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Republicans tell Trump to quit, billionaire vows to press on


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Republicans tell Trump to quit, billionaire vows to press on

STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) — A defiant Donald Trump insisted Saturday he would "never" abandon his White House bid, rejecting a growing backlash from Republican leaders nationwide who disavowed the GOP's presidential nominee after he was caught on tape bragging about predatory advances on women.


Trump's own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, declared he could neither condone nor defend Trump's remarks in a 2005 videotape that sparked panic inside Trump Tower and throughout the Republican Party with early voting already underway exactly one month before Election Day.


"We pray for his family," Pence said in a statement after canceling a Wisconsin appearance scheduled with House Speaker Paul Ryan and the Republican National Committee chairman, Reince Priebus, both of whom had condemned Trump's remarks the day before but stopped short of withdrawing support altogether.


The furor places enormous pressure on Trump to try to tamp down a crisis sure to spill into Sunday night's presidential debate.


But even as the fallout deepened fractures in a party already torn about Trump, many remained loyal to the political outsider. Wisconsin voter Jean Stanley donned a shirt proclaiming "Wisconsin Women Love Trump" and called Ryan a "traitor" for denouncing the presidential contender's comments.


"He's a real human," Stanley said of the New York businessman, surrounded by Trumpsupporters at the Wisconsin rally where he was set to appear before the videotape emerged.


Ryan and Priebus did not join a chorus of GOP officeholders from Utah to Alabama to New Hampshire who decided the former reality television star's bombshell was too much to take. More than a dozen Republicans — senators, congressmen and sitting governors — announced Saturday they would not vote for Trump.


Among them was the party's 2008 nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain, who had stood byTrump even after the billionaire questioned whether the former POW should be considered a war hero because he got "captured."


"He was not my choice, but as a past nominee, I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set," McCain said in a statement. But given Trump's "behavior this week," McCain said, it is "impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy."


Many went farther and called on Trump to quit the race altogether.


"I thought supporting the nominee was the best thing for our country and our party," Alabama Rep. Martha Roby said in a statement. "Now, it is abundantly clear that the best thing for our country and our party is for Trump to step aside and allow a responsible, respectable Republican to lead the ticket."


His party in chaos, Trump spent Saturday with a close circle of advisers in his campaign's midtown Manhattan headquarters.


Most of his staff and network of supporters were left in the dark about the fast-moving developments. Conference calls were canceled and prominent supporters were given no guidance about how to respond to the explosive development, according to a person close to the Trump operation. The person insisted on anonymity, lacking the authority to discuss internal campaign matters publicly.


Trump addressed the dire situation on Saturday with a light-hearted tweet: "Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours!"


He later tweeted he would not yield the GOP nomination under any circumstances: "The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly - I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!"


The political firestorm was sparked by a 2005 video obtained and released Friday by The Washington Post and NBC News. In the video, Trump, who was married to his current wife at the time, is heard describing attempts to have sex with a married woman. He also brags about women letting him kiss them and grab their genitals because he is famous.


"When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything," Trump says in the video. He adds seconds later: "Grab them by the p----. You can do anything." He said of his impulse to kiss beautiful women: "I don't even wait."


In a video statement released by his campaign after midnight early Saturday morning, Trumpsaid, "I was wrong and I apologize." But also dismissed the revelations as "nothing more than a distraction" from a decade ago. Foreshadowing a likely attack in Sunday's debate, he also suggested that rival Hillary Clinton has committed greater sins against women.


"I've said some foolish things," Trump said. "But there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims."


While still publicly backing Trump, the Republican National Committee is considering how to move forward.


One possibility: re-directing its expansive political operation away from Trump and toward helping vulnerable Senate and House candidates. Such a move would leave Trump with virtually no political infrastructure in swing states to identify his supporters and ensure they vote.


"We are working to evaluate the appropriate messaging going forward," said RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer.


Election law experts suggest it would be logistically impossible to replace Trump on the ballot altogether, with early voting underway in some states and overseas ballots already distributed to military servicemen and others.


Ryan fundraising chief Spencer Zwick, however, said he's been fielding calls from donors who "want help putting money together to fund a new person to be the GOP nominee."


Zwick told The Associated Press that a write-in or "sticker campaign" relying on social media could "actually work." While there has never been a winning write-in campaign in a U.S. presidential contest, such an effort could make it harder for Trump to win.


The release of the recording and ensuing backlash almost completely overshadowed the release of hacked emails from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign that revealed the contents of some of her previously secret paid speeches to Wall Street.


The Democratic nominee told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade and open borders" and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help overhaul the U.S. financial sector. Such comments were distinctively at odds with her tough talk about trade and Wall Street during the primary campaign.


Republican strategist Terry Sullivan, who previously led Marco Rubio's presidential campaign, predicted Trump's defeat.


"It's over," Sullivan said. "The only good news is that in 30 days Trump will be back to being just a former reality TV star like the Kardashians, and Republican candidates across America will no longer be asked to respond to his stupid remarks."


-- © Associated Press 2016-10-09


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The bipartisan globalists are showing their faces in clear daylight now. Trump is the anti-establishment nationalist opposing them all. Strip away all the press concocted shit storms about who said this or that and in essence you are left with the same choice the U.K. voters faced over keeping or ceding sovereignty.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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"Now look Trump, we know you won the selection as the idiot people voted for you, but the thing is we don't want you, the Pentagon says they want Hillary to win unopposed, so it's time to step down. Remember Kennedy?" ...Republican Establishment.

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5 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

The bipartisan globalists are showing their faces in clear daylight now. Trump is the anti-establishment nationalist opposing them all. Strip away all the press concocted shit storms about who said this or that and in essence you are left with the same choice the U.K. voters faced over keeping or ceding sovereignty.

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This is a very Trumpesque quote. What does Trump making sexist, racist, or bigoted comments have to do with being globalist? Not supporting Trump or wanting him to fail does not make you a "globalist". Let's examine that statement for a minute though.


Keeping or ceding sovereignty? Seriously? You do realize the U.S. was founded by immigrants. It has throughout its history welcomed them, and accepted people of different religions. Yes, Trump's campaign is following the same type of false rhetoric that happened in in the UK, and trying to use nationalism and dare I say in many cases racism as a way to get into power. Yet he does it with false statements, aimed to make people thing that America is a third world country, where things are horrible and he's the man to save it.


He tells us that blacks have never had it worse than they do now. Forget about slavery, segregation, or the KKK (which Trump would know about since his father was arrested at a rally where people were killed). Nevermind that the "globalist" policies are things like protecting the environment which he claims he will not support if he's president (even though he would be legally obligated to via UN agreement). After all, in his mind global warming is nothing more than a conspiracy invented by China to steal American business. Immigrants must be shipped out because they steal our jobs! Yet the unemployment rate is half of what it was 5 years ago, and wages continue rise at a healthy rate. Those low points he likes to point out were the result of the housing crisis which he openly rooted for. The U.S. economy is doing far better now than it was 8 years ago.The dollar was at an record low of 71 in 2008 and is now sitting at a much healthier 96. Non-farm productivity has risen from 97 in 2008 to 106 currently, after reaching an all-time high of 107 last year. To hear Trump talk you'd think people were murdering each other in the street, and it was mostly the fault of immigrants and muslims, yet the U.S. homicide rate is at its lowest point in 51 years. 


Yet Trump's hypocrisy knows no bounds. He'll tell you that immigrants are stealing your jobs yet of 300 american applications to work at his Mar-a-Lago resorts since 2010, only 17 were hired. Meanwhile he pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers in that same time. I have no problem with it, but I hope that Trump supporters realize that not even he believes his false rhetoric. He complains that companies move jobs or trade outside of America, then it comes out he does the exact same thing (such as his recent Steel purchases from China). He says that nobody respects woman more than himself, yet feels entitled to grope them or kiss them at a whim. He will repeat the same lie even after its been proven a lie and there is video evidence, and even deny ever saying what there is video or twitter evidence showing that he clearly dead with a straight face. 


There is nothing wrong with accepting other people. It is a principle that America was founded on. What happened to, "everyone around the world, they're coming to America?" Well they are still coming, but now the motto by the alt-right is to close the doors and blame them for your issues. The whole notion that immigrants are stealing jobs is preposterous. They are taking jobs that Americans don't want. When I was going to school I used to work construction jobs where most of the staff was illegal immigrants. Anyone could do it. The pay wasn't great but you got paid at the end of the day. Me and a few friends would do it here and there when we needed money on off days at school. Most Americans don't do those jobs because it's hard work and the pay isn't great. But then they complain that illegal immigrants are stealing their jobs... the ones that are available to them but that they don't want. McDonalds is always hiring.


The irony is that despite all of this, it is some locker room comments that will basically be his undoing. At the debate on Sunday he plans on attacking Hillary over her husband's infidelities, just weeks after he insinuated that she was disloyal without so much as a single shred of evidence. Just him making up and perpetuating rumors. When this latest news comes out he talks about hearing Bill Clinton say worse when playing golf. He attacks Hillary over accusations over her husband, but his own ex-wife accused him of rape. Well, you reap what you sow. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Edited by jcsmith
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yes the old establishment wants Trump to quit they see their gravy train will be stopped when elected. They all want to protect their back pocket and keep filling

them as they have did for many years. The voters want this kind of government stopped we the tax payers are tired of filling their pockets and getting nothing back

in return. All the politicians need to be voted out regardless of what side they are republican or democrat they are all corrupt, lie cheat and kiss every ones ass except

the people they work for us the Americans. So yes they all want Trump to quit which he has all the votes needed to win the election he and all his supporters will fight

until Trump is in the White House and then we the people will back him 110% all the way.


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Now or 10 years ago on a bus... a pattern has emerged demonstrating Trump's consistent, unbridled immaturity, adolescent blurting issues, and in this case, an insight into how he fails at assessing situations and people correctly (judgement), and conduct himself accordingly.  


Trump, smart, savy businessman, meets the young, dashing Billy Bush, a bottom feeding Entertainment gossip "reporter".  10 minutes later on the bus, young Billy baited Trump like a chump and had him singing like a kiss and tell canary.  You can hear Bush and the sound man giggling nervously as Trump apparently thought they were kindered Alpha Male spirits enjoying his tales of prowess at striking out with a married lady.  My impression is they couldn't believe they suckered Trump so easily, and he just kept going and going, they couldn't believe their luck!  Trump was oblivious.


He can't handle 10 minutes on a bus with Billy Bush, how in the hell is he going to handle a KGB snake like Putin pushing his buttons in diplomatic, verbal judo. 


Trump's falling back on this special pleading, "Those who REALLY know me, know that's not how I really am".  Well, mate, that's the purpose of a campaign.   Most of us schmucks in the real world (outside Trump Tower) only get one chance, maybe two, then people tend to connect the dots and arrive at a conclusion.   You can't keep acting like a moron, apologize insincerely and repeatedly, and come of as a serious, mature, credible person.


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14 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

out of everything that both candidates have done or are promising to do it has come down to some minor stupid remarks trump made many years ago. surely people are more worried about more pressing matters than that.


While the remarks are just stupid, the actions they describe is what will hurt him. In this day and age he basically admitted to sexual assault. He then says he could get away with it because he is a celebrity billionaire. I am not part of the latest SJW or PC brigade by any means but you should be able to understand why this is a HUGE problem for him. 


Watching CNN right now they are saying this will be some of the first things that will be in the debate. Timing couldn't have been better for Hillary as it takes heat off the latest leaks on her. 


The debate just got more interesting. I will be staying up to watch it for sure. Donald is on the ropes and desperately needs to hold serve today. 

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Just quickly reading the the live blog updates at Politico before the debate, and it turns out the evangelical bible thumpers are smarter than they look and talk. They are hanging in there with Trump:



...when evangelicals are faced with two immoral candidates running in a General Election, they will typically go with the candidate that they believe will give them a better chance of implementing a more conservative, Judeo-Christian agenda." 

Read more: http://www.politico.com/live-blog-updates/2016/10/second-2016-presidential-debate-trump-clinton-st-louis-000010#ixzz4MdVd4h7o 
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