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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

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Both candidates are over 70 , if they're going to run the distance they will be almost 80 when it's over.   Too much responsibility for an old man or woman .  Having said that , they probably decides nothing at the oval office . 



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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

"But unfortunately in this age of 'sound bytes' and short attention spans, such thoughts about the 'substance' of US politics and the candidates, get very little (if any) coverage.  "

I agree with you it is unfortunate, but you'd better remember that it is thanks to this that Trump is able to run for president. If it were for substance he would not even have made it to the primaries.

Probably true - and likewise for Hillary.

Trump (IMO) is the far better choice - but it aint a choice between Reagan and JFK. 

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37 minutes ago, balo said:

Both candidates are over 70 , if they're going to run the distance they will be almost 80 when it's over.   Too much responsibility for an old man or woman .  Having said that , they probably decides nothing at the oval office . 



Nope. Both candidates are NOT over 70. 

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6 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


So much babble from the worker bees on the Russian Troll Farms. Meaningless rants with no substance.


Trump will change the system to what? What impact on the 2 party political structure? what Constitutional Authority does he have to change the Constitution? What plans for the Executive Branch? What is the corruption that you claim and how will it be stopped by Trump?


The few remaining right wing Trump lovers seem to have no sense of shame in continuing to push his candidacy. None of them actually provide any evidence of Trump's policy relating to change or ability to implement change.


It is just the Putin employees stirring up mud and trying to confuse people.


Keep at it tovarish.

'worker bee' - that's a new one

'putin employee' - even newer

here's a oldie for you in return:  "sometimes out of the mouths of babes and fools ..........." :  but never from liberals !


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39 minutes ago, balo said:

Both candidates are over 70 , if they're going to run the distance they will be almost 80 when it's over.   Too much responsibility for an old man or woman .  Having said that , they probably decides nothing at the oval office . 



Actually that is a good question - is there an age limit for POTUS? Or members of the Supreme Court?  In Australia and UK Judges are required to retire at 70.  This has been in place for years - because in the past several Judges had 'mental impairments' and of course they didn't know it. 


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3 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

If the video/audio recording had the comments of a CEO, the board of directors would force him to resign immediately.  

If the video/audio recordings had the comments of a nominee for a cabinet position, he'd never make it out of committee.

If the video/audio recording had the comments of a presidential candidate in any other year, he'd be forced to end his campaign.


But the Trump fanboys don't care about any of that because they believe their hero "tells it like it is".  The problem with that is the majority of American voters don't believe that's actually how "it is".  The majority of American voters see Trump as unfit for office and he is going to lose next month.  Badly.


Just asking but if he wins will you eat humble pie?

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


No problem.


My fingers have a long way to get to the bone.


Used to have a pain in the arse here but that went away a long time ago.


Keep on whinging thx.


Not whinging but I omitted to ask why are you classing Birthers as crackpot racists?  Seeing you have a comprehensive knowledge of numerous matters I was hoping you could broaden my understanding of how you reached this conclusion.


I am curious to know why the definition of those words, as I understand them,  appear to be in conflict with the way many are using one particular word to label others who question someone's place of birth.  Have I missed something?

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45 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Not whinging but I omitted to ask why are you classing Birthers as crackpot racists?  Seeing you have a comprehensive knowledge of numerous matters I was hoping you could broaden my understanding of how you reached this conclusion.


I am curious to know why the definition of those words, as I understand them,  appear to be in conflict with the way many are using one particular word to label others who question someone's place of birth.  Have I missed something?


First thing you missed is to never ask an open ended question at a discussion board, because the answer is what any of us would want it to be, as in, yes, you're not only missing something, you are missing quite a lot. The advise to a newbe novice is for free btw as I am definitely being patient with the too cute by a half nature of the post.


In the matter of 'crackpot racists' anyone whose native language of English knows the meaning. We know 'crackpot' and we know 'racist'. Trump is the face of the crackpot racist movement that publicly and persistently questioned the Constitutional qualification of the country's first black president. It was bogus and malicious every moment and word of the way, as had been intended.


That it's crawled back and up Trump's posterior confirms the meaning of the term, my use of it, and of the nature of the term. Requiring President Barack Obama to show his papers as if he were in a foreign country is more racist than crackpot, but it is both. It is simply and plainly a crackpot notion that is racist, i.e., malevolent.


Do try to keep up plse thx because Donald Trump The Ignoramus is wholly unsuited to be Potus. He is in fact a danger and a menace to peace, stability, security. Not to mention the Constitution to which Trump hasn't ever sworn an oath of fidelity and allegiance. Some of us have raised the right hand for the purpose more than once. Or more than twice....

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"that publicly and persistently questioned the Constitutional qualification of the country's first black president. It was bogus and malicious every moment and word of the way, as had been intended."   I would have thought that this small section was a sufficient response to what was asked, however, to question one's qualifications is far from being foolish or racist, that is unless you have found new definitions.


What if the person was a Caucasian, like Ted Cruz, whos qualifications were also challenged owing to him being born in Canada, albeit of an American mother, which gave him US citizenship.  Haven't heard you lot jumping up and down about this, especially when noting that his father was of Cuban decent.


If you were truthful it's really down to Obama being black and because of this, the racist card is immediately played.   As for other aspects of your post you should know that to be scornful doesn't accomplish anything.

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21 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


You suppose wrong. There are many different opinions about Trump on Fox News. Many of the hosts don't like him.


We're already seeing those on Fox News who wish to survive this Trump nuclear fallout. Shep Smith (who admittedly is among the most reasonable at Fox) aims to ensure his survive post-apocalypse with this scathing tirade of Trump being "almost fascist." For sure, Megyn Kelly will survive and be ultimately and satisfyingly vindicated. 



He says the GOP nominee’s vow to jail Hillary Clinton “might have been bordering on unconstitutional.”




Don't let Shep stop you from defending the indefensible Trump or the largely indefensible Fox News, however, keep it up. :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Don't let Shep stop you from defending the indefensible Trump or the largely indefensible Fox News, however, keep it up.


If Fox News did not allow Shep to express this opinion, he would not be. Fox News is not what people like you think it is - or want it to be.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


If Fox News did not allow Shep to express this opinion, he would not be. Fox News is not what people like you think it is - or want it to be.


I guess I have been misunderstanding most of what I have been watching and reading on Fox News for the past 20 years then. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Just now, keemapoot said:

Don't let Shep stop you from defending the indefensible Trump or the largely indefensible Fox News, however, keep it up. :thumbsup:


It won't.


Increasingly more strange, given the fact that the poster you have responded to, continually states that he does not support the ignorant, incoherent unqualified Bloviator that is Trump.


Yet, he spends an inordinate amount of time doing so... 


Edited by iReason
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Unbelievable that anyone with a basic education would view this 11 year old, private conversation as anything other than the desperate attempt to discredit the only viable candidate.  If this is truly all the Democrats have to show that Trump is somehow unfit, then Republicans (not RINO'S) have nothing to worry about.  Trump is not running for Pope of the Catholic Church.  Not only does this "secret" recording show him as much like 80%  of men I've heard talking in private, it also shows the hypocrisy and desperation of the liberals.  VP Biden's (photo & video evidence) groping of women, and so much more actual ACTIONS of other politicians show me that I'm accurate in the assessment of this paltry attempt to use spoken words to compare the ACTIONS of Hillary Clinton to them in a meaningful way...not possible and not even in the same universe.

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Just now, pizzachang said:

Unbelievable that anyone with a basic education would view this 11 year old, private conversation as anything other than the desperate attempt to discredit the only viable candidate.  If this is truly all the Democrats have to show that Trump is somehow unfit, then Republicans (not RINO'S) have nothing to worry about.  Trump is not running for Pope of the Catholic Church.  Not only does this "secret" recording show him as much like 80%  of men I've heard talking in private, it also shows the hypocrisy and desperation of the liberals. 




Not really.


Never knew and would want to know what "80 of men I've heard" were talking about in private.


They are still: Neaderthals.


They are equally mysogistic, antiquated PIGS just like the Bloviator. HOO YA!


Ask his (third) wife what she thought when she was in her third month of pregnancy when her husband made these statements.




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Trump has made many gaffes but nothing like Hilary's indiscretions.  Despite  her being implicated in the causation of wars within Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, the loss of American lives in Benghazi, telling the American people one thing then stating the totally opposite to Wall Street whilst accepting millions of $'s from corrupt foreign governments in the pay for play fiasco and millions of dollars from those in Wall Street for speeches she and her debauched husband gave.


She was also supporting the TPP, is now against it, then there is the deletion of 33,000 emails plus another 17,000 recently discovered, all done after she received a congressional subpoena to produce them.  What is worse, all these deliberate acts, yes they actually occurred despite what some might say or Trumps talking about touching someone's genitals, his not releasing his tax returns, talking about banning Muslims from countries where terrorist activities are occurring?  There are many other things he has spoken about, you all know what they are so I will not repeat them but all he is doing is talking, there has not been any actions on his behalf, so which is more heinous, what Clinton has actioned or what Trump has talked?


The bias of the press is unbelievable, attack up on attack upon attack, hourly, daily weekly, monthly. Prior to his becoming the nominee, the press went very easy on him, all saying he would not last, that he had no hope.  There were very few who denigrated as they do now, yet as soon as they realised he would become the nominee, they went into overdrive.  He was attacked by those who claim to be independent, the Khan family is a fine example, he came out and attacked Trump, questioning if he had even read the constitution and then miraculously pulling a copy, which he alleges he always carries, from his pocket and challenging Trump to borrow it from him.  All Trump did was to question why Mrs. Khan hadn't spoken during her husband's speech.  One only had to listen to Mr. Khan's tone of voice to realise where his loyalties lay.  At no time did he denigrate them or their hero son, yet the media soon changed it around to ensure that it appeared he had. 


Every time Trump says something the media go into overdrive in an effort to make him look foolish, call him names,  and after calling for apologies,  which he gave, they then go on and on saying that he was not sincere.  No matter what happens you can bet the media will continue in their efforts to destroy him, they will change things around, add words, and assume many things from nothing.  Trump is far from perfect and has said some things he shouldn't have but has his talk caused the death of others or other countries to go to war, or given rise to the terrorist attacks in the USA.   No, these have arisen from the policies of the Bush, and now Obama/Clinton administration.  Americans do not want open borders or the political elite to be married up to Wall Street or the loss of their jobs because of climate change BS and are rebelling in the millions.  Just wait and see.


We now have the latest video release, funny how it was released on the day that very damaging emails were released by Wiki Leaks.  A definite distraction and then all the clowns of the republican elites decry him, as others from the democrats  have and then all distance themselves whilst the media again goes into their feeding frenzy.  They are all scared of Trump winning and pulling their snouts out of the trough and it is curious that the tape, which included the voice of Jeb Bush's cousin, a relative to the Bush elite, who are all very close friend's of the Clintons and hate Trump, was released when it was.


As far as the polls are concerned I. for one, would not place any emphasis on them, especially those conducted by CNN, the New York Post and Times plus the other lefty run organisations. They have an agenda,  DESTROY Trump by any means. When one hears what a lot of Americans are saying, then if I was Hilary, I would be concerned, as they are sick and tired of the current governments and their policies and being called names.  They are not stupid and are also sick and tired of hearing the media and Clinton continually rubbishing Trump, people will turn off and in the end will treat those who do so with the disdain they deserve.  The choice of an outsider is not only happening in America but is starting to take affect world wide and is causing concern amongst the political elites and their cronies, which can be seen with them all coming out and joining the destroy Trump cause.


In so far as the last debate, CNN poll of course has Hilary winning, don't think so but then that is my opinion.  Another example of the media's attempt to discredit Trump is the shock and horror at Trump's response to Clinton's statement that she was thankful for Trump not being in charge of the law in the States to which he responded that if he was she would be in gaol.  All hell broke loose in the media accusing Trump of threatening to gaol Clinton.  It was a one line comeback and said in jest, yet everyone is now crucifying him.  A prime example of the media changing what Trump said in order to highlight how bad he supposedly is, is when Wolf Blitzer alleged Trump said that he would have Clinton arrested and gaoled.  Nothing of the sort was said but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story and it there is nothing there just make it up.  And yes Donald should stay and really take it to Hilary because she truly deserves it for what she has and hasn't done in her 30 years of inaction.

Edited by Si Thea01
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On 09/10/2016 at 11:23 AM, FolkGuitar said:

They both should drop out of the race. The fact the either of them were put into play says America is in real trouble. And it's not Trump's words and actions that are the problem... It's that his supporters don't care!  How can so many Americans think the way he does? And while Clinton is certainly far more experienced and able as far as politics go, she really is NOT an acceptable alternative.

Let's add one more line to the ballot this year:

"None of the above."

If this one gets a majority vote, lets do the whole thing over again with different candidates.

If the vote goes "None of the above" how about inviting the Brits back to get the country back in line.


after all there were not so many nonsensical discussions when they were there 


(Heads down now for the blasting I am about to receive)

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On 10/10/2016 at 1:24 PM, thaihome said:


Ah, another one that believes a sexual assault only exists if it is reported to the police. In Trump's case, several women have come forward with reports of such assaults,  including a lawsuit in 1997 that described behavior exactly as he bragged about.



So what to the trump haters have to say about the US president who was the closest ever to plunging the world ( for which he is not the elected leader) into nuclear oblivion and his picadillos?


(For those who are lost here try JFK)

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Just now, The Dark Lord said:

So what to the trump haters have to say about the US president who was the closest ever to plunging the world ( for which he is not the elected leader)

into nuclear oblivion and his picadillos?


(For those who are lost here try JFK)




You lost me...

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3 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

If the vote goes "None of the above" how about inviting the Brits back to get the country back in line.


after all there were not so many nonsensical discussions when they were there 


(Heads down now for the blasting I am about to receive)


That would 'almost' be a good idea... except that the Brits are perhaps 10 years away from voting in Sharia Law as the law of the land.  I don't think I'd like that for the US.

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Donald is rude and don't really respect most people but Hillary is corrupt as hell and lies and cheats like crazy about things that really matter, like elections, security, etc etc. Being rude is one thing but corruption at the cost of every American can not be tolerated, we all pay the price. I am now checking the news every morning to see when she steps down. I am not a Trump supporter by no means but Hillary Can Not be the next President !!!

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3 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

Donald is rude and don't really respect most people but Hillary is corrupt as hell and lies and cheats like crazy about things that really matter, like elections, security, etc etc. Being rude is one thing but corruption at the cost of every American can not be tolerated, we all pay the price. I am now checking the news every morning to see when she steps down. I am not a Trump supporter by no means but Hillary Can Not be the next President !!!

Hillary will step down? That will NEVER happen, my dude.  She's an incredibly persistent FIGHTER not the whiny little (b) that trump is. The next president will be either HILLARY CLINTON or trump ... and the heavy odds are it will be HILLARY CLINTON.

Sorry for your loss. 

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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nope. Both candidates are NOT over 70. 


Ok,  sorry about that but she will turn 69 in a few weeks, so she will be 77 if she survives the next 8 years in office.  Nothing wrong with that I guess , but she is a bit old. 



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Hillary will step down? That will NEVER happen, my dude.  She's an incredibly persistent FIGHTER not the whiny little (B) that trump is. The next president will be either HILLARY CLINTON or trump ... and the heavy odds are it will be HILLARY CLINTON.
Sorry for your loss. 

You should say what Obama said about her" she will say anything to win". Obama was correct, she lies like crazy and will do what every she wants once she is in the White House no matter what she is telling people now. She can not be trusted, not 1% !
God help America if she gets in office.
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52 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

You should say what Obama said about her" she will say anything to win". Obama was correct, she lies like crazy and will do what every she wants once she is in the White House no matter what she is telling people now. She can not be trusted, not 1% !
God help America if she gets in office.

Oh no. She tries hard to win elections! The sky is falling! 

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