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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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10 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

I'm hoping our economists do not make any economic models because they are never right,  If those economists were any good, the UK wouldn't be printing tons of worthless notes.  Someone mentioned in an earlier post 'dark abyss'...the UK has been in a government engineered one for ages. Gypsy Rose Lee would be better.

That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


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22 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

I'm hoping our economists do not make any economic models because they are never right,  If those economists were any good, the UK wouldn't be printing tons of worthless notes.  Someone mentioned in an earlier post 'dark abyss'...the UK has been in a government engineered one for ages. Gypsy Rose Lee would be better.

Financial modelling is a very skilled art that requires two things, sound economics modelling skills, which the UK has in abundance, and, an audience that understands the outputs, in which the UK is in deficit, you are the proof of that.

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15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Financial modelling is a very skilled art that requires two things, sound economics modelling skills, which the UK has in abundance, and, an audience that understands the outputs, in which the UK is in deficit, you are the proof of that.

If you think UK is doing great..thats your opinion, I'm ok with that..I'm just stating my opinion.   No need for the insult.

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15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


Hello oldhippy,  I did not vote.  I would if there was something worthy to vote for.

If General Preyuth was in charge, perhaps I'd have pop.

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2 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

If you think UK is doing great..thats your opinion, I'm ok with that..I'm just stating my opinion.   No need for the insult.

I do not think the UK is doing great but it's important, I think, to remember/learn the framework within which the UK economy operates and is reliant upon. The causes of economic easing, money printing, are rooted in the US hence they are out of the control of the much smaller UK economy.


And it was me who mentioned the abyss!


You're sensitive, I shall not add to.



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15 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

I do not think the UK is doing great but it's important, I think, to remember/learn the framework within which the UK economy operates and is reliant upon. The causes of economic easing, money printing, are rooted in the US hence they are out of the control of the much smaller UK economy.


And it was me who mentioned the abyss!


You're sensitive, I shall not add to.



You are excitable. Dont mention American finance or I will be excitable too.

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9 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

We will indeed need higher taxes ,but not for better services ,but to pay for the hordes of immegrants coming from all parts of the world to live off us and to fund the lifestyles of the unelected leaders of the E.U and also to give away to countrys all around the world ,while our own people go without .


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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

In the way that I define success, yes indeed! Massive inequality, poor services, unhappiness, and General shabbiness 

Good God man ,I don't know what part of the UK your family live in; it's certainly not Yorkshire. I remember you saying you used your UK Brexit vote to protect the interests of your family. From what you say they could be in the middle of an intifada soon. No one would blame you moving them from their third world environment. Massive inequality, poor services, unhappiness and general shabbiness. It's not on. Can I recommend you have them join you in Thailand.

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4 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Good morning simoh11490.   Not so...we are all waiting for your words of great 'wisdom'.

"WE" - as in Brexiteers?


Thalahnut I asked you before:

That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


You avoided answering by replying:

Hello oldhippy,  I did not vote.  I would if there was something worthy to vote for.


Are you playing games talahnut?

May I slightly change my question ?


"That implies that your brexit support is not based on economics.

Please tell us what your brexit support is based on then?"


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6 hours ago, aright said:

Good God man ,I don't know what part of the UK your family live in; it's certainly not Yorkshire. I remember you saying you used your UK Brexit vote to protect the interests of your family. From what you say they could be in the middle of an intifada soon. No one would blame you moving them from their third world environment. Massive inequality, poor services, unhappiness and general shabbiness. It's not on. Can I recommend you have them join you in Thailand.

Its General Shabbiness again! And this time flanked by Major Unhappiness!

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16 hours ago, oldhippy said:

"WE" - as in Brexiteers?


Thalahnut I asked you before:

That implies that your brexit vote was not based on economics.

Please tell us what your vote was based on then?


You avoided answering by replying:

Hello oldhippy,  I did not vote.  I would if there was something worthy to vote for.


Are you playing games talahnut?

May I slightly change my question ?


"That implies that your brexit support is not based on economics.

Please tell us what your brexit support is based on then?"


Hello old hippy, I neither support nor oppose Brexit. We the peasants of the UK will still feel oppressed either way. Human philosophy, sadly lacking in the government, would be the way forward.  But I know it is impossible to get away from the greed and deception of UK life.   However, Thailand and the Buddhist philosophy suits me mate.

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23 hours ago, SheungWan said:

UK defence spending has decreased since 1997. In fact it has been on a long decline since 1959. Are you making things up as you go along? https://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/past_spending

Are you implying that the government didn't spend a fortune on TSR2 development and then scrap it, that essential services and business would not have benefited from that wasted money.

The UK was leading the field in vertical take off, what happened? The project halted and the aircraft produced sold to the US for peanuts and now lying as a pile of junk in the american desert.

I am not against development but not in favour of wasting taxpayers money on development that gets thrown away, I am sure others can relate similar scenarios. 

I read an article the other day that someone is going to produce a new Concorde and profit from more wasted UK development expense.


In this day and age there is more emphasis on manufacturing military equipment that can be sold rather than what is required to defend the realm, we buy that in.

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How many splits equate to separation?


Theresa May has been forced to slap down her Chancellor after he claimed the £45bn Brexit divorce bill will be paid even if no EU trade deal is struck, opening up a fresh cabinet split.


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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Throughout all of your post, you keep on about the economy. Well nobody knows for sure how it will pan out after we finally leave. But you are forgetting other factors that are influencing the electorate, mainly the desire to see our democracy returned to Westminster. If nothing else it should now be obvious how dictatorial the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels are.

I will soon be returning to live in the UK after 20yrs in Thailand, and I wish to return to a independent country, not a colony of the E.U.

Perhaps now is the time for you to Show some pride in your country and grow a back bone.

I have ample pride in my country, it's for that reason that I voted to Remain in order that it doesn't slide further into the abyss - I'm also painfully aware that economic strength is crucial to its future, much more so than any petty dislike of the EU


This quaint idea that the UK is still an empire and is still a main player in the global world is passe at best, we have a great and proud history but that was then and this is now - we need allies, we need partnerships and we need support, that's why we joined in the first place, none of our needs has changed, if anything they've become more acute.


BTW sorry to hear you're leaving us, are you missing the weather or is it something to do with economics that's driving you!

Edited by simoh1490
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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Are you implying that the government didn't spend a fortune on TSR2 development and then scrap it, that essential services and business would not have benefited from that wasted money.

The UK was leading the field in vertical take off, what happened? The project halted and the aircraft produced sold to the US for peanuts and now lying as a pile of junk in the american desert.

I am not against development but not in favour of wasting taxpayers money on development that gets thrown away, I am sure others can relate similar scenarios. 

I read an article the other day that someone is going to produce a new Concorde and profit from more wasted UK development expense.


In this day and age there is more emphasis on manufacturing military equipment that can be sold rather than what is required to defend the realm, we buy that in.

If you want to open a separate thread on the use of the defence budget please do, but the fact remains that the proportion of government monies committed to the defence budget have resolutely declined for over 50 years and nothing to do with Brexit. As for the nonsense re TSR2 that preceded entry to the EU so again in the bin. It appears to be the case that that the Hard Left has its own share of bunkum to line up against the Hard Brexiteers and no need to put up with it just because it sticks an anti-Brexit label on the front.

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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Hello old hippy, I neither support nor oppose Brexit. We the peasants of the UK will still feel oppressed either way. Human philosophy, sadly lacking in the government, would be the way forward.  But I know it is impossible to get away from the greed and deception of UK life.   However, Thailand and the Buddhist philosophy suits me mate.

Nice to see a pair of old hippies attempting to exchange flowers.

Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, sandyf said:

Are you implying that the government didn't spend a fortune on TSR2 development and then scrap it, that essential services and business would not have benefited from that wasted money.

The UK was leading the field in vertical take off, what happened? The project halted and the aircraft produced sold to the US for peanuts and now lying as a pile of junk in the american desert.

I am not against development but not in favour of wasting taxpayers money on development that gets thrown away, I am sure others can relate similar scenarios. 

I read an article the other day that someone is going to produce a new Concorde and profit from more wasted UK development expense.


In this day and age there is more emphasis on manufacturing military equipment that can be sold rather than what is required to defend the realm, we buy that in.


Try not to mention all the brand new Nimrods that were neatly lined up and chopped into pieces so that now we have to rely on other countries for a long range maritime patrol aircraft.

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5 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I see that Junker has gone into panic mode ,he has given May longer to sort out her problems with N Ireland , he is bricking it that her govt will replace her with Boris ,who would just go for a hard Brexit , and Junkie needs all our lovely cash to make sure Brussels has the money to pay his and his chums massive expenses and pensions .

Meanwhile, back in the forum Hard Brexiteer parallel universe.........

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

If you want to open a separate thread on the use of the defence budget please do, but the fact remains that the proportion of government monies committed to the defence budget have resolutely declined for over 50 years and nothing to do with Brexit. As for the nonsense re TSR2 that preceded entry to the EU so again in the bin. It appears to be the case that that the Hard Left has its own share of bunkum to line up against the Hard Brexiteers and no need to put up with it just because it sticks an anti-Brexit label on the front.

You are quite entitled to take any view you want but brexit is not a modern day disease, the root cause is embedded in historical events and continual bad management, people just fed up with a declining standard of living.

My comments were in response to a question put by another poster, why try and take it in a different direction.

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4 minutes ago, aright said:

It is a nonsense and fearmongering to suggest when we leave the EU our allies will ignore us and partnerships will not be renewed or rewritten to the benefit of both party's. It's true our needs still need to be satisfied but so do our allies and partners.

18 months ago you had your vote and your side lost but you seem to want to continue having the vote every week. Can you tell us how, since June 2016,  your and other Remainers opinions have changed the direction of travel.  You are riding a horse with no saddle, stirrups or bridle.......no influence on the race and running the wrong way round the track. I have no doubt the Irish problem will be solved to everyone's satisfaction in the next few days .......if it's not I suspect we will leave the table.

At PMQ's yesterday Mrs May made it clear to JC (love his initials) we are leaving the single market and the customs union and negotiations are going well. She said this when handed the baton last year so your carping has not changed anything other than strengthening the hand of the EU Cabal, making negotiations more difficult. If you have pride in your country you would get on board. No one is asking you to agree just to support the process to get the best deal as mandated  Do you really want to be responsible, in part, for a less than good deal for 60 million Brits.


How can you be so confident we will not be ignored by the EU and that partnerships will be rewritten, if you were the EU you wouldn't allow one member to leave and then write them more favourable trade terms after they left, that would simply encourage everyone else to leave! And if those terms are not more favourable, why are we leaving, just to get more expensive terms!


BTW if you quote somebody, will you please put it in quotes, that way we can all understand the difference between your statements and your quoted text?

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15 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

How can you be so confident we will not be ignored by the EU and that partnerships will be rewritten, if you were the EU you wouldn't allow one member to leave and then write them more favourable trade terms after they left, that would simply encourage everyone else to leave! And if those terms are not more favourable, why are we leaving, just to get more expensive terms!


BTW if you quote somebody, will you please put it in quotes, that way we can all understand the difference between your statements and your quoted text?

True, they will certainly not give us favourable terms, if only to discourage other E.U. Countries. So the U.K will have to make a go of it under WTO rules, remember the world is a big place. As regards the economy and trade, would it not have been better if the Bureaucrats had not interfered with the E.E.C, that we voted for in 1975. It could have been so so different. 

 And as per my earlier post, it’s not only about the money. There are other factors involved, namely accountability to the electorate and Mrs Merkles invitation to the follows of War. 

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