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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

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On 10/9/2016 at 10:47 AM, Calach said:

Reminds me of Clinton almost being impeached just for banging the trainee, the guy is candidate to leading the most powerful country on Earth but he could fall for the pettiest reason. 


  The times of America being the World Police are over. America isn't the most powerful country anymore.



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On ‎11‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 7:04 PM, Linzz said:


Yes he should continue. If he gets beaten then so be it.


But there is a lot of talk about interference from the Russians which may or may not be true. Amazing how people just believe anything they are told without withholding just a little bit of doubt when there is so much at stake. Note "pressure growing from within the administration"

The denunciation, made by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, came as pressure was growing from within the administration and some lawmakers to publicly name Moscow and hold it accountable for actions apparently aimed at sowing discord around the election.



Actually it can be possible for Obama to cancel the election and declare a fraud if Assange reveals enough to swing voters and Trump is elected, claiming interference from an outside power. Perhaps Trump would indict Hillary and threaten the existence of the Democrat Party. Who knows what really is the thinking behind the scenes? Perhaps Trump might cancel nation building and forge an alliance with Putin to destroy ISIS. At this point America is arming rebels including Al Qaeda (how do they tell the difference?). Those American arms can be used to kill Americans. How is Clinton going to  impose her former plan of a no fly zone? Go to war against the Russian air force? Things are getting dodgy. Who is the hawk Trump or Clinton?

Meanwhile the Trump bloke-ish boasting hysteria continues. Nuts

The Russian bogeyman is classic diversion tactic. Get people talking about the Russians and they are not talking about what is in the e mails.

What is amazing is that the US establishment hates Trump so much, they are claiming that the Russians can crack any US security with ease. However, if they can do that, can anyone believe Clinton when she claims that NO ONE hacked her private server with no government security? Trump should be talking about that, seeing as they brought it up.

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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



While I agree with much of what you say about the media, IMO, that does not include the top polling companies. They have too much to lose by publishing incorrect figures. I think that Trump is in real trouble right now due to all the things that you complain about, but the polls are mostly accurate. :sad:

That's correct. Trump has never been ahead ( maybe for a very small period of time ) according to the polling average, but that just shows how really, really bad HRC is as a candidate. She has her base, the minorities, the Dems elite, the GOP elite, the majority of the US media, and most of the world's media on her side, and she is still not the clear winner at this stage in the race. No other candidate in US history has been so opposed and IMO done so well despite it.

If enough of the people that will never admit in public that they will vote Trump actually vote for him he could still win.

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13 hours ago, iReason said:

US election: Trump presidency 'dangerous', says UN rights chief


"Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said."

"UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities".

"Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view."

  • From the sect

Mr Trump's supporters don't care what Mr Hussein says. Mr Trump's supporters would probably ban him from coming to the US if they could.


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Donald Trump -- cometh the hour, cometh the welcome loser....


Harry Enten: “Donald Trump now trails Hillary Clinton by 6.6 percentage points, according to our polls-only model. And the clock is ticking. We’re 26 days from the election, and by this point in past campaigns, the concrete had basically dried.”


“Trump could stage a comeback. It’s possible. But it would be basically unprecedented… That’s not to say Trump is dead in the water — polls are not perfectly predictive — but history doesn’t offer much hope for candidates in Trump’s position.”



Trump's position as long as we're talking about it is squarely behind the 8-ball, as this swarm of state polls that came out today indicate.




Here are the latest state polls from the presidential race:


Utah: Clinton 26%, Trump 26%, McMullin 22%, Johnson 14% (Deseret News)  Utah is a deeply red state.


New Hampshire: Clinton 46%, Trump 38% (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner)  NH is a blue state.


Ohio: Clinton 43%, Trump 34% (Baldwin Wallace University)

OH is increasingly a blue state. We've seen it many times, over time --when one party wins a state for Potus three consecutive Potus elections, it has begun to own the state. OB won Ohio twice and HRC is far ahead in this one = 3. (Also FL, VA, CO.) This and the fact that (since 1860) no Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio says officially the Party of Lincoln est mort. GOP RIP.


Maine: Clinton 44%, Trump 36%, Johnson 9% (Maine People’s Resource Center)   ME is a blue state.


Wisconsin: Clinton 44%, Trump 37%, Johnson 9% (Marquette)  WI is blue.


Missouri: Trump 46%, Clinton 41%, Johnson 5% (Monmouth)  MO is a red state.


Florida: Clinton 47%, Trump 44%, Johnson 5% (Opinion Savvy)

Florida: Clinton 44%, Trump 41%, Johnson 6% (Tel Opinion Research)        If the HRC lead holds -- and there's no reason why it shouldn't -- this would be the third time in the past three elections of Potus FL will have voted Democratic Party for Potus. :lock:


Nevada: Clinton 47%, Trump 43% (PPP)  NV is a blue state.


Michigan: Clinton 42%, Trump 32%, Johnson 10% (Detroit News)  MI is solid blue.


We don't see polls of certain states because they're on lockdown each election as guaranteed. 


Guaranteed blue;  VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, WA-DC, IL, MI, MN, WI, NM, CA, OR, WA, HI. Plus the D for Potus has been getting the following states each time: PA, OH, VA, FL. Mrs. Clinton leads in NC presently in a red state undergoing transition. 

Guaranteed Red:  WVA, KY, TN, SC, GA, AL, MS, LA, AR, IN, OK, TX, NB, KS, SD, ND, MT, ID, UT WY. Republicans haven't any additional states to these that they can pick up here and there or for a big boost once or twice, or to move 'em from blue to red or purple. They're the Gone Old Party.  

Edited by Publicus
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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


You'd have to define and discuss your terms in respect of influence, grossly, overrated.


You likely would rather not present your opinions to the Director of National Intelligence lest they get shredded by him...


U.S. Says Russia Directed Hacks to Influence Elections


In a statement from the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr., and the Department of Homeland Security, the government said the leaked emails that have appeared on a variety of websites “are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”

The emails were posted on the well-known WikiLeaks site and two newer sites, DCLeaks.com and Guccifer 2.0, identified as being associated with Russian intelligence.

“We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” the statement said.

It did not name President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, but that appeared to be the intention.

Continue reading the main story


Trump Told Russia To Blame for Hacks Long Before Debate





I wonder if you really believe in that BS.


I'd been thinking 'mentor' which is definitely better thx. Accomplished dictator to wannabe dictator.

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Clapper

Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony.


Can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

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16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



While I agree with much of what you say about the media, IMO, that does not include the top polling companies. They have too much to lose by publishing incorrect figures. I think that Trump is in real trouble right now due to all the things that you complain about, but the polls are mostly accurate. :sad:


I have good news - the evidence of Brexit is that the Polls are wrong.  They all predicted a No vote and that is including on the day of the voting. 


Yes, the companies running them have a lot to lose (the professional ones - not CNN etc.), but their methodologies are old fashioned (1980s).  Their methodologies are based on when people read newspapers, and listened to the news on TV once a day, and had telephones in their homes (land lines).  Times have changed and people's views are formed by much more modern technologies - these days the provision of 'news and opinion' is mainly internet based and it is much more frequent.  These days calling 1000 people at 'random' does not cut it anymore.


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14 hours ago, iReason said:
US election: Trump presidency 'dangerous', says UN rights chief
"Donald Trump's "deeply unsettling and disturbing" views make him a danger internationally, the UN's human rights chief has said."
"UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein cited Mr Trump's comments on the use of torture and his attitude to "vulnerable communities".
"Mr Hussein said at a news briefing in Geneva: "If Donald Trump is elected on the basis of what he has said already - and unless that changes - I think it is without any doubt that he would be dangerous from an international point of view."




Trump is anti-global - everyone knows this.


So what does the head of Human Rights at the UN say?  Trump is 'dangerous'.


What does he think about HRC's contribution to the human rights of the people in Syria and Iraq??  No comment.


We all also know that 'Human Rights' at the UN is nothing more than a global liberal progessive agenda. And he is right to fear Trump - because he will destroy their funding from US.  And about time too - this is the group that did over 100 'human rights violation' reports on Australia last year (because they lock up illegal immigrants in Aust)  and did less than 10 on China.




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34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Clapper

Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony.


Can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.


Since when would you be surprised that a Director of National Intelligence or the CIA etc would lie under oath? Keeping America's secrets secret is far more important than revealing compromising truths to the public or enemy. What you have to trust is that he is saying whatever is in America's best strategic interests (just like when a pilot is told to bomb a hospital, he has to trust his commanders have made a correct assessment that the enemy are based there, or just like when a President says 'launch the nukes' you have to trust that individual is in a balanced state of mind - and do as ordered). They have enough equipment and technogeeks to understand precisely where the hacking attempts came from.


The current discourse in the USA is a golden opportunity for the Russians to compromise the so far impenetrable wall of USA dominance. The Russians, Chinese, N Koreans and even ISIS themselves have the resources and expertise to put a clown on the throne of the USA. If hackers can influence the election it would prove to be the most significant terrorist assault of all time. ISIS would go all out to get Trump to launch nukes at Syria or Northern Iraq, it would be 'mission complete'.  It is better you all listen carefully to you Director of National Intelligence, just like the politicians should have done concerning the Iraq invasion. It may take a week to get results but i see that a paper count is the only way.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Clapper

Media observers have described Clapper as having lied under oath, having obstructed justice, and having given false testimony.


Can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.


Even Politifact gave a pass on calling Sec. Clapper's statement. Sen. Wyden had given Sec. Clapper the direction to make a 'yes' or 'no' answer. Everyone should have known better.


Fact is, Potus has the Constitutional mandate to faithfully execute the laws, to include those having to do with the necessarily and clearly defined confidentiality of foreign affairs, to include how they might intertwine with domestic matters, national security, national intelligence.


Nobody said it was easy...


"Putting a man in a position of either lying to Congress or disclosing national security secrets, the fault there was with the senator, not with Clapper," said Bob Turner, associate director of the Center for National Security Law at the University of Virginia. "Clapper has a duty to protect secrets. I don’t see that as covering it up or lying to the American people. It was to keep enemies from knowing our capabilities."





Politifact gave no rating to the statement by the Secretary of Homeland Security, Dr. James Clapper. One can argue that one either way, but it does focus on the reckless or intentional inaccuracy of the post. Stridently bold inaccuracy. No perjury charges were filed and no violations of law were identified or applied.


Trump meanwhile was briefed on the national security menace of Russia and Vladimir Putin hacking into U.S. political organisations, members of 'em, and their operations to include official state voter data in two states. Trump doesn't care as he's been especially busy lately flapping his tongue to try to explain his lifetime of grabbings.


Putin, Trump, the Republican Party, are already in a long distance relationship of mentor, learner-admirer, Trump is the guy who wants to lock up his political opponents after he's elected Potus -- and that's of the United States although it is perfectly Russia. Elected in his own ignoramus scrambled and vile mind.


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who would have thought World War III could have had, what should have been, such an innocuous start !


I suggest members get online and start downloading 'Doomsday Preppers' ! (mind you on reflection, that series is definitely full of Trump supporters.

Edited by Andaman Al
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21 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Some of the polls (Rasmussen) are showing the race even today (13Oct2015).

Oh please .... you really don't know that Rasmussen is almost always a RIGHT WING slanted OUTLIER  poll? That's a fact. You need to look at the AVERAGE of many scientific polls. That discounts the outliers.


Next ... 

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In any case ... GAME OVER!


Why did it take so long?




Trump's moment of reckoning

DuHaime called the Trump campaign's decision to attack Bill Clinton as their response "ludicrous and amateurish," an illustration that "they only understand how to talk to the people already voting for Trump."
"With all of the places where Republicans could legitimately question Hillary Clinton's policy choices" such as her approach to Russia, Syria, tax policy and her US Senate votes, as well as "her overall judgment" in creating her own private email server and the questionable fundraising practices of Clinton Global Initiative, "our nominee has decided to attack her husband instead," he said.
"Maybe it feels good for them to vent 20 years of anti-Bill frustrations but it doesn't help Trump and likely helps Secretary Clinton," he said.



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On 10/9/2016 at 0:23 AM, FolkGuitar said:

They both should drop out of the race. The fact the either of them were put into play says America is in real trouble. And it's not Trump's words and actions that are the problem... It's that his supporters don't care!  How can so many Americans think the way he does? And while Clinton is certainly far more experienced and able as far as politics go, she really is NOT an acceptable alternative.

Let's add one more line to the ballot this year:

"None of the above."

If this one gets a majority vote, lets do the whole thing over again with different candidates.

Trump is right about a lot of things, and is exposing a lot of what is wrong about our government and media.  Of course, a bad-ass dude with an intellectual side that rides his motorcycle to teach English class sees the world  a little different than the rest of us.

Trump right about:
Political Correctness
National Debt
Foreign Policy
Trade Deals.

What's Hillary right about?

I'll roll the dice with the man with the great hair.

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30 minutes ago, LarryBird said:

Trump is right about a lot of things, and is exposing a lot of what is wrong about our government and media.  Of course, a bad-ass dude with an intellectual side that rides his motorcycle to teach English class sees the world  a little different than the rest of us.

Trump right about:
Political Correctness
National Debt
Foreign Policy
Trade Deals.

What's Hillary right about?

I'll roll the dice with the man with the great hair.


Well I hate to break this to you but that 'intellectual side' is nowhere near as developed as you might think. You see with all the things that you listed,  the key thing is to truly understand them before you listen to the ramblings and lies spewing from Trumps mouth. The only thing that Trump is good at is surrounding himself with 'experts' that will show him how to cheat and lie in any situation for profit, he knows nothing about nothing else.


You said!:


Trump right about:
Immigration                    He is absolutely not, and often completely misquotes the meaning of 'open borders' which was trade NOT people.
Political Correctness     What he says is nothing to do with PC, he throws out comments meant to divide and incite hatred. That is NOT about PC.
National Debt                  He does not understand it, the only thing he knows about getting rid of debt is to make it worse. He has NEVER paid debt
Foreign Policy                 He is a ticking time bomb waiting to have the world descend into chaos. He would be happy - cheaper property prices!
Trade Deals.                   From the man who claims he has made 10K's of jobs. - Yes in China, India, Bangladesh, NOT America - EVER. When he has created jobs in the USA he then proceeds to bankruptcy and all his people suffer even more.


The upside is you are teaching English and not History, Business, Global Politics, Social Responsibility and equality and equal opportunities.


Keep rolling your dice.

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6 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Oh my god. Is this video going to show up in every thread? And sometimes twice? 16 minutes of drivel.


Nope.   It has been removed.   The topic is about "Should Trump drop Out".   It will also be removed from other threads if it is off-topic.  



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2 hours ago, LarryBird said:

Trump is right about a lot of things, and is exposing a lot of what is wrong about our government and media. 


Agreed, but I wish he was more disciplined and was not so easily distracted by dishonest personal insults. He wastes too much time in debates being defensive about things that barely matter.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Agreed, but I wish he was more disciplined and was not so easily distracted by dishonest personal insults. He wastes too much time in debates being defensive about things that barely matter.

If the claims and insults were false or dishonest, he would not react the way he has, he would ignore and get on with the important stuff. Clearly he knows the claims are true and is trying everything he can to discredit them as false, his mental condition will not allow him to ignore these very real claims.

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Should Trump drop out?   Well, it depends on who you support.   If you are a conservative and want to protect conservative values, then he should drop out.   It's very unlikely to win and when he loses, so will the strong influence of conservative values.   His continuation in the race pretty much assures a win for Hillary.


Trumps big problem is that he is so busy fighting battles, he has forgotten what the war is about.   


Hillary, on the other hand, has her eye on the finish line.   Sling mud at her and she keeps her comments brief and too the point and then drops it.   There isn't for the media to pick up on.   Trump can't drop anything.    He can't let anything slide.   It keeps him in the news, but that's no always good.   

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

If the claims and insults were false or dishonest, he would not react the way he has, he would ignore and get on with the important stuff.


Nonsense, no one likes to ignore blatant lies about them, but sometimes it makes sense politically.

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He's going to LOSE. There is almost no doubt now.:partytime2: The polls just get worse and worse for him every day. Now he's SEVEN points down on realclearpolitics average with two person AND four person models.

Nobody comes back from that THIS LATE, certainly not a total CLOWN candidate like trump.

So, at this point, it's irrelevant whether he drops out or not, and it's definite that he WON'T drop out.

Way too late!

So what does trumpy-poo do after he loses?
Many predict he will attempt to start a media empire.

Hope he FAILS at that too, as he does with MOST of his enterprises.




Why Trump TV will fail

Donald Trump can launch an online network, but that doesn’t mean he can keep one afloat.







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Trump would never succeed in the television industry, especially the news business.   He is not a true conservative; he is a reactionary and an entertainer, but without depth and understanding he would never pass the acid test.


Trump has no political center of gravity.   He throws crap out and if the crowds cheer, it becomes his policy.   His political philosophy is non-existent.   


I am not a conservative, but I have some good friends who are and they are smart, articulate and have a good understanding of the issues.   The goals are the same for many liberals and  conservatives, but the road to those goals is quite different.   


Trump's strongest base is with people who tend toward racism, mysogynism and a whole host of hate-filled ideas.   Other Trump supporters are for him because they are against Hillary.   They will not follow Trump over the cliff.



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