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Giving up on Trump? Ryan focusing on saving GOP majority


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Woke up to prepare for an early meeting, and looks instead like I have to prepare for the end of the GOP as we know it. Trump has declared war on the GOP and will now take it down in flames in a suicide bomber mission to the election. Amazing. Stunning. Fascinating. Evolutionary.



"The GOP has a suicide bomber as their nominee," said Texas-based political consultant Matt Mackowiak.







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As a few posters have dared to predict this, it's now time to talk about it. The Democrats running the table. White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. The Trifecta. The Triple Crown. It now is in the discussion among political commentators as the White house is certainly lost for the GOP, and with Trump waging war on the GOP as well as Clinton, more Republicans are in danger of losing their seats.


There will be lots more written about this, and it's going to be interesting to see the Vegas odds develop on this. 



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Uncharted territory.






And then came Donald J. Trump. He leads the Republican Party the way the head of a rebel army holds a capital city. This isn’t an ambush or an act of treason or a kidnapping. This is a siege. He plans to build walls; he promises to put his opponents in prison. He enjoys harems. He admires tyrants. He erects monuments to himself in major cities. He holds entertainments in America’s stadiums, where he toys with his political enemies, delighting his band of followers while terrorizing other citizens. Over the weekend, he insisted that he will neither retreat nor surrender.






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Donald Trump returns to his vicious primary self, and there's nothing the RNC can do to stop him

Trump: a wounded animal in the forest thrashing out at anything in his field of vision.

Self-centered. Selfish. Childish. I hope Trump supporters are feeling proud of their chosen leader of the free world. :crying:



“Donald Trump is like a wounded animal in the forest just thrashing out at anything in his field of vision. He’s unhinged,” said Ryan Williams, a former spokesman for 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

He added: “Any loyalty to the party he may have had is gone. He’s never really been a team player. It’s clear he does not care about the Republican party or anyone else who is running on the ballot this year. This is all about Donald Trump.”


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Of Trump and men.


And of the 2016 Great Republican Train Wreck...



“As Donald Trump’s campaign unravels, the Republican National Committee has gone dark — failing to give GOP vendors guidance on whether to keep working for the nominee or to move resources into down-ballot races, and not even returning calls from party members ahead of a critical late-afternoon meeting about the way forward,” Politico reports.





The Lid: “But here’s another wrinkle that further complicates that bleak picture for the GOP: Despite the fact that Trump is now losing by double digits, fully two-thirds of Republicans say that others in their party should stick with the nominee. Just nine percent say that downballot Republicans should renounce their support of Trump, and 14 percent say they should call on Trump to quit. That’s a very, very tough place for Republicans to be right now.


So if downballot Republicans separate from Trump, Republican voters are likely to punish 'em. If downballot Republicans (House and Senate) don't separate from Trump, ordinary sensible voters will punish 'em.





“It is not acceptable to ask a moral, dignified man to cast his vote to help elect an immoral man who is absent decency or dignity. If the consequence of standing against Trump and for principles is indeed the election of Hillary Clinton, so be it. At least it is a moral, ethical choice.”

— Glenn Beck, in a Facebook post.




With Donald Trump’s campaign in a historic free-fall, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus declared that the party is standing behind its presidential nominee, Politico reports.


Said Priebus: “Everything is on course. I want you to understand that.”




“It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.”

— Donald Trump, on Twitter.




NBC News: “The recent defections from Trump amount to an unprecedented rejection of a nominee by their own party, but it was only the first volley in the GOP’s civil war. Trump and his supporters are now returning fire themselves by lashing out at defectors, promising political retribution, and finding new targets for his base’s rage as election day nears.”

Meanwhile, Trump tweets: “Despite winning the second debate in a landslide, it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!”



Trump now has as his only interest destroying everything he can that lies before him from the present through to November 8th....


The Atlantic: “Herein lies the most potentially devastating effect of Trump’s florid and public propulsion of a ‘rigged system.’ His corps of challengers may very well sow chaos on election day.”


“Public trust, however—the core of our social compact—is not a matter of legislation: It is a terrible thing to lose, and a difficult thing to regain. And Trump has lately determined that his survival may be contingent on its erosion; the last three days, after all, have shown the country how much he’s prepared to risk. It’s a dangerous play for the candidate, but unquestionably, a far more hazardous one for democracy.”



Trump is an ignoramus but he's more than that. He is a widlman negative and entirely destructive menace. Trump never was anything but. On election day it will be excellent to see the voters give the bum's rush to Trump and his whole bunch.

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22 hours ago, Merzik said:

Ryan is an open-borders, crony-capitalist, ENDLESS WAR  NeoCon. These globalist republicans against Trump such as Ryan and McCain were never with really with him in the first place and are natural allies of the clintons anyway. They are financed from the same lobbies. Trump is bringing back working class Americans and independents to the Republican Party as these NeoCon rats scurry away.

"Donald Trump has called for historic tax relief for the rich, which would likely add trillions of dollars to the national debt. Hillary Clinton would ask the wealthy to pay much more than they do now, and she would use the money mostly to lessen the burden on middle-class families with small children.

A pair of new analyses published Tuesday afternoon by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center emphasize the extreme contrasts between the two candidates when it comes to taxes."


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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

"The Trump campaign knows they are going to lose and are consolidating his base to create a lucrative post-election anti-Hillary organization," Tyler said. "That same organization will blame the establishment for the loss and attempt to take over the GOP from the RNC (Republican National Committee) down."


Poor Donald really has got his knickers in a twist over the GOP boys disowning him and he has been tweeting like a maniac spitting blood.  Funny though!


Trump gets tens of thousands at packed stadiums for his rallies. Hilliary gets hundreds and can not fill small high school auditoriums ( but does much better with wealthy donor rallies ) . Every social media site have Trump getting far more support. Trump and his VP have won every debate . The last one by a wide margin. Only massive voter and election fraud will secure a victory for Goldman Sach's corrupt chosen candidate Hillary Clinton.

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4 minutes ago, Merzik said:

Trump gets tens of thousands at packed stadiums for his rallies. Hilliary gets hundereds and can not fill small high school auditoriums ( but does much better with wealthy donor rallies ) . Trump and his VP have won every debate . The last one by a wide margin. Only massive voter and election fraud will secure a victory for Goldman Sach's corrupt chosen candidate Hillary Clinton.

Thanks for the morning laugher.....5555

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:

As a few posters have dared to predict this, it's now time to talk about it. The Democrats running the table. White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. The Trifecta. The Triple Crown. It now is in the discussion among political commentators as the White house is certainly lost for the GOP, and with Trump waging war on the GOP as well as Clinton, more Republicans are in danger of losing their seats.


There will be lots more written about this, and it's going to be interesting to see the Vegas odds develop on this. 


Will be interesting to see if the democrats get the trifecta (never gonna happen). Blows my mind that anyone would want this. 

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Will be interesting to see if the democrats get the trifecta (never gonna happen). Blows my mind that anyone would want this. 


I would never, ever want this under normal conditions. But, the GOP is horribly crippled, ineffective to lead, and needs to be completely rebuilt. In times like this, I hope the Dems don't abuse this time, and act wisely. We may see two parties emerge from this instead of the one GOP.

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48 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Donald Trump has called for historic tax relief for the rich, which would likely add trillions of dollars to the national debt. Hillary Clinton would ask the wealthy to pay much more than they do now, and she would use the money mostly to lessen the burden on middle-class families with small children.

A pair of new analyses published Tuesday afternoon by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center emphasize the extreme contrasts between the two candidates when it comes to taxes."




From the Wall Street Journal :


"The Partisan Tax Policy Center


The media’s favorite tax policy shop uses outdated economic models to serve Democratic political ends...."




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6 minutes ago, Merzik said:



From the Wall Street Journal :


"The Partisan Tax Policy Center


The media’s favorite tax policy shop uses outdated economic models to serve Democratic political ends...."





Haha. What you neglected to mention or didn't bother to know because you didn't read that article is that that was an opinion piece written in the Commentary section. If you bother to scroll farther down the page, you will see interesting comments by other economists and scholars, many of whom agree and disagree with the premise of the authors.



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22 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


I would never, ever want this under normal conditions. But, the GOP is horribly crippled, ineffective to lead, and needs to be completely rebuilt. In times like this, I hope the Dems don't abuse this time, and act wisely. We may see two parties emerge from this instead of the one GOP.


The best thing any american can hope for if "Hill" get in the white house is 4 more years of Obama and even that is a pathetic view. 

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10 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Haha. What you neglected to mention or didn't bother to know because you didn't read that article is that that was an opinion piece written in the Commentary section. If you bother to scroll farther down the page, you will see interesting comments by other economists and scholars, many of whom agree and disagree with the premise of the authors.




Of course there are economists who both agree and disagree with the article. The point is that your Tax Policy Center is not seen as being non-partisan: it is liberal .


Tax cuts worked for JFK and Reagan. They will work under Trump too. Without the Democratic / Neo Con republican ENDLESS war policy...we can afford to cut spending as well. 

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3 hours ago, Merzik said:

Harry Truman ...another corrupt Democrat with close ties to organized crime. Part of the Pendegast mafia machine. When the convicted mafia boss Pendergast was buried good old Harry was right there at his funeral telling the shocked press he was indeed a loyal friend. Typical liberal. Arrogant, corrupt and above the law. Nothing has changed.


Given your knowledge of President Harry Truman comes in a large part, if not entirely from a Hollywood movie, you'd need to be advised that "Give 'em hell Harry" was never a part of the Pendegast machine. It left Pendergast frustrated and exploited besides as Truman rode it to political success right into the White House.


Bush v Gore in 2000 was in contrast an inside job at the Supreme Court by the Bush Family Mafia and the Republican Party, led by the Republican justices who gave themselves two votes in that election fiasco. 


Now Trump wants to invalidate this election as "rigged." As Trump and his inside cabal from Breitbart and Fox increasingly recognise they have already lost (barring Putin giving Trump a nuke -- unreported by Wikileaks of course), Trump is determined to lay waste to the USA political and electoral system. Trump has already created his personal mob of millions with pitchforks that, in this not a Hollywood production will fall in behind the Frankenstein monster rather than attack him.


Frankenstein is now officially unshackled. There are also the political lunatics on the right who are drooling their usual garbage about President Obama declaring an election national emergency to either extend his presidency or to appoint Clinton the new Potus. These are the madhouse cranks and crackpots you defend, espouse, advocate, so you are self-defined in this instance by the company you keep.


Youse guyz over there will go into your electoral black hole without the vast majority of us who are holding the political-cultural center against you. Be happy in your bunker with the ReBirthers because you're working now on trying to assert there will be yet another of your illegitimate presidents produced by a Constitutional system you see as invalid, corrupt, anti-democratic and know nothing of. 


Rightwhingenoids by the tens of millions over there. So, advise us of what you'll be doing at the polling stations on election day along with the other Trump anarchists, nihilists, paranoids.

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Tax cuts for the rich, along with the failed 'trickle down theory' is, for poor people, like huddling under the part of the boardwalk where men take a piss. And pee isn't a good substitute for shampoo.


a quote from one of Publicus' posts: "So if downballot Republicans separate from Trump, Republican voters are likely to punish 'em. If downballot Republicans (House and Senate) don't separate from Trump, ordinary sensible voters will punish 'em. "


Boomer responds: Sorry folks, but I can't help but relish watching the Republicans tear themselves to shreds.  They've been steering the US toward the abyss for many years.  They deserve every bit of misery they suffer now and in the near future.


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32 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Given your knowledge of President Harry Truman comes in a large part, if not entirely from a Hollywood movie, you'd need to be advised that "Give 'em hell Harry" was never a part of the Pendegast machine. It left Pendergast frustrated and exploited besides as Truman rode it to political success right into the White House.


Bush v Gore in 2000 was in contrast an inside job at the Supreme Court by the Bush Family Mafia and the Republican Party, led by the Republican justices who gave themselves two votes in that election fiasco. 


Now Trump wants to invalidate this election as "rigged." As Trump and his inside cabal from Breitbart and Fox increasingly recognise they have already lost (barring Putin giving Trump a nuke -- unreported by Wikileaks of course), Trump is determined to lay waste to the USA political and electoral system. Trump has already created his personal mob of millions with pitchforks that, in this not a Hollywood production will fall in behind the Frankenstein monster rather than attack him.


Frankenstein is now officially unshackled. There are also the political lunatics on the right who are drooling their usual garbage about President Obama declaring an election national emergency to either extend his presidency or to appoint Clinton the new Potus. These are the madhouse cranks and crackpots you defend, espouse, advocate, so you are self-defined in this instance by the company you keep.


Youse guyz over there will go into your electoral black hole without the vast majority of us who are holding the political-cultural center against you. Be happy in your bunker with the ReBirthers because you're working now on trying to assert there will be yet another of your illegitimate presidents produced by a Constitutional system you see as invalid, corrupt, anti-democratic and know nothing of. 


Rightwhingenoids by the tens of millions over there. So, advise us of what you'll be doing at the polling stations on election day along with the other Trump anarchists, nihilists, paranoids.


This may sadden you...but we agree about the Bush Crime Family. ?


Per Truman....never saw the Hollywood movie. This quote is from a website that focuses on organized crime :


"In 1945, Vice President Truman shocked many when, a few days after being sworn in and a few weeks before Truman succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as President, he attended the Pendergast funeral. Truman was reportedly the only elected official who attended the funeral. Truman brushed aside the criticism, saying simply, "He was always my friend and I have always been his." 



"...In the 1924 GOP landslide he was defeated for reelection, but in 1926 he was returned to office as presiding judge of the court, the duties of which also involved administrative supervision of many county expenditures, including $60 million for public works; Truman put only Democrats from the Pendergast machine on the county payroll.[3] In 1924, Truman paid $10 (equivalent to more than $120 today) as a membership fee to join theKu Klux Klan, but withdrew when he learned that Pendergast, a Catholic, would not support anyone who belonged to an anti-Catholic organization;[4] the Klan then campaigned against Truman.

In 1933, with one call to Washington, Pendergast got the director of the federal reemployment service in Missouri fired, and his job given to Truman.[5] In 1934, Pendergast tapped Truman to run for Senate. In the 1995 biopic Truman, writer Thomas Rickman portrays the dialogue:

Boss Tom Prendergast: I've got a job for you.

Harry S. Truman: Well, that's mighty nice of you. What's the job, dog-catcher?

Boss Tom Prendergast: How would you like to run for Congress?

Harry S. Truman: Well, Jesus Christ and General Jackson. The answer's yes.[6]..."


What nice company he had. Pendergast is only part of the story as well.

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Who in Trump's organization is getting memos directly from Russia?  An obscure Russian paper called 'Sputnik' published an incorrect bit of info that smears HRC. Sputnik later retracted it as being inaccurate, but not before Trump got the memo and read it at recent rallies, where he's whipping his Mussoliniesque followers into a hate-filled mob.  



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4 hours ago, Merzik said:

Harry Truman ...another corrupt Democrat with close ties to organized crime. Part of the Pendegast mafia machine. When the convicted mafia boss Pendergast was buried good old Harry was right there at his funeral telling the shocked press he was indeed a loyal friend. Typical liberal. Arrogant, corrupt and above the law. Nothing has changed.


and, and, the moon landings never happened. Kennedy was killed by the military industrial complex, 911 was an inside job and Elvis is still alive.

Tell it like it is Merzik!


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I am the one and probably the only supporter of the "None of the Above" ammendment to the U.S .constitution.

The None of The Above ammendment would mean that on every Federal Ballot there was a choice you could vote for when you didn't like any of the other candidates.

That choice would be None of the Above.

If a majority of the voters voted for None of the Above, then by law,, that election would be decclared null and void, and a re-election contest would be required within 180 days.

In the case of the 2016 presidential election, if you can't stand Tump, and you don't  trust Hillary, you could vote None of the Above.

if that were posible in 2016, None of the Above would be the clear winner by a large majority.

But of course that is to logical and obvious to ever become law in the U.S.

None of the Above.

And for you Brits, just think what the Brexit referendum would have been like if you had been able to vote None of the Above also.





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Just now, Merzik said:


This may sadden you...but we agree about the Bush Crime Family. ?


Per Truman....never saw the Hollywood movie. This quote is from a website that focuses on organized crime :


"In 1945, Vice President Truman shocked many when, a few days after being sworn in and a few weeks before Truman succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as President, he attended the Pendergast funeral. Truman was reportedly the only elected official who attended the funeral. Truman brushed aside the criticism, saying simply, "He was always my friend and I have always been his." 


What nice company he had. Pendergast is only part of the story as well.


We did the Pendergast thingy already. Not only are you failing to keep up, you're regressing while the postings move forward.


So and again, advise us of what you and the tens of millions of Trump anarchists, nihilists, paranoids with pitchforks will be doing at the polling stations on election day Tuesday, November 8th.


And kindly advise the rest of us whether the Frankenstein monster and his tens of millions of  2nd Amendment deputies will allow the election to go forward under the laws of the nation in accordance with the Constitution, i.e., without hindrance, absent intimidation, free of obstruction. Or will youse be armed with your fringe beliefs.


Further, do advise us whether you might think the election is rigged or whether it is going to be valid, and whether youse over there can legitimately and peacefully accept its legitimate outcome. After all, Trump wanting to 'lock her up" and saying on the debate stage he'd put her in jail has already demonstrated beyond a doubt he is qualified to be president -- of Russia.


We can wait...

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14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


and, and, the moon landings never happened. Kennedy was killed by the military industrial complex, 911 was an inside job and Elvis is still alive.

Tell it like it is Merzik!


Some crazy conspiracy theories out there no doubt. Yet walk into any courtroom and you will discover criminals do conspire ...including those in government. 







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5 minutes ago, Publicus said:

And kindly advise the rest of us whether the Frankenstein monster and his tens of millions of  2nd Amendment deputies will allow the election to go forward under the laws of the nation in accordance with the Constitution, i.e., without hindrance, absent intimidation, free of obstruction. Or will youse be armed with your fringe beliefs.


For me, this seems to be a major concern. Will Trump followers heed the call of Trump's Dog Whistle to make sure they "police" the voters to make sure there is no "cheating"? What will this mean to the average Trump follower? How will they define "cheating"? And what methods will they employ to prevent it during election day?


Will we see violence between Trump followers and other voters during the election? If this causes polling disruptions, how will this affect the election outcome? If people see this violence, decide not to risk harm to vote and stay away this could be a major factor in the outcome. Could this be a way for Trump to influence the election indirectly?

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20 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


and, and, the moon landings never happened. Kennedy was killed by the military industrial complex, 911 was an inside job and Elvis is still alive.

Tell it like it is Merzik!



Yea, this guy Merzik and other loonie Trump supporters are exactly the paying customers that the alt-right media is looking for.  When Trump loses this election, he and his buddies Bannon and Ailes will start a Trump TV network, profiting richly from the crazies.




This is something that Trump has been immensely successful with all his business life, taking advantage of the less fortunate and gullible.

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16 minutes ago, Publicus said:


We did the Pendergast thingy already. Not only are you failing to keep up, you're regressing while the postings move forward.


So and again, advise us of what you and the tens of millions of Trump anarchists, nihilists, paranoids with pitchforks will be doing at the polling stations on election day Tuesday, November 8th.


And kindly advise the rest of us whether the Frankenstein monster and his tens of millions of  2nd Amendment deputies will allow the election to go forward under the laws of the nation in accordance with the Constitution, i.e., without hindrance, absent intimidation, free of obstruction. Or will youse be armed with your fringe beliefs.


Further, do advise us whether you might think the election is rigged or whether it is going to be valid, and whether youse over there can legitimately and peacefully accept its legitimate outcome. After all, Trump wanting to 'lock her up" and saying on the debate stage he'd put her in jail has already demonstrated beyond a doubt he is qualified to be president -- of Russia.


We can wait...


Yes we covered the Pendergast story and I showed you Trueman was closely tied to him and his machine... and not based on some Hollywood movie.


I can not keep up with everything on this thread because it is about 6 to 1 now. ?


I expect Clinton to do what wikileaks and Bernie Sanders people know she did against him...CHEAT. Will I be picking up a gun and shooting people or any other violence ? Hell no !! I think there will be a peaceful pushback to any widespread election fraud however. 

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The GOP deserves everything it gets.

They very foolishly got seduced by the early numbers that were supporting Trump, and they thought he would bring them over the line.

It shows how morally bankrupt they are. They will take anyone, absolutely any ignoramus they think will get votes, no matter what the quality/policies if the person.


But Trump is just a crass, offensive idiot. Anyone could see this coming. Given enough rope (time) he hangs himself.


He cant shut his mouth. He cant even think to save himself from putting his foot in mouth.


The idiot thinks any publicity is good publicity but i really think America is sick to death of hearing the name Trump.

I am predicting the biggest election sweep in history.

The GOP wont be able to salvage the senate.


Sad for America, Hilliary will stack the senate and have complete power, which is what they wanted all along.

WW3 coming up.

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11 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I am the one and probably the only supporter of the "None of the Above" ammendment to the U.S .constitution.

The None of The Above ammendment would mean that on every Federal Ballot there was a choice you could vote for when you didn't like any of the other candidates.

That choice would be None of the Above.

If a majority of the voters voted for None of the Above, then by law,, that election would be decclared null and void, and a re-election contest would be required within 180 days.

In the case of the 2016 presidential election, if you can't stand Tump, and you don't  trust Hillary, you could vote None of the Above.

if that were posible in 2016, None of the Above would be the clear winner by a large majority.

But of course that is to logical and obvious to ever become law in the U.S.

None of the Above.

And for you Brits, just think what the Brexit referendum would have been like if you had been able to vote None of the Above also.






None of the above makes any sense.


To begin with, there isn't any such thingy as a Federal Ballot. Each of the 50 states runs its own election, typically conducted by the secretary of the state which is almost always an elected position under a state constitution.


The state (each state) has its own ballot qualifications for every office, to include president and vice president. This includes for the U.S. Senate and for the U.S. House of Representatives. The state even prints up its own ballot which consequently vary from state to state, from paper to electromagnetic machine to electronic machine (mostly now electronic).


Whomever is proposing a Constitutional amendment to a "federal ballot" would need to return to 7th grade civics class to get the lowdown on elections in the United States. For instance, the state is the basic unit of government in the United States. It was the states in a convention that wrote the Constitution that created the federal government in Washington.


Each governor signs off on the election results for U.S. Senate in the state and for the U.S. House in order to certify the person elected to Congress as the duly elected representative of the state to Washington and so that the person can be sworn in there. Absent the governor's signature, there aren't any Senators or House members to meet in Washington. The office of governor is superior to the office of Senator or House member. The governor is God of his/her state, period. (Which is why the governor is elected as the local God and has to deal with the elected legislature and the state's judiciary, not to mention press/media.)


The states meeting in a Constitutional Convention could at any time dissolve the U.S. Government simply by meeting and voting to do it. Don't hold your breath on that one either however.


Not long ago a referendum in California defeated a NOTA inclusion on its ballot, 64% against, 34% for. Actual voters do not like the idea. Nevada is the only state to have NOTA so several times NOTA won the local election. However, the Nevada NOTA law requires that the candidate that gets the most votes is declared the winner. Nobody wants a re-vote at a later date (So I'm with NWAR-VAALD).


USA anyway does not need yet another Potus election 180 days after a highly improbable NOTA victory. What says NOTA wouldn't win again in a re-vote which would mean the Chief Justice of Scotus would be hard pressed to swear in as Potus your hero None of the Above.


The existing alternatives of leaving the ballot section blank or just not showing up says all anyone needs to know about a given election -- to include all of 'em. So the NOTA notion and proposal is silly nonsense.


Thanks but no thanks.

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5 hours ago, Strange said:


Will be interesting to see if the democrats get the trifecta (never gonna happen). Blows my mind that anyone would want this. 


The US Government has in effect become a parliamentary system, i.e., the only way to accomplish a budget, legislation, nominees to the judiciary and to the executive branch etc is to have the chief executive and the national legislators be of the same party. Either party.


The system of checks and balances has been made moot by the Republican party of no in its opposition to President Obama. It would be more of the same with a Potus Hillary Clinton.


In the registration of voters between the two parties, Democrats are something like +10% at this point over registered Republicans. Democrats will drive the election of HRC as Potus. Further, we know the only way a Potus HRC could get anything done is to have her own party in control of the Congress. It is the new reality in Washington.


This is the new bottom line. Get ready for it.

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53 minutes ago, Merzik said:


Yes we covered the Pendergast story and I showed you Trueman was closely tied to him and his machine... and not based on some Hollywood movie.


I can not keep up with everything on this thread because it is about 6 to 1 now. ?


I expect Clinton to do what wikileaks and Bernie Sanders people know she did against him...CHEAT. Will I be picking up a gun and shooting people or any other violence ? Hell no !! I think there will be a peaceful pushback to any widespread election fraud however. 


Voter fraud is a non-issue.


The total number of cases is in the order of the low 1000's across the entire US in each election, and has a near zero change of affecting election outcomes, at least at the federal level. Moreover, most of the voter fraud is with absentee/mail-in ballots, not in-person voting, so the patrol of the voting stations won't prevent the very limited voter fraud that does exist. Even FOX news had to admit it really wasn't a problem after trying to tout it up:



The Brennan Center for Justice, considered the nation's leading election system monitoring group, issued a 2007 report on the problem. It said "these cases are extremely rare, in part because the penalty (criminal prosecution) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal. It is far more common, however, to see allegations of epidemic double-voting that are unfounded. Such claims are usually premised on matching lists of voters from one place to another, but upon closer inspection, the match process shows error.”

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/09/12/double-voting-even-triple-voting-found-in-us-elections.html


But then again, we are in the post-fact era, so go ahead an carry on and continue to feel that voter fraud is a problem.

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