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First Calais ‘Jungle’ camp children arrive in UK


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The truth of the matter ,is that the old saying east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet ,holds just as good now as when it was first spoken , in small numbers we can all get on , but the amount that are now coming to the west will never integrate , the ones who came 60 years ago havnt in the main , in my old home town ,its them and us , When we wanted Brexit it was not to keep out Polish plumbers  but to keep out the muslim hordes ,who just want to over run us .

Racist? , i suppose so , but most of us dont want or like them ,they will never ever integrate , my God they cant even get on with each other ,what chance do we have?

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The bigots, most of whom don't even live in the UK but pontificate on life here as if they were experts, have, as usual, refused to engage in any form of rational argument, doing so always confounds them, and resorted to simply throwing insults at those who disagree with them.


They post misinformation and assumptions about the asylum and immigration rules as if they are fact, and ignore it when the actual rules are posted to show them that their assumptions are completely incorrect. Truth is, after all, something they are not interested in as it is the enemy of prejudice.


It is undeniable that some refugees aren't refugees at all but economic migrants abusing the system; that some child refugees are not children; some because they reached 18 whilst going through the process, some because they are lying.


No system is perfect, some get through it who shouldn't.


But to use that as a reason for allowing the majority who are innocent and genuine to suffer is inhumane and unforgiveable.


End of this topic as far as I am concerned; it stinks too much in here of the excrement of hate.




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These are children of people who are already living the the UK .

So they are not children as in being a child, they are children to parents living in the UK .

They are not unaccompanied children, they are going to stay with their parents in the UK

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

These are children of people who are already living the the UK .

So they are not children as in being a child, they are children to parents living in the UK .

They are not unaccompanied children, they are going to stay with their parents in the UK

WoW, they can sign on then...........:intheclub:

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

.YOU want anyone to walk into the UK for the freebies, it's your thing..


   This story is about Children being reunited with their Families .

Would you have a different opinion if you had children stuck in a Burmese refugee camp who were unable to come and live with you in Thailand ?

   How would you feel if lots of Thais were saying about you Children stuck in a Burmese refugee camp "Dont let them in, dont let them in" ?

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When will you get it through your thick skulls THESE ARE NOT CHILDREN  you can waffle on all day , and  and ,oh whats the use as i just said "THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SEE " they were not even children if they have been waiting in the camps for 10 years . children play with toys  and run around playing games , not <deleted>---ing shave ,and where are the female "children ,  no i am not a bigot or any of those things ,i am also not a fool .

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27 minutes ago, i claudius said:

When will you get it through your thick skulls THESE ARE NOT CHILDREN  you can waffle on all day , and  and ,oh whats the use as i just said "THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SEE " they were not even children if they have been waiting in the camps for 10 years . children play with toys  and run around playing games , not <deleted>---ing shave ,and where are the female "children ,  no i am not a bigot or any of those things ,i am also not a fool .


You and others have your eyes firmly closed on the fact that unless the people in this topic were lying about their age at time of application all people are legally defined as children if under the age of 18 at time of application for asylum / family reunification.


"I am not a bigot"  LOL...

Edited by simple1
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27 minutes ago, i claudius said:

When will you get it through your thick skulls THESE ARE NOT CHILDREN  you can waffle on all day , and  and ,oh whats the use as i just said "THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SEE " they were not even children if they have been waiting in the camps for 10 years . children play with toys  and run around playing games , not <deleted>---ing shave ,and where are the female "children ,  no i am not a bigot or any of those things ,i am also not a fool .


  They are Children in the sense they have parents , parents living in the UK .

Age doesnt matter, they are someones child .

That are not children, in being under 18, they are children to UK living parents .

These are not parent less children coming to live in the UK, they are people coming to live with their parents .

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55 minutes ago, simple1 said:


You and others have your eyes firmly closed on the fact that unless the people in this topic were lying about their age at time of application all people are legally defined as children if under the age of 18 at time of application for asylum / family reunification.


You and others who post in a similar vein in asylum / refugee topics have made your opinions crystal clear "I am not a bigot"  LOL...


7by 7 Oh sorry i mean simple one , your not going to post as him any longer i forgot .you remind me of my neice(who by the way i love dearly) she is a doctor and so left wing i cant believe , but then she grew up living a a house that could house a dozen immegrants ,in an area where the only one they had ever seen was the nice Pakistani who ran the local gracery store , and his kids she went to school with , her life was privalged as i suppose was mine , and all my family , but i went to live in the real world when i was young and found out that there were not fairies at the bottom of my garden .

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7 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The sort of people who're all for this are never likely to be affected by migrants so can afford to be ' generous

Exactly, Lilly Allen has more than enough space in her house. Another privileged rich kid, expensive private school and never done a real days work in her life.

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34 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  What does that have to do with this topic ?

She would be an immigrant married to an Englishman but cannot go to England with me...What do you think about that...?


Just answer it, I am not a UK immigrant, I paid my taxes all my life but SHE CANNOT live in England with me after many years of marriage..

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

These are children of people who are already living the the UK .

So they are not children as in being a child, they are children to parents living in the UK .

They are not unaccompanied children, they are going to stay with their parents in the UK

Actually they are not. Some are going to live with relatives. very different. As transan has pointed out many of us here can't get our wives and children into the UK as easy as these have done.

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2 minutes ago, transam said:

She would be an immigrant married to an Englishman but cannot go to England with me...What do you think about that...?


Just answer it, I am not a UK immigrant, I paid my taxes all my life but SHE CANNOT live in England with me after many years of marriage..


   Yes, I think that your Wife should be able to go with you to live in the UK .

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3 minutes ago, transam said:

She would be an immigrant married to an Englishman but cannot go to England with me...What do you think about that...?


Just answer it, I am not a UK immigrant, I paid my taxes all my life but SHE CANNOT live in England with me after many years of marriage..

You are trying to reason with the 'walking dead'. Very difficult and you and many others, have my sympathies. The system is corrupt, unfair and prejudice.

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Just now, sanemax said:


   Yes, I think that your Wife should be able to go with you to live in the UK .

You see you know feeerk all about us farangs having non UK status wives...


Do your homework and come back when your eyes have been opened...

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1 minute ago, transam said:

You see you know feeerk all about us farangs having non UK status wives...


Do your homework and come back when your eyes have been opened...



  LOL, my GF has no status at all in Thailand , no citizenship from anywhere .

My Son also has no citizenship from any Country , not even the UK, although I am trying to get him a UK passport without all the needed documents to do so

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   But Why can you Wife not go to the UK with you though ?

You do your homework, you know all about foreign folk walking into the UK to be with foreing folk YET you know nothing about REAL UK folk and THEIR family trials...

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   But Why can you Wife not go to the UK with you though ?

Going for a holiday and allowed to stay, are two different things.  I have quoted just a few things. Please read the rest


  • Your sponsoring partner must earn more than £18,600 per year or have enough savings to be able to sponsor you. The minimum financial requirement is higher if they are also sponsoring dependant children.
  • You must have suitable accommodation for you, your spouse and any dependants.
  • You must satisfy the English language requirements.





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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Going for a holiday and allowed to stay, are two different things.  I have quoted just a few things. Please read the rest


  • Your sponsoring partner must earn more than £18,600 per year or have enough savings to be able to sponsor you. The minimum financial requirement is higher if they are also sponsoring dependant children.
  • You must have suitable accommodation for you, your spouse and any dependants.
  • You must satisfy the English language requirements.







   Maybe the families of the people who entered into the UK satisfied all these demands ?

I do not know .

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:



  LOL, my GF has no status at all in Thailand , no citizenship from anywhere .

My Son also has no citizenship from any Country , not even the UK, although I am trying to get him a UK passport without all the needed documents to do so

NOW I can see why YOU want folk to walk into the UK, you want the same.....Not married, have offspring.....Bwwaaaaaah....

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

You do your homework, you know all about foreign folk walking into the UK to be with foreing folk YET you know nothing about REAL UK folk and THEIR family trials...


  Having taken my foreign Wife to live in the UK , I do know quite a lot about the subject .

Although I was asking you particularly why you couldnt do it .


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Just now, Ace of Pop said:

Just Read the Immo Rules for Brits n Wife/Dependants, its in the Visa Section. No wonder they see red at these YOUNG ADULTS go freeloading on their soil.

AOP seeing red is an understatement. People married to Thais who have  contributed to the system for numerous years are then shat on from a high level. Even if people have enough money etc they have to jump through hoops with lots of legal documents and interviews. These just walz in, get state support and help and will then start complaining the UK isn't respecting them and their culture and beliefs.

Just look at some who have been housed already. Not big enough houses or enough money.


They where supposedly living in a war torn shack previously. I agree with every single person here in Thailand who can't get their wife and family back to live with them in the UK. They should be seeing purple.

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

NOW I can see why YOU want folk to walk into the UK, 


   I havent said that I want folk to "walk into the UK"

I also wouldnt want all the Calais people going to the UK .

I was just pointing out some misconceptions people have .

These were children of parents and they were joining their parents .

I havent given an opinion about what I want

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