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Trump takes aim at the press as White House campaign struggles


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1 minute ago, Pimay1 said:

It's interesting to see the desperation of the MSM. They are so afraid of a trump win they have pulled out all the stops. I have never seen such a feeding frenzy against one person.


The desperation is in the hearts of those who refuse  to see, or cannot see this nutcake for what he is. 

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


The desperation is in the hearts of those who refuse  to see, or cannot see this nutcake for what he is. 


They're nutters, Trump and Clinton both.


Faced with the option I'd sooner risk the Trump nutter than the Clinton nutter.

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5 minutes ago, MJP said:


They're nutters, Trump and Clinton both.


Faced with the option I'd sooner risk the Trump nutter than the Clinton nutter.


Not really. Trump is truly a nutter. Clinton is a calculating, shrewd, and wicked witch of the east, but is capable of leading a nation. She needs to be watched like a hawk, but she clearly has all of her marbles, unlike this cartoon character.

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


Not really. Trump is truly a nutter. Clinton is a calculating, shrewd, and wicked witch of the east, but is capable of leading a nation. She needs to be watched like a hawk, but she clearly has all of her marbles, unlike this cartoon character.


Can't we (as a World) have a normal person?


I didn't realise there were other options, so please, will all Americans use their protest vote and vote for Jill Stein.


That way the next four years will be spent on the great US national parks and an attempt to eradicate poverty . . . rather than the military industrial complex. Now that would make America great again!

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Many posters have been doing that for months. I don't know where you have been. They both suck. 

Yes I agree that they both suck, but Trump sucks infinitely  more .

At this point  we at the very least need to protect the dignity of the Office. Unlike most countries that are held together by a homogeneous national identity, we are held together by our institutions , the presidency being at the core.

A Trump presidency will IMO, irreparably damage the dignity of the office.

Say what you want about HRC and her policies, she is at the very least dignified, and will make a good steward of the dignity of the office. and who knows might even make a good president, if not ,we can revisit this in four years.

I wish it was not so, but sadly, we are where we are.


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1 hour ago, tonray said:

He is playing a dangerous game...whipping up the base into a frenzy and a few will likely attempt violence if and when he loses.....they will find that it will not be successful and he will then blame them for being fools, diverting blame from himself. Only then will they learn ...the hard way.


It is not the violence after the election that I am worried about right now. It is the "implied (by Trump)" policing of the polling places on election day that bothers me. We could see "citizens arrests" leading to riots and violence on election day as Trump supporters try to "police" the voters. Will Trump supporters physically try to restrain voters before they get to the polling place? Will Trump supporters create barriers around polling places and only allow "correct" voters to enter? Will just the threat of this policing push voters away from voting?

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


It is not the violence after the election that I am worried about right now. It is the "implied (by Trump)" policing of the polling places on election day that bothers me. We could see "citizens arrests" leading to riots and violence on election day as Trump supporters try to "police" the voters. Will Trump supporters physically try to restrain voters before they get to the polling place? Will Trump supporters create barriers around polling places and only allow "correct" voters to enter? Will just the threat of this policing push voters away from voting?

If you look at who has been violent in this campaign it is the Hillary supporters, not the Trump supporters. I think you are way off track here but we will see.

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2 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

If you look at who has been violent in this campaign it is the Hillary supporters, not the Trump supporters. I think you are way off track here but we will see.


Yup.  All those Volvo and Subaru-driving soccer moms are nasty dangerous. Those hairy, bald Trump guys with skull caps in pickup trucks with gun racks and shaved heads are pussy cats. :wink:

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Just now, keemapoot said:


Yup.  All those Volvo and Subaru-driving soccer moms are nasty dangerous. Those hairy, bald Trump guys with skull caps in pickup trucks with gun racks and shaved heads are pussy cats. :wink:

Say what you may but everyone including you knows it is the Hillary supporters that have been violent, not the Trump supporters.

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14 minutes ago, Silurian said:


It is not the violence after the election that I am worried about right now. It is the "implied (by Trump)" policing of the polling places on election day that bothers me. We could see "citizens arrests" leading to riots and violence on election day as Trump supporters try to "police" the voters. Will Trump supporters physically try to restrain voters before they get to the polling place? Will Trump supporters create barriers around polling places and only allow "correct" voters to enter? Will just the threat of this policing push voters away from voting?


9 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Say what you may but everyone including you knows it is the Hillary supporters that have been violent, not the Trump supporters.


There are just too many to choose from !



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29 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Say what you may but everyone including you knows it is the Hillary supporters that have been violent, not the Trump supporters.





Edited by Ulysses G.
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39 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

If you look at who has been violent in this campaign it is the Hillary supporters, not the Trump supporters. I think you are way off track here but we will see.


I don't want to see violence on either side but Hillary was not the one stating the people should "police" the voting places. Trump actually has a signup page on his Web site to become an "election observer" whatever that means. Trump supporters plan to look for illegal immigrants who may attempt to vote. And how will Trump supports determine if they are illegal immigrants?


Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies




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Just now, Stargrazer9889 said:

Is Donald becoming like the Kennedy guys?  Is Hillary any better? 


The Bloviator should never be mentioned in the same sentence with the Brothers Kennedy.


The Bloviator is a crass, disreputable, ignorant, embarrassment to America.


An uneducated pig.


Not even near the grade of JFK or RFK.



Dunning Kruger. MAAK.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

If you feel that the MSM to have an obligation to be unbiased journalists, Trump is correct. This election IS rigged.

The MSM are as their name says, mainstream, pllus they all are commercial enterprises. So they aim at their audiences.

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16 hours ago, MJP said:


Yup, is true.


This is a dire situation. World on the brink. Financial collapse, possible WWIII being threatened. If it was any other country it wouldn't really matter, but because the US is so powerful and often brutal and has the World's reserve currency to defend this election bothers us all.


Lesser of two evils? This says the option is either evil or evil and I've seen nothing to discredit this hypothesis. 


I dream of Ron Paul with Jill Stein as his running mate. In a perfect World, right?

Ron Paul the gold bug? Really. Oh, and the publisher of a racist rag, to boot. 

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

If you feel that the MSM to have an obligation to be unbiased journalists, Trump is correct. This election IS rigged.

Just another case of confirmation bias. Here is an unbiased evaluation of the MSM in regards to Trump, Hillary, and Sanders


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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And yet you've defended Trump for virtually every controversial thing he's said or done.  


Defended him from demonization, distortion and blatant lies from ultra partisan posters. Thats correct. However, I would prefer almost anyone else - besides Ted Cruz and Crooked Hillary - for president.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Defended him from demonization, distortion and blatant lies from ultra partisan posters. Thats correct. However, I would prefer almost anyone else - besides Ted Cruz and Crooked Hillary - for president.

So virtually none of the charges that have been levelled at Trump are true? Because you've defended him against virtually all of them. And since that is the case, why are you saying he's only slightly better than Clinton? No, what you're doing is called concern trolling. You pretend you're even-handed to establish your bona fides, and then you pursue your real agenda.

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Trump has already identified a culprit should he lose the election: a rigged system – and the media.”


One might sympathise with the guy, except that he says this sort of thing every time he's losing. In 2012, 2013, 2014, and now, 2016. Does anyone see a pattern?




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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You pretend you're even-handed to establish your bona fides, and then you pursue your real agenda.


You are projecting your own dishonesty on me. I have never had problem owning up to my beliefs. :whistling:

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Yup, the king of conspiracy theories has gone "way off the reservation" now stating definitively, that the Presidential election is 'one big fix' and 'one big ugly lie.'   It's all rigged against him and that is the only reason he may lose. 



“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary — but also at many polling places — SAD,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday.


Meanwhile, poor Mike Pence is trying to do damage control on this whacko nutclase theory:



Mr. Trump’s made his incendiary claim just hours after his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, had tried to play down the Republican nominee’s increasingly heated questions about the fairness of the election. Mr. Pence said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he and Mr. Trump “will absolutely accept the result of the election.”




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10 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Yup, the king of conspiracy theories has gone "way off the reservation" now stating definitively, that the Presidential election is 'one big fix' and 'one big ugly lie.'   It's all rigged against him and that is the only reason he may lose.



He is correct about big lies and the dishonest MSM pushing "Crooked Hillary", but not sure abour the polling places part.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:



He is correct about bid lies and the dishonest MSM pushing "Crooked Hillary", but not sure abour the polling places part.


Come on, who wouldn't push "crooked Hillary" when this basket case is the alternative?

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3 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Come on, who wouldn't push "crooked Hillary" when this basket case is the alternative?


I do not like him, but I can see through the false narrative set up by the democratic party and MSM. I saw them do the same thing to Mitt Romney and he was a straight arrow.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


I do not like him, but I can see through the false narrative set up by the democratic party and MSM. I saw them do the same thing to Mitt Romney and he was a straight arrow.


Sure, but at 3:30am in Thailand, sitting in the dark quiet, don't you see the futility and terrible defects in Trump to even be talked about in the same sentence as the word President? It's unacceptable, and the thought always has been and always will be.  


Romney was and is Presidential, and what happened with the MSM back then was just normal.

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