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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I “ m still waiting for your answer. Why do you, a E.U citizens want us to remain in your so called Union.

I gave you my answer, but you have not reacted yet.

Why would somebody else then answer?

Poor net etiquette.


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1 hour ago, taipeir said:

It wasn't the immigrants that caused this but the UK's poor economic and political choices. For instance I fail to see how it was foreigners fault that the UK stopped investing in other cities besides London? 

Or that the comfortable buffer of North Sea oil ran out ?


Or that Thatcher decided to go all in on the City instead of supporting the manufacturing industry to retool?


It wasn't immigrants who landed all the venerable old British industrial giants with debt , broke them up and sold them off.


Its not the immigrants who own one third of UK land in aristocratic family trusts and vast urban areas for hundreds of years.


Its not the immigrants who implemented NIMBY planning laws.


Its not the immigrants who decide to light tax the high earners.


Its not the immigrants who instructed universal social credit.


Its not the immigrants who didn't decide to become nurse or caregivers or agricultural workers.


So to blame the 'immigrants' for economic decay and polarisation and lack of investment is pretty Risible and lazy thinking of the highest order.


Many other neighbouring countries like Germany, France , Ireland and Sweden have large numbers of immigrants and are doing pretty well and in fact in some cases better than ever.


Besides you are still going to get large numbers of migrants due to the historical British empire links and the service based economy which needs skilled and unskilled labour so not much is going to change anyway.









I “ m still waiting for your answer. Why do you, a E.U citizens want us to remain in your so called Union.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I “ m still waiting for your answer. Why do you, a E.U citizens want us to remain in your so called Union.

I gave you my answer, but you have not reacted yet.

Why would somebody else then answer?

Poor net etiquette.


Why do you post the same question twice?

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14 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I gave you my answer, but you have not reacted yet.

Why would somebody else then answer?

Poor net etiquette.


I apologise, somehow I must have missed it. Can you repeat why E.u citizens like yourself want us to remain. 

 I have noticed over the weeks, that a number of poster on this thread, are E.U citizens. All of them want us to remain. In fact some of you describe this process as a divorce. Well if my wife wanted to leave me, I’d simply say “OK”

That is of course unless I could’t Get my leg over elsewhere. 

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I apologise, somehow I must have missed it. Can you repeat why E.u citizens like yourself want us to remain.   I have noticed over the weeks, that a number of poster on this thread, are E.U citizens. All of them want us to remain. In fact some of you describe this process as a divorce. Well if my wife wanted to leave me, I’d simply say “OK”

That is of course unless I could’t Get my leg over elsewhere. 


Why would your wife want to leave you , you are surely a great one-legged catch. 



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Too much gin?

Just now, nontabury said:

I apologise, somehow I must have missed it. Can you repeat why E.u citizens like yourself want us to remain. 

 I have noticed over the weeks, that a number of poster on this thread, are E.U citizens. All of them want us to remain. In fact some of you describe this process as a divorce. Well if my wife wanted to leave me, I’d simply say “OK”

That is of course unless I could’t Get my leg over elsewhere. 

My answer that you missed is a few posts up.

Surely you can find itby scrolling up?


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14 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I gave you my answer, but you have not reacted yet.

Why would somebody else then answer?

Poor net etiquette.


I apologise, somehow I must have missed it. Can you repeat why E.u citizens like yourself want us to remain. 

 I have noticed over the weeks, that a number of poster on this thread, are E.U citizens. All of them want us to remain. In fact some of you describe this process as a divorce. Well if my wife wanted to leave me, I’d simply say “OK”

That is of course unless I could’t Get my leg over elsewhere. 

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1 hour ago, taipeir said:

It wasn't the immigrants that caused this but the UK's poor economic and political choices. For instance I fail to see how it was foreigners fault that the UK stopped investing in other cities besides London? 

Or that the comfortable buffer of North Sea oil ran out ?


Or that Thatcher decided to go all in on the City instead of supporting the manufacturing industry to retool?


It wasn't immigrants who landed all the venerable old British industrial giants with debt , broke them up and sold them off.


Its not the immigrants who own one third of UK land in aristocratic family trusts and vast urban areas for hundreds of years.


Its not the immigrants who implemented NIMBY planning laws.


Its not the immigrants who decide to light tax the high earners.


Its not the immigrants who instructed universal social credit.


Its not the immigrants who didn't decide to become nurse or caregivers or agricultural workers.


So to blame the 'immigrants' for economic decay and polarisation and lack of investment is pretty Risible and lazy thinking of the highest order.


Many other neighbouring countries like Germany, France , Ireland and Sweden have large numbers of immigrants and are doing pretty well and in fact in some cases better than ever.


Besides you are still going to get large numbers of migrants due to the historical British empire links and the service based economy which needs skilled and unskilled labour so not much is going to change anyway.









I read this post to my friend in Malmo over the phone. Had to repeat myselfe a few times as he couldn't here too well with the gunshots and explosions going off at the time. 

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16 hours ago, taipeir said:

It wasn't the immigrants that caused this but the UK's poor economic and political choices. For instance I fail to see how it was foreigners fault that the UK stopped investing in other cities besides London? 

Or that the comfortable buffer of North Sea oil ran out ?


Or that Thatcher decided to go all in on the City instead of supporting the manufacturing industry to retool?


It wasn't immigrants who landed all the venerable old British industrial giants with debt , broke them up and sold them off.


Its not the immigrants who own one third of UK land in aristocratic family trusts and vast urban areas for hundreds of years.


Its not the immigrants who implemented NIMBY planning laws.


Its not the immigrants who decide to light tax the high earners.


Its not the immigrants who instructed universal social credit.


Its not the immigrants who didn't decide to become nurse or caregivers or agricultural workers.


So to blame the 'immigrants' for economic decay and polarisation and lack of investment is pretty Risible and lazy thinking of the highest order.


Many other neighbouring countries like Germany, France , Ireland and Sweden have large numbers of immigrants and are doing pretty well and in fact in some cases better than ever.


Besides you are still going to get large numbers of migrants due to the historical British empire links and the service based economy which needs skilled and unskilled labour so not much is going to change anyway.



You make excellent points there, but I dont think anyone objects to immigrants, its just that its been a bit too many at once, and many suffer overcrowded accommodation I believe there were several families in one flat in the Grenfell tower that burnt down recently.

Slow it down a little and everyone is happy.

Hell, we're all immigrant here..







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19 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Too much gin?

My answer that you missed is a few posts up.

Surely you can find itby scrolling up?


I din”t consider that an answer. We like most citizens of the E.U.  ( not the arrogant ones) The British electorate just don’t want to be part of your so called union. I’m amazed that your so intent on us to remain, there must be some reason.

 If you think we were so much trouble before, when we were committed to your farce, imagine how much trouble we will cause if our treacherouse politiions are successful in over turning our democratic vote. We could copy our American brothers and have a party in Boston,lincs, and then ?


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7 hours ago, oldhippy said:


I am interested because I used to teach macro economics, because I studied history, philosophy and sociology, because I find human behaviour fascinating, because I enjoy discussing various topics, because listening to different opinions keeps me alert. 


Never trust a man who when left alone with a Tea Cosey..............doesn't try it on :smile:

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14 hours ago, SheungWan said:

He is an ignoramus because if one listens to the whole finger-pointing rant, when he gets to the end he mentions the referendum and jumps straight into the conclusion that it should mean no agreement pull -out now, which of course is not explicit in the wording on the referendum. Upset as are the other uber Hard Brexiteers that Theresa May isn't following their script. So in the uber Hard Brexiteer world there are only 2 groups: Car Crash Brexiteers Vs Remainers. No place for any shades of grey and certainly no place for the type of agreement secured by Theresa May's government. Desperately holding on to that script provides at least some of us with a certain level of amusement, particularly when it is also mixed in with some loopy Conspiracy Theory nonsense.


You can argue all you want that a partial brexit is a good thing, and it's an argumement that may or may not have validity. But nobody who voted for brexit voted for a partial brexit. The government leaflet, which was sent to every home in the UK, made it clear that a vote to leave meant leaving the free market and leaving the customs union. This notion that the leave vote was divided is just more lies from Project Fear and it's supporters. 

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They're hilarious, aren't they? They keep claiming that they're better off without us whilst relenlessly arguing that we should stay. They give away their position, Freudian slip-style, all day long: they don't like us but they absolutely adore our money.

I believe that money is always welcome.


But please make out all cheques in Euros or better still BTC.


And we need them no more than six months



None of that funny money either with the Queens head on it thank you very much !


Don't think you are getting anything without paying up in advance lol.

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12 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


They're hilarious, aren't they? They keep claiming that they're better off without us whilst relenlessly arguing that we should stay. They give away their position, Freudian slip-style, all day long: they don't like us but they absolutely adore our money.

reread my answer

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16 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


They're hilarious, aren't they? They keep claiming that they're better off without us whilst relenlessly arguing that we should stay. They give away their position, Freudian slip-style, all day long: they don't like us but they absolutely adore our money.


1/ European integration has ended centuries of European wars.

2/ Economic integration, even on a mundial scale, can not be stopped. But we should try to steer it.

3/ Economic integration is the only way to fight the existence of "Tax Paradises"  and "Social Legislation Loopholes" that favour the filthy rich, at the expense of the productive members of society.

4/ All humans have the same human rights to work and travel. That right can of course not be established overnight, but at the very least we should move in the right direction.

5/ Fully independent countries will disappear, just like previously fully independent cities and dinosaurs disappeared.

6/ negociating strength with US, China, ....


However, since the UK has for decades used strong arm tactics to get exceptions and opt outs, I am pleased to be rid of them. No more profiteers stepping on the breaks.

The UK is welcome to reapply for membership soon as they accept majority rule, Schengen and euro.


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15 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


1/ European integration has ended centuries of European wars.

2/ Economic integration, even on a mundial scale, can not be stopped. But we should try to steer it.

3/ Economic integration is the only way to fight the existence of "Tax Paradises"  and "Social Legislation Loopholes" that favour the filthy rich, at the expense of the productive members of society.

4/ All humans have the same human rights to work and travel. That right can of course not be established overnight, but at the very least we should move in the right direction.

5/ Fully independent countries will disappear, just like previously fully independent cities and dinosaurs disappeared.

6/ negociating strength with US, China, ....


However, since the UK has for decades used strong arm tactics to get exceptions and opt outs, I am pleased to be rid of them. No more profiteers stepping on the breaks.

The UK is welcome to reapply for membership soon as they accept majority rule, Schengen and euro.


Hippy's six-pack of beer gone bad. 

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15 hours ago, Grouse said:

They're nice people who care about us?

Or they are evil 5th columnists intent on subverting our British way of life and indoctrinating our kids with nasty federalist notions? My cousin is married to a Polish girl - she makes lovely pierogi but I long suspected that she is a sleeper, awaiting reactivation.

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Bit like those of us who were duped by lies when we voted for Tony Blair , still i am sure Brexit will turn out better than he did .

As the old saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Just as a matter of interest, did you vote for Blair in all thee GEs that he won?

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41 minutes ago, Orac said:


As the old saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Just as a matter of interest, did you vote for Blair in all thee GEs that he won?

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

no ,just once ,my one and only time i voted Labour ,i thought he would be good for the country , boy was i wrong , a bit like the Millenials who are being taken in by Corbyns lies now .

Edited by bert bloggs
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