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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO they have been "got to" by the GOP establishment that prefer a Clinton victory to Trump as POTUS. Trump threatens their place at the trough, while HRC is as much for them as her own elites.

The way they have been behaving exposes their true allegiance- to themselves and their class, over any consideration of party.

Yes, they are rigging it for Clinton.


That they have not been successful in destroying Trump's base must be causing them sleepless nights, as they will pay for it after the election, when the base revolts against the GOP machine.


and the democrats will rule for decades!! lol

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO they have been "got to" by the GOP establishment that prefer a Clinton victory to Trump as POTUS. Trump threatens their place at the trough, while HRC is as much for them as her own elites.

The way they have been behaving exposes their true allegiance- to themselves and their class, over any consideration of party.

Yes, they are rigging it for Clinton.


That they have not been successful in destroying Trump's base must be causing them sleepless nights, as they will pay for it after the election, when the base revolts against the GOP machine.


but if the GOP establishment are colluding and encouraging a clinton win that jeopardises their own seats in the senate and congress. it's an insane line of thought that, literally paranoid delusion. that you think that line of thought is logical and sensible over and above trump literally insulting and offending everybody possible being the reason that media outlets have refused to endorse him should really worry you. 


incidentally where was this election rigging and media collusion in 2000 and 2004 when george w bush won? and when george hw bush became president? and reagan? did the democrats just decide not to bother rigging the elections then?

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

That's highly unusual as Santa Barbara and environs (Goleta, Monticito & Isla Vista) are hard core Lib enclaves. :shock1:


Though with UC Santa Barbara in Goleta there is a large liberal tilt in Santa Barbara county, there is also a very large, very conservative, very rich faction. I doubt there are many liberals living in Hope Ranch.  One of which is Wendy McCaw who bought the News-Press from the NYT in 2000. 


Apparently there has been fun times at the paper since. 



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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

You should be cheered that Trump has now been endorsed by two newspaper publishers : The Santa Barbara News-Press (California) and The St. Joseph (Missouri) News-Press Now.


KEYT news team asked the owner and co-publisher of the Santa Barbara News-Press for a comment on the endorsement and an explanation on how the St. Joseph News-Press came to picking Trump, but did not get a reply. Curious response as the Missouri paper is owned by the same company that owns KEYT. 



Well, clearly, The Santa Barbara News press and The St. Joseph News Press are rigging the election against Hillary!



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15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

No, the issue was entirely a legal issue.


Did the provisions of the Florida State Constitution regarding the time period required to certify state election results violate the US Constitution? The SCOTUS ruling effectively said "no." SCOTUS did not consider the political implications of its ruling - as it should not have.





The issues were for the state of Florida to decide. Any contestation of Florida decisions in the electing of Potus/VP must go Constitutionally to the U.S. House of Representatives. Never the Supreme Court.


Scotus had no business whatsoever to inject itself into the election proceedings of the sovereign state of Florida. If Florida had failed to send Electors of the Electoral College, then it is a matter for the U.S. House to consider and decide. Period. Read the Constitution for a change plse thx.


Many Scotus experts were surprised the Court accepted the case on petition. Scotus was not required in any way to receive or to decide the case. It hadn't done anything like it ever.


Scotus then told the entire legal community of the United States, to include the federal judiciary, to ignore what Scotus had just done. That it could not be used as precedent or reference. The case had a name, Bush v. Gore, but no legal existence except for the moment. Then forget the whole thing in legal and Constitutional terms.


All of this because it was an inside job by the five justices. The five justices caused the entire court to have two votes for Potus that year. At 5-4 for GW, it was the only way the Republican could win.


HRC in her election campaign is doing a lot better than either Bush or Gore had done. She might even do a bit better than OB did in certain respects.

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17 hours ago, Srikcir said:

No, the issue was entirely a legal issue.


Did the provisions of the Florida State Constitution regarding the time period required to certify state election results violate the US Constitution? The SCOTUS ruling effectively said "no." SCOTUS did not consider the political implications of its ruling - as it should not have.





The post is summarily vague and imprecise.


The reason is that Scotus hasn't any Constitutional role in a contested election of Potus. (In the year 2000, five justices usurped the power unto themselves against the will of the four justices in the minority.)


Certify state results -- Do you refer to the November 14th year 2000 date for the state to certify election results? If so, what did Scotus have to do with it. If not, how does what you're peddling relate to Florida appointing its Electors to the Electoral College by December 12th of that fateful year.


Scotus grabbing the dispute to make it unconstitutionally justiciable led to the following Constitutional absurdity...


In its opening right-to-vote sally, the Florida Supreme Court held that the Florida constitutional right-to-vote could be vindicated only by conducting vote recounts throughout the state. Then, in a preemptive counter-stroke, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the federal constitutional right-to-vote could be vindicated only by stopping the recount. (9)  Under the supremacy tenet of U.S. federalism," the federal right-to-vote trumped and neutralized the Florida right-to-vote."  Thus ended the vote recounts and the election. A puzzled observer might reasonably inquire, "How could two constitutional rights-to-vote lead to exactly contradictory conclusions?"



Republicans versus Democrats, that's how.


The matter of a dispute in the election of a Potus is a political one as defined in the Constitution, which document requires that a dispute be forwarded to the U.S. House for its consideration and final disposition.


Scotus has no Constitutional role in it what so ever period. The matter is not justiciable in the federal judiciary. Never had been until the year 2000 when Scotus corrupted it.

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22 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't think he will try to destroy the US. The Dems are already doing a great job, IMO, with Obama being half way there and Clinton about to continue the project.


I hope that after he loses he starts a tv channel dedicated to exposing president Clinton's every transgression and crime. It will be a very popular tv channel.


Whether or not that happens, the US public is in for a rough ride.

She has stated she

will raise taxes

won't repeal/ replace Obamacare

will give more freebies to people which will increase the debt

is in favour of free trade which will see more jobs leaving the US

wants to shut down the coal industry, which will see thousands unemployed.


I really feel sorry for the US citizens that are going to suffer big time under her.




But, if HRC is indeed "crooked", why expect she will live up to all these alleged statements and views?

If Trump's words can be "locker room" talk, why can't HRC's words be campaign trail hot air?


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On 10/17/2016 at 9:27 AM, Ulysses G. said:

You have a point. Bernie got stung by Hillary's minions for sure.


Sanders did not go on about the elections and the system being rigged after he lost.   He also did his best not to tear the democrat party apart. As far as I recall, he endorsed HRC.

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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO they have been "got to" by the GOP establishment that prefer a Clinton victory to Trump as POTUS. Trump threatens their place at the trough, while HRC is as much for them as her own elites.

The way they have been behaving exposes their true allegiance- to themselves and their class, over any consideration of party.

Yes, they are rigging it for Clinton.


That they have not been successful in destroying Trump's base must be causing them sleepless nights, as they will pay for it after the election, when the base revolts against the GOP machine.


Fascinating stuff.


But only in doses.


Youse guyz know for sure it's all an orchestrated scheme and that only in all of history Donald Trump and His Despicables are going to reverse it. Or to stop it. Or to successfully challenge it.


It being, well, it.                       

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:

Scotus has no Constitutional role in it what so ever period.

It appears that the nine judges nominated by both Democrat and Republican parties disagreed.

Ironically, it was the majority SCOTUS state-rights conservative justices who advocated intervention in state election proceedings while the minority liberal justices argued that the court had exceeded its jurisdiction and infringed on state's rights.

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Trump is right about the vote rigging though. The Republicans are trying it on all over the country.



Even assuming that some lesser level of scrutiny applied (which it does not), Florida’s statutory scheme would still be unconstitutional. It is illogical, irrational, and patently bizarre for the State of Florida to withhold the opportunity to cure from mismatched-signature voters while providing that same opportunity to no-signature voters. And in doing so, the State of Florida has categorically disenfranchised thousands of voters arguably for no reason other than they have poor handwriting or their handwriting has changed over time. Thus, Florida’s statutory scheme does not even survive rational basis review.



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2 hours ago, Morch said:


Sanders did not go on about the elections and the system being rigged after he lost.

He also did his best not to tear the democrat party apart. As far as I recall, he endorsed HRC.

Sanders was bought off. She agreed to support his proposal about college fees. Of course he shut up, but did you see his face at the convention? Priceless.


To answer your previous question, I assume she will do it because it is a continuation of Obama's policies.

I could be wrong- wouldn't be the first time.

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8 hours ago, Srikcir said:

You should be cheered that Trump has now been endorsed by two newspaper publishers : The Santa Barbara News-Press (California) and The St. Joseph (Missouri) News-Press Now.


KEYT news team asked the owner and co-publisher of the Santa Barbara News-Press for a comment on the endorsement and an explanation on how the St. Joseph News-Press came to picking Trump, but did not get a reply. Curious response as the Missouri paper is owned by the same company that owns KEYT. 



        Probably the reason the publisher of the Santa Barbara News-Press and the other publisher (the only newspapers in the USA who have endorsed Trump) - can't say a word WHY, .....is because they're self-gagged by their ignorance.  If they spoke up, what would they say?   Perhaps that they've always had a liking for peeping toms (particularly those types who gawk at nude 15 yr old girls), and that they want NATO to get dismantled so Putin can re-constitute the glory of the USSR.


8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

That's highly unusual as Santa Barbara and environs (Goleta, Monticito & Isla Vista) are hard core Lib enclaves. :shock1:


      I resided in California for 25 years and was located in a rural region rife with back-to-the-landers, pot growers and gray haired hippies.  Most people wore tie-die, there were fun parties often, and the smell of rope burning was everywhere.  Yet, there were some token rednecks who would surely be Trump supporters.  One was in love with his guns and actually shot dead a hippie neighbor for pooping on his (the hippie's) compost pile.  


        Another was a snack bar owner who used to go out looking for pot farms, so he could inform the police and get the farmer busted.  So, to answer your querie:  even within enclaves of free-thinking environmentalists, there are often a few primitive-minded, vindictive rednecks who seek to ruin other peoples' lives.  Trump's type of people.

Edited by boomerangutang
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On 10/17/2016 at 5:31 PM, oilinki said:

Trump, the Russian spoke person, is really there to destroy the USA. He already knows that he can't win so now his agenda is to make the whole nation to pay for it. 


It's really sad to see that he has managed to fool so many Americans on his side. This whole episode Trump's neo-communism is going to have quite long lasting effects to the USA. 


What? Putin is rigging the election? Amazing how easily people swallow the Russian interference narrative. There is no proof. No one can ID the source and it's even possible to make the first layer ID from Russia when it is not.


"The denunciation, made by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, came as pressure was growing from within the administration and some lawmakers to publicly name Moscow and hold it accountable for actions apparently aimed at sowing discord around the election." 


Note "pressure growing from within the Administration to publicly name Moscow" not from National Intelligence or Homeland Security.


It looks to me that the real rigging is shaping up to be Obama cancelling the election if Trump wins and declaring election fraud because of influence from a foreign power. There is no ends that this Administration will stoop to in order to save the Democratic Party that is riddled with fraud and corruption bigger than Watergate, aided and abetted by MSM which has donated $382,000 to Hillary's campaign while pretending to be impartial journalists but in fact are Hillary advocates. Trump has received $14,000 or 4%. This is separate from the Clinton Foundation which has received millions from MSM. Why would the Saudi's,Qataris,Kuwaiti's and Emirates who have such abysmal human rights records donate to the Clinton Foundation? Because they believe in the charitable work done?


This election may not be rigged at the ballot box but it is rigged in every other way. That is what will leave lasting damage.   

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9 hours ago, Publicus said:



The damage being done to US credibility around the world by this moron is getting so bad it may never recover to its true role as a defender of democracy - and that will be bad for everyone.



Barack Obama quickly made great strides to get US credibility back after the GW Bush and his Dick Cheney debacle (to include the Nobel Peace Award).


A Potus Hillary Clinton will do the same concerning Donald Trump who not only won't in fact be Potus, but will on Election Day get whacked over the head by the general electorate and given the Bum's Rush by 'em -- straight through the big window of the saloon.


Politically tared and feathered and run out on a rail in the old fashioned way.


I am sure  that Hillary will do a reasonable job of bringing the US back to creditability at diplomatic levels and this will be a good thing because many, many people around the world have been quite worried at the thought of DT actually being the  POTUS.


Brows are being mopped and "phews" articulated as it becomes obvious that it isn't gonna happen; but it is clear that the Russians and the Chinese, not to mention NK, the Philippine mad man and our own dear Thai government (sorry, sorry, ignore that I mentioned them) Turkey, the Arab states, etc. have seen the possibility of a Trump election and made moves in the South China Sea, Ukraine, Turkey and Syria (to mention just a few)  that will in the long run have an adverse effect on the rest of the democratic free world.


How can they not loose respect when they see US generals standing up and supporting a buffoon who claims to know more about fighting ISIS than all of them and does not even pay any taxes to support the military?


But what has been most worrying to friends and allies of the US has been the amount of support that has been given to Trump by so many ordinary US citizens. How on earth can blue collar workers support this obscenely rich man who manufactures abroad? How can Americans support his kind of business dealings that reward trickery, cheating legitimate creditors by multiple bankruptcies, stealing from those who invested their monies to try to obtain a degree at his fake universities, etc. and makes it seem like a good thing?


How can the poorest segments of the population support a man who wants to give massive tax cuts to the richest people and nothing to them; and yet brags how clever he is not paying the taxes that support them on welfare, pays their low level wages and buys the tanks for the army? Are they not sickened by such hypocrisy?


The list goes on and on and his behaviour towards women cannot possibly be accepted as normal by the reddest redneck in the boonies. Even a good old fashioned dictator like Stalin or misogynist Saudi princeling would never have acted that way and then publically made this kind of bragging about women.


How can Americans in this day and age of the internet and international travel on a scale never seen before, be so ignorant of the real world  that they believe that a so called "business man" (with multiple failures to his credit)  who knows nothing of government, diplomacy or international relations is going to "make the US great again"?


It is this incredible level of gullibility and ignorance of how the world interacts and governments work that is Sad, sad, sad.


The US will be great again when it educates it citizens on how to be and integral part of a global community with the aim of raising the standard of living for all peoples, not just the privileged few.



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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

It appears that the nine judges nominated by both Democrat and Republican parties disagreed.

Ironically, it was the majority SCOTUS state-rights conservative justices who advocated intervention in state election proceedings while the minority liberal justices argued that the court had exceeded its jurisdiction and infringed on state's rights.

Five justices appointed by Republican Party Potus -- Nixon, Reagan, GHW Bush.


That's who done it.    (Kennedy is the last of the Reagan appointees.)


Here and now the Republican Party is yet again disturbing or disrupting the electoral and democratic process, led by the crackpot lunatic ignoramus Donald Trump.


As if that weren't enough, this cycle involves a foreign adversary playing an unprecedented role, i.e., Wikileaks-Putin at the invitation and with the shameless support of Trump and his floating party of Putin's admirers and understudy, the Republicans. 


One thing you and I could find in common is the perspective that it used to be  that only some Republicans were right wing extremist fringe political marginals. Now almost all of 'em are. Maybe 80% of all Republicans.


Gone Old Party.

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7 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Five justices appointed by Republican Party Potus -- Nixon, Reagan, GHW Bush.


That's who done it.    (Kennedy is the last of the Reagan appointees.)


Here and now the Republican Party is yet again disturbing or disrupting the electoral and democratic process,



Not to worry,

The RINOS in Congress will oppose any far left whack jobs Crooked Hillary proposes...:smile:

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Voter Fraud Exists. Republican Restrictions Won’t Stop It.

The Washington Post and News21 published a thorough analysis on Thursday of alleged voter fraud cases over the past four years in Arizona, Ohio, Georgia, Texas, and Kansas—five states where Republican politicians have argued that voting restrictions are necessary to prevent fraud. Predictably, the study confirmed the academic consensus that in-person voter fraud is simply not a problem: In none of these states over the past four years has a single personbeen caught impersonating another voter in order to cast an illegitimate ballot.

The vast majority of voter fraud prosecutions touted by conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation involve absentee ballots that were illegally cast


Oddly enough, absentee ballot voters tend to favor Republicans. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with their lack of focus on this situation.


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sanders was bought off. She agreed to support his proposal about college fees. Of course he shut up, but did you see his face at the convention? Priceless.


To answer your previous question, I assume she will do it because it is a continuation of Obama's policies.

I could be wrong- wouldn't be the first time.


Fascinating.  (Humility is good too.)


Yet it all comes from the evil intents designs and purposes theory of paranoid politics.


Where I come from it's called meeting each other half-way. 


Yes, there are old hack political terms for it, such as you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Or log rolling (down the river). Share the spoils and more of 'em but these will do for the moment.


So we who support HRC always need to remember -- right? -- that the only poll that counts is on election day. That's your guyz favorite right now with every reliable poll showing Trump carrying on as usual in the middle of his dumpster blaze.


What everyone needs to remember however is that it's not over till the fat lady gets insulted by Trump. And he penciled her in just the other day. Trump will attend a performance Monday, November 7th.


That's 2016 of course. 


The night show.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sanders was bought off. She agreed to support his proposal about college fees. Of course he shut up, but did you see his face at the convention? Priceless.


To answer your previous question, I assume she will do it because it is a continuation of Obama's policies.

I could be wrong- wouldn't be the first time.


Oh, he was bought off. Right. And you know that because he didn't go off on Trump-like rant?  That's half the trouble with these topics, posters failing to differentiate opinion and fact.  No one claimed he was happy about the outcome, but ultimately he did the right thing. As in not being a sore loser like Trump.


And no, I wasn't asking why HRC will do "it" (whatever that stands for), but why take her statements at face value while asserting that she's "crooked"?



I could be wrong- wouldn't be the first time.




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42 minutes ago, MiKT said:


I am sure  that Hillary will do a reasonable job of bringing the US back to creditability at diplomatic levels and this will be a good thing because many, many people around the world have been quite worried at the thought of DT actually being the  POTUS.


Brows are being mopped and "phews" articulated as it becomes obvious that it isn't gonna happen; but it is clear that the Russians and the Chinese, not to mention NK, the Philippine mad man and our own dear Thai government (sorry, sorry, ignore that I mentioned them) Turkey, the Arab states, etc. have seen the possibility of a Trump election and made moves in the South China Sea, Ukraine, Turkey and Syria (to mention just a few)  that will in the long run have an adverse effect on the rest of the democratic free world.


How can they not loose respect when they see US generals standing up and supporting a buffoon who claims to know more about fighting ISIS than all of them and does not even pay any taxes to support the military?


But what has been most worrying to friends and allies of the US has been the amount of support that has been given to Trump by so many ordinary US citizens. How on earth can blue collar workers support this obscenely rich man who manufactures abroad? How can Americans support his kind of business dealings that reward trickery, cheating legitimate creditors by multiple bankruptcies, stealing from those who invested their monies to try to obtain a degree at his fake universities, etc. and makes it seem like a good thing?


How can the poorest segments of the population support a man who wants to give massive tax cuts to the richest people and nothing to them; and yet brags how clever he is not paying the taxes that support them on welfare, pays their low level wages and buys the tanks for the army? Are they not sickened by such hypocrisy?


The list goes on and on and his behaviour towards women cannot possibly be accepted as normal by the reddest redneck in the boonies. Even a good old fashioned dictator like Stalin or misogynist Saudi princeling would never have acted that way and then publically made this kind of bragging about women.


How can Americans in this day and age of the internet and international travel on a scale never seen before, be so ignorant of the real world  that they believe that a so called "business man" (with multiple failures to his credit)  who knows nothing of government, diplomacy or international relations is going to "make the US great again"?


It is this incredible level of gullibility and ignorance of how the world interacts and governments work that is Sad, sad, sad.


The US will be great again when it educates it citizens on how to be and integral part of a global community with the aim of raising the standard of living for all peoples, not just the privileged few.





But what has been most worrying to friends and allies of the US has been the amount of support that has been given to Trump by so many ordinary US citizens. 



The only votes Donald Trump has received are from the Republican Party during its nominating primaries and caucuses, convention. That's bad in itself, but that USA should have a major party nominee from the lunatic fringe is unusual and exceptional.  


Trump is now before the general electorate, and he has one opponent who is of the opposite political party. She's contorting him up like play-dough. 


There's virtually no question who will win on Tuesday, November 8th. It is only then that everyone will see the numbers of Trump's support among the general electorate in the USA. Until the nation votes its ballots on November 8th, Trump's only votes are by Republicans and some stray Independents or Democrats.


No one needs to be alarmed if on Wednesday November 9th we see that Donald Trump got 38% if the popular vote. That's nowhere'sville. Let's see how the Senate and the House go. It is premature to pronounce on how many Americans support Donald Trump. You don't know; no one presently knows.


The polling November 8th will give everyone the hard numbers we've been anticipating. Obviously, your anticipations seem to be less considered than mine. If on Wednesday November 9th there might be cause for alarm I'll be the first to let you and others know. If however you don't hear from me by Thursday that week, leave without me.

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Speaking of Sanders;  I think he would have gone with the Green Party.  There was talk among the Greens to enable Sanders to be either top of their ticket or the VP candidate behind Stein.  Sanders and the Greens agree on nearly everything ---- more so than Sanders and the Dems.  The reason Sanders sided with HRC was because he, like many others, saw the dire importance of keeping Trump out of the Oval Office.  I think that's the main reason Sanders sided with HRC.   I get emailings from his campaign.  They're actively supporting Green-like candidates, down-ballot, who are showing alacrity against things like big-money-dominating-campaigns, trashing the environment, and so on.

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3 hours ago, Linzz said:


What? Putin is rigging the election? Amazing how easily people swallow the Russian interference narrative. There is no proof. No one can ID the source and it's even possible to make the first layer ID from Russia when it is not.



Apart from:


It using the same malware used by Russians against German Intelligence.


The VPN they used to launch from France traced back to a Russian ISP.

Metadata found in documents converted to Word format was in Cyrillic.

They stopped working outside the Russian work week and on Russian state holidays.

The "Romanian" that suddenly appeared taking credit after the Russians got blamed couldn't actually speak very good Romanian.


What have the Romans ever done for us?




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