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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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1 minute ago, nauseus said:
8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Hardly suprisig as the maifesto was a clear vote loser!  The elite foud a way to call May 'to heel'.....

Looks like it to me too. No other explanation for such a shabby so-called manifesto. Constant interference since the referendum result a year ago. But typical of the EU given their history with other referendums. This is the one of the main reasons we should get out now. 


Wouldn't surprise me if her achilles heel was her behaviour over the investigation of high profile paedophile rings when at the Home Office. She certainly dragged her feet, and made some strange calls.

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8 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Wouldn't surprise me if her achilles heel was her behaviour over the investigation of high profile paedophile rings when at the Home Office. She certainly dragged her feet, and made some strange calls.

I don't think so - probably the opposite because those particular swine were in jail by May 2012!!

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4 hours ago, billd766 said:


quote "I sense there is revolution in the air."


Really? Tumbrils in the streets and all that?


I really think that you are getting over excited.


Exports are a good way to bring income into the country. To do that the UK would have to comply with EU standards which they already do so why would that standard change?


One example of EU standards that would have to be kept is the aircraft industry.


BAE makes parts for Airbus. If the UK changed that standard then there would be NO Airbus for quite a few years while the EU had to retool and build new factories and the loss would be catastrophic to both the EU and the UK.


Another example is vehicles built in the UK for export would still have to be made to the current EU standard or the UK could not export to the EU.


I can understand your concern about the ECJ and the ECHR but they ahve only recently applied to the UK (and the EU as well). What did we do about HR and justice up until then for hundreds of years when it was in the remit of the UK? We did it for oursekves as all other countires do and did.

There is no question that exporters will have to conform to EU standards and I have said so many times. I still fail to see how the UK government is going to get around the CE mark without conceding something to the EU for the privilege of continued use. It would take many years to establish and have approved an alternative.


As far as the courts are concerned, yes the UK did get by and so do other countries but many other countries have problems with dictatorial governments, we don't have to look very far from home to see that.

I do not think that many really understand the benefit of having the European courts available as an arbitrator. Like many things in life the value may not be appreciated until it is no longer there.

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I was referring to the allegations about senior politicians.

Well the bad period in this case was all pre 2010 so I don't think May could be singled out for any of that?

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32 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Well the bad period in this case was all pre 2010 so I don't think May could be singled out for any of that?


I think trying to put Havers' sister in charge of the investigation didn't go down too well with the victims, in view of the fact that he was one of the alleged leading perps.

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8 hours ago, sandyf said:

What will British nationality mean post brexit?


"The second most popular reason was the belief that a second non-UK citizenship would mean "increased freedom and human rights" - with nearly three in five citing this as their concern. One in six people wanted a second passport for business and career opportunities."


I think you'll find that we Brits in Thailand, are already classed as 2nd class 

British citizens in our own country. Examples, frozen pension, non voting after 15yrs, many restrictions regarding U.K banking. Add your own to the list.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Hardly suprisig as the maifesto was a clear vote loser!  The elite foud a way to call May 'to heel'.....


2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Looks like it to me too. No other explanation for such a shabby so-called manifesto. Constant interference since the referendum result a year ago. But typical of the EU given their history with other referendums. This is the one of the main reasons we should get out now. 


Looks like some of the forum Hard Brexiteers are back in their white coats screaming 'Its A Conspiracy'. There there.


Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

FT UK Election comment: headline :'May's hubris robs Britain of stability'. ...'the Prime Minister called this election to secure a mandate for her hard take on Brexit and failed to obtain it'.

As simple as that!

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1 minute ago, SheungWan said:


The Conspiracy Crew like Putin, so that one unlikely to get much play time. So then......its only taken one year for the forum Hard Brexiteers to turn Theresa May  from National Heroine and Re-Incarnation of Maggie Thatcher into another institution to place on the mantel piece as an Enemy Of The People. Is there any more space left up there? You betcha!

You are a cruel, heartless man!!!

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48 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


The Conspiracy Crew like Putin, so that one unlikely to get much play time. So then......its only taken one year for the forum Hard Brexiteers to turn Theresa May  from National Heroine and Re-Incarnation of Maggie Thatcher into another institution to place on the mantelpiece as an Enemy Of The People. Is there any more space left up there? You betcha!

It's pretty obvious to everyone that May is a member of the reptilian alien gang that run this world and subjugate us plebs. You can tell from her Newsnight interview on the tragedy that she is in fact a Nexus 6 Replicant from Bladerunner ... programmed by her masters to throw the general election and put the kibosh on the "will of the people", the uneducated and xenophobic people who spend too much time on conspiracy websites. Credit to the gifted brexiteers on here that can see the picture clearly. 

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:


Looks like some of the forum Hard Brexiteers are back in their white coats screaming 'Its A Conspiracy'. There there.


Of course I want out. The hard version was conceived by the re moaners. Yes, the manifesto was suicidal.   

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Of course I want out. The hard version was conceived by the re moaners. Yes, the manifesto was suicidal.   


Yes, the question in the referendum wasn't "Do you want a partial exit from the EU?". All that nonsense came later as a continuation of Project Fear in tandem with all the EU threats, to convince people to backtrack.

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8 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Yes, the question in the referendum wasn't "Do you want a partial exit from the EU?". All that nonsense came later as a continuation of Project Fear in tandem with all the EU threats, to convince people to backtrack.

Neither did it say "do you want complete separation from the EU", that is only a brexiteer interpretation.

Of course there is absolutely no possibility that anyone would want to be outside the EU but in the single market like some other countries, it must be all or nothing according to the gospel of Maggie May.

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14 hours ago, nontabury said:

I think you'll find that we Brits in Thailand, are already classed as 2nd class 

British citizens in our own country. Examples, frozen pension, non voting after 15yrs, many restrictions regarding U.K banking. Add your own to the list.

Point taken but the article was about dual citizenship in general not temporary residents in Thailand.

With British nationals looking for dual citizenship with places like Australia,US, Canada and Germany to gain  "increased freedom and human rights", what sort of message is being conveyed.

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9 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Yes, the question in the referendum wasn't "Do you want a partial exit from the EU?". All that nonsense came later as a continuation of Project Fear in tandem with all the EU threats, to convince people to backtrack.


11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Neither did it say "do you want complete separation from the EU", that is only a brexiteer interpretation.

Of course there is absolutely no possibility that anyone would want to be outside the EU but in the single market like some other countries, it must be all or nothing according to the gospel of Maggie May.

Unfortunately,:licklips:there is no UKIP MP to argue the Hard Brexit case. Theresa May is under the bus as far as they are concerned now and they don't trust Boris. That leaves David Davis and Liam Fox. The problem for those two is that if they were to bring down the government over the issue, that lets in Labour and the objective is lost anyway.

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3 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Unfortunately,:licklips:there is no UKIP MP to argue the Hard Brexit case. Theresa May is under the bus as far as they are concerned now and they don't trust Boris. That leaves David Davis and Liam Fox. The problem for those two is that if they were to bring down the government over the issue, that lets in Labour and the objective is lost anyway.

Unfortunately there are large numbers that actually believe in the brexit "Plan", and anything less would go against this "will of the people".


"Complete separation where the EU has absolutely no influence over anything within the UK, but the UK retains all the benefits of membership at zero cost."

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11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Unfortunately there are large numbers that actually believe in the brexit "Plan", and anything less would go against this "will of the people".


"Complete separation where the EU has absolutely no influence over anything within the UK, but the UK retains all the benefits of membership at zero cost."

Well even though that may be a case of having one's cake and eating it, there is still some wiggle room for negotiation there. Some forum Hard Brexiteers go even further. Brexit plus no 'benefits' of membership whatsover. For these guys the only advantage of being in negotiations is to 'expose' the EU and maybe, maybe get something for nothing. But their whole inclination is to not risk any contamination at all and walk right now. Only that moment of walking matters.

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8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Well even though that may be a case of having one's cake and eating it, there is still some wiggle room for negotiation there. Some forum Hard Brexiteers go even further. Brexit plus no 'benefits' of membership whatsover. For these guys the only advantage of being in negotiations is to 'expose' the EU and maybe, maybe get something for nothing. But their whole inclination is to not risk any contamination at all and walk right now. Only that moment of walking matters.

There will always be those that believe in the "free lunch" and that terms and conditions only apply to others.

Whether they like it or not the treaties will remain in force until March 2019 and any "arrangement" with the EU must be passed by the EU parliament. The fact that it has already been reported that the EU is ready to implement customs regulations in March 2019 is a good indication of their take on the outcome.

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9 minutes ago, vogie said:

I guess it doesn't matter what the other 26 EU countries think, but its nice to know they agree with us on something.

Well, maybe you should read the Romanian, Estonian, and Finnish news websites, along with whatever languages the other 23 are written in, and get back to us with your report.

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10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Yes, the question in the referendum wasn't "Do you want a partial exit from the EU?". All that nonsense came later as a continuation of Project Fear in tandem with all the EU threats, to convince people to backtrack.

Here is Boris after  the referendum declaring we would still have access to the Single Market



Nov 2016

"I don’t want free movement of people but I want the single market."



Edited by rockingrobin
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12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, maybe you should read the Romanian, Estonian, and Finnish news websites, along with whatever languages the other 23 are written in, and get back to us with your report.

Whilst the remainers like to go for the scaremongering approach, I tend to stick with reality. Most EU members would like the UK to remain a member, but for people like you it would spoil your heavy handed posts to admit it.

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