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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments


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5 minutes ago, Gonsalviz said:

Please, these are accusations that have never been proven at all, except the one locker room vid. Not  many men can say they haven't done the same.

The DNC is dragging all this up by paying women to lie. Not one has an acceptable accusation. The porn star?

The DNC got you to believe it though. That was the entire reason. Some people are just to lazy to research.


Discussing sexual assault is not locker room talk. Trump is recorded admitting to this. His own words. Nothing to do with the DNC.


The man is a sexual predator and his bragging about assaulting women has destroyed his candidacy.


I assume by research you mean open alt right websites.

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4 hours ago, Gonsalviz said:

Don not quote Snope's on anything political. They lean so far left I am amazed they haven't fallen over yet.

I did see the video. My observation is that it is fake except for the pose which is rather flaunting but given his narcissistic tendencies, it does not surprise me.

This nonsense about snopes.com probably was started by an email full of lies that circulated among the right wing.  In fact, snopes.com scrupulously debunks false things said about Conservatives.  

Anyway, here a link to a factcheck.org articles that addresses some of this nonsense:


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4 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Discussing sexual assault is not locker room talk. Trump is recorded admitting to this. His own words. Nothing to do with the DNC.


The man is a sexual predator and his bragging about assaulting women has destroyed his candidacy.


I assume by research you mean open alt right websites.

Are you a male, and if so, have you ever been in a "locker room" or similar? Have you ever listened to popular gangsta' rap? The stuff that gets talked about is probably worse than Trump's rather childish boasting. Just substitute any famous rock band member for Trump and they probably do all that and more with their groupies.


The only truthful thing you said there is that his candidacy may indeed have been destroyed ( by such hypocrisy as I have never seen before ). Not for nothing is it notable that  a majority of men support Trump and a majority of women oppose him. NB the numbers haven't changed for men's support because they all know what goes on in locker rooms.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you a male, and if so, have you ever been in a "locker room" or similar? Have you ever listened to popular gangsta' rap? The stuff that gets talked about is probably worse than Trump's rather childish boasting. Just substitute any famous rock band member for Trump and they probably do all that and more with their groupies.


The only truthful thing you said there is that his candidacy may indeed have been destroyed ( by such hypocrisy as I have never seen before ). Not for nothing is it notable that  a majority of men support Trump and a majority of women oppose him. NB the numbers haven't changed for men's support because they all know what goes on in locker rooms.


Do you often attempt to tell your Grandmother how to suck eggs?


One assumes you have experienced puberty. If so, then you will know that this kind of talk is not to be found in locker rooms that adults occupy. It may be found in the locker rooms of gyms attended by pretentious A Type personalities but in the many locker rooms that I have used during team sports among grown up men, it is not common at all.


In any case, the attempt to put lipstick on this pig by calling it 'locker room' talk is bogus. Trump was in the workplace. Trump was not bragging about sexual conquest or the size of his bits but talking about sexual assault. There is a difference that appreciated by women and by men who respect women.


If you are using numbers to try and brush off this distasteful and revealing incident of Trump's admission of sexual assault, then please provide them otherwise you are just pissing in the wind. Please Trump continue to talk about this. Every time you do, your numbers plummet and you reinforce that you do not have the temperament and discipline to be President.

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10 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Do you often attempt to tell your Grandmother how to suck eggs?


One assumes you have experienced puberty. If so, then you will know that this kind of talk is not to be found in locker rooms that adults occupy. It may be found in the locker rooms of gyms attended by pretentious A Type personalities but in the many locker rooms that I have used during team sports among grown up men, it is not common at all.


In any case, the attempt to put lipstick on this pig by calling it 'locker room' talk is bogus. Trump was in the workplace. Trump was not bragging about sexual conquest or the size of his bits but talking about sexual assault. There is a difference that appreciated by women and by men who respect women.


If you are using numbers to try and brush off this distasteful and revealing incident of Trump's admission of sexual assault, then please provide them otherwise you are just pissing in the wind. Please Trump continue to talk about this. Every time you do, your numbers plummet and you reinforce that you do not have the temperament and discipline to be President.

If you are using numbers ..................., then please provide them


It showed a massive gender split, with Clinton trailing Trump by 11 percentage points among men.


Every poll shows Trump well ahead of her with men. Guess your locker rooms are not typical by any means. Most men in the US obviously don't give a rat's bottom about his locker room banter.

At the moment she is ahead but nowhere near what she would be if men cared about what you find so offensive.

It must drive luvvy libs crazy that she just can't get ahead of the terrible man more than a few points 12 days out from the election. Given by the desperation that Michelle was exhibiting in her speech, the greatest fear the Clinton machine have is that Dem voters won't bother to go out and do so, giving the election to Donald by default.

That would be ironic, if Donald won because her voters believed she is so far ahead that there was no need for them to do so. Like she said, 17 votes can be the difference.

Trumps voters will be voting for sure, as they want to put the nasty woman away for good.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you are using numbers ..................., then please provide them


It showed a massive gender split, with Clinton trailing Trump by 11 percentage points among men.


Every poll shows Trump well ahead of her with men. Guess your locker rooms are not typical by any means. Most men in the US obviously don't give a rat's bottom about his locker room banter.

At the moment she is ahead but nowhere near what she would be if men cared about what you find so offensive.

It must drive luvvy libs crazy that she just can't get ahead of the terrible man more than a few points 12 days out from the election. Given by the desperation that Michelle was exhibiting in her speech, the greatest fear the Clinton machine have is that Dem voters won't bother to go out and do so, giving the election to Donald by default.

That would be ironic, if Donald won because her voters believed she is so far ahead that there was no need for them to do so. Like she said, 17 votes can be the difference.

Trumps voters will be voting for sure, as they want to put the nasty woman away for good.


Thank you for the link and for also making my point for me.


There are not enough old white men to elect Trump as President. It doesn't matter if the old white men don't care about Trump's admissions of sexual assault. As Bill Maher pointed out, most of them are sitting at the bar feeling sorry about their dicks not working.


What matters is the vote from women, younger men and minorities. This is the last gasp of the old white men to defy the reality of demographics. It is time for a female President and there really isn't much that the old white men can do about it since they have invested their hopes in a buffoon. Welcome President Clinton and those who don't like it can stay on their beaches and remain irrelevant to the future.

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39 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Thank you for the link and for also making my point for me.


There are not enough old white men to elect Trump as President. It doesn't matter if the old white men don't care about Trump's admissions of sexual assault. As Bill Maher pointed out, most of them are sitting at the bar feeling sorry about their dicks not working.


What matters is the vote from women, younger men and minorities. This is the last gasp of the old white men to defy the reality of demographics. It is time for a female President and there really isn't much that the old white men can do about it since they have invested their hopes in a buffoon. Welcome President Clinton and those who don't like it can stay on their beaches and remain irrelevant to the future.


The polls that put Trump ahead with men don't differentiate on the basis of age or race. He is ahead with men and obviously most men don't care about what he said. That was my point. Only women are getting their knickers twisted about a bit of banter that most men engage in at some stage of their life. OK, so you and your friends don't say stuff like that, but you are in a minority.

If I thought Clinton wouldn't stuff my life up, I'd be happy to remain on a beach and be irrelevant, but she will, somehow.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you a male, and if so, have you ever been in a "locker room" or similar? Have you ever listened to popular gangsta' rap?

The stuff that gets talked about is probably worse than Trump's rather childish boasting.

Just substitute any famous rock band member for Trump and they probably do all that and more with their groupies.

NB the numbers haven't changed for men's support because they all know what goes on in locker rooms.



Rah rah rah, "Alpha Male".

Find a log to beat on. Ugh Ugh...



"Rock Stars", "Gangtas" "Groupies",  Presidential Candidates.?



In the same Ball Park?



A laugh a day from the Trumpeteers.


Oh yeah, in case you have missed some of my previous posts here,

the sloth, the lowly, boorish, crass pig that is the Bloviator Trump, spewed his adolescent,

cock waving, "locker room" gibberish while his current 3rd wife was 3 months pregnant.


You up for that?


Edited by iReason
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

People who are fed up with crooked hillarys corrupt, institutionalised politics don't care about these trumped up allegations.



That's right. HRC is soooooo bad that behavior that would in any past campaign instantly disqualify the person guilty of it is of no consequence to the anti Clintonites. That must say much as to how utterly appalling Clinton is to people that actually live in the US and are not part of the benefit class or the 1%.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's right. HRC is soooooo bad that behavior that would in any past campaign instantly disqualify the person guilty of it is of no consequence to the anti Clintonites. That must say much as to how utterly appalling Clinton is to people that actually live in the US and are not part of the benefit class or the 1%.

She sure is lucky to have Donald Trump as her opponent.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

People who are fed up with crooked hillarys corrupt, institutionalised politics don't care about these trumped up allegations.



Yes, but more people care about the trumped up allegations and his apparent lack of a functioning brain.

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39 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, but more people care about the trumped up allegations and his apparent lack of a functioning brain.


Not much you can do about that….the MSM has continually driven home this narrative and their followers will accept it….however that is one reality….the other is that people have seen through these shady tactics of the MSM….they are losing credibility by the minute.


This is a tight election….not a landslide….otherwise crooked wouldn't be trotting out a soon to be ex-first lady who cant stand her in real life to recommend her to african americans and immigrants.


Even if Mr Trump loses it will be by the slimmest of margins….and he can be proud that he came from nowhere (and zero political experience) to give this horrible, corrupt, unwanted, one-term woman the fright of her life.

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

People who are fed up with crooked hillarys corrupt, institutionalised politics don't care about these trumped up allegations.




13 days until we find out just how fed up people are with HRC. Hear that? That's the sound of a landslide rolling downhill. 


4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Not much you can do about that….the MSM has continually driven home this narrative and their followers will accept it….however that is one reality….the other is that people have seen through these shady tactics of the MSM….they are losing credibility by the minute.


This is a tight election….not a landslide….otherwise crooked wouldn't be trotting out a soon to be ex-first lady who cant stand her in real life to recommend her to african americans and immigrants.


Even if Mr Trump loses it will be by the slimmest of margins….and he can be proud that he came from nowhere (and zero political experience) to give this horrible, corrupt, unwanted, one-term woman the fright of her life.


Oh gees, here we go with the evil MSM again. The only ones losing credibility are any of the media sites still backing Trump, they're few and far between. 


You're quite delusional. "Slimmest of margins?" This could be the largest margin of victory ever. Take a break from Breitbart for a few days, take a deep breath and come back and join the real world. 


Trump will be remembered as the worst Presidential candidate in history and the guy who finished off the Republican party. 


Slimmest of margins, my bum. 

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3 hours ago, Pinot said:


13 days until we find out just how fed up people are with HRC. Hear that? That's the sound of a landslide rolling downhill. 



Oh gees, here we go with the evil MSM again. The only ones losing credibility are any of the media sites still backing Trump, they're few and far between. 


You're quite delusional. "Slimmest of margins?" This could be the largest margin of victory ever. Take a break from Breitbart for a few days, take a deep breath and come back and join the real world. 


Trump will be remembered as the worst Presidential candidate in history and the guy who finished off the Republican party. 


Slimmest of margins, my bum. 

Trump has been counted out many, many times before, including by myself, but he is still in the race and within the margin of error in the polls.

The stuff coming out on WikiLeaks is so bad that if it gets out there, somehow, it has to have an impact, or she might fall over a few more times. 10 days is a long time in politics.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump has been counted out many, many times before, including by myself, but he is still in the race and within the margin of error in the polls.

The stuff coming out on WikiLeaks is so bad that if it gets out there, somehow, it has to have an impact, or she might fall over a few more times. 10 days is a long time in politics.


Uh huh.



Clinton far ahead in Electoral College race: Reuters/Ipsos poll




The Bloviator on his classic Downward Spiral.

And in fact, on his usual losing streak.




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