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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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55 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Rigging the Vote is the Topic and no matter how much y'all try to spin this subject, the feces has met with the rotating blades and we''re seeing proof of Democrat corruption before our very eyes - going back 50 years! :shock1:


Donald "The Sky Is Falling" Trump doesn't have one iota of tangible proof that this election will be rigged against him.  His whole world is built upon lies and cheating.  Just one of hundreds of examples:  When he trotted out the 3 women who Trump claims were sexually preyed upon by his opponent's spouse:  Years earlier, Trump had trashed those same 3 women, saying they were unattractive and that Bill did nothing wrong. 



Yet another proof, among hundreds, of what a cad Donald is.  


Note: if The Whining Liar says US elections are rigged, then perhaps he should recuse himself, and give the Cruz the mantle as Republican candidate.


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Donald "The Sky Is Falling" Trump doesn't have one iota of tangible proof that this election will be rigged against him.  His whole world is built upon lies and cheating.  Just one of hundreds of examples:  When he trotted out the 3 women who Trump claims were sexually preyed upon by his opponent's spouse:  Years earlier, Trump had trashed those same 3 women, saying they were unattractive and that Bill did nothing wrong. 



Yet another proof, among hundreds, of what a cad Donald is.  


Note: if The Whining Liar says US elections are rigged, then perhaps he should recuse himself, and give the Cruz the mantle as Republican candidate.


Missed this did you?


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Boon Me, you can post videos until you're blue in the face, but it's gotten to the point where Right-Wing crafted videos don't carry any credence.   In other words, it's too easy for Trump fans to tweak the videos to show 'facts' which aren't borne out in reality or are actual lies.  Maybe you think the same of videos put out by media outlets.  It's up to you to choose what to believe.   


I've already seen a plethora of right-wing commentaries and Trump speeches to know that they're mostly packed with lies, exaggerations, character-assassinations, and diversions.  


I've got election fatigue.  I'll be relieved when the electioneering is over, and HRC is President-Elect, and Kaine is VP-Elect.   I'm not so naive to think Trump will then become a decent person.  He is what he is.  People don't change their characters in their 70's.  He will forever be a bitter and lousy loser, doing what he can to tear down America.  Bank on it.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

Boon Me, you can post videos until you're blue in the face, but it's gotten to the point where Right-Wing crafted videos don't carry any credence.   In other words, it's too easy for Trump fans to tweak the videos to show 'facts' which aren't borne out in reality or are actual lies.  Maybe you think the same of videos put out by media outlets.  It's up to you to choose what to believe.   


I've already seen a plethora of right-wing commentaries and Trump speeches to know that they're mostly packed with lies, exaggerations, character-assassinations, and diversions.  


I've got election fatigue.  I'll be relieved when the electioneering is over, and HRC is President-Elect, and Kaine is VP-Elect.   I'm not so naive to think Trump will then become a decent person.  He is what he is.  People don't change their characters in their 70's.  He will forever be a bitter and lousy loser, doing what he can to tear down America.  Bank on it.


I asked him if he would be willing to bet on the outcome but he seems to have begun to ignore me!! lol

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


I'm amazed that anyone thinks HRC will make a difference for ALL people when Obama hasn't been able to after 7 1/2 years. How many homeless people on the streets? You do know that poverty has INCREASED while he has been POTUS, don't you?


After Republicans saw in 2012 they couldn't make Barack Obama a one-term president they decided to make him a three-term president.


Obama, Hillary Clinton Lunch: Top Dems Meet Over Private Meal At White ...

44 & 45


Youse guyz keep up the great work over there. Couldn't do it without you.

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I won't get into an argument as to who is at fault but the trajectory of poverty has very much been on the up and up in Obama's 8 year stint with 1/7th of the population on food stamps last October. I haven't got data on this year.


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11 minutes ago, MZurf said:

The reason why the trumpets don't mind their candidate lying:




Brilliant ! From the 1st sentence to the very last word !

Thank you for posting ( not to be missed)

We can check how true it is, here on TV , some Trump fans are totally irretrievable 


Edited by Opl
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Just now, AYJAYDEE said:

I asked him if he would be willing to bet on the outcome but he seems to have begun to ignore me!! lol


Well, what can you expect from a Troll who bet everything on Ted Cruz in the first place?


Only to back a bigger loser.:laugh:

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Wonder Bread (lily white, devoid-of-nutrition) was the most popular bread in the US for many years.  Does that make it the best bread?


All Reagan's staff admit privately that it was actually his wife who ran things.  In a sense, Nancy Reagan was America's first female president.  When Mr. Reagan did affect changes, they were arguably more for the worse than better.   Nancy, for her part, fortified the failed "War Against Drugs" which criminalized tens of thousands of recreational pot smokers (and kept hemp illegal), among other things.  They also increased taxes mightily, after promising Americans they wouldn't.  Reagan beat Carter by broadcasting lies - the same sort of tactic Trump is espousing.



It's a large initiative; to introduce a program to provide health insurance for tens of millions of Americans who wouldn't ordinarily have (and never had) any h.i. at all.  Like any large new program, it will need to be tweaked & improved over ensuing months.  Republicans want to trash it because they don't give a hoot for the little people, and they much prefer insurance & medical companies (run by their rich buddies) continue to charge stratopheric prices for everything.


Among other things, HRC will be trying to lower medical costs and pharma drug rip-offs.  Trump and his Rep buddies don't care, because their rich donors don't want them to rock the boat of sky-high medical expenses.

Let me see if I get you right. You want to use the example of a bad president to elect a bad president?

If the liberal media actually published the e mails, HRC wouldn't be ahead; that they don't says much about a rigged media.

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I agree that Trump is an unknown quantity who hasn't yet started and indulges in squirmish exaggeration but the gradual unraveling that is going on with the Dems, the Foundation and the election makes me believe that there is more deception over there that is beginning to look worse than Watergate. Besides I take anything that CNN says with a grain of salt as with Fox. Both are politically  advocates for either side but at least Fox doesn't pretend to be otherwise while CNN pretends to be balanced and non partisan. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Boon Me, you can post videos until you're blue in the face, but it's gotten to the point where Right-Wing crafted videos don't carry any credence.   In other words, it's too easy for Trump fans to tweak the videos to show 'facts' which aren't borne out in reality or are actual lies.  Maybe you think the same of videos put out by media outlets.  It's up to you to choose what to believe.   


I've already seen a plethora of right-wing commentaries and Trump speeches to know that they're mostly packed with lies, exaggerations, character-assassinations, and diversions.  


I've got election fatigue.  I'll be relieved when the electioneering is over, and HRC is President-Elect, and Kaine is VP-Elect.   I'm not so naive to think Trump will then become a decent person.  He is what he is.  People don't change their characters in their 70's.  He will forever be a bitter and lousy loser, doing what he can to tear down America.  Bank on it.

Hmmm. So all Trump VDOs and other media are lacking credence, but you believe everything that comes out of the Clinton camp as being the unvarnished truth, LOL.


If Trump chooses to, he has plenty of ammunition to tear her down with post election. She'd better have at least one out of the house or the senate or she will join hubby as an impeached president.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

If the liberal media actually published the e mails, HRC wouldn't be ahead; that they don't says much about a rigged media.


Just paranoid, delusional, without any basis in fact, made up stuff from a marginalizing "non-Trump" :whistling: supporter... 


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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If the liberal media actually published the e mails

Isn't a reason for not doing so was in part that it/they cannot confirm the authenticity of the emails that were admittedly stolen by an unidentified party whose credibility cannot be confirmed? That might be viewed as responsible journalism.

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One aspect of Trump that seems to be overlooked is that (as far as I know) he has never worked for anyone else, always been the boss. I know this may sound corny, but there is concept that elected officials work for the people who put them in office. Donald has shown himself psychologically incapable of compromise, apologizing when wrong, taking advice. I suppose we could pity him for being born to privilege and money and not being provided opportunity to see how the other 99.9% live and work. He's a victim of circumstance.

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52 minutes ago, iReason said:


Just paranoid, delusional, without any basis in fact, made up stuff from a marginalizing "non-Trump" :whistling: supporter... 


Oh really?


Second Scalp: James O’Keefe Video Forces Another Democratic Operative to Resign

Robert Creamer, a central subject of two recent James O’Keefe exposés broken thisMonday and Tuesday, has resigned “from his responsibilities working with the campaign.”

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmm. So all Trump VDOs and other media are lacking credence, but you believe everything that comes out of the Clinton camp as being the unvarnished truth, LOL.


If Trump chooses to, he has plenty of ammunition to tear her down with post election. She'd better have at least one out of the house or the senate or she will join hubby as an impeached president.


Salivating over more ongoing fantasies and other political wet dreams.


Impeachment has anyway become a weapon of mass destruction of the Republicans who have become the entire radical American right, so both have lost their credibility and viability. It's become just a political tool to freeze the government and to distract the society, impede the economy, distort the Constitutional system and order.   


The present concern is Trump's election day "poll watchers" currently being organised in various states. Sounds here like gunmen and other sorts of 2nd Amendment thugs and rednecks. They might even get the thrill to wear self-identifying armbands of a sort. Maybe actual uniforms.


Regardless, Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security must needs inquire or investigate into this very sleazy sounding development from Trump-Putin HimSelVes.


A government has the inherent right to protect itself and the society against anarchy or nihilism, and against both simultaneously. 

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Actually, y'all on the Left really fit this meme to a T :smile:

Image result for you can't handle the truth gif


I saw that movie and recall that speech.  Nicholson is a good actor.  I also know angry shouting people as portrayed in that segment.  My elder brother is one.  He's also a Bible-Thumper who loves guns, has married and divorced 7 times, always lives off the women he marries (similar to the character in the movie who lives off the taxpayer teat), and has about a dozen kids who he doesn't pay a dime to support.  He told me, "when I divorce the woman, I divorce the kids."  Typical redneck non-responsibility mentality.   Similar to Trump, my brother and millions of redneck-minded people can justify not paying for things (taxes or workers' wages, or.....) easily.


Perhaps right wingers are impressed by angry shouting people, but I'm not - probably because I've grown up with angry shouting people around, and have seen them as paper tigers.  I'd say they were toothless, but with loaded guns, they're not toothless.  They can cause physical harm.  That's why I'm more than a bit concerned, when HRC and Kaine win, that 2nd amenders will heed Trump's dog whistle message to harm them.  See 'plenty of ammunition' below.....


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmm. So all Trump VDOs and other media are lacking credence, but you believe everything that comes out of the Clinton camp as being the unvarnished truth, LOL.

If Trump chooses to, he has plenty of ammunition to tear her down with post election. She'd better have at least one out of the house or the senate or she will join hubby as an impeached president.


I somewhat agree with your opening statement.  The 2nd paragraph is true also.   Dems will get the Senate, but it's iffy about the House.  Are you going to accept the vote of a majority of Americans, or are you going to be among the rabble that will continue to shout and scream and tell all kinds of lies to drag elected officials down to your level?

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Oh really?


Second Scalp: James O’Keefe Video Forces Another Democratic Operative to Resign

Robert Creamer, a central subject of two recent James O’Keefe exposés broken thisMonday and Tuesday, has resigned “from his responsibilities working with the campaign.”







Lame and weak as usual.



Edited by iReason
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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Time to drain the Swamp.


I see you're quoting Trump's latest favorite catch phrase.  Actually, it was Cruz who started using that phrase last year.


I actually like swamps.  They support a lot more wildlife than reclaimed land.  Plus, swamps are natural.  When a swamp is drained, the property is usually used for mono-crop or housing estates.  I'll take a swamp, with its plethora of species, creepy as that may seem for establishmentarianistas. 

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An excerpt from a recent article in the Atlantic magazine, about; Trump, his supporters, and the press corps;


"The press takes him literally, but not seriously. 

His supporters take him seriously, but not literally." 


note:  fact checkers rate Trump's statements as entirely false 52% of the time compared to Clinton's 12%.


nail hit on head.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Oh really?


Second Scalp: James O’Keefe Video Forces Another Democratic Operative to Resign

Robert Creamer, a central subject of two recent James O’Keefe exposés broken thisMonday and Tuesday, has resigned “from his responsibilities working with the campaign.”


So, you're gloating over a dirty trickster name O'Keefe who tried to steal absentee ballots from a trash can - in order to commit voter fraud - in order to bolster Republican candidates?! (.....and to try and add substance to Trump's vacuous claims of a rigged election).  We can tell a lot about Boon Me by looking at his heroes.  




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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


So, you're gloating over a dirty trickster name O'Keefe who tried to steal absentee ballots from a trash can - in order to commit voter fraud - in order to bolster Republican candidates?! (.....and to try and add substance to Trump's vacuous claims of a rigged election).  We can tell a lot about Boon Me by looking at his heroes.  




We see here  that the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic party operatives tell us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale.




Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for the past fifty years.



That's all they got - cheating & dirty tricks. :saai:

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