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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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11 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

Bit like those of us who were duped by lies when we voted for Tony Blair , still i am sure Brexit will turn out better than he did .

Indeed, you people are easily duped. That also explains why you have a House of Lords.

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5 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

no ,just once ,my one and only time i voted Labour ,i thought he would be good for the country , boy was i wrong , a bit like the Millenials who are being taken in by Corbyns lies now .

I hope your answer implies that you are a life long voter for Lord Sutch and his Official Monster Raving Loony Party.

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.


You desperately need advise from a monk.


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11 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

And anyway, those that voted Leave, did not understand the consequences.

That is why the Leavers can't get a negociating TEAM together. They are even now still quarreling amongst themselfs about what to leave and what not to leave.


Suggest you take a look at Corbyn and abbott

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12 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

And anyway, those that voted Leave, did not understand the consequences.

That is why the Leavers can't get a negociating TEAM together. They are even now still quarreling amongst themselfs about what to leave and what not to leave.


I think tjey fully understood 

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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

When you talk of 'we', it is imperative that you make clear that you are not talking for the British people, less than half of whom voted in favour of this fool's errand. You are referring to a minority of Brits who were duped by lies or by heady notions of a grandeur that left our country for good when most of us were not born and the rest still in nappies. 



I think he was speaking for the more than half the voters who actually did get out and vote, and for those who couldn't be bothered to vote I have no symapthy.


Not everybody was duped by the lies or heady distortions of BOTH sides of the Brexit divide.


Just because many who voted Brexit are older it does not mean that they are stupid anymore than those who are younger are smarter.

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5 hours ago, Khun Han said:


They're hilarious, aren't they? They keep claiming that they're better off without us whilst relenlessly arguing that we should stay. They give away their position, Freudian slip-style, all day long: they don't like us but they absolutely adore our money.

Your naivety is stunning


Do you think that most of EU friends envy our wealth? Ridiculous; you should get out more


Most Europeans have far better living standards than the UK does


And another thing. And here I am getting ANGRY. We're all getting tarred with the nasty Brexiter Brush. Im hearing from Alpine resorts that there is an anti British backlash. Thanks, peasants.

Edited by Grouse
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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.


Well you assume that the Brexit vote speaks for the British people - but when less than half of them actually bothered to register their support for Brexit, you are wholly incorrect to suggest that.



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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.




Quite obviously people who were insufficiently motivated to vote were quite content with the status quo.


This is why a super majority would have been a wise stipulation

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.


Actually, I do believe that you win this weeks's whining number :smile:

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20 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Another chestnut. Read what was said on the bus. Its been done to death 

A legalese contrivance deliberately made to fool the public - there can be absolutely no other interpretation. That Brexiters still try to defend it is shameful.

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39 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I think he was speaking for the more than half the voters who actually did get out and vote, and for those who couldn't be bothered to vote I have no symapthy.


Not everybody was duped by the lies or heady distortions of BOTH sides of the Brexit divide.


Just because many who voted Brexit are older it does not mean that they are stupid anymore than those who are younger are smarter.

nobody is claiming that; we are claiming they are not as well educated 

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52 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

A legalese contrivance deliberately made to fool the public - there can be absolutely no other interpretation. That Brexiters still try to defend it is shameful.

So if the far superior educated remainers understood this, why on Earth do they keep banging on about it. It was remainers that couldn't comprehend basic English language and misunderstood what was written. So much for the assumption remainers are better educated, not that it really matters.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Well you assume that the Brexit vote speaks for the British people - but when less than half of them actually bothered to register their support for Brexit, you are wholly incorrect to suggest that.



And not forgetting that actually less than half bothered to register support for remain,

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

Your brilliant, you actually know, what those who din’t vote, would have actually voted for, if they had voted.

Can you therefor tell me the wining lottery number this week.


I can no longer understand your posts unless they are accompanied by a picture or a cartoon, please don't post without one again.

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