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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward


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Donald Trump wants Hillary Clinton to take a drugs test because it suggests that women are too weak for power


By suggesting that Hillary is either unwell or requiring medical treatment to participate in the campaign trail, Trump is tapping into a latent misogyny that runs deep in American and British society – the persistent idea that women are physically weaker than men and are therefore just not cut out for the tough stuff.

This is the oldest form of sexism in the book


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


I am pretty sure that it only applies to Hillary. :smile:


You know, where there is smoke there is often fire, and I would not doubt Hillary is somewhat weak physically, and there is a certain mad genius in the way Trump has been hammering this point home, but at base there is also a huge sexist underlying tone, which is Trump personified.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Now women are coming forward with accusations that Hillary groped them. This whole thing is out of control.





You are really losin' it.

Or, one of the worst examples of Trolling ever.


From the Entertainment Section of your chosen online version of The National Enquirer:  :cheesy:



This is what you read for research?  :blink:

Out of control indeed...


And this; from this "entertainer's" Facebook page:

Screen Shot 2016-10-16 at 4.10.59 PM.png

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35 minutes ago, iReason said:



You are really losin' it.

Or, one of the worst examples of Trolling ever.



I have often suspected that you are no Einstein. This proves it. The article says it is humor and I posted it as such. The point the woman is making is that lunatics are coming out of the woodwork making false claims. :smile:




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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

The point the woman is making is that lunatics are coming out of the woodwork making false claims. :smile:


Naa... no "point" there.

She, just like you, is just making stuff up. :thumbsup:

Because of course you have no foundation for your claim.


And slander in general.

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1 minute ago, iReason said:


Naa... no "point" there.

She, just like you, is just making stuff up. 

Because of course you have no foundation for your claim.


And slander in general.


You seem to project your own dishonesty on others regularly. I am not "making up" anything.

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Just now, MajarTheLion said:


So my ears and eyes are lying to me how exactly?

I dont know about your ears and eyes, but I know what I see and what he says.

He actually said himself that he does what these women accuse him of doing. It's on tape, look it up.


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Just now, sirineou said:

I dont know about your ears and eyes, but I know what I see and what he says.

He actually said himself that he does what these women accuse him of doing. It's on tape, look it up.



Then perhaps you might want to take a look at your own writing. You asked who should one believe, Trump or their lying eyes and ears. Now you say they are one and the same. I suppose I'll just leave it at that until you are able to produce some cogent thoughts on the matter.


Thanks for at least trying.

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1 minute ago, MajarTheLion said:


Then perhaps you might want to take a look at your own writing. You asked who should one believe, Trump or their lying eyes and ears. Now you say they are one and the same. I suppose I'll just leave it at that until you are able to produce some cogent thoughts on the matter.


Thanks for at least trying.

apparently you are not familiar with the quote, and it's meaning

I know what i see and what I hear,

I dont need Trump to tell me, others might. I like to say, good for them, but it's not.


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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

apparently you are not familiar with the quote, and it's meaning

I know what i see and what I hear,

I dont need Trump to tell me, others might. I like to say, good for them, but it's not.



So then you're unable to clarify what you mean by words to the effect of who am I going to believe, my lying eyes and ears or Trump? No problem. I'll move on. Thanks for at least trying.


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Just now, MajarTheLion said:


So then you're unable to clarify what you mean by words to the effect of who am I going to believe, my lying eyes and ears or Trump? No problem. I'll move on. Thanks for at least trying.


Ok , I will help you out since you seem unable.or unwilling to to use google.

" If lying is the act of telling a lie, then "lying through your teeth" is the act of telling a bold lie, even if you know your listener will immediately know you're lying. Descended from a line in a Marx Brothers film, "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" is spoken (ironically) by someone who's been caught lying and, instead of admitting it, says the evidence is wrong, as well as the person who's looking right at it. "


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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Ok , I will help you out since you seem unable.or unwilling to to use google.

" If lying is the act of telling a lie, then "lying through your teeth" is the act of telling a bold lie, even if you know your listener will immediately know you're lying. Descended from a line in a Marx Brothers film, "Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" is spoken (ironically) by someone who's been caught lying and, instead of admitting it, says the evidence is wrong, as well as the person who's looking right at it. "



I see. So we're supposed to ignore that one of his accusers had just invited him to her restaurant this past April, that a relative of hers says she's lying- and just believe any accusation without looking at the specific facts of each incident?

So would you extend any sort of invitation to someone who had sexually assaulted you in the past?


Sorry, that makes no sense whatsoever to me.

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Just now, MajarTheLion said:


I see. So we're supposed to ignore that one of his accusers had just invited him to her restaurant this past April, that a relative of hers says she's lying- and just believe any accusation without looking at the specific facts of each incident?

So would you extend any sort of invitation to someone who had sexually assaulted you in the past?


Sorry, that makes no sense whatsoever to me.

No, you should look at past  behavior and comments   of the accused, and his taped confession where he himself says  that he engages in the behavior he is accused of. He said he does this all the time, and his confidant snickers about it like a twelve year old dork. 

Get real, is this the gravitas you expect from your president? 

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Just now, sirineou said:

No, you should look at past  behavior and comments   of the accused, and his taped confession where he himself says  that he engages in the behavior he is accused of. He said he does this all the time, and his confidant snickers about it like a twelve year old dork. 

Get real, is this the gravitas you expect from your president? 


So I should ignore the facts of each accusation. Ummmm... no. But thanks for playing. Move along now.

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Trump tells a radio host (it's on a clear audio recording) that he often saunters in to Miss Teen USA beauty pagaent changing rooms.  There are no other men around, and men are not allowed into the changing rooms.  Trump, an elder man, walks quickly in, no knocking on the door, no announcement, at the precise time he knows most of the girls will be nude or semi-nude.  He said he did that.  Ivanka admitted it also.


Then we hear later, some of the girls (now young women) attesting to Trump doing the precise thing Trump himself alluded to in the on-air interview.   Trump is a pervert, and actually enjoys making women feel uncomfortable (or worse).  It's been shown in many first-person accounts by the girls/women themselves.


6 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

I think something is wrong with my browser settings. I see several threads started on Trump this, Trump that. There's nothing on Hillary getting debate questions in advance, her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, her statement about having private and public positions on issues and her stated desire for open borders. Does anyone know how I change my settings so I don't just see the leftist threads?


Here's the main reason, but you don't want to see it:  The transgressions purportedly done by HRC are minor compared to the gross borderline law-breaking transgressions by Trump. Newspapers are in the business of selling newspapers. Their readers would rather read about big splash news than small events.  Newspaper splashy news is what got Trump famous and aided his rise to popularity.  Now the same newspapers are splashing news which is showing Trump to be a sexual predator, and peeping tom to mid-teen girls. Splashy news lifted him up, and now splashy news is tearing him down.


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 The article says it is humor and I posted it as such. The point the woman is making is that lunatics are coming out of the woodwork making false claims. :smile:


.....and you happen to know she's making false claims?  Oh, I get it; you believe what Trump says, and everyone of the over-a-dozen women who come forth to say non-praising things about him are making false claims.  My next post will show one of the 500 indications that Trump has been caught lying.  Stay tuned.

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Whether or not there's any evidence of Trump 'lying' what we're seeing boys is still a tight race! :smile:


Washington Post/ABC News Poll: Statistical Tie in Presidential Race


Bucking the trend of recent national polls that showed Hillary Clinton pulling into a solid nationwide lead over Donald Trump, and the media consensus that his campaign just experienced Armageddon, the latest poll from ABC News and the Washington Post says the race is a statistical tie, with Clinton leading by only four points in a poll with a four-point margin of error.

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About 16 months ago, Trump was asked why he doesn't release his tax forms.  He replied, "I would love to, but I can't, because I'm being audited."   We already know that 'being audited' is not a valid excuse (Nixon was being audited when he released his tax forms).  But what I'm going to hone in on, is Trump's use of the phrase, "I would love to, but......"


Here are some other ways Trump would probably use that phrase;


"I would love to be a good president"

"I would love to represent all Americans"

"I would love to defeat ISIS"

"I would love to appoint qualified judges"


You see the pattern?   Whenever he precedes a statement with "I would love to......" - he's actually thinking and/or inferring the opposite:  "I would hate to......"


Note; even if Trump's soggy excuse ("I can't, because I'm being audited"), was valid, he could still release tax data from years prior.  He won't, and we (along with tax experts) can speculate why: 

A.  He's not nearly as rich as he brags he is

B.  He's got dealings with foreign governments he wants to keep secret

C.  He stashes money away in foreign countries in order to avoid taxes

D.  He doesn't give a penny to charities

E.  He doesn't pay any personal income tax


Note #2:  When someone rich like Trump doesn't pay taxes, he becomes a burdon on every poorer person who pays taxes.  He's a freeloader. He uses myriad public services and infrastructure that the little guys and gals pay for, without paying his share - without paying a thin dime.  Indeed, he gets hand outs from government (NYC tax deferments for his personal houses, etc) which are funded by poorer people.   He also pays his personal expenses (and buys personal gifts for himself!) using funds from his fake charities. Again, other peoples' money.   


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28 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Whether or not there's any evidence of Trump 'lying' what we're seeing boys is still a tight race! :smile:


Washington Post/ABC News Poll: Statistical Tie in Presidential Race


Bucking the trend of recent national polls that showed Hillary Clinton pulling into a solid nationwide lead over Donald Trump, and the media consensus that his campaign just experienced Armageddon, the latest poll from ABC News and the Washington Post says the race is a statistical tie, with Clinton leading by only four points in a poll with a four-point margin of error.

Washington Post polls are always very conservative and in this case makes the assumption that Trump voters are more motivated and more likely to show up and vote, but does not take in to account  buyers remorse on the part of Trump supporters who wave invested a huge amount of reputation on Trump, ans unwilling to publicaly admite they were wrong, but when the time comes for them to pull the lever, they will do what the know they need to do, even if they will not publicaly admit it.

Non the less statistical error works both ways, some times will show you behind, some times will show you ahead. If it consistently shows you behind, it is a tend.

Trump will loose by a land slide,  He himself knows it, that's why he has given up trying to expand his base, and is trying to cover his loss by saying that the election is rigged. 

He is now cultivating the audience of his Trump news channel he will start after his defeat that will cater to his basket of deplorables and give him the adulation he craves.

The Good news is that he will be too old or dead by next presidential election, and soon he will be delegated to the dustbin of history.


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26 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Whether or not there's any evidence of Trump 'lying' what we're seeing boys is still a tight race! :smile:


Washington Post/ABC News Poll: Statistical Tie in Presidential Race


Bucking the trend of recent national polls that showed Hillary Clinton pulling into a solid nationwide lead over Donald Trump, and the media consensus that his campaign just experienced Armageddon, the latest poll from ABC News and the Washington Post says the race is a statistical tie, with Clinton leading by only four points in a poll with a four-point margin of error.



Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll"


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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Trump will loose by a land slide,


That's quite delusional & wishful thinking.

Of course, you may be correct in that the Fix is In.  As Stalin was quoted:  "It's not those who vote but those who count the votes"

Widespread reports of voter fraud and now firebombings of  RNC offices quiite well illustrates to what lengths the Clinton bootlickers will go to get Crooked Hillery ensconsed in the White House. :sleep:

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

That's quite delusional & wishful thinking.

Of course, you may be correct in that the Fix is In.  As Stalin was quoted:  "It's not those who vote but those who count the votes"

Widespread reports of voter fraud and now firebombings of  RNC offices quiite well illustrates to what lengths the Clinton bootlickers will go to get Crooked Hillery ensconsed in the White House. :sleep:


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On 10/15/2016 at 2:07 AM, yogi100 said:

Here in the UK the liberal run media especially the BBC and the LBC Radio Station have gone into overdrive in their vilification of Trump. There seems to be more coverage of the US election in the UK than there was of our EU referendum. 


Many Britons have a soft spot for Hilary because she claimed a few years back that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary the first man to conquer Mount Everest.


What is peculiar about her claim is that she was seven years old at the time and prior to his reaching the summit he was unheard of outside his immediate circle of explorers and mountaineers. He was also a New Zealander rather than a Briton. You've gotta laugh at some of these politicians.




One more unnecessary Hillary lie - pathological.

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19 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

That's quite delusional & wishful thinking.

Of course, you may be correct in that the Fix is In.  As Stalin was quoted:  "It's not those who vote but those who count the votes"

Widespread reports of voter fraud and now firebombings of  RNC offices quiite well illustrates to what lengths the Clinton bootlickers will go to get Crooked Hillery ensconsed in the White House. :sleep:

Let's see: If Trump wins you'll say it's fair.  If HRC wins you'll say it was rigged.  All clear now.

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Even Pence said, a few hrs ago, that he will accept the results of the election.  Too bad he and his running mate can't agree on several basic topics.  Another:  Trump thinks it's ok to talk about grabbing women's pussies, or to suddenly walk into a room full of nude mid-teens, and gawk .  Pence doesn't agree with those character traits either.


If Trump was principal of a Jr. High School, he would wait until the little girls come in from sports, and then enter, unannounced, of course, .....enter their locker room.  He would stop and gawk at the girls nude, and then perhaps stand by their showers for awhile, grinning at the sights.   He can justify it all (as he told Howard Stern) because he's the principal, and he can do whatever he wants.  He might even point at one or two and say:  "In ten years, I'll be dating you and we'll have sex whenever I want.  he he he."  

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