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What does the future hold for Thailand's Expats? Have your say in our survey

Jonathan Fairfield

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Its hard as a foreigner and the b/f of a Thai lady to watch all the BS that unfolds here without commenting. This thought is even more solidified when I read the opinion of Deputy PM Somkid J. in the local English newspaper which cannot be named. His comments on the so called Thai Economic Rebound (quit laughing) are as follows verbatim. "Positive effects haven't reached the majority of the people" unquote. Stay tuned

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1 hour ago, elgordo38 said:

Its hard as a foreigner and the b/f of a Thai lady to watch all the BS that unfolds here without commenting. This thought is even more solidified when I read the opinion of Deputy PM Somkid J. in the local English newspaper which cannot be named. His comments on the so called Thai Economic Rebound (quit laughing) are as follows verbatim. "Positive effects haven't reached the majority of the people" unquote. Stay tuned

"Its hard as a foreigner... to watch all the BS that unfolds here without commenting. "


And yet many do manage not to comment  or, if they do, have positive comments to make. Have you ever found anything positive to say? 

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4 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

A free holiday in the cesspool of Pattaya? No thank you!!

Pattaya holiday

Beach road would be a nice hotel area for those nice romantic evenings. Nothing nicer than a good bludgeon to end your walk through the gauntlet of love.


Hospital food through a drip will help you lose weight and if your lucky enough will get a nice visit from TAT officials with the usual fruit/flower basket for group photo sessions. 


So much to look forward too :coffee1:

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23 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

Pattaya holiday

Beach road would be a nice hotel area for those nice romantic evenings. Nothing nicer than a good bludgeon to end your walk through the gauntlet of love.


Hospital food through a drip will help you lose weight and if your lucky enough will get a nice visit from TAT officials with the usual fruit/flower basket for group photo sessions. 


So much to look forward too :coffee1:



Hysterical made my day, been doubled up since I read it...., miss this kind of Banter...


have to agree "Pattaya" ain't my idea of a Holiday Destination....




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It's getting very difficult to extend visas now and the playing field is no longer level.  It's very disappointing and like climbing a ladder.


Immigration no longer follows their own Q&A in their web site which makes it difficult for the applicants and the officers.  What use to take me one trip, now takes three bank letters and three trips.


I've been here 10 years and all my long time expat friends have left because of visa restrictions, a bad economy in their home country, their Thai wife being dishonest. They also had concerns about when the Police were randomly looking in their bags, pants pockets, being subjected to pee tests, more than once in one week.


That being said, I still enjoy Thailand and the herd that leaves will be replaced with another herd, probably Asian.  And, I have no problem with that.

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2 hours ago, Ronuk said:

The only difference i have noticed is the increase in moaners and cry baby's who can't get there own way. Hopefully they will all sod off somewhere else :coffee1:

I think there is an increase in moaning for a reason. Anyway, you're right the best thing to do is sod off, exactly what I am aiming to do along with many others. If you don't see the decline and issues and are happy then I say good luck to you, me I'm sick of all the things everyone already knows about.

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Fatter bar girls.

Older bar girls

Fatter Thai kids

Prayut,still in power

The Army still in power

Reading about more ferang suicides

More intrusive forms about our personal life styles

Chang beer never being 6.4% again

The TAT telling us that tourism has risen by 1,000,000's

More violent Thai teachers

Red Horse beer will stop being imported

More 7/11's


Big wheel keeps on turning,proud Mary keeps on burning


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5 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Its hard as a foreigner and the b/f of a Thai lady to watch all the BS that unfolds here without commenting. This thought is even more solidified when I read the opinion of Deputy PM Somkid J. in the local English newspaper which cannot be named. His comments on the so called Thai Economic Rebound (quit laughing) are as follows verbatim. "Positive effects haven't reached the majority of the people" unquote. Stay tuned



It's not hard at all.

The fallout from the overwhelming majority of what goes on here can be easily avoided.

You can either let it bother you or you can take it for what it is and get on with your life while counting yourself fortunate that you have the option to go somewhere else if it becomes unbearable.

Most Thais don't have that choice.

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I honestly think thailand will be a fantastic place to live in at that time.


Once the economy is destroyed, the effects of poor education has shown its true face and all surrounding countries have moved past Thailand, I am sure expats and foreign investments will be very welcome here. 


However, I truly hope Thailand finds the right track, before especially the economy gets totally destroyed. And the only way to do that, is to open itself up to the outside world and improve the educational system dramatically (and fast).

Edited by khunpa
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5 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Hi Suradit69,


Here is a positive comment for you.  I really enjoy reading all the moans and groans on here, along with the occasional bouquet to Thais and Thailand in general.  There, how's that?

Hope you recover soon.


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12 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

Unless you are a Brit with a UK Pension nothing will change.

Nothing has changed over the last 15 years, why would it change now?


With yearly pension increases and a 40% increase in Sterling XE once Brexit has settled I suppose only British pensioners will notice a difference

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14 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

A free holiday in the cesspool of Pattaya? No thank you!!


Aww gee, a Free Holiday in Pattaya... might have a Stab at that !


Will you Guarantee that comments, if made, will NOT be traced back to the" Utterer" by the good people at Immigration?

Edited by Torrens54
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