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Day after debate, Trump, Clinton square off again at roast


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Day after debate, Trump, Clinton square off again at roast



NEW YORK (AP) — Bitter presidential rivals Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have one more face-to-face showdown before Election Day. And they're supposed to make it funny.


The venue Thursday night just 24 hours after their third and final debate is the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York, a white-tie gala that every four years becomes a showcase for presidential politics. Tradition dictates that the candidates deliver humorous remarks poking fun at each other and themselves, a jovial custom that seems hard to envision amid such an ugly campaign.


Trump regularly calls Clinton, "Crooked Hillary," says he'd put her in jail if he wins the presidency, and declared during Wednesday's debate that she was "a nasty woman." Clinton says Trump lives in his own reality, is running a "hateful, divisive campaign" and lacks the temperament to be president.


They sat one seat apart for the evening, with New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan acting as the only buffer. And when they entered and took their seats, they did not shake hands or make eye contact.


Both took some early heat from the night's master of ceremonies, Alfred E. Smith IV, the event's namesake's great-grandson. Smith joked that Trump approached Clinton before the event and asked how she was doing, to which Smith responded "I'm fine but now get out of the ladies' dressing room."


Trump laughed at the joke, and again when Smith made another joke about the leaked video which captured Trump using vulgar language, saying while the celebrity businessman was "sitting next to a man in a robe, but this is not a locker room. Watch your language!"


Smith also teased Clinton, noting that "titans of Wall Street" were in attendance, but told her to restrain herself from seeking donations and to "remember the children."


The unprecedentedly bitter campaign between Clinton and Trump could threaten the ecumenical goodwill that has defined previous roasts. Since 1960, at least one of the major party nominees has appeared at nearly every election year dinner, which is traditionally the last time the nominees share a stage before voters go to the polls.


Four years ago, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney set aside their differences to trade (mostly) warm jokes. Romney, scanning the well-heeled crowd in the gilded Waldorf-Astoria ballroom, joked that the event's white-tie attire finally gave him a chance to publicly don what "Ann and I wear around the house." Obama, meanwhile, used his speech that year to look ahead to an upcoming debate on foreign policy, previewing his argument by saying "Spoiler alert: we got Bin Laden."


The roast might feel familiar to Trump, who infamously glowered through Obama's jokes at his expense during the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner and is not known for being self-deprecating. Last weekend, he tweeted that he did not appreciate Saturday Night Live's portrayal of him in a sendup of the candidates' performances in the second presidential debate.


This is the first time that both party's nominees hail from New York State as a crowd of about 1,500 gathers for the distinctly Gotham event, held each October. Attendees pay between $3,000 and $15,000 to attend the dinner, which raises about $5 million to provide services for impoverished children, Zwilling said.


The dinner is named after the former New York governor, who was the first Catholic to receive a major party nomination for president when he unsuccessfully ran in 1928. And fittingly for an event named after a man nicknamed "The Happy Warrior," the occasion has produced dozens of memorable presidential jokes.


In 2000, then-Texas Governor George W. Bush gazed upon the glitzy gathering and declared: "This is an impressive crowd, the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base."


That same year, Vice President Al Gore touted his campaign trail ability to weave in stories "of real people in the audience and their everyday challenges."


"Like the woman here tonight whose husband is about to lose his job," Gore continued. "She's struggling to get out of public housing and get a job of her own. Hillary Clinton, I want to fight for you."


And in 2008, John McCain joked about the exalted manner in which the media venerated Obama, noting that "'Maverick' I can do, but 'Messiah' is above my pay grade." But he wound down his remarks with a note of grace that, to this point, has been largely absent from the 2016 campaign.


"I can't wish my opponent luck," McCain said, turning toward Obama, "but I do wish him well."

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-21
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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

No class, both of them.


Maybe, but on this occasion the classless act was one Donald Trump. Watch the video, you can here the shocked gasps  ripple through the hall as Trump  gets dirty.  At least those in attendance  had the decency to boo and catcall him. What an ugly person.


How low is this critter going to  go before he is tossed out as one of the biggest losers of all time?  The World Wonders.

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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


Maybe, but on this occasion the classless act was one Donald Trump. Watch the video, you can here the shocked gasps  ripple through the hall as Trump  gets dirty.  At least those in attendance  had the decency to boo and catcall him. What an ugly person.


How low is this critter going to  go before he is tossed out as one of the biggest losers of all time?  The World Wonders.

Yes, he was the worst of the two.

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9 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

I just dont get the posts here. Donald Trump could put his feet up now but cares enough about his country to take this heat. I sincerely hope he wins otherwise the USA will sink into oblivion.

He cares so much about his country that he claims to have given 1 million dollars to the 9/11 fund. He almost cares enough to have actually given it. That's a lot of caring.

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6 minutes ago, Denim said:

What is the old saying ?

' People get the government they deserve '

If this is true, do the American public really deserve either of these presidential candidates ?

Or are they about to be severely short changed ?



the saying is 


they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected.”

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5 minutes ago, surangw said:



the saying is 


they say if you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected.”


I heard it differently.


If you don't vote you can't complain since you took no part.

If you did vote you can't complain because you acquiesced in the the process.

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1 hour ago, smudger1951 said:

I just dont get the posts here. Donald Trump could put his feet up now but cares enough about his country to take this heat. I sincerely hope he wins otherwise the USA will sink into oblivion.


He's oblivious, speaking of oblivion. Cares enough about his country to go on making a fool himself...every few hours.  

1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

I thought they were both funny and both went too far with being insulting. However, that is not unusual for this election.


Don't lump HRC into the same boat with Trump. There is only one terrible, unacceptable candidate running here and he's toast.


The people were booing Trump, not HRC, not both. He made an ass of himself, as usual. There is no filter there. He has no idea how to speak without being an asshat. You can't take him anywhere except in front of his lemmings. The Trumpeteers are still obliviously, swilling the koolaid. He's a clown!



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2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Trump came across as a bitter man, brimming with self-pity and recrimination in defeat. 


Anybody else think Maria Bartiromo's cleavage stole the show?  :passifier:






I knew that was a person I`ve seen before................And after that I didn`t pay attention to the speaches at all,honestly !

Edited by Yahooka
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While not stealing in the sense of infringement of copyrighted material it certainly constitutes plagiarism.



DT could have suggested the line came from someone else's work but maybe he didn't know whoever wrote the line for him got it from someone else's work.

Edited by JLCrab
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"Hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate Commission. [Boos] How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate Commission? Pretty corrupt"


This really *is* a historic election.


For the first time ever, even comedy has to be fact-checked. And Trump fails, again:




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Just now, Thakkar said:

"Hillary is so corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate Commission. [Boos] How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate Commission? Pretty corrupt"


The first part of the joke would have probably been enough. It is an old "Match Game" style joke from the 70's. The setup is better on the game show.


Host: Hillary is so corrupt!

Audience: How corrupt is she?

Host: Well, I'll tell you. She is soooo corrupt that she got kicked off the Watergate Commission.

(end of joke)


That's it. No more to it than that. He just dug in deeper with the totally unnecessary second part of his joke.


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2 hours ago, Silurian said:


The first part of the joke would have probably been enough. It is an old "Match Game" style joke from the 70's. The setup is better on the game show.


Host: Hillary is so corrupt!

Audience: How corrupt is she?

Host: Well, I'll tell you. She is soooo corrupt that she got kicked off the Watergate Commission.

(end of joke)


That's it. No more to it than that. He just dug in deeper with the totally unnecessary second part of his joke.



I agree, the "joke" was badly delivered. That's excusable as Trump is not a professional comedian. But that wasn't my point. My point was that it was based on a lie. Clinton was never "kicked off the Watergate Commission"


"Hillary had remained with the inquiry staff up until the end, leaving only when President Nixon's August 1974 resignation made the issue of impeachment moot and the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry staff was therefore disbanded"


also, although it was uttered in a comedy setting, it it was a statement rather than than a joke. And it was a completely false statement.

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