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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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1 hour ago, Merzik said:




They have been debunked by witnessess and back ground checks of the accusers:


One example:


"...Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,”Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

There was no kissing, but the “shrill” Leeds was “very much in your face” with the real estate developer...."


Other examples in the article:



Gilberthorpe is a pimp who procures underaged boys for clients.


Gilberthorpe would have been 17 at the time of the sexual assault by Trump on Leeds in question in the First Class cabin of the plane.


The complete lack of even the most basic critical assessment by the Trump fanboys is entirely consistent with their role model. Ill-prepard, ill-mannered and low class as has been demonstrated time and time again, most recently in the Third Presidential Debate and Trump's inappropriate remarks at the Albert E. Smith Foundation Memorial Dinner.


Not one of Trump's sexual assaults has been debunked. Not that it matters because he admitted it in his own words. It is on tape. Everyone has heard him. It has rightly destroyed him as a Candidate for President. This sexual pervert needs to be held to account for his crimes against women.

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Look, I know it's none of my damned business because I am not an American, but can I just say on behalf of the rest of the world that we are really worried about this. You gave us GW and now look! Please show some common senses and vote in a statesmanlike person as president. Please.

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I had an interesting email exchange this week with my Senator, John Thune. If you remember he came out and tweeted that Trump should step down and let Pense head the ticket, then backtracked.


I was challenging him to at least have the backbone to denounce the 'won't accept the result' issue.


It was telling that you could sense the conflicted state of affairs within the GOP. He sorta accepted the fact, but couldn't quite bring himself to go public for fear of alienating the rabid Trump base.


Curiously his tweets this week have concentrated on the opening of the Pheasant shooting season in South Dakota, not a peep outta him on the the Presidential election!

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19 hours ago, Merzik said:




They have been debunked by witnessess and back ground checks of the accusers:


One example:


"...Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.


Other examples in the article:



Well lets look at this totally objectively.


Trumps first claim was that he had never met this woman and now the most least credible witness just stepped forward (he is known for trying to get his 15 mins of fame in many other cases that were complete fabrications) to claim he witnessed the entire scene when he was 17 in first class 35 years ago. Now there is a dichotomy that Trump clearly did not think through. Either:


1. The witness is completely lying and therefore the woman's (Leeds) story still stands albeit uncorroborated 


2. Donald Trump is completely lying as he said he had never met this woman or sat next to her, yet the witnesses story (having been brought forward by the Trump team) places Trump on that aircraft sitting next to the woman in question.



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Polls in USA released Friday of states that in almost every election are considered in play.


Hadn't been any polling in deeply red Georgia since the spring, so with the many people saying the solid red state seems to be tightening up, a slew of polls has just been run through it...


Utah: Trump 30%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 25%, Johnson 5% (Dan Jones & Assoc) UT is a deeply red state. McMullin is running to try to deny Trump the state's five Electoral College Votes, nothing more. If I were voting in UT I'd vote for McMullin.


Virginia: Clinton 45%, Trump 33%, Johnson 8% (Christopher Newport University

VA is a blue state.


Georgia: Trump 44%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 9% (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Georgia: Trump 47%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 5% (Landmark)

Georgia: Trump 50%, Clinton 46%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)


Florida: Clinton 49%, Trump 45%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)  FL went blue in 2008 and in 2012. So this one is looking like a hat trick.


Maine: Clinton 42%, Trump 36%, Johnson 9% (Maine Peoples Resource Center)

ME is a blue state.


Iowa: Clinton 41%, Trump 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

IW is normally a blue state but Trump had been holding a lead all year. Don't know if this poll quite got it, but let's hope so.


Pennsylvania: Clinton 47%, Trump 38%, Johnson 7% (Lucid)

Blue sky and blue ocean always in PA. OB won PA by 4.5% in 2012. HRC is killing Trump in the Philly burbs.


Ohio: Clinton 44%, Trump 39%, Johnson 7%  (Lucid)


Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 9% (Ball State)

IN is the red state express. Still, the D for governor is way ahead, as is the D for the open US Senate seat that would flip from R to the D if he wins. (Some say it's why Gov. Mike Pence decided to get out of his reelection race to join Trump on the ticket. Big improvement for Pence, eh.)

Trump needs to accept the election results even if he has to go out to rent a pair to get himself up to do it.

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58 minutes ago, pattayalover said:

with 300 millions Americans, they didn't find any better candidates.

it shows you how dumb this country is.


Hillary Clinton will be an excellent Potus.


Almost all the people who dismiss her outright have been either eating up or cooking up propaganda from the wingnut right for going on 30 years. Whitewater, murder in the White House, murder in Benghazi, emails even Bernie Sanders in the primaries and caucuses rightly blew off...lock her up etc etc etc.


Yet all they're getting for it is an anticipated election blowout November 8th. Then the whole bunch can proceed to devour themselves thx. 


Kasich wasn't going to win either. HRC outsmarts and outmaneuvers 'em all. Nobody knows more how to win an election of Potus than Bill and Hillary. Then nobody does it better in the WH.


American or not, framing it as you do is wrong for the reasons stated. 

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2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

He sorta accepted the fact, but couldn't quite bring himself to go public for fear of alienating the rabid Trump base.


So, I understand that the first women who - after second debate - said D. Trump did assaulted them - should fear a lot more. But they did stand up. 



Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


Well lets look at this totally objectively.


Trumps first claim was that he had never met this woman and now the most least credible witness just stepped forward (he is known for trying to get his 15 mins of fame in many other cases that were complete fabrications) to claim he witnessed the entire scene when he was 17 in first class 35 years ago. Now there is a dichotomy that Trump clearly did not think through. Either:


1. The witness is completely lying and therefore the woman's (Leeds) story still stands albeit uncorroborated 


2. Donald Trump is completely lying as he said he had never met this woman or sat next to her, yet the witnesses story (having been brought forward by the Trump team) places Trump on that aircraft sitting next to the woman in question.




I am not surprised Trump does not remember everyone he has happened to sit next to 30 years ago in a airplane . Do you remember everyone ( or even anyone) who you sat next to 30 years ago?  She is not exceptionally attractive to say the least and not someone that you would remember 30 years later . Also she has a rather checkered past herself :



This groping story is absurd. We have a corrupt war criminal running for president and the MSM is looking at frivolous claims from a partisan democrat ( with a very questionable past)  claiming she was groped 30 years ago. Unreal. I am sure most people in Serbia, Syria and Lybia all remember what the Clintons have done to them which was far more serious than an imaginary grope claimed by some liberal feminist .

Edited by Merzik
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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

Look, I know it's none of my damned business because I am not an American, but can I just say on behalf of the rest of the world that we are really worried about this. You gave us GW and now look! Please show some common senses and vote in a statesmanlike person as president. Please.


I assume that is America's foreign policy which most concerns the rest of the world. As the Green Party candidate stated Hillary Clinton is the one most likely to get us into another major conflict...and perhaps the-mother-of-all-wars with Russia. It is Clinton that has an agressive and reckless foreign policy and history of war crimes. This is far more important than any Trump gaffe or grope from 30 years ago.  The best bet for a diplomatic solution to our problems and no more empire wars is Donald Trump not Hillary Clinton.

Edited by Merzik
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7 minutes ago, Merzik said:


I assume that is America's foreign policy which most concerns the rest of the world. As the Green Party candidate stated Hillary Clinton is the one most likely to get us into another major conflict...and perhaps the-mother-of-all-wars with Russia. It is Clinton that has an agressive and reckless foreign policy and history of war crimes. This is far more important than any Trump gaffe or grope from 30 years ago.  The best bet for a diplomatic solution to our problems and no more empire wars is Donald Trump not Hillary Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly said that the USA should take the Middle East oilfields for itself. Some recipe for peace that is.

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12 minutes ago, Merzik said:


I assume that is America's foreign policy which most concerns the rest of the world. As the Green Party candidate stated Hillary Clinton is the one most likely to get us into another major conflict...and perhaps the-mother-of-all-wars with Russia. It is Clinton that has an agressive and reckless foreign policy and history of war crimes. This is far more important than any Trump gaffe or grope from 30 years ago.  The best bet for a diplomatic solution to our problems and no more empire wars is Donald Trump not Hillary Clinton.


No, I think most of us are quite used to ill advised American foreign policy efforts over the last several decades.


Our genuine fear is that you might actually select Trump who is obviously a boorish oaf!


Are you male or female? Fine photo but I don't believe any woman could support Trump!

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17 minutes ago, Merzik said:


I assume that is America's foreign policy which most concerns the rest of the world. As the Green Party candidate stated Hillary Clinton is the one most likely to get us into another major conflict...and perhaps the-mother-of-all-wars with Russia. It is Clinton that has an agressive and reckless foreign policy and history of war crimes. This is far more important than any Trump gaffe or grope from 30 years ago.  The best bet for a diplomatic solution to our problems and no more empire wars is Donald Trump not Hillary Clinton.


These statements are clearly absurdly partisan since they completely ignore reality and facts.


The Obama Doctrine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_Doctrine on military engagement emphasizes negotiation and collaboration. Clinton, as Secretary of State was a key element in forming this doctrine.


A War Criminal is someone who has breached the international rules of war, including the Geneva Conventions.


The over the top garbage becomes more bizarre when compared to Trump, a person of no achievements in public office, no demonstrated interest in foreign affairs and proven ignorance of what is happening in the word around him. This is a person who when asked about the allegations from women that he groped them responds by telling us that he will defeat ISIS. Not how he will defeat them because we just have to trust him.


There is absolutely no comparison between the two Candidates on foreign policy. This has been proven in three debates.

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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump has repeatedly said that the USA should take the Middle East oilfields for itself. Some recipe for peace that is.


If you want to see what a Trump administration might look like, just look at Duterte.  

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42 minutes ago, Merzik said:


I am not surprised Trump does not remember everyone he has happened to sit next to 30 years ago in a airplane . Do you remember everyone ( or even anyone) who you sat next to 30 years ago?  She is not exceptionally attractive to say the least and not someone that you would remember 30 years later . Also she has a rather checkered past herself :



This groping story is absurd. We have a corrupt war criminal running for president and the MSM is looking at frivolous claims from a partisan democrat ( with a very questionable past)  claiming she was groped 30 years ago. Unreal. I am sure most people in Serbia, Syria and Lybia all remember what the Clintons have done to them which was far more serious than an imaginary grope claimed by some liberal feminist .


And yet you peddle the BS from Gilberthorpe who claims that he was a witness to this?


Your comments about Ms. Leeds are grotesquely sexist. Judging her on her looks is immature.


Trump the sexual deviant has admitted his groping and sexual assault of women. In his own words for everyone to hear.


You have no idea what people in Serbia, Syria and Libya have to say and absolutely no credibility to speak on their behalf.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Polls in USA released Friday of states that in almost every election are considered in play.


Hadn't been any polling in deeply red Georgia since the spring, so with the many people saying the solid red state seems to be tightening up, a slew of polls has just been run through it...


Utah: Trump 30%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 25%, Johnson 5% (Dan Jones & Assoc) UT is a deeply red state. McMullin is running to try to deny Trump the state's five Electoral College Votes, nothing more. If I were voting in UT I'd vote for McMullin.


Virginia: Clinton 45%, Trump 33%, Johnson 8% (Christopher Newport University

VA is a blue state.


Georgia: Trump 44%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 9% (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

Georgia: Trump 47%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 5% (Landmark)

Georgia: Trump 50%, Clinton 46%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)


Florida: Clinton 49%, Trump 45%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)  FL went blue in 2008 and in 2012. So this one is looking like a hat trick.


Maine: Clinton 42%, Trump 36%, Johnson 9% (Maine Peoples Resource Center)

ME is a blue state.


Iowa: Clinton 41%, Trump 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

IW is normally a blue state but Trump had been holding a lead all year. Don't know if this poll quite got it, but let's hope so.


Pennsylvania: Clinton 47%, Trump 38%, Johnson 7% (Lucid)

Blue sky and blue ocean always in PA. OB won PA by 4.5% in 2012. HRC is killing Trump in the Philly burbs.


Ohio: Clinton 44%, Trump 39%, Johnson 7%  (Lucid)


Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 9% (Ball State)

IN is the red state express. Still, the D for governor is way ahead, as is the D for the open US Senate seat that would flip from R to the D if he wins. (Some say it's why Gov. Mike Pence decided to get out of his reelection race to join Trump on the ticket. Big improvement for Pence, eh.)

Trump needs to accept the election results even if he has to go out to rent a pair to get himself up to do it.


Trump will win. 

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IMO any country that seems to feel threatened by the idea of a candidate suggesting the vote is fixed means it is fixed. Or is America so insecure that a coup is possible in the Land of the free? Or paranoia to a Trump win. A poll of polls puts Trump back in the lead, within the margin or error. 

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12 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


These statements are clearly absurdly partisan since they completely ignore reality and facts.


The Obama Doctrine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_Doctrine on military engagement emphasizes negotiation and collaboration. Clinton, as Secretary of State was a key element in forming this doctrine.


A War Criminal is someone who has breached the international rules of war, including the Geneva Conventions.


The over the top garbage becomes more bizarre when compared to Trump, a person of no achievements in public office, no demonstrated interest in foreign affairs and proven ignorance of what is happening in the word around him. This is a person who when asked about the allegations from women that he groped them responds by telling us that he will defeat ISIS. Not how he will defeat them because we just have to trust him.


There is absolutely no comparison between the two Candidates on foreign policy. This has been proven in three debates.



From a liberal source ...the UK's Counterpunch:





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1 minute ago, CharlieK said:


Trump will win. 


Really?  Care to show your electoral math?  To even have a shot, Trump needs to win:


AZ (D+1%)

NV (D+3%)

NC (D+3%)

FL (D+4%)

PA (D+5%)


And this is what has been happening in the markets since the debates began.  If you really think that, you could win BIGLY by putting your money where your mouth is:


betting markets.png


He's struggling to hold on to GA and OH as it is.  These are averages of all major polls and the trends are holding steady.  Can you explain what Trump is going to do to turn all of these states around?

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


Really?  Care to show your electoral math?  To even have a shot, Trump needs to win:


AZ (D+1%)

NV (D+3%)

NC (D+3%)

FL (D+4%)

PA (D+5%)


And this is what has been happening in the markets since the debates began.  If you really think that, you could win BIGLY by putting your money where your mouth is:


betting markets.png


He's struggling to hold on to GA and OH as it is.  These are averages of all major polls and the trends are holding steady.  Can you explain what Trump is going to do to turn all of these states around?

You want an explanation?  Fine. Here it is:  Trump is Magic!

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6 minutes ago, Merzik said:



From a liberal source ...the UK's Counterpunch:






Non Americans tend to make the consistent error of equating the British Left with American Democrats. Liberal is an intended slur in America from the Right. Outside of America, it is not at all associated with leftist positions.


it is very obvious why the British Left would attack US foreign policy under Obama and Clinton and their views need to be taken in that context. I found the article quite weak on the issue of the Arab Spring as an influence on US policy and was basically anti-US militarism, which is to be expected from such a publication.


It will be difficult to provide links to justify the incoherent lunacy that describes Trump's policies but if you attempt to do so, it might be wise to try and provide links that are somewhat relevant.

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18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


And yet you peddle the BS from Gilberthorpe who claims that he was a witness to this?


Your comments about Ms. Leeds are grotesquely sexist. Judging her on her looks is immature.


Trump the sexual deviant has admitted his groping and sexual assault of women. In his own words for everyone to hear.


You have no idea what people in Serbia, Syria and Libya have to say and absolutely no credibility to speak on their behalf.


If I sat next to a super-model on a flight 30 years ago I would probably remember her. If I sat next to an ordinary woman in her 40's (like Ms Leed ) she would not be remembered 3 decades later. This isn't sexist. I doubt anyone who sat next to me 30 years ago would remember me either. I am not ugly but no super-model either. 555


I have read quite a bit what the people of Syria, Lybia and Serbia think about our interventions and bombings and of the Clintons. I do not speak for them but I am certain the vast majority do not feel they were "liberated" and better off from our bombings or our supporting of a mercenary jihad of wahhabbist nutters. Most hate the Clintons and Obama and with good reason. 

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