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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, are you saying that the rest of the EU was against the free trade treaty with Canada and Merkel somehow managed to give a rebate to the province  over every other nation's objections? It's clear that you don't have a clue about how the EU works.

And what makes it even clearer is how contradictory and foolish your statement is. One little province forces Germany to make concessions but Germany is all powerful? Such nonsense.




ever heard of hitting balls not players, but mebbee you don't play


the post you quoted re merkel/friend/rebate etc etc, was ment as a joke, following the prev. post that mentioned

all powerful Germany, (I did not mention all powerful Germany)


any way I missed out the headline; THIS IS A JOKE,

but that is no reason to shift from hitting balls rather than players (not a joke)




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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, are you saying that the rest of the EU was against the free trade treaty with Canada and Merkel somehow managed to give a rebate to the province  over every other nation's objections? It's clear that you don't have a clue about how the EU works.

And what makes it even clearer is how contradictory and foolish your statement is. One little province forces Germany to make concessions but Germany is all powerful? Such nonsense.




ever heard of hitting balls not players, but mebbee you don't play


the post you quoted re merkel/friend/rebate etc etc, was ment as a joke, following the prev. post that mentioned

all powerful Germany, (I did not mention all powerful Germany)


any way I missed out the headline; THIS IS A JOKE,

but that is no reason to shift from hitting balls rather than players (not a joke)




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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, are you saying that the rest of the EU was against the free trade treaty with Canada and Merkel somehow managed to give a rebate to the province  over every other nation's objections? It's clear that you don't have a clue about how the EU works.

And what makes it even clearer is how contradictory and foolish your statement is. One little province forces Germany to make concessions but Germany is all powerful? Such nonsense.


and yes,

after about 20 years of working intimately with the EC and within EC and EU bodies with legal instruments and

policy issues, in spite of my natural modesty, I reckon I have the odd clue of how the EU and the EC is working

(not a joke either)

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Just now, melvinmelvin said:


and yes,

after about 20 years of working intimately with the EC and within EC and EU bodies with legal instruments and

policy issues, in spite of my natural modesty, I reckon I have the odd clue of how the EU and the EC is working

(not a joke either)

Yes, it works very oddly. Take a break mate.

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57 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


and yes,

after about 20 years of working intimately with the EC and within EC and EU bodies with legal instruments and

policy issues, in spite of my natural modesty, I reckon I have the odd clue of how the EU and the EC is working

(not a joke either)

see post #8104

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On 7/9/2017 at 3:30 PM, mommysboy said:


Fred was a remarkable singer (saw live 3 times). He sounds strained here.  Perhaps he'd been arguing with a Brexiteer beforehand.


     Fred  was the main reason , i came out  and became  a real time gay . i even voted to remain in the  EU. 

      Nigel Farage ,  piped  the hate immigrants tune , and  then  he done  a runner , big time , to Trumpland .

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6 minutes ago, elliss said:


     Fred  was the main reason , i came out  and became  a real time gay . i even voted to remain in the  EU. 

      Nigel Farage ,  piped  the hate immigrants tune , and  then  he done  a runner , big time , to Trumpland .

Good track but the rest is horsedoo!

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1 hour ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

I'm not a fan of Blair or the independent but this is an interesting article.  The point of the EU reforming because of brexit and the UK  coming back into a reformed EU looks very plausible. Well at least the more plausible if the negotiations carry on as they are.


Blair is absolutely faultless in his analysis. He reflects my own opinions very closely.


Essential reading for all who value serious debate on the issues.




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18 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Blair is absolutely faultless in his analysis. He reflects my own opinions very closely.


Essential reading for all who value serious debate on the issues.




He is tbf. Just a shame Iraq has tarnished his reputation. This is one of the first sensible  articles on brexit that I have read from the MS papers in the UK concerning brexit. 

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

I honestly don't think you and Blair do reflect the the same opinions. Blair has been quoted saying that Britain must give  up more power to Brussels and is in favour of mass migration.


He does not give a rats tail about the UK only his own selfish interests, Blair, who is tipped as a future EU president is worried about losing such a prestigious job, not whether Britain will be worse off by leaving the EU.

The bullet point of the article for me is that of the EU reforming to what we as the UK desired before the referendum. If we can meet the EU halfway and put an end to mass uncontrolled immigration/ free movement without checks or jobs ect both parties could keep face and come to an arrangement to stay in. Because let's be honest ..it was those news stories with images of thousands upon thousands of Muslim men coming into Europe mixed in with the last decade of Islamic pi##takers in our own country and not to mention terrorism..is why the leave vote won. I voted remain but not sure if I would of post London Bridge/Manchester bombing and london stabbings.

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7 minutes ago, vogie said:

How can we meet the EU halfway, first we must ask ourselves why was Merkel allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry, did Merkel ask the EU if we can allow non europeans into europe without checks or any scrutiny what so ever, of course she didn't. She is leading the lemmings, if this was just about trade, fine, but its about controlling what we can or can't do in our own country. We must be able to decide by ourselves who can enter our country and not by the EU dictatorship, it's not a lot to ask really. 

"How can we meet the EU halfway, first we must ask ourselves why was Merkel allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry,"

Actually, first we must ask why anybody would believe that Merkel "was allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry". Are you suggesting that there is some party more powerful than Merkel who gave her permission? Or that Merkel set this policy on her own and everyone else had to follow?

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"How can we meet the EU halfway, first we must ask ourselves why was Merkel allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry,"

Actually, first we must ask why anybody would believe that Merkel "was allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry". Are you suggesting that there is some party more powerful than Merkel who gave her permission? Or that Merkel set this policy on her own and everyone else had to follow?

If you think about it we could actually end up saving their asses........again.  At least from themselves.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"How can we meet the EU halfway, first we must ask ourselves why was Merkel allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry,"

Actually, first we must ask why anybody would believe that Merkel "was allowed to open Europes borders to all and sundry". Are you suggesting that there is some party more powerful than Merkel who gave her permission? Or that Merkel set this policy on her own and everyone else had to follow?

Yep, pretty much. Do you think it was a good idea? 

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53 minutes ago, vogie said:

Yep, pretty much. Do you think it was a good idea? 

I think flying unicorns are a great idea. But I don't imagine that something I make up is real. You may want to believe that Angela Merkel sets the rules in the EU.  But she doesn't . It's no wonder that Brexit won. Apparently, the fantasist vote is very potent in the UK.

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1 hour ago, Johnyo said:


What has the EU got to do with the terrorist attacks? Most of these vile creatures are British born and their parents had come here from outside the EU. I'm all for more border controls of undesirables but blaming the EU for things like this is the reason Leave won.



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Nothing really but there was a referendum and lots of fears played on. But tbf it really wasn't helpful opening the flood gates to the Muslim hordes now was it.

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34 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think flying unicorns are a great idea. But I don't imagine that something I make up is real. You may want to believe that Angela Merkel sets the rules in the EU.  But she doesn't . It's no wonder that Brexit won. Apparently, the fantasist vote is very potent in the UK.


You obviously failed to notice that the huge number of islamic migrants that Merkel let into Germany a couple of years ago are being re-distributed around the rest of the EU countries, whether they like it or not. The UK, had we remained, were booked for about 300,000 of them.

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


You obviously failed to notice that the huge number of islamic migrants that Merkel let into Germany a couple of years ago are being re-distributed around the rest of the EU countries, whether they like it or not. The UK, had we remained, were booked for about 300,000 of them.

Yes you are right and if the EU want to continue in this way ( which I'm pretty sure they dont and are looking for a major change in policy and hopefully brexit will be used as a reason to change that policy) then we should leave outright. But I think we should at least see where the wind is blowing first whilst we continue with negotiations.

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1 minute ago, Johnyo said:


The Muslim hordes as you put it entered the U.K. well before the EU was even created.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


I'm talking about the resent ones when merkal said come to Europe. As you probably know already . There was a referendum at the time and a lot of people saw this and thought stuff that.  ?

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You obviously failed to notice that the huge number of islamic migrants that Merkel let into Germany a couple of years ago are being re-distributed around the rest of the EU countries, whether they like it or not. The UK, had we remained, were booked for about 300,000 of them.

Project fear.

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