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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

WHat dishonest nonsense. No. They didn't make it famous in the first place. It got absolutely no traction among democrats at all.  It was right wing loons who made it famous after Obama's election.



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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

WHat dishonest nonsense. No. They didn't make it famous in the first place. It got absolutely no traction among democrats at all.  It was right wing loons who made it famous after Obama's election.




Read it and weep. Hillary's supporters popularized Birtherism during the 2008 campaign.





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9 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

I'd be curious to see what correlation there is between Trump followers and believing in stuff like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, or that the moon landings were faked. 


Trumpsters are trying to get several false rumors to go viral (pun intended, as you'll see if you read on):


One of many:  HRC has AIDS.  How, you may ask?  Because Bill had anal sex with Magic Johnson, and passed the disease to his wife.  


Boomer's response: It's not a sick joke, but gives a window on the sicko desperation inherent in many Trump supporters.   There are more depraved rumors like that - too many to list here.


3 hours ago, jaidam said:

I can give you several (....reasons why Trump would make a better president). 

Trump is a deal maker, he understands the phpsychology in play. This i expect will help him unwind several of the establishments cockups. Im referring to the verge of nuclear armageddon the Obama double farce left us in, in more than one theatre.

Trump is not the paid for lackey of the establishment. He believes in himself and so he invested a hundred million of his own money. Why would you prefer a candidate paid for by big pharma, gm food frankenproducers etc? it is against the common interest.

Trump is clearly the more honest candidate. Not as many skeletons in his closet. I am reffering to HRC and the murderous Benghazi saga, totally dishonest email saga- oh i clicked delete by mistake. 30,000 times! Really. Abuse of women her predator husband already abused. That was pure poetry the Don dragging up those 4.

an end to PC. This whole sorry lets present lies as the truth -due to loathing "successful white culture" has been a disaster for western civilization or what is left of it after onslaught by PCers. Immediate reversal is called for. I want an era when it is socially, politically and economically permissable to be caucasian.

hope you get the idea of why some are voting Trump.


Trump makes deals, but more often than not, they're harmful to other Americans. Two of hundreds of examples: 

1.  forcing thousands of building trade contractors to take pennies on the dollar after work is done.

2.  buying tens of millions of $$'s of metals from China, thereby bolstering Chinese jobs while killing US jobs.


Jaidam asserts: "Trump is not the paid for lackey of the establishment."

Boomer:  Trump is worse than a lackey. He pays/bribes the establishment to facilitate his underhanded dealings.  He openly admits it.  He takes judges out to dinner the night before they're scheduled to rule on one or more of his thousands of lawsuits against him.  Guess what the judge rules the next day?  ....in favor of Trump.  Also, he bribed the AG of FL to NOT allow lawsuits against his fake U.  ....AND, he used Trump Foundation money to bribe her.  The next day, the AG was in his Mar-A-Lago Mansion being wined and dined.  She's a pretty woman.  Did he suddenly grab her pussy?  Only the two of them would know.


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51 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I didn't dispute with you who had started the rumor. I disputed with you who had made it famous.  Here's what you wrote " However Hillary's followers and campaign were the ones that made it famous in the first place. "

When the campaign learned that a staffer had sent an email about this they fired her immediately.  It's a lie to say that her campaign made it famous or that her followers did.  It' was the right wing gutter press that made it famous.  Let me explain it to you in a way you might understand.  If I write a song and it becomes a hit, I didn't make it famous. It became famous because it had huge sales to the public.  In the same way, the public who bought into this nonsense was not the democrats. It was the Republicans and other right wingers who bought into it.  Clear, now?

Even now, more Republicans don't believe that Obama was born in the USA than Republicans who do believe it.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not a " Trump'eteer ", but ONE good reason to vote for him would be his Supreme Court picks.


Another reason would be to dump the INSANE Iran deal that Obama signed.


Get rid of Obamacare and help the middle class with better health care.


Prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of state.


Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states to decide if they want to fully legalize pot or not.


Strengthen the military

There's so muich nonsense here that it's hard to know where to begin.  But I'll just take one example. "Another reason would be to dump the INSANE Iran deal that Obama signed."   Do you understand that if the USA does this, it would abrogate the entire agreement and Iran would be free to trade with the rest of the world without any restrictions at all?  

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

There's so muich nonsense here that it's hard to know where to begin.  But I'll just take one example. "Another reason would be to dump the INSANE Iran deal that Obama signed."   Do you understand that if the USA does this, it would abrogate the entire agreement and Iran would be free to trade with the rest of the world without any restrictions at all?  


.....and it would also give Iran the green light to make as much enriched U as it wants.  Imagine if Iran was currently a N power. It's unabashedly aligned with Assad.  Then imagine if Iran was run by a hot-head like Trump.  There would be mushroom clouds all over the M.east.  

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I didn't dispute with you who had started the rumor. I disputed with you who had made it famous.  Here's what you wrote " However Hillary's followers and campaign were the ones that made it famous in the first place. "

When the campaign learned that a staffer had sent an email about this they fired her immediately.  It's a lie to say that her campaign made it famous or that her followers did.  


Wrong again. Try reading article that I linked to before. Hillary's supporters popularized the rumor and her campaign got pictures of Obama in African gear published to fan the flames. Obama complained about it being "dirty tactics" and trying to perpetuate the rumor that he is a Muslim.



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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


.....and it would also give Iran the green light to make as much enriched U as it wants.  


They can make a nuke in just a few months if they decide to already, but if they wait a few years, it turns into a legitimate nuclear program thanks to the INSANE "deal". Before this, Iran was forbidden from having one at all and had signed an agreement to that effect.



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22 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Agreed. Trump kicked butt tonight despite CNN' s unscientific "poll". Plenty of other unscientific polls call him the winner and they are correct.



From what I saw also think Trump won the debate, and from what I read the polls suggested he did as well. But truth is something the mainstream media cares little about, so no surprise they rig polls claiming a win for Hillary.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not a " Trump'eteer ", but ONE good reason to vote for him would be his Supreme Court picks.


Another reason would be to dump the INSANE Iran deal that Obama signed.


Get rid of Obamacare and help the middle class with better health care.


Prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of state.


Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states to decide if they want to fully legalize pot or not.


Strengthen the military


5 hours ago, jaidam said:

I can give you several. 

Trump is a deal maker, he understands the phpsychology in play. This i expect will help him unwind several of the establishments cockups. Im referring to the verge of nuclear armageddon the Obama double farce left us in, in more than one theatre.


Trump is not the paid for lackey of the establishment. He believes in himself and so he invested a hundred million of his own money. Why would you prefer a candidate paid for by big pharma, gm food frankenproducers etc? it is against the common interest.


Trump is clearly the more honest candidate. Not as many skeletons in his closet. I am reffering to HRC and the murderous Benghazi saga, totally dishonest email saga- oh i clicked delete by mistake. 30,000 times! Really. Abuse of women her predator husband already abused. That was pure poetry the Don dragging up those 4.


an end to PC. This whole sorry lets present lies as the truth -due to loathing "successful white culture" has been a disaster for western civilization or what is left of it after onslaught by PCers. Immediate reversal is called for. I want an era when it is socially, politically and economically permissable to be caucasian.


hope you get the idea of why some are voting Trump.

Hahahahaha....this is so adorable!

Let ma take this apart- this oughta be fun!


His supreme court picks? Okay, honestly I don't know enough about this subject to comment on it, so I won't!

But given the fact, that he has some ideas to prosecute women who had an abortion...I shudder a bit!


Iran: you are aware, that this is a multinational deal, that you can not just quit like the membership in a book- club. aren't you?!

And as other posters pointed out: this deal keeps Iran from producing all "the nuclear" they want unless you bomb them back into the stoneage! But of course, that is exactly the idea behind it, isn't it!


Obamacare: and we have seen that very detailed healthcare- plan haven't we?

From what I have heard, it is basically Obamacare, with the interesting change, to give health- insurance companies more money through tax- loopholes! 


Prosecute Hillary Clinton: when is enough, enough? The FBI (not exactly a left- leaning liberal organization) has found NOTHING criminal about that story, although I assume they tried very, VERY hard!

So you want to go and waste more taxpayers- money on flogging a dead horse?



Dope: I am not an American, so I may not be an expert on this (as I am nope a dope head or in need for medical marijuana, but I am totally for legalization!) but....isn't that the case already? Isn't there an upcoming vote in California? Hasn't Colorado already legalized it, widely!

And by the way: isn't Trump still depending on his "friends" in the Republican Party, the party of family values? The party that thinks, an alcohol fulled rage is way better than a bunch of dope- heads on a couch, eating Cheetos?


Strengthen the Military: yeah...right! The US- military is already more expensive and bigger than some of the following nations in the military ranking combined!

If the USA needs one thing above all else, it is more drones, more guns and more expensive toys!


Deal Maker: are we talking about the same guy?

Because the Trump I know, is great at breaking deals with contractors, filing bancrupsy and running Casinos into the ground! Casinos! That is like selling fish to penguines and going brancrupt!

(I won't even address the "verge of nuclear armageddon"- BS! You are aware, that Trump don't even understands, why he should NOT use "the nuclear" against anyone, aren't you?!)


Against common interest: but it is in the best common interest, to not pay millions in personal income- taxes, because your accountant is a genius?


The more honest candidate: you have be @#$%&* kidding me! If this guy would be named Donald Pinocchio, his campaign-staffers would not be able to saw of pieces of his nose, as fast as it would grow back!

He even lies about things that he said a few weeks ago and that are ON TAPE!



Not calling a black man "nigger", a woman "bimbo", not wanting to ban "all mouslimz" because some are terrorists (and thereby betraying what is left of the American dream), not making fun of disabled people etc. has nothing to do with PC.

It has to do with RESPECT for your fellow human being!


Un-be-@#$%^&*- livable! 


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


That goes for your whole post. At least you are not wasting paper. :whistling:

Anything of substance to say, to the fact, that you and your colleague hoot on a bout stuff, that has been debunked over and over and over and over...and....over....?

Thought so!

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4 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Anything of substance to say, to the fact, that you and your colleague hoot on a bout stuff, that has been debunked over and over and over and over...and....over....?

Thought so!


You mean other than the numerous articles from credible sources that I have linked to that prove my point? Hillary's supporters made the birther rumor popular - NOT Donald Trump.





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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean other than the numerous articles from credible sources that I have linked to that prove my point? Hillary's supporters made the birther rumor popular - NOT Donald Trump.






So you have nothing to say except for "...but...but...but...Hillary"!

Let me ask you one question: if Hillary REALLY started the birther movement (which she didn't!), what kept an honorable man like Mr. Trump from stepping up and say "What HRC is doing there is disgusting! We should not stoop so low, that we question, if a presidential candidate is actually born here!"?

I give you hint: Obama is black!


Thanks for the nice convo!

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11 minutes ago, DM07 said:

 if Hillary REALLY started the birther movement


She did not start it. Her supporters POPULARIZED it and her campaign fanned the flames by getting pictures of Obama in African gear published all over the place. Obama's campaign was incensed about it.



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8 hours ago, DM07 said:

All you Trump'eteers out there: can you -at this stage- give me ONE good reason, why you support him or would vote for him? Not a point AGAINST Hillary! FOR Trump!


Look, unlike Shrillary, Trump has a plan:




So there's that.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


She did not start it. Her supporters POPULARIZED it and her campaign fanned the flames by getting pictures of Obama in African gear published all over the place. Obama's campaign was incensed about it.



You didn't answer my question: if the deplorable HRC made it popular, why didn't the upright, honest Donald J. Trump further it into oblivion?

Why did he have to jump the band- wagon?

Why did he not even stop it, when Obama produced the birth- certificate?


Why are right wingers EVEN TODAY going on about that?

About him, being "mouzlim"?

Again, here is a hint: skincolor!


And a similar issue is going on now, with the Benghazi- BS, with the "eMails", with dragging Bill Clintons past into the ring!

This is not abour HRC, the politician!

It's about HRC, the WOMAN!


And make no mistakes: even IF I would be a US-citizen, I would only vote for her, because she is the lesser of 2 evils!

If Bernie would be in the race, we wouldn't even talk about this issue, right now!

He would have pulverized Trump by now!

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


She did not start it. Her supporters POPULARIZED it and her campaign fanned the flames by getting pictures of Obama in African gear published all over the place. Obama's campaign was incensed about it.




UG, there are many videos of Trump talking about this, questioning Obama's birthplace, calling into question the validity of his birth certificate, personally promising to send investigators out to Hawaii, etc., etc. 


As for Hillary Clinton, you will not find one video of her questioning Obama's birthplace. 

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7 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


UG, there are many videos of Trump talking about this, questioning Obama's birthplace, calling into question the validity of his birth certificate, personally promising to send investigators out to Hawaii, etc., etc. 


As for Hillary Clinton, you will not find one video of her questioning Obama's birthplace. 


The only place you will still find anyone beating this long-dead horse is on an expat forum in some far away SE Asian country.

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At the debate, Trump said he knows the complicated US tax code really well; he's great at it; that he's clever for finding ways to avoid taxes.* And so presumably this cleverness is a reason to vote for him.


So how much cleverer is HRC? Over a period of almost four decades (that's 40 years!) she's managed to expertly dodge, suppress, cover up, escape punishment or even accountability for witness tampering, witness intimidation, murder, corruption, and a whole host of other crimes again and again and again in the face of multiple high profile and we'll-funded investigations by many different bodies, most of them led by Republicans.


By the Donald's own logic, his supporters should vote for Hillary! She may be an evil bitch, but she's America's evil bitch, F@#K YEAH!


*he also said that all the rich guys do the same, so that makes him not particularly cleverer than other rich folk (or any moderately qualified accountant).

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SHE can get away scot free with murder, corruption and mayhem—for decades AND continue to thrive in public office. While HE can't even have some misogyny-laden locker room banter without getting caught and having to publicly and humiliatingly apologise on live TV. What a loser!



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Trump is blabbering on about America's infrastructure "is going to hell"!

He is right, as far as I know!

But do you REALLY get to complain, if YOU are avoiding to pay millions in taxes, that might have been spend to repair streets and bridges and schools and whatnot?

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23 hours ago, stevenl said:

Both Obama and Clinton have earned a lot of respect. I think also Reagan gained more respect towards the end of his presidency.

Obama not bipartisan though, but an easy majority.

Oh, give us a break. Clinton was impeached by the house. Hardly respected. What he is remembered ( and respected ) for is giving up the partisan BS and working with the GOP to rescue the economy.


 I think also Reagan gained more respect towards the end of his presidency.

You talking about when he was carrying on an illegal war and falling asleep in meetings? Yeah right.


As for Obama, millions in America hate his guts. Even HRC has now come out and said Obama care doesn't work, and Bill was scathing about it.


The only respect being given out is entirely partisan.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh, give us a break. Clinton was impeached by the house. Hardly respected. What he is remembered ( and respected ) for is giving up the partisan BS and working with the GOP to rescue the economy.


 I think also Reagan gained more respect towards the end of his presidency.

You talking about when he was carrying on an illegal war and falling asleep in meetings? Yeah right.


As for Obama, millions in America hate his guts. Even HRC has now come out and said Obama care doesn't work, and Bill was scathing about it.


The only respect being given out is entirely partisan.

Your negativity is very clear here. As all negativity do, you'll probably call it realism.

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In spite of all the proud and beaming proclamations by Trump supporters on this forum immediately after the debate and continuing to now, positively averring over and over again that Trump had won the debate...no cigar.


Yougov and Politico have come out with the results we all knew, was that Clinton won the 2nd debate, as well of course, as the first debate. This was in spite of an uninspired performance by her. I'm sure the Trump supporters will still maintain that he won both debates, as well as that he is the best thing since the John Birch Society, but it's just more in a long and continuing drop to the bottom now.



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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump won the debate for morons. Like with that Lincoln joke. Of course anyone that saw the movie Clinton was referring to knows she made an excellent point about realpolitik.



This is the thing. His fans think he's scoring points, but he's only scoring points with them - and that achieves nothing. 

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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

You didn't answer my question: if the deplorable HRC made it popular, why didn't the upright, honest Donald J. Trump further it into oblivion?



The question is idiotic. He believed the rumor her supporters made popular - obviously.

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