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All in a day’s work: Putin accuses US, UK and France of provoking ‘Russophobia’


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All in a day’s work: Putin accuses US, UK and France of provoking ‘Russophobia’




MOSCOW: -- Vladimir Putin has accused Paris of knowingly luring Moscow into vetoing a UN Security Council resolution drafted by France. It called for an end to air strikes over Aleppo. Russia has refuted claims it has deliberately targeted civilians in the city.


Putin’s accusation comes a day after he indefinitely postponed a trip to Paris amid mounting tensions between the two nations.


“Russia has been blamed for all deadly sins. No one talked to us, no one discussed anything with us and just threw that resolution into the UN Security Council obviously expecting our veto. Why was that? To worsen the situation and blow up the anti-Russian hysteria in the controlled media,” the president said.


Thames tirade


He didn’t stop there. On Wednesday (October 12), Putin launched a very similar tirade against British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a protest outside the Russian embassy in London, to condemn the bombings over Aleppo.


The president said Johnson was engaging in ‘Russophobic hysteria’ and labelled the outcry over Russian involvement in Syria ‘a storm in a teacup full of muddy London water.’


“Therefore, the frenzy that has gripped… Boris Johnson, who accuses Russia of committing every deadly sin, is a storm in a teacup full of muddy London water.”


Political point-scoring


He also accused the US presidential candidates of using Russia for political point-scoring and rejected allegations Moscow was involved in the alleged hacking of Democratic Party emails.


“Some hackers shed light on inappropriate behaviour by Hillary Clinton’s staff during the campaign. Then this hysteria started, claiming that it’s in Russia’s interests. There is nothing in Russia’s interests there! But the hysteria has been started just to distract the attention of the American people from the very sense of what’s been revealed by the hackers,” he said.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-13
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"No one talked to us, no one discussed anything with us and just threw that resolution into the UN Security Council obviously expecting our veto. Why was that? To worsen the situation and blow up the anti-Russian hysteria in the controlled media,” Putin said.


Ummmm, Secretary Kerry and others have been discussing these things (with your top diplomats) for many moons. Where you been, Vlad?  Out posing for shirtless photos on your pony named Trump?


And while you're at it, quite meddling in the US's election process.  You've got black soot on your nose from the backfiring.

Edited by boomerangutang
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No doubt that Russiaphobia is running hot in the mainstream media, also little doubt that most people have their limited view of the world handed to them by such. Russia certainly has its bad points but much of the Syrian and Ukraine reporting is complete BS. Not that Russian publications give an unbiased view either, but our media is off with fairies.


Read a comment on a blog that made me wonder though, he opined that Russia is being voluntarily setup purely as the controlled opposition. He noted that Russia still has a central bank controlled by the Western Banking Cartel, still subscribes to western controlled institutions like the UN, IMF, WB etc. Raising tensions with Russia benefits both the western and Russian arms industries by creating fear and costly rearmament.


Personally I prefer this outlook, as profit rather than nuclear war would obviously be the end game.

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8 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

america has about 650 foreign military bases, russia has about 10. who are the war mongers?


Hey now, if russia could have 650 foreign bases, you better believe they would be pushing for 800. Russia has 10 because Russia does not have the support that the US does. 


Like it or not, these are the facts. 

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


Hey now, if russia could have 650 foreign bases, you better believe they would be pushing for 800. Russia has 10 because Russia does not have the support that the US does. 


Like it or not, these are the facts. 

Some tend to forget the US foreign bases are there with the support of the country where they are located.  Not put there by force,  like Russian bases in Ukraine,  Georgia,  Moldova,  etc. Like in the Philippines,  if a country wants them out, they are gone.

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2 hours ago, Rancid said:

No doubt that Russiaphobia is running hot in the mainstream media, also little doubt that most people have their limited view of the world handed to them by such. Russia certainly has its bad points but much of the Syrian and Ukraine reporting is complete BS. Not that Russian publications give an unbiased view either, but our media is off with fairies.


Read a comment on a blog that made me wonder though, he opined that Russia is being voluntarily setup purely as the controlled opposition. He noted that Russia still has a central bank controlled by the Western Banking Cartel, still subscribes to western controlled institutions like the UN, IMF, WB etc. Raising tensions with Russia benefits both the western and Russian arms industries by creating fear and costly rearmament.


Personally I prefer this outlook, as profit rather than nuclear war would obviously be the end game.

Russia has made their own mess. Can't blame media reporting for that! LOL


Raising tensions helps nobody but Putin. That's how he keeps control of the masses. Been happening for years. Gotta make out the "West" to be the bad guy.


Just saw a Russian news report saying the US was sharpening up their nuclear missiles for Russia.  Talk about propaganda.  Unreal.


Impossible to believe what Putin says.  He's lied too many times now.

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9 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Russia has made their own mess. Can't blame media reporting for that! LOL


Raising tensions helps nobody but Putin. That's how he keeps control of the masses. Been happening for years. Gotta make out the "West" to be the bad guy.


Just saw a Russian news report saying the US was sharpening up their nuclear missiles for Russia.  Talk about propaganda.  Unreal.


Impossible to believe what Putin says.  He's lied too many times now.

"Raising tensions helps nobody but Putin. That's how he keeps control of the masses. Been happening for years. Gotta make out the "West" to be the bad guy."


Yes, that is all what this is about: domestic politics.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

"No one talked to us, no one discussed anything with us and just threw that resolution into the UN Security Council obviously expecting our veto. Why was that? To worsen the situation and blow up the anti-Russian hysteria in the controlled media,” Putin said.


Ummmm, Secretary Kerry and others have been discussing these things (with your top diplomats) for many moons. Where you been, Vlad?  Out posing for shirtless photos on your pony named Trump?


And while you're at it, quite meddling in the US's election process.  You've got black soot on your nose from the backfiring.


The West, led by the US want Assad out. Russia doesn't. No one gives a toss what the Syrians want or democracy per se.


The West wanted the democratically elected Ukraine leader out, and got him out. Russia reacted. 


Hilary's "people" have worked on fudging and distracting from her actions, which were illegal, and far from truth statements about emails, servers etc with FBI and establishment help. They were looking for someone to blame and Russia is again being set up as the bogeyman. Russia reacted.


Up to now Russia is in reactive mode. Hate to think they will decide to be proactive.


But anyone who thinks American and it's Western allies are all good, for freedom, justice and democracy whilst Russia is all bad is deluded and living in lala land.

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56 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Russia has made their own mess. Can't blame media reporting for that! LOL


Raising tensions helps nobody but Putin. That's how he keeps control of the masses. Been happening for years. Gotta make out the "West" to be the bad guy.


Just saw a Russian news report saying the US was sharpening up their nuclear missiles for Russia.  Talk about propaganda.  Unreal.


Impossible to believe what Putin says.  He's lied too many times now.


I don't disagree with what you say Craig, but to be fair Western leaders ain't exactly known for their truth, weapons of mass destruction and all that. The West has been known to try to remove, and on occasion succeed in removing,  democratically elected governments it considers unfavorable when it suits to.


Putin may well lie, but he's in good company.


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5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The West, led by the US want Assad out. Russia doesn't. No one gives a toss what the Syrians want or democracy per se.


The West wanted the democratically elected Ukraine leader out, and got him out. Russia reacted. 


Hilary's "people" have worked on fudging and distracting from her actions, which were illegal, and far from truth statements about emails, servers etc with FBI and establishment help. They were looking for someone to blame and Russia is again being set up as the bogeyman. Russia reacted.


Up to now Russia is in reactive mode. Hate to think they will decide to be proactive.


But anyone who thinks American and it's Western allies are all good, for freedom, justice and democracy whilst Russia is all bad is deluded and living in lala land.

"But anyone who thinks American and it's Western allies are all good, for freedom, justice and democracy whilst Russia is all bad is deluded and living in lala land."


Agree, but also the opposite applies: anyone who thinks Russia is  all good while America and it's Western allies are all bad is deluded and living in lala land.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Some tend to forget the US foreign bases are there with the support of the country where they are located.  Not put there by force,  like Russian bases in Ukraine,  Georgia,  Moldova,  etc. Like in the Philippines,  if a country wants them out, they are gone.

I think that was very true before China started to build up their armed forces.


Now I think the US needs the bases to balance the threat to trade created by China's developing position in Asia.


Most, if not all, military action is to support trade.  Russia's support for Syria is mainly about the oil trade .... and of course everyone wants their 'place in the sun'.

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Putin accuses US, UK and France of provoking ‘Russophobia’


I think there is one person, and only one person responsible for the heightened "Russianphobia"  ...Putin should take a look in a mirror if he really wants to know who to blame. 

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4 hours ago, stevenl said:

"Raising tensions helps nobody but Putin. That's how he keeps control of the masses. Been happening for years. Gotta make out the "West" to be the bad guy."


Yes, that is all what this is about: domestic politics.

probably right but americans seem to be bombarded by scaremongering in the media as well. keeps domestic spending up.

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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

"But anyone who thinks American and it's Western allies are all good, for freedom, justice and democracy whilst Russia is all bad is deluded and living in lala land."


Agree, but also the opposite applies: anyone who thinks Russia is  all good while America and it's Western allies are all bad is deluded and living in lala land.

My point exactly!

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


I don't disagree with what you say Craig, but to be fair Western leaders ain't exactly known for their truth, weapons of mass destruction and all that. The West has been known to try to remove, and on occasion succeed in removing,  democratically elected governments it considers unfavorable when it suits to.


Putin may well lie, but he's in good company.


100% agree! Just don't like some who say the West is bad and Russia is great.  Both have their issues. At least in the West,  we have freedom of the press. A great way to help counter lies from our government.

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I like to watch the news from both sides.

CNN, BBC and the likes for the Western side.

RT Int'l for the eastern side.

Having done that everyday since some years now, it obviously gives me more than a single perspective to base my opinion on what happens in the world.

Both versions certainly defer, but it's an interesting exercise to do, rather than simply swallow - and repeat - the information given by the western media without a second thought.

After some years of listening to both sources and both sides, I became kind of "anti west", and pro-Russia though...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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I like to watch the news from both sides.

CNN, BBC and the likes for the Western side.

RT Int'l for the eastern side.

Having done that everyday since some years now, it obviously gives me more than a single perspective to base my opinion on what happens in the world.

Both versions certainly defer, but it's an interesting exercise to do, rather than simply swallow - and repeat - the information given by the western media without a second thought.

After some years of listening to both sources and both sides, I became kind of "anti west", and pro-Russia though...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

And that is the exact purpose of RT.
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Right, in the OP, Putin has pointed out that Britain's Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has added to the anti-Russian hysteria by calling for protests outside the Russian embassy in London.

Now then, Britain's Opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn has said that protests outside the US embassy are just as valid as any protests outside the Russian embassy.

And indeed, I think Jeremy Corbyn is totally correct. Here's the link.

Here's a quote from the Guardian newspaper.  "Jeremy Corbyn believes Boris Johnson’s focus on halting Russian airstrikes in Syria “diverts attention” from other atrocities in the country, including those committed by the US-led coalition, a spokesman for the Labour leader has said. "

Civilians killed by the Russian airstrikes, civilians killed by other atrocities committed by the US-led coalition, they're both atrocities being committed.


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Polonium Putin is plying his wares in Syria because he's got a dog in the fight named Assad. Now Putin is working each day to put a lapdog in the White House.


No sale.


The Nato principal allies with France as pointman sandbagged Putin at the UN as just another event and all in a day's work. The chessmaster and strategic genius got blindsided. So he's got a case of a sore head up top and a newly reamed bottom.


Can't keep your eye on the ball, you get beaned. Hence the whining and the wailing.

Edited by Publicus
Revise text.
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They're not alone...


China has become the world's third largest exporter of arms after the US and Russia, according to a new report. China overtook Germany, France and the UK in exporting weapons between 2010 and 2014, said the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). -- google

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UK exports high tech military systems such as sophisticated radars and sonars; cybersystems. USA exports primarily high tech weapons systems, such as the THAAD antimissile platform, to Romania and South Korea focused on, respectively, Iran and North Korea.


France sells a lot of present generation fighter jets and ships to include submarines. Germany's most in demand military export is its awesome Leopard main battle tank, which is dominant in Nato ground forces and that keeps Russian generals awake nights.


Russia exports recent but not current generation fighter jets, missiles, submarines, nuclear plants such as in Iran. Both Russia and China export overwhelmingly small arms such as rifles, handguns, automatic weapons and the endless shiploads of small arms ammunition. Russia and China enable and sustain groups such as Boko Haram, ISIS, New People's Army and several dozen others of 'em.


Putin needs to plunge his toilet.

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22 hours ago, Familyonthemove said:
  23 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Some tend to forget the US foreign bases are there with the support of the country where they are located.  Not put there by force,  like Russian bases in Ukraine,  Georgia,  Moldova,  etc. Like in the Philippines,  if a country wants them out, they are gone.


Honestly Craig sometimes your post with blind support for American military policy are laughable, other times they are just an assault on peoples sensibilities . Please at least do 1 fact check before posing .


The Cubans for nearly 60 years have asked the USA to leave Guantanamo Bay Base.


The U.S. has used the argument of Cuban sovereignty when denying ... by indicating that federal jurisdiction doesn't apply to them.wikipedia


Nope--doesn't apply to them----just everybody else....................:coffee1:


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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:


Honestly Craig sometimes your post with blind support for American military policy are laughable, other times they are just an assault on peoples sensibilities . Please at least do 1 fact check before posing .


The Cubans for nearly 60 years have asked the USA to leave Guantanamo Bay Base.


The U.S. has used the argument of Cuban sovereignty when denying ... by indicating that federal jurisdiction doesn't apply to them.wikipedia



Nope--doesn't apply to them----just everybody else....................:coffee1:


LOL. I'm about as anti war as you can get! As for Cuba, I've got no respect for Castro. He's a terrible leader who's treated his people terribly.  I've been there several times and even have a friend who lives in Guantanamo. They love the US. The government does not.


If Cuba pays back the money they owe to US citizens,  then a discussion about this base would be ok. Until then,  they signed an open ended lease. P.S. you are aware of how this land was acquired during Cuba's fight for independence?

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