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Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results... if I win


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 1. A serial liar and criminal who has escaped prosecution because of wealth, power, friends in high places and political considerations.

2. Not a  professional politician and not good at it. Great family man. Great business man with many defects.


Lol!! good one! hahahahaahah

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11 hours ago, Merzik said:


If I sat next to a super-model on a flight 30 years ago I would probably remember her. If I sat next to an ordinary woman in her 40's (like Ms Leed ) she would not be remembered 3 decades later. This isn't sexist. I doubt anyone who sat next to me 30 years ago would remember me either. I am not ugly but no super-model either. 555


I have read quite a bit what the people of Syria, Lybia and Serbia think about our interventions and bombings and of the Clintons. I do not speak for them but I am certain the vast majority do not feel they were "liberated" and better off from our bombings or our supporting of a mercenary jihad of wahhabbist nutters. Most hate the Clintons and Obama and with good reason. 


Very well. If you had intended to say that Ms. Leeds looks were unremarkable in terms of not being able to be recalled after 30 years, then that is not sexist but I do not believe you intended to say that. I believe you intended the same that Trump intended when he said that he wouldn't 'go for that'.


What a typical low class comment from the crass sexual pervert that is Trump.

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On ‎22‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 1:09 PM, Chicog said:


Great. So if Clinton is guilty because he paid off Paula Jones with a settlement, then we can accept, using the Trump methodology, that he is a racist who discriminated against "the blacks" in his buildings.



Did Trump himself do it or was it a management company?

Regardless, I said before I'm not defending Trump anymore, and, as I can't vote, I'll try and stick to attacking that dreadful woman.

Some really bad stuff coming out on WikiLeaks now. If she gets connected to it could still be over for her.

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7 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Very well. If you had intended to say that Ms. Leeds looks were unremarkable in terms of not being able to be recalled after 30 years, then that is not sexist but I do not believe you intended to say that. I believe you intended the same that Trump intended when he said that he wouldn't 'go for that'.


What a typical low class comment from the crass sexual pervert that is Trump.

Hmmm. A lot of people got Alinsky'd on TV. Classic diversion from the real issues.

I don't know if they speak with forked tongue or not, as I wasn't there, but if they do I'm sure they are feeling stressed after his promise yesterday.

If they are lying, and allowed themselves to be used, I hope he destroys their lives in court.

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:


That's not how it works at all.

There are 50 separate state elections. 

Each state has their specific number of electoral college votes based on population. 

The electoral college vote based on the 50 state elections is done at the NATIONAL level.



LOL. We were told continually that the electoral college could vote for a different candidate than Trump at convention. So which way is it?

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 1. A serial liar and criminal who has escaped prosecution because of wealth, power, friends in high places and political considerations.

2. Not a  professional politician and not good at it. Great family man. Great business man with many defects.

Yeah.. So great he actually has 3 families... Ha ha 

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Problem for Donald is his personality. Read his tweets, watch The Apprentice, he loves to use the word 'loser' in regard to others. It must eat him up inside the very notion that he, himself may actually be a loser!


The whole 'rigged election' thing is his self preservation mode, 'I'm NOT a loser, it was rigged' all designed for him to retain the self delusion that he, Donald J Trump, could never in fact be a loser!

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HRC is not a war criminal. Look up the meaning instead of spouting low level propaganda.

The opinions of Libyans, Serbians and Syrians (even if your claims are correct) are irrelevant.

If elected, HRC is unlikely to get the US into a full-on confrontation with Russia, certainly not over Syria.

HRC was involved in some dodgy and failed foreign policy decisions. Asserting that Trump's notions are an improvement would depend on which of his many contradictory and clueless statements are in question.




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29 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Problem for Donald is his personality. Read his tweets, watch The Apprentice, he loves to use the word 'loser' in regard to others. It must eat him up inside the very notion that he, himself may actually be a loser!


The whole 'rigged election' thing is his self preservation mode, 'I'm NOT a loser, it was rigged' all designed for him to retain the self delusion that he, Donald J Trump, could never in fact be a loser!

Yeah, but beyond that there is already evidence that trump is preparing to attempt to start a right wing conspiracy theory media empire to overtake Fox News (and steal some of their so called talent). This will include Breitbart.com of course and his son-in-law Jared Kushner who is media man himself. The trump children will take over the real estate part of it. He won't shut up after he loses ... he will continue to be a horribly destructive and divisive force as he tries to destroy the presidency of Hillary Clinton. REVENGE, you know. Best word for trump -- TOXIC. 


Of course with about 30 to 35 percent of the population following trump's every word, he can be a major force in U.S. politics for a long time even as a LOSER. A big question is what happens to the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the wake of this trumpian madness. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, but beyond that there is already evidence that trump is preparing to attempt to start a right wing conspiracy theory media empire to overtake Fox News (and steal some of their so called talent). He won't shut up after he loses ... he will continue to be a horribly destructive and decisive force as he tries to destroy the presidency of Hillary Clinton. REVENGE, you know. Best word for trump -- TOXIC. 

So, I'm cautiously optomistic that the election is all but done, and DJT will in fact lose.

To me the more interesting thought is what does indeed happen on Nov 9th.


Trump will be beside himself with rage, the GOP will be reeling  with a combination of relief, disbelief, anger and internal recrimination.


Trump may well try to form some sort of media response, current thinking is he'll try some kind of online streaming service. The GOP, will I think be praying to the Devil if needed, that it all comes to nothing and he melts away into the background and allows them to begin rebuilding what is now a very fractured coalition.


I think Sarah Palin might be the example. After her 15 minutes in the sun, where she was the darling of right wing talk shows, the sun pretty quickly set on her fame, I'm sure the GOP elite will be hoping for much the same outcome for Trump

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I don't think he fades like Palin. Palin is in Alaska and a completely different personality.

Palin never had the cult like following that trump has. Why would trump throw that away? For money alone ... massive potential in  MERCH sales. 

The new hotels already won't have the toxic trump name ... different market. 

trump is in the center of the media. Now in New York he will laughed and scorned by most decent New Yorkers. I think now at 70 that he's tasted politics morphed with entertainment, he will find a way to continue with that. I hope not ... but like I said there have already been leaks about exploring doing a media network. 

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43 minutes ago, Morch said:



HRC is not a war criminal. Look up the meaning instead of spouting low level propaganda.

The opinions of Libyans, Serbians and Syrians (even if your claims are correct) are irrelevant.

If elected, HRC is unlikely to get the US into a full-on confrontation with Russia, certainly not over Syria.

HRC was involved in some dodgy and failed foreign policy decisions. Asserting that Trump's notions are an improvement would depend on which of his many contradictory and clueless statements are in question.




Pay attention. Trump DOES NOT want to get into foreign adventures, nation building or any of the other BS that establishment politicians engage in to make their buddies in the arms industries rich.

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, but beyond that there is already evidence that trump is preparing to attempt to start a right wing conspiracy theory media empire to overtake Fox News (and steal some of their so called talent). This will include Breitbart.com of course and his son-in-law Jared Kushner who is media man himself. The trump children will take over the real estate part of it. He won't shut up after he loses ... he will continue to be a horribly destructive and divisive force as he tries to destroy the presidency of Hillary Clinton. REVENGE, you know. Best word for trump -- TOXIC. 


Of course with about 30 to 35 percent of the population following trump's every word, he can be a major force in U.S. politics for a long time even as a LOSER. A big question is what happens to the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the wake of this trumpian madness. 

Any party that allows political dynasties as bad as the Bush's deserves oblivion, IMO.

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Is the losing candidate's concession of the rival's victory a tradition? Or does it carry any legal significance?

What actually happens if Trump does not win the elections, but refuses to formally accept the results or even acknowledge them?




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10 hours ago, Morch said:

Is the losing candidate's concession of the rival's victory a tradition? Or does it carry any legal significance?

What actually happens if Trump does not win the elections, but refuses to formally accept the results or even acknowledge them?




It's a tradition, yes, to concede politely as soon as the result is known.  The Bush-Gore situation was a freakish oddity, because one state meant the election, and it was very close, and a recount is normal and  often automatic in most elections that are very close.  Of course in a landslide, it's pointless to recount even close states.


It's going to make a difference how big the margin is. If it's at all close, we can expect trump to file lawsuits. That's  not likely to stop the result from being made official by the electoral college, short of a legitimate challenge such as Bush-Gore.  Trump isn't so much threatening about freakishly close elections, but more about a grand charge of CORRUPTION/RIGGING overall. 


I seriously doubt the supreme court would entertain such a case.  If he just fails to make a concession speech, it's basically nothing except harming national unity.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't think he fades like Palin. Palin is in Alaska and a completely different personality.

Palin never had the cult like following that trump has. Why would trump throw that away? For money alone ... massive potential in  MERCH sales. 

The new hotels already won't have the toxic trump name ... different market. 

trump is in the center of the media. Now in New York he will laughed and scorned by most decent New Yorkers. I think now at 70 that he's tasted politics morphed with entertainment, he will find a way to continue with that. I hope not ... but like I said there have already been leaks about exploring doing a media network. 

LOL. People love money. As long as Trump has money he will be popular.

In my experience, many people have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to politics. Which is why they keep electing bad people as leaders of their countries.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Pay attention. Trump DOES NOT want to get into foreign adventures, nation building or any of the other BS that establishment politicians engage in to make their buddies in the arms industries rich.


Pay attention. Trump wondered why nukes cannot be used. Trump suggested taking over oil in the ME. Trump said he'll crush ISIS. The issue with Trump and foreign policy is that he doesn't have one, nor much by way of clue as to most relevant topics of the day. Rather, like some posters, he's got opinions.


As Trump isn't keen on revealing his various business interests, it is quite bold to say he's got nothing to earn from foreign policy decision making.


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Also keep in mind any even wildly remotely credible claim of the election actually being "rigged" will be massively helpful to trump's ambition of a media empire after the loss. If he loses in a landslide, that may  kill that, but that's not likely. 

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7 minutes ago, Morch said:

Is the losing candidate's concession of the rival's victory a tradition? Or does it carry any legal significance?

What actually happens if Trump does not win the elections, but refuses to formally accept the results or even acknowledge them?





The concession carries no legal basis, but what it does do is stop, or at least undermines, any further legal challenges or recounts by supporters. 


As most recent elections are not that close, except 1960 and 2000, there would have to be issues impacting several state's Electoral votes to make any difference. This would require results in those states to be very close in order for legal challenges to have any chance. If you lose by 100k votes and your challenge is about a couple of hundred,  it stands little chance of going somewhere.   Very few state's votes are close enough to challenge and they would have to change the overall result of one side getting the 270 votes to win.  


All seems very unlikely in Trump's case, so it makes no legal difference if he doesn't concede. Issue will be of course many millions will use that as another rally cry.





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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Problem for Donald is his personality. Read his tweets, watch The Apprentice, he loves to use the word 'loser' in regard to others. It must eat him up inside the very notion that he, himself may actually be a loser!


The whole 'rigged election' thing is his self preservation mode, 'I'm NOT a loser, it was rigged' all designed for him to retain the self delusion that he, Donald J Trump, could never in fact be a loser!

Well, guess what?

This election will be more rigged than any in America's history...

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, guess what?

This election will be more rigged than any in America's history...

How exactly will it be rigged? How does anyone rig a national election in 50 States with wildly different electoral systems, safeguards, personnel?


If you truly believe this theory it would be such a vast conspiracy it would be more akin to a storyline for the X Files

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27 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, guess what?

This election will be more rigged than any in America's history...



It's funny how the least educated parrot every piece of nonsense that comes out of Trump's mouth.





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12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

REally? A great family man?  His wife Ivana said she raised the children until they were 21 and then turned them over to him. He himself has said he had little to do with his kids when they were young. As for being a great business man? He destroyed the business his father left him.  Failed in many others. His credit was so bad that banks refused to deal with him.  What he does have is a genius for self promotion. He took great advantage of the opportunity offered to him by The Apprentice to sell himself to the world as a great businessman. The show itself was not his. He was just a hired hand.


I hear Trump's already writing his presidential acceptance speech:


"Four wives and seven bankruptcies ago..."



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