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Clinton vs Trump – the final round


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Clinton vs Trump – the final round




WASHINGTON: -- The third and final US presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was billed as a tough and bitter political punch-up and millions of viewers wanted to see dust fly were not disappointed.


Given his claims that the contest is rigged perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise when the Republican maverick refused to say whether he’d accept the election result.


Chris Wallace, debate moderator: “I want to ask you here on this stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely, sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election?”


Donald Trump, Republican Presidential nominee: “I will look at it, at the time. I’m not looking at anything now. I will look at it at the time….”


Chris Wallace, debate moderator: “But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought the campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner …”


Donald Trump, Republican Presidential nominee: “I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense.”


Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential nominee: “Well, Chris, let me respond to that because that is horrifying. You know every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims whatever it is is rigged against him.”


Donald Trump, Republican Presidential nominee: “Such a nasty woman.”


The war of words spread to almost every issue as the candidates clashed on relations with Russia.


Donald Trump, Republican Presidential nominee: “Putin from everything I see has no respect for this person.”


Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Candidate: “Well that’s because he’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States.”

“No puppet. No puppet. You’re the puppet.” replied Trump.


Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Candidate: “It’s pretty clear you won’t admit that the Russians have engaged in cyber-attacks against the United States of America that you encouraged espionage against our people.”


On foreign policy Clinton seemed to put Trump on the backfoot: “This is a person who has been cavalier, even casual, about the use of nuclear weapons. He’s advocated more countries getting them – Japan, Korea even Saudi Arabia. He said, ‘well if we have them why don’t we use them?’ Which I think is terrifying (…)”


“All I said is that we have to renegotiate these agreements because our country cannot afford to defend Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, South Korea and many other places, we cannot continue to afford…She took that as saying nuclear weapons,” responded Trump.


Clinton and Trump did exchange some pleasant words; however all at voters rather than each other.


“I have made the cause of children and families really my life’s work. That’s what my mission will be in the presidency,” said Clinton.


“We are going to make America strong again and we are going to make America great again. And it has to start now,” replied Trump.


This time there was no handshake at the end of the duel. The gloves in this bout don’t look like they’ll come back on even at the final bell.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-21


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How can there still be undecideds?  Realistically, they're probably people who really want to vote for Trump, but come close to puking each time they picture themselves going in the voting booth and marking their ballot for him.  It's kinda like people who tell themselves (or everyone around them says....) they must eat the rotten-smelling oyster pie that's been sitting in the back of the fridge for 5 months - because it was a special gift from their father-in-law.  

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

 Realistically, they're probably people who really want to vote for Trump, but come close to puking each time they picture themselves going in the voti


I feel that way about both of them

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The party's over turn out the GOP lights. 

Republicans have been eroding trust in government and elections from the beginning of the end 1980s. It is their doing. They will continue to erode the government and democratic system until they are marginalized back to where they belong...nowhere. They'll still claim the southern low-info neanderthal knuckle draggers, but it's over. See ya.   


It will be interesting to watch exactly how the GOP handles the post-election mass circular firing squad they have been organizing. On one hand you've got the Trumpeteers, the marginalized base and on the other hand there is the marginalized Republican older base, what's left when subtract out the wingnut Trumpeteers. The GOP is in death spasms at this point and oh so deserved. 


Trump is the result of 40 years of Republican propaganda...the GOP own him...he's their effed up baby...


Bye bye , so long, farewell.


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Little Children these days ..." I want to feel good about myself voting"    . "I/We deserve better"   Wah Waaah


When was voting ever about this?!. Democracy is about selecting alternatives to problems. Most of the time, problems being problems you have two crappy choices. Grow up.


For all the people who are mouthing the whine -  likely you are not voting anyway, or can't vote because of legal problems   :D  So time to get back to your Leo and be Happy Trump is losing or your investment/entitlement payment would get buzz sawed.

Edited by LomSak27
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5 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

 Democracy is about selecting alternatives to problems.Most of the time, problems being problems you have two crappy choices. Grow up.



Thomas Jefferson, right? Order up another round old man.

Edited by Rob13
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9 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Little Children these days ..." I want to feel good about myself voting"    . "I/We deserve better"   Wah Waaah


When was voting ever about this?!. Democracy is about selecting alternatives to problems. Most of the time, problems being problems you have two crappy choices. Grow up.


For all the people who are mouthing the whine -  likely you are not voting anyway, or can't vote because of legal problems   :D  So time to get back to your Leo and be Happy Trump is losing or your investment/entitlement payment would get buzz sawed.

Are you calling Trump a liar? He has pledged not to cut Social Security and Medicare.  Shame on you!

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22 minutes ago, Pinot said:

The party's over turn out the GOP lights. 

Republicans have been eroding trust in government and elections from the beginning of the end 1980s. It is their doing. They will continue to erode the government and democratic system until they are marginalized back to where they belong...nowhere. They'll still claim the southern low-info neanderthal knuckle draggers, but it's over. See ya.   


It will be interesting to watch exactly how the GOP handles the post-election mass circular firing squad they have been organizing. On one hand you've got the Trumpeteers, the marginalized base and on the other hand there is the marginalized Republican older base, what's left when subtract out the wingnut Trumpeteers. The GOP is in death spasms at this point and oh so deserved. 


Trump is the result of 40 years of Republican propaganda...the GOP own him...he's their effed up baby...


Bye bye , so long, farewell.




Edited by AYJAYDEE
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On the one hand I would hate to miss out on all the guaranteed bloopers Trump would make as President, but it's just not worth the damage he will cause.

On the other hand I would also hate to see "politics as usual" to continue unabated and unashamed with Clinton as President, it's just not worth the damage she will cause.


Is this really the best talent available in all of America (rhetorical question)?

I do so hope that out of frustration  with the choice of candidates there will come reform to the political process.


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Are you calling Trump a liar? He has pledged not to cut Social Security and Medicare.  Shame on you!


He said that .... the 2nd time! Heh  In years past he wanted to cut both - BUT NO I am not concerned about his habitual lying. (and how easily gulled his believers are) That is not what I meant at all. If Trump would win, the markets would take a serious jolt, a more than serious downturn,  because he wants to re write or cancel various treaties. Companies. American companies and global would go  head over toenails about that.  So you pay no attention to these things ... good  .... your entitlement check should pay your Leo bill with no hiccup - That is all. 

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1 minute ago, LomSak27 said:


He said that .... the 2nd time! Heh  In years past he wanted to cut both - BUT NO I am not concerned about his habitual lying. (and how easily gulled his believers are) That is not what I meant at all. If Trump would win, the markets would take a serious jolt, a more than serious downturn,  because he wants to re write or cancel various treaties. Companies. American companies and global would go  head over toenails about that.  So you pay no attention to these things ... good  .... your entitlement check should pay your Leo bill with no hiccup - That is all. 

Actually, I misread your quote to mean the opposite of what it really said.  My mistake.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Donald Trump wants to deregulate hedge funds and banks.  Is that your idea of not "poilitics as usual.?"


It is just this which caused the 2008 wall street upchuck. Good to now he, and his believers, have not learned a thing  in 8 years and are essentially clueless about how the economy works.

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Trump was blindfolded and brought a knife to a gunfight. It was his OK corral moment. He kept projecting that "I huff and I will puff and blow your house down" but Hillary was  having none of this. She blew him down with facts figures by figures I mean the female kind of his past peccadillo's where he was trying to learn about anatomy first hand with his hand and little fingers attached. It must be a b*t*h to think your a big man in the world with small fingers but then no one is perfect. I also have small fingers but big elsewhere.  

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4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:


It is just this which caused the 2008 wall street upchuck. Good to now he, and his believers, have not learned a thing  in 8 years and are essentially clueless about how the economy works.

They do after all have a financial safety net called the taxpayer. 

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The real losers here are the republicans but not necessarily terminally.  Trump wasn't an actual republican candidate as much as an ultra right wing maverick who suckered the republicans into backing him because of the support he was initially getting.  Once the reality of what Trump was saying sank in the republican party members started distancing themselves from him and that grew every day from then.


Hopefully when Trump loses the election the republican party can take a moment and re-think their outdated policies and come out fighting in four years time with an electable candidate.  At least then there would be a viable balance.


This is a strange election on many levels with the main motivation being voting against rather than voting for.  The Trumpsters are really voting against Clinton and the rest are voting against Trump.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

How can there still be undecideds?  Realistically, they're probably people who really want to vote for Trump, but come close to puking each time they picture themselves going in the voting booth and marking their ballot for him.  It's kinda like people who tell themselves (or everyone around them says....) they must eat the rotten-smelling oyster pie that's been sitting in the back of the fridge for 5 months - because it was a special gift from their father-in-law.  


I guess one part of the undecideds is people who have voted for republicans for whole their lives. They feel it's their civic duty to do so. 

Now they are facing an impossible challenge. Either do their civic duty or betray their party's wish. 


It would be good if GOP top members would openly admit they screwed up with the nominee and then endorse Hillary.


Party members could say that they were suspicious of what would hatch from the egg they had, but did't expect it to become a Tyrannosaurus REX with big mouth and tiny hands.




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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

How can there still be undecideds?  Realistically, they're probably people who really want to vote for Trump, but come close to puking each time they picture themselves going in the voting booth and marking their ballot for him.  It's kinda like people who tell themselves (or everyone around them says....) they must eat the rotten-smelling oyster pie that's been sitting in the back of the fridge for 5 months - because it was a special gift from their father-in-law.  


Regarding undecided voters, David Sedaris had this to say in 2008:


To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

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29 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Regarding undecided voters, David Sedaris had this to say in 2008:


To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."


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3 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Regarding undecided voters, David Sedaris had this to say in 2008:


To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."


Only Hillary is not chicken. She is vomit with razor blades. Not much of a choice.

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