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Vios driver: Vigo driver was beeping and flashing his lights at me so I pulled out the gun


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Vios driver: Vigo driver was beeping and flashing his lights at me so I pulled out the gun
Image: Thairath
BANGKOK:-- The driver of the Vios caught on a dash cam pulling out a gun and firing on a pick up on the way to Bang Bua Thong on Wednesday has given himself up to police.
He said that the man in the Vigo pick-up had been beeping his horn and flashing his lights at him. Then the pick up driver pulled in front and applied his brakes trying to make him crash into the back, he claimed.
So he pulled out his uncle's gun that was in the car.
He told police that he just meant to wave it around - he didn't know how to fire it and didn't intend to, he said. It just went off - into the air.
Suphasin Srithanathiwatkun, 50, was bailed.
He was charged with having a gun and ammunition without permission and shooting in public.
The gun belonged to the husband of the owner of the car, a woman called Imjai Sithisrijan.
The shooter is her husband's nephew from Pak Chong who was borrowing the car for the day.
Suphasin told police that he was driving slowly because of the rain and this led to the other driving sounding his horn, flashing his lights and pulling in front of him and that mad him angry so he pulled out the gun.
The video caused much comment online after it was shared multiple times this week.
Source: Thairath
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-10-09
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The stories (lies) that these knuckleheads wheel out whenever caught bang to rights are absurd / hilariously pathetic in the extreme.

It's outrageous he even got bailed. What kind of message does it send? it's ok to shoot people because they beeped at you, ok to potentially cause multi vehicle crashes because your feelings got hurt, ok to bare face lie to cops and still be let on your merry way (he would never have surrendered if the viral clip hadn't existed).

The RTP proving yet again what a clown show they are through their actions

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Sorry, but I'm with the Vios. Some of these pickup drivers can be absolute aholes on the road -- beeping and flashing him to move out of lane (and, yes, lane indiscipline gets my dander up) and then slamming on the brakes when in front! The only crime here is that the bullet went into the air.

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problem is that this happens on the roads everyday and you dont see everyone else pulling guns on the other drivers(well usually anyway). The idiots that get in the right hand lane then drive slow are a huge problem, the flashing of lights should be enough for them  move to the other lane but again the size of their pricks/face stops them plus the fact that that they have no driving courtesy at all. They refuse to do the speed limit and refuse to move over, in the west these idiots get pulled over by the police and are given fines, the right hand lane is for passing not playing with yourself. Yes some drivers do go a bit far with their reactions again due to face but if the idiots that hog the right obeyed the law and moved out of the way it would not happen, this moron needs to be locked up for pulling a gun and firing it, didnt know what he was doing, what a load of sh*t, the uncle needs to be done for leaving the gun in the car as well. The Vigo driver did go a bit far braking but honestly, how many other drivers feel like doing the same thing when they encounter these lane hogging idiots that refuse to move over and drive below the speed limit, anyone backing the vios driver obviously dont know the road rules or are just as ignorant.

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To waive a gun should be enough to put him behind bars for a period of time.


To allow bail indicates that society is allowed to do what he did until a judge determines if he is at fault.


I'm a little lost with the laws here in Thailand.

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This cracks me up.

You get idiots like this firing guns and probably getting away with a 400 baht fine, while a guy last week gets threatened with a night in the cells, a possible 5 year sentence, but is let go with a 50,000 baht "donation" to the policeman's ball for having an E-cigarette on him.

What a crazy <deleted> up world we live in!

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8 minutes ago, indothai said:

To waive a gun should be enough to put him behind bars for a period of time.


To allow bail indicates that society is allowed to do what he did until a judge determines if he is at fault.


I'm a little lost with the laws here in Thailand.



The discretion the police allow themselves as to what to charge people with and when is a worry. What constitutes an offence appears to be negotiable.


Edited by LifeInDorset
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1 hour ago, mark01 said:

This cracks me up.

You get idiots like this firing guns and probably getting away with a 400 baht fine, while a guy last week gets threatened with a night in the cells, a possible 5 year sentence, but is let go with a 50,000 baht "donation" to the policeman's ball for having an E-cigarette on him.

What a crazy <deleted> up world we live in!


But who is crazy and who <deleted> it up? 


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41 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

back in my early days a guy overtook me as we were both turning at a T intersection. i flipped him off and he spent the next several km trying to run me off the road. i stopped to let him get away from me and he tried to box me in. i have learnt to just let it go now. there is no winning in a situation like that.

sometimes lady luck helps, i remember the time a guy  in  the Thai way overtook coming towards me on my  side of the road (  imminent head on collision) when there was  clearly  no room to. I refused to swerve out the way and he  missed me by mm.............looking  in the rear view mirror i saw  his pick up swerve  left right, fishtailing before finally  flipping  over.

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