to manage the threat of actual civilian rule


Sounds like the Old Confederacy state's rights stuff used for 200 years against everything and anything not white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, and male -- old wealthy and powerful males especially.


Add more recently Republican Party and rightwhinge, anti-immigrant and anything or anyone Muslim any where at any time (to include Gold Star families of US military heroes).  


The preface to the Major League Baseball Rulebook, written in the post-bellum 1870s, was removed only 20 or so years ago to excise the following definition: "Baseball is a game for white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant gentlemen." The statement was explicitly by and for state's rights guyz who continue to exist in places -- state's right guyz exactly, precisely, forever.


Fortunately Trump is barely a sports fan so he's not polluted or corrupted that aspect of American culture and life.

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4 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:



But that is not the point. Slowly for the Libs.  The media went ape*** over Trump's allegations even though they are false. That the claim is false is not the issue - the lack of media integrity and liberal hypocrisy is.


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1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:


So the difference between a presidential and a parliamentary system is above your pay grade?

There is no limit on the number of parties you can have in your system. But you only want two. Vanilla and Vanilla with chocolate chips.

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31 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Sounds like the Old Confederacy state's rights stuff used for 200 years against everything and anything not white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, and male -- old wealthy and powerful males especially.


Add more recently Republican Party and rightwhinge, anti-immigrant and anything or anyone Muslim any where at any time (to include Gold Star families of US military heroes).  


The preface to the Major League Baseball Rulebook, written in the post-bellum 1870s, was removed only 20 or so years ago to excise the following definition: "Baseball is a game for white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant gentlemen." The statement was explicitly by and for state's rights guyz who continue to exist in places -- state's right guyz exactly, precisely, forever.


Fortunately Trump is barely a sports fan so he's not polluted or corrupted that aspect of American culture and life.

You put so many words in my mouth I nearly suffocated.  Choice is good, that is what I am saying.

Look at what you got now, the choice between Hillary and Trump. The Two worst case scenarios fighting to represent America. 

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It would be far less disruptive or even chaotic for Republicans such as Romney, Jeb, Kasich and individual Republicans of their shared politics to move over and into the Democratic party to create a new conservative bloc there.


Anything less would be messy indeed. Anything less would also be marginalised by its significantly reduced number of members, i.e., voters. So this is also being discussed.


Trump and his moonwalkers could keep the name 'Republican Party' while the remaining center-right traditional conservatives who are not extreme Republicans could form a new caucus withing the Democratic party and call it whatever they like to describe themselves. Y'know, the Elephant Walkers or some such that communicates the idea and the reality.


It's being discussed and considered over there.

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1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

You put so many words in my mouth I nearly suffocated.  Choice is good, that is what I am saying.

Look at what you got now, the choice between Hillary and Trump. The Two worst case scenarios fighting to represent America. 


You put so many words in my mouth I nearly suffocated.


With a good lawyer I could get away with it with only further community service.  


Which is because you're a state's rights Old Confederate but don't know it from up there in the true north strong and free.  :guitar:


You'd posted about the states under a third party getting more leverage against the federal government infiltrators who insist the states observe all provision of the U.S. Constitution. What a bunch of slippery ones those feds are eh.


So now you've retreated behind the word 'choice.' 


Same same. 

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3 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

When the cameras are rolling, then yes - it does mean that everything is being recorded. That's how TV works.  He knew he was wearing a mic. He knew filming was taking place. There is absolutely no way this is an 'assumed private conversation' - to attempt to describe it as such is simply ridiculous. 




"This is how TV works" Riiiight. Just because there's 3-4-7-9 cameras rolling does not mean all are getting audio or should be getting audio. 


Trump thought it was a private conversation. The crew was filming the bus rolling up. The mic should have been off and it wasn't. This is an assumed private conversation. Is it a huge costly kindergarden level screw up? Hell yeah. 


To say it was NOT a private conversation would mean that it was intended to be recorded and shown to people. Do you believe this? 

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14 minutes ago, Publicus said:


You put so many words in my mouth I nearly suffocated.


With a good lawyer I could get away with it with only further community service.  


Which is because you're a state's rights Old Confederate but don't know it from up there in the true north strong and free.  :guitar:


You'd posted about the states under a third party getting more leverage against the federal government infiltrators who insist the states observe all provision of the U.S. Constitution. What a bunch of slippery ones those feds are eh.


So now you've retreated behind the word 'choice.' 


Same same. 

I said that? I would like to see it. I am sure I have only been discussing how greater choice is better for the people. 

In other words, there would be more difficult for the mafia tactics of the military industrial complex to control who the candidates will be. They have no problem playing on two sides, but they will not as much like to be on four sides for example.

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19 minutes ago, Strange said:


"This is how TV works" Riiiight. Just because there's 3-4-7-9 cameras rolling does not mean all are getting audio or should be getting audio. 


Trump thought it was a private conversation. The crew was filming the bus rolling up. The mic should have been off and it wasn't. This is an assumed private conversation. Is it a huge costly kindergarden level screw up? Hell yeah. 


To say it was NOT a private conversation would mean that it was intended to be recorded and shown to people. Do you believe this? 


If filming is taking place, and those being filmed are wearing a microphone, then of course those microphones are being recorded. Why else would they be wearing them?


The mic should not have been off - the whole point is that they were filming Trump's arrival. He was participating in the scene being filmed, and therefore his mic was turned on. The only person who 'screwed up' here is Donald Trump, by saying something he shouldn't have when he knew he was being recorded. 


Anyone who takes part in a TV production is aware that anything they say is likely to be recorded and may be made public. Trump knew it wasn't a private conversation. He just said those things anyway. We could speculate why - he forgot where he was, perhaps, or merely didn't care - but the fact remains that is was not in any way a private conversation. 


Sorry, but you're desperately clutching at straws here, and you're dead wrong on this one. 

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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

Trump may have said a few inappropriate words for public consumption (unless in a music video or movie).  But where is all the hysteria about Obama showing his erection??  Where are all the media commentators and media personalities condemning this man and demanding he resign from Office !!!


What concerns me is that you actually believe what you are saying here.


1. As snopes say, it is not actually believable.

2. If he did have an erection then males have around 3-4 involuntary erections every 24 hours. Rather different than choosing to say obscene, sexually predatory things about women.

3.If in the video Obama really does have an erection then it will only prove to make Trump even angrier, as Obama is clearly hung like a horse, unlike small fingered, small handed Mr  Stump Trump.


You are clutching at drawers straws.


Truthfully these threads are getting just too painful to participate in. I am thinking of turning the TV and internet off until Nov 9th then waking up to see if the inevitable civil war commences in the USA. It is incredible to think that after the requests by Trump for his supporters to 'police' the polling stations that the USA, preacher of world-wide democracy, will need UN observers to monitor the election and the Military to protect the polling stations. These are requirements necessary in third world tin pot dictatorships. My oh my America, how you have fallen from grace.


By all accounts Putin is in hospital being treated for 8 broken ribs...........from laughing so hard. All his commie christmases have come at once and his once powerful determined enemy have turned on themselves. Time to buy roubles.

Edited by Andaman Al
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