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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's debatable and now irrelevant as BILL Clinton is not on the ballot.


He is the original symbol of showing disrespect to women….and his crooked mate at the time helped cover it up for political gain.


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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


He is the original symbol of showing disrespect to women….and his crooked mate at the time helped cover it up for political gain.


Then support trump if that's how you feel. Part of his 40 percent hard core. Sorry, not enough! 

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


seems like you have run out of arguments….not surprising since there are none…..

There is nothing to argue about here. You're just a hard core partisan that clearly hates the Clintons on a deeply emotional level. Waste of time. The election is about people that are not as hard set. 



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Trump complained and whined that he didn't get fair time in the debate. What a cry baby.


Speaking times: Trump spoke for 40 minutes and 10 seconds. Hillary spoke for 39 minutes and 5 seconds.


Seems pretty even to me. 

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Let me sum it up for you on a policy level


Clinton: Status Quo policies meaning rich get richer , poor get poorer but more handouts to make them seem happier, and we continue mucking up the rest of the world and causing instability and misery.


Trump: Nobody really knows because he evades most questions regarding policy and then changes his original stance on the few areas he has taken a position on.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There is nothing to argue about here. You're just a hard core partisan that clearly hates the Clintons on a deeply emotional level. Waste of time. The election is about people that are not as hard set. 


And you are the exact same but still go on and on and on.... 

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On the win/lose the debate question, let's get REAL about it.

trump is MASSIVELY behind now and fellow republicans have been  jumping ship big time in the wake of a scandal branding trump as a SEXUAL PREDATOR. 

trump DID perform better in this debate than the first one, which was in the word he loves to use a DISASTER for him.

But to "win" the second debate he basically had to "debate murder" Hillary, and he didn't even come close.

Hillary just needed to stand firm, and hold her already large lead and try to build on it.

She did all that and more so in that sense it was a definite WIN for her.

No, she didn't land a final knockout punch. She doesn't need to (though it would be great if she did)!

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7 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Trump complained and whined that he didn't get fair time in the debate. What a cry baby.


Speaking times: Trump spoke for 40 minutes and 10 seconds. Hillary spoke for 39 minutes and 5 seconds.


Seems pretty even to me. 


meanwhile one candidate interrupted the other 18 times to 1. can you guess which way round it was?


clue: it was the one who kept complaining to the moderators that he wasn't being given a fair crack of the whip time-wise.

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32 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Agree with you. But you did claim that Trump owned this debate. And I agree he won, but claiming 'he owned it' and at the same time requiring other posters here to show objectivity is hypocritical.

 requiring other posters here to show objectivity is hypocritical.

Firstly I can't "require" anyone on here to do anything, and secondly it was only J T that I was asking, not "other posters".



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A new low for trump and as trump falls even further in the polls, and gets even more DESPARATE, expect him to go even lower still. Great entertainment I suppose, but the idea of him as president -- HORRIFYING.





HAS THERE been a more disturbing low in presidential politics?


Mark the moment. A major-party presidential nominee is officially promising to lock up his political opponent, despite the fact that an impartial federal investigation concluded that no fair prosecutor would have charged Ms. Clinton in the matter of her e-mails. If anyone needed any more proof that Mr. Trump does not understand the meaning of rule of law as opposed to arbitrary rule of autocrat — that he would use the levers of the federal government in a vindictive, self-serving and corrupt manner — Mr. Trump provided it.



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Just now, Jingthing said:

A new low for trump and as trump falls even further in the polls, and gets even more DESPARATE, expect him to go even lower still. Great entertainment I suppose, but the idea of him as president -- HORRIFYING.





I read an analyst on CNN just now that called this debate "The Hunger Games." Since this the second debate, and Trump lost the first one, I guess that makes this the Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Trump was red as a beet and clearly on fire as he huffed and puffed and glared and loomed over Clinton. He was certainly looking for the kill with even the outrageous claim he'll have her put in jail, etc..


Hillary, cool, calm and collected, did indeed remind us of the cool precision of Katniss Everdeen. she targeted him precisely, took steady aim, and penetrated his heart. 


Trump made better theater for sure, and impressed his base with his bluster, but Clinton will probably be judged the winner, just as Katniss was. Cool, calm, collected.  That is Presidential.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

A new low for trump and as trump falls even further in the polls, and gets even more DESPARATE, expect him to go even lower still. Great entertainment I suppose, but the idea of him as president -- HORRIFYING.




More untrue burble. Trump never said he WOULD lock her up, he doesn't have that power. He did say he would ask the AG to appoint a special prosecutor. It would be up to the court to lock her up or not. If she is as innocent as you say she has nothing to fear.

She should be locked up for deleting e mails after congress asked for them, but the Clintons seem to be Teflon coated.

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Should Trump become president, we might see something quite the opposite of a presidential pardon - the power to pluck people off the street and toss them in jail based on his "understanding" of what they might have done.  


Threatening to throw your political opponents in jail, should you get elected.  That's positively Stalinesque.

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57 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Should Trump become president, we might see something quite the opposite of a presidential pardon - the power to pluck people off the street and toss them in jail based on his "understanding" of what they might have done.  


Threatening to throw your political opponents in jail, should you get elected.  That's positively Stalinesque.

When you are talking about one of the most infamous crime families  on the earth, jail seems to be appropriate,

Edited by dcutman
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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Should Trump become president, we might see something quite the opposite of a presidential pardon - the power to pluck people off the street and toss them in jail based on his "understanding" of what they might have done.  


Threatening to throw your political opponents in jail, should you get elected.  That's positively Stalinesque.


Sensationalize much? 

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:

Should Trump become president, we might see something quite the opposite of a presidential pardon - the power to pluck people off the street and toss them in jail based on his "understanding" of what they might have done.  


Threatening to throw your political opponents in jail, should you get elected.  That's positively Stalinesque.

Never let the truth get in the way of slagging off the Donald. :whistling:

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Great headline!





Banana Republican


By threatening to jail his opponent, Donald Trump promised to rip up the foundations of liberal democracy.



Yeah, he really is like a third world DICTATOR (wannabe and never will be, thankfully!)

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

More untrue burble. Trump never said he WOULD lock her up, he doesn't have that power. He did say he would ask the AG to appoint a special prosecutor. It would be up to the court to lock her up or not. If she is as innocent as you say she has nothing to fear.

She should be locked up for deleting e mails after congress asked for them, but the Clintons seem to be Teflon coated.


Trump's Facebook post after the debate 


Reaction from various people




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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Great headline!




Yeah, he really is like a third world DICTATOR (wannabe and never will be, thankfully!)

In post 138 I informed you that you are posting untruths, yet you continue to post the same untruths.

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4 minutes ago, thaihome said:


Trump's Facebook post after the debate 


Reaction from various people




He didn't say it in the debate and if he appointed a special prosecutor she would be as the truth would come out.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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43 minutes ago, stander said:

Having a female president would be great, but having Hillary as the first female president would turn out as bad as it has been having the first Black American president.

He only got elected because he was black.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

More untrue burble. Trump never said he WOULD lock her up, he doesn't have that power. He did say he would ask the AG to appoint a special prosecutor. It would be up to the court to lock her up or not. If she is as innocent as you say she has nothing to fear.

She should be locked up for deleting e mails after congress asked for them, but the Clintons seem to be Teflon coated.


which bit of "you'd be in jail" did he not say?

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