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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win



DELAWARE, Ohio (AP) — Mocking his critics, Donald Trump pledged Thursday to fully accept the outcome of next month's presidential election — if he wins. The Republican said he reserved the right to contest questionable results, deepening his unsubstantiated assertions that the race against Hillary Clinton could be rigged against him.


Trump's comments came a day after his stunning refusal in the final presidential debate to say whether he would concede to Clinton if he loses. His resistance, threatening to undermine the essence of American democracy, was roundly rejected by fellow Republicans.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the 2008 GOP nominee, called the peaceful transfer of power "the pride of our country."


"I didn't like the outcome of the 2008 election. But I had a duty to concede, and I did so without reluctance," McCain said in a lengthy statement. "A concession isn't just an exercise in graciousness. It is an act of respect for the will of the American people, a respect that is every American leader's first responsibility."


With the presidential race slipping away from him, Trump has repeatedly raised the specter of a rigged election, despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud heading toward Election Day or in previous presidential contests. His top advisers and running mate Mike Pence have tried to soften his comments, only to watch helplessly as he plunges ahead.


Asked in Wednesday's debate if he would accept the election results and concede to Clinton if he loses, Trump said: "I will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense."


Clinton slammed Trump's comments as "horrifying," and fellow Democrats piled on Thursday.


"That undermines our democracy," President Barack Obama said while campaigning for Clinton in Florida. "Our democracy depends on people knowing their vote matters."


His wife, first lady Michelle Obama, told 7,000 Clinton supporters in Republican-voting Arizona Thursday that Trump was threatening to "ignore our voices and reject the outcome of this election." She said that's the same as "threatening the very idea of America itself."


Trump's comments overshadowed his attempts to diminish Clinton's credibility during the debate. He entered the contest desperate to reshape the race and attract new voters who are deeply skeptical of his brash temperament and fitness for office, but it appeared unlikely he accomplished those goals.


Campaigning Thursday in must-win Ohio, Trump tried to make light of the situation.


"I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election," he said. After letting that vow hang in the air for a few seconds, he added, "If I win."


The Republican nominee said he would accept "a clear election result" but reserved his right to "contest or file a legal challenge" if he loses. He brushed off the likelihood of that happening with a confident prediction that "we're not going to lose."


Yet numerous Republican leaders concede Trump is heading for defeat barring a significant shift in the campaign's closing days. The GOP's top concern now is salvaging its majority in the Senate, followed closely by worries over the Republicans' once comfortable grip on the House.


"The landscape has gotten a lot tougher for Republicans in the House," said Liesl Hickey, a Republican strategist involved some of those races. In Pennsylvania, Sen. Pat Toomey said Trump's comments were "irresponsible."


Maine Gov. Paul LePage called Trump's comments an "absolute stupid move" and advised him to "take your licks and let's move on."

U.S. elections are run by local elected officials — Republicans, in many of the most competitive states.


Trump's campaign pointed to Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000 as an example of why it would be premature for Trump to say he'd acquiesce on Nov. 8. That election, which played out for weeks until the Supreme Court weighed in, didn't center on allegations of fraud, but on proper vote-counting after an extremely close outcome in Florida led to a mandatory recount.


Trump tried to turn the tables on Clinton by accusing her of "cheating" and suggesting she should "resign from the race." He cited a hacked email that showed her campaign was tipped off about a question she'd be asked in a CNN town hall meeting during the Democratic primary.


"Can you imagine if I got the questions? They would call for the re-establishment of the electric chair, do you agree?" Trump said at a rally in Ohio.


Trump's effort to shift the conversation back to Clinton focused on an email from longtime Democratic operative Donna Brazile to Clinton's campaign in March with the subject line "From time to time I get the questions in advance." It contained the wording of a death penalty question that Brazile suggested Clinton would be asked.


Brazile, now the acting Democratic National Committee chairwoman, was a CNN contributor at the time she sent the email, one of thousands disclosed publicly by WikiLeaks after Clinton's campaign chairman's emails were hacked. Clinton's campaign has said Russia was behind the hack.


Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Kathleen Ronayne in Nashua, New Hampshire mand Kathy Matheson in Philadelphia contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-21
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Trump supporters are mostly elder white men - who are holding on to the last glimmer of their once-dominant role they recall from their youth.  That's why they hold on to Trump's motto "Make America Great Again."    


America has been great and not-great at any given time in the past.  America is changing month by month.  In America's largest population city, L.A. California, white folks are a minority.  Same with other cities and states.   When I was a little boy, I went to school for 2 yrs in France.  The French have a phrase 'vive la difference'  I glommed onto it them, and I still (as a middle aged white man) admire that phrase.  


Edited by boomerangutang
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If there are any doubts Trump is planning to launch a 'news commentary network' ....this video should put the icing on the cake:   It's Trump's own paid staff, interviewing Trump praisers (who are also paid, directly or indirectly by Trump), in the guise of news coverage. . . . .    


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This is all an attempt to be the center of attention a little while longer, so that on November 9th, instead of people talking about HRC, the focus will be on King Baby screaming fraud! from his high chair.  I hope he pushes it so far that the feds threaten to charge him with filing false claims and frivolous lawsuits.  For sure he's making the K family jealous as hell.


Just another part of the USA celebrating 2016: Year of the Jackass.



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39 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If there are any doubts Trump is planning to launch a 'news commentary network'


Even if he gets only 20% of the vote it'll prove that there is enough interest out there in crypto-fascist bs that it can support more than one cable news network.  Probably Ailes will run the show, with a thirst for vengeance against Fox. 



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11 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


I thought that was the whole point of an election campaign


the point of an election campaign is to tell folks what you will do for them if they elect you, not tell them what you will do to others if youre not.

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34 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If there are any doubts Trump is planning to launch a 'news commentary network' ....this video should put the icing on the cake:   It's Trump's own paid staff, interviewing Trump praisers (who are also paid, directly or indirectly by Trump), in the guise of news coverage. . . . .    


Trump's brand has being so irreparably damaged catering to his" Basket of deplorables" is IMO his only remaining business option.I would bet my last dollar, he will try to monetize his deplorables.

Trump News Network ,  Where we treat our listeners like mushrooms. We keep them in the dark, and feed them crap.

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13 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Now the shoe is on the other foot.


Gore, speaking from the White House the week after having lost the general election, explains why he refused to concede the race:





" The Florida election recount of 2000 was a period of vote recounting in Florida that occurred during the weeks after Election Day in the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. ... The small margin produced anautomatic recount under Florida state law.  "


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump supporters are mostly elder white men - who are holding on to the last glimmer of their once-dominant role they recall from their youth.  That's why they hold on to Trump's motto "Make America Great Again."    


America has been great and not-great at any given time in the past.  America is changing month by month.  In America's largest population city, L.A. California, white folks are a minority.  Same with other cities and states.   When I was a little boy, I went to school for 2 yrs in France.  The French have a phrase 'vive la difference'  I glommed onto it them, and I still (as a middle aged white man) admire that phrase.  


Like you, I think that some differences are very good...diversity of experience is needed for evolution as a person and species...the real issue people find discomfiting is that most differences are not "better"...they are just different...and often worse...when it comes to society, to make it better, the citizenry must embrace improvements...when immigrants come to their new country, they tend to disavow the new norms...and clearly, most of the differences that immigrants bring to the west are not better...incest, mutilation, mysogeny, and abuse are the norm for many immigrant cultures, and they expect these behaviors and attitudes to not be respected, but retained and celebrated...the usa is becoming a 3rd world nation before our eyes...following many places in europe...i think you're right about trump's appeal to older whites...but also younger whites who are seeing their potential whither under the new 3rd world that once was their home...

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6 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Like you, I think that some differences are very good...diversity of experience is needed for evolution as a person and species...the real issue people find discomfiting is that most differences are not "better"...they are just different...and often worse...when it comes to society, to make it better, the citizenry must embrace improvements...when immigrants come to their new country, they tend to disavow the new norms...and clearly, most of the differences that immigrants bring to the west are not better...incest, mutilation, mysogeny, and abuse are the norm for many immigrant cultures, and they expect these behaviors and attitudes to not be respected, but retained and celebrated...the usa is becoming a 3rd world nation before our eyes...following many places in europe...i think you're right about trump's appeal to older whites...but also younger whites who are seeing their potential whither under the new 3rd world that once was their home...



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53 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Like you, I think that some differences are very good...diversity of experience is needed for evolution as a person and species...the real issue people find discomfiting is that most differences are not "better"...they are just different...and often worse...when it comes to society, to make it better, the citizenry must embrace improvements...when immigrants come to their new country, they tend to disavow the new norms...and clearly, most of the differences that immigrants bring to the west are not better...incest, mutilation, mysogeny, and abuse are the norm for many immigrant cultures, and they expect these behaviors and attitudes to not be respected, but retained and celebrated...the usa is becoming a 3rd world nation before our eyes...following many places in europe...i think you're right about trump's appeal to older whites...but also younger whites who are seeing their potential whither under the new 3rd world that once was their home...

In other word, "Make America White Again."

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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

" The Florida election recount of 2000 was a period of vote recounting in Florida that occurred during the weeks after Election Day in the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. ... The small margin produced anautomatic recount under Florida state law.  "


The Florida recount was very flawed and incomplete when the Grand jury elected Bush.

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I think it is time for a popular vote so my vote will count, Since Illinois will vote Hillary by a wide margin my vote was useless. US presidential elections have turned into a farce when most peoples vote counts for nothing. I want my vote to be counted in the total not in my state.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump tried to turn the tables on Clinton by accusing her of "cheating" and suggesting she should "resign from the race." He cited a hacked email that showed her campaign was tipped off about a question she'd be asked in a CNN town hall meeting during the Democratic primary.


Also CNN supplied her with 3 decades of experience in local, state, national and international politics, a law degree, legal and courtroom experience,  and political wonkishness (allegedly)

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American elections are a sad joke.. Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. Just one example of how they cheat to transform our country.


There are no limits to liberal depravity. They opened the borders to demographic jihad in 1965 to bring in millions of heavy welfare dependent immigrants ( like Tony Blair and Francois Mitterand in Europe did) They use dead people on the voter rolls, illegal aliens  and even the criminal underclass to vote for a criminal elite class that is destroying what is left of our Republic.  (with the help from establishment NeoCon Republicains it must be said )


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Just now, Merzik said:

American elections are a sad joke.. Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. Just one example of how they cheat to transform our country.


There are no limits to liberal depravity. They opened the borders to demographic jihad in 1965 to bring in millions of heavy welfare dependent immigrants ( like Tony Blair and Francois Mitterand in Europe did) They use dead people on the voter rolls, illegal aliens  and even the criminal underclass to vote for a criminal elite class that is destroying what is left of our Republic.  (with the help from establishment NeoCon Republicains it must be said )


I believe you once called them the Trotskyite NeoCon Republicans.  Do you have the courage to explain why you called them Trotskyites?

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More crap from the bought off mainstream media really no better than Pravda in its glory.  CNN the Clinton News Network and others working in tandem with Hillary as revealed in Wikileaks emails.  no wonder less than 30 percent of people trust these garbage networks and now rely on the internet.


Funny thing is Al Gore the Democrat challenged election results in court. 

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3 minutes ago, Merzik said:

American elections are a sad joke.. Six months ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bundler, announced that by executive action he would convert 200,000 convicted felons into eligible voters by November. Just one examplpe of how they cheat to transform our country.


There are no limits to liberal depravity. They opened the borders to demographic jihad in 1965 to bring in millions of heavy welfare dependent immigrants ( like Tony Blair and Francois Mitterand in Europe did) They use dead people on the voter rolls, illegal aliens  and even the criminal underclass to vote for a criminal elite class that is destroying what is left of our Republic.  (with the help from establishment NeoCon Republicains it must be said )


Your tin foil is showing....give it up. There is nothing wrong with wanting an outsider and reformer. But you picked a guy who is neither. He is simply a self aggrandizing scumbag and serial liar. As to felons voting...that was overturned by the 3rd branch of government...just the way it is supposed to work. But stacking the court with your own judges has allowed the right to be the most effective 'gerrymandering' organization in modern history. Ever wonder why Congress persons with an overall approval rating of 35% can get re-elected for decades ? 


I will support a real reformer. I would have preferred a Bernie Sanders vs Rand Paul contest...that would have given me a real choice. But Trump would not do anything for this country but enrich himself and leave the rest of us with our hands in our shorts.

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The huckster has plans:


Trump TV: Is Donald Trump planning to launch a news channel?


"Minutes before the third and final presidential debate, the Trump campaign launched an alternative debate broadcast,

streamed on Facebook live via the candidate's page and complete with Trump-styled political commentators and analysis."


"On Monday, the Financial Times reported Mr Trump's son-in-law,

Jared Kushner, had informally approached a top media dealmaker to discuss setting up a network after the presidential election in November."


"Were Mr Trump to launch a network, he could likely rely on support from several "mainstream" conservative media talents, including Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly from Fox News. Mr Hannity and Mr O'Reilly have clauses in their contracts that allow them leave the network after Roger Ailes's departure, according to the Financial Times."



Not to worry Lemmings.

You can cry in your beer over at Trump TV.


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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump supporters are mostly elder white men - who are holding on to the last glimmer of their once-dominant role they recall from their youth.  That's why they hold on to Trump's motto "Make America Great Again."    


America has been great and not-great at any given time in the past.  America is changing month by month.  In America's largest population city, L.A. California, white folks are a minority.  Same with other cities and states.   When I was a little boy, I went to school for 2 yrs in France.  The French have a phrase 'vive la difference'  I glommed onto it them, and I still (as a middle aged white man) admire that phrase.  


 That expression is used to note the obvious fact that men and women are not the same. Something that liberals with their absurd gender-confusion ideology and radical feminism do not seem to understand. 


The socialist French president that champions mass immigration has a 13% approval rating....which includes the muslim immigrants that voted for him  ( 93%)  Large majorities of French polled say they no longer feel France is still French and that there is too much immigration and that these immigrants do not want to assimilate. 

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6 minutes ago, tonray said:

Your tin foil is showing....give it up. There is nothing wrong with wanting an outsider and reformer. But you picked a guy who is neither. He is simply a self aggrandizing scumbag and serial liar. As to felons voting...that was overturned by the 3rd branch of government...just the way it is supposed to work. But stacking the court with your own judges has allowed the right to be the most effective 'gerrymandering' organization in modern history. Ever wonder why Congress persons with an overall approval rating of 35% can get re-elected for decades ? 


I will support a real reformer. I would have preferred a Bernie Sanders vs Rand Paul contest...that would have given me a real choice. But Trump would not do anything for this country but enrich himself and leave the rest of us with our hands in our shorts.


You must be joking.  Bernie revealed himself as nothing more than an egocentric political hack trying to get in a few days of glory before he kicks the bucket.  He kicked his supporters to the curb.

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