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US election: Obama urges Republicans to shun Trump


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Sounds like OB is resonating in Ohio which he won twice.


+ 18 Electoral College Votes in Ohio.


New Ohio poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 9 points after news of Trump's vulgar talk


CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 9-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in Ohio following the news of Trump's vulgar talk about women and after the second debate between the candidates, according to a statewide poll released today by Baldwin Wallace University in Berea.

Clinton leads Trump, 48 percent to 38 percent, with 14 percent unsure, in a direct match-up, the poll found.

When the two minority party candidates are added to the mix – as they are on state ballots --  Clinton leads by 9 percent, 43 percent to 34 percent.



Ohioans are middle America. They get repulsed by garbage mouths. Given the choice, Ohio voters choose the pants suit.


There's more this day...


October 12, 2016


Poll: Trump, Clinton tied in Utah with McMullin just behind


Donald Trump is in danger in deep-red Utah, with independent presidential candidate Evan McMullen taking a huge chunk of support, a new poll finds.


Hillary Clinton and Trump are tied at 26 percent support each in the state, with at 22 percent and Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at 14 percent, according to  poll published Tuesday by Deseret News.




Now it's Arizona and Georgia, solid red states.


Donald J. Trump’s intensifying battle with his own party is tearing open the nation’s political map, pulling Republicans across the country into a self-destructive feud that could imperil dozens of lawmakers in Congress and potentially throw conservative-leaning states intoHillary Clinton’s column.


Democrats are moving swiftly to exploit Mr. Trump’s crumbling position in the presidential race, aiming to run up a big margin of victory for Mrs. Clinton and extend their political advantage into the congressional elections next month.


Mrs. Clinton’s campaign has concluded that at least two traditionally Republican states, Georgia and Arizona, are realistic targets for her campaign to win over. And Republican polling has found that Mr. Trump is at dire risk of losing Georgia, according to people briefed on the polls, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.




Actually, Bill and Hillary won Arizona in 1996 which was the first time AZ voted Democrat for Potus since Harry Truman in 1948. Yes, 1948. Bill and Hillary.




HRC goes to Colorado today where she has a 14-point lead specifically to cuss out Republicans there who haven't separated from Trump. So, the school marm is headed for the saloon to clear the place out. More such visits to other states are on the cards...

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5 minutes ago, Jools said:

The fact that Trump is even in the running is a national disgrace. Lately, I tell people that I am Canadian.:sad:

I got into a conflict with a foreigner on a baht bus recently. We had words. He was probably in the right. He heard my American accent. I imagined him thinking ... no wonder, probably another white racist for trump. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I got into a conflict with a foreigner on a baht bus recently. We had words. He was probably in the right. He heard my American accent. I imagined him thinking ... no wonder, probably another white racist for trump. 


Was in CCP China during their 7-day national holiday that began October 1st celebrating the 67th anniversary of the People's Republic.


Spent several days separately with two groups of mostly young Chinese friends from the years I'd been in the South there, Ye Olde Canton. (Everything wuz on their tab so no complaints in this post!  :thumbsup: Chinese yuppies in their Beemers, a 300,000 rmb Buick Encore my 28-year old host drives, and even a Benz -- Buick is a big selling yuppie car in China.)


In each bunch some of 'em leaned forward over the humongous and scrumptious food to say to me softly, in English,  "Trump -- he's crazy." The concerned faces were an open book. (One group included several rising young stars at AIG China who want only peace and prosperity.)


I advised 'em what, me worry -- that Hillary Clinton will win and be the next Potus. That they can take it to the bank (just not a CCP Chinese one but I didn't say that -- but they well know my views, and I know theirs, which aren't really far apart).


Still, it was a challenge to say how Trump got to where he is, i.e., Republican Party nominee for Potus. I told 'em it was difficult and even bizarre for many Americans to figure.


Several of 'em said they thought it to be a problem of democracy, pointing out Brexit where notoriously some voted no then after the wild result said they didn't really mean no. CPP plays up the absurdity of both the confused Brexit 'no' voters and Trump voters in USA.


So I did what I always do to in a pinch in China -- I mentioned former CCP President Jiang Zemen, the 90 year old who's still kicking up a storm against all of Deng Xiao Peng's reforms, and against any and all potential political reform. Jiang continues to bedevil Xi Jinping same has he'd undercut Xi's predecessor and ally, the hapless Hu Jintao.


I advised my Chinese friends Jiang is their cross between Trump and GW Bush,  which they well know to be the case. To Chinese under 30 Jiang smells of sulphur as does GW. To most Chinese, Jiang is Satan himself so I always keep the Jiang card up my sleeve in such discussions. 


So there's a new composite figure stalking the USA and CCP China these dayze: Donald George Jiang Zemin Trump-Bush. On that my Chinese friends and I heartily agree.


Hillary? She scares 'em. No question of it. Hillary scares 'em all, from the tigers to the flies. And to the yuppies in between. They know HRC means business over there.

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9 hours ago, TGIR said:

So with Obama out campaigning for Clinton every day who is running the country??



As long as it's not him, that's actually a blessing.  I imagine there are plenty of Clinton staffers wishing he'd stop "helping", but we're better off with him campaigning or playing golf.

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Referencing some republicans that get it.

trump is running to be DICTATOR, not president.




For John Yoo, the conservative legal scholar and former Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, Trump “reminds me a lot of early Mussolini. . . . Very, disturbingly similar.”

The populist candidacy that upended the GOP order and has torn through many of the norms of American politics is now raising a concern among critics in both parties: that Trump is, in effect, running to be a strongman with dictatorial powers.




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10 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Republicans need to become the party of "more free stuff" than the democrats to ever hold the presidency because a majority of the voters are now on or want to be on the democratic dole and will never vote against their best interest. The national debt is absurd and I really don't care anymore because they won't be getting the lions share of the needed revenue from me.


Probably just as many Republicans as Democrats getting government handouts.   If you look at in terms of overall dollar amounts, rich folks are getting more handouts (grants/bailouts/tax loopholes/deferments/subsidies, PIK, etc) than all the poor combined. Most of the rich folks are Republicans, so go figure.  


Trump, alone, probably gets more hand-outs and deferments than any group of a million poor people.  Let's see his tax statements from the past 5 years.

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Trump is organising poll "watchers" for Election Day Tuesday, November 8th.


Sounds like armed private militias to me. Probably starting with concealed carry in the states that permit this in their laws.


Trump continues to rant about putting his political opposition in jail. Which qualifies him to be president of Russia, not the President of the United States. The Republican Party is also becoming an appendage of Vladimir Putin given so many Republicans like Putin as the strongman dictator that he is.


Strongman dictator.


Donald Trump is stepping up warnings about “rigged” elections as he trails in polls and faces a mutiny in his own party, the Wall Street Journal reports.


“Mr. Trump’s campaign is centered on an antiestablishment message skeptical of a range of polling, the media, even his own political party. Interviews with Trump supporters in Florida suggest his message is getting through… At rallies and through social media, the Trump campaign is recruiting poll watchers.”



Trump is setting up to reject the election and its outcome. This is indeed how fascism comes to America.

Edited by Publicus
Correct formatting.
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1 hour ago, ragpicker said:



I read this as an endorsement for Trump.  Anything coming out of this clown's (Obummer) mouth only helps Trump. 

Sure thing, dude. Obama is massively more popular than trump OR Hillary. His name is Obama. Obama, SIR to you. 

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22 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Obama hypocrite with his buddy Jay-Z and his 'pussy' song. Including bitch Beyoncé.

And since when do republicans listen to or take orders from democrats.

It cannot get any weirder can it?



This post is evidence it can.


bitch Beyonce? Yikes. And then the usual suspects all like the post.


Oh yeah, it can. 



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12 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

As long as it's not him, that's actually a blessing.  I imagine there are plenty of Clinton staffers wishing he'd stop "helping", but we're better off with him campaigning or playing golf.


President Obama is very popular and a big asset to HRC. 


You'll see. Very soon, now. 

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I got into a conflict with a foreigner on a baht bus recently. We had words. He was probably in the right. He heard my American accent. I imagined him thinking ... no wonder, probably another white racist for trump. 

Maybe he just didnt like you.

Amazing how a person could be so delusional to think a person disliking them on a Baht bus represented a dislike of Trump.

Perhaps he was upset that your ego was taking all the seats

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Fox News Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 7 points


"Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has increased to seven points, as more than half of voters say he is not qualified to be president."

"That’s according to a just-released national Fox News Poll of likely voters." 

"In the two-way matchup, it’s Clinton over Trump by eight (49-41 percent).  She had a four-point edge a week ago (48-44 percent, Oct. 3-6)."


Downward Spiral.


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20 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


Maybe he just didnt like you.

Amazing how a person could be so delusional to think a person disliking them on a Baht bus represented a dislike of Trump.

Perhaps he was upset that your ego was taking all the seats

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Since you weren't there why don't you take a seat.


Then you'd be welcome to get off at the next stop.


No charge.

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