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UKIP: race hots up to choose the next leader


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UKIP: race hots up to choose the next leader

Catherine Hardy




LONDON: -- Two more candidates have announced plans to stand as next leader of the UK Independence Party (Ukip).


A third is already in the running.


Suzanne Evans


Suzanne Evans has announced she will run for the leadership of the party and is hoping to make it “less toxic”.


Paul Nuttall


Paul Nuttall has also thrown his hat into the ring to join those hoping to be the party’s next leader.


The party’s former deputy leader says he has huge support among both the grass roots and the party elite.


Raheem Kassan

Ukip’s most high-profile donor has already backed a former aide of Nigel Farage for the party leadership.


Insurance tycoon Arron Banks said in a tweet that he would be supporting Raheem Kassan.


The race is “wide open”


The current leadership contest was triggered when Diane James recently quit as leader after only 18 days in the role.


Former leader Nigel Farage is currently back in charge as interim leader until the new one is chosen.


The race is now wide open after frontrunner Steven Woolfe quit in the wake of an altercation with a fellow MEP at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.


Nominations to replace Diane James close on 31 October.


The new Ukip leader will be announced on 28 November.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-24
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1 minute ago, vogie said:

Love him or loathe him, Nigel will a very hard act to follow, and what ever you think of his politics, the guy was very intelligent.


You really think it was intelligent of Farage to be so impolite to the European Parliament? Do you think it was intelligent of him to publically support Trump? Tell you what Vogie, let's just agree that your idea of what constitutes intelligence is very different from mine. The man is just a demagogue. We've suffered from many of them throughout history. It's just a pity the masses don't see straight through them ?

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I do not support Nigel Farage! But nobody can deny that he is not intelligent, he more or less single handedly defeated the 'remainers' Sorry the result was not to your liking. I have watched him many times on 'Question Time' etc and he can wipe the floor with most of his fellow panallists, just because you do not like what he does with his intelligence does not make him unintelligent.

And, oh well done for replacing the word "numpties" with "masses"

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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

I do not support Nigel Farage! But nobody can deny that he is not intelligent, he more or less single handedly defeated the 'remainers' Sorry the result was not to your liking. I have watched him many times on 'Question Time' etc and he can wipe the floor with most of his fellow panallists, just because you do not like what he does with his intelligence does not make him unintelligent.

And, oh well done for replacing the word "numpties" with "masses"


I used the word masses because I was referring to demagogues generally. A large proportion of the Brexiteers, but not all, do indeed fall into that group I call "numpties". This sub group includes most, but not all, UKIP supporters. IMHO, numpties are people who deny expert advice and take decisions based on shallow knowledge without consideration of the long term consequences of their choices. I quite like the word. I think it is unaggressive and points to silliness rather than evil.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:


I used the word masses because I was referring to demagogues generally. A large proportion of the Brexiteers, but not all, do indeed fall into that group I call "numpties". This sub group includes most, but not all, UKIP supporters. IMHO, numpties are people who deny expert advice and take decisions based on shallow knowledge without consideration of the long term consequences of their choices. I quite like the word. I think it is unaggressive and points to silliness rather than evil.


Still insulting people in large groups again I see.


Does your arrogance and ignorance ever have and end or even a point to it?

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


Still insulting people in large groups again I see.


Does your arrogance and ignorance ever have and end or even a point to it?


No wish to insult anyone. Do you put yourself in any of the groups I mentioned? Are you admitting in public to support UKIP? I thought my reasoning was rather modest. I can understand that you consider me arrogant. I have no problem with that. However, you are clearly ignorant as to what the word ignorant actually means. I am certainly not ignorant in general but I am ignorant about dressmaking ?. Do you understand what demagogue means? So what exactly are you complaining about? 

Edited by Grouse
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3 hours ago, vogie said:

I do not support Nigel Farage! But nobody can deny that he is not intelligent, he more or less single handedly defeated the 'remainers' Sorry the result was not to your liking. I have watched him many times on 'Question Time' etc and he can wipe the floor with most of his fellow panallists, just because you do not like what he does with his intelligence does not make him unintelligent.

And, oh well done for replacing the word "numpties" with "masses"


Be careful with the double negatives  "Nobody can deny he is not intelligent" rather suggests the opposite of what you want to claim.  Farage certainly attracted a certain type of voter but the real battle was between Johnson/Gove and Cameron.  The vast majority of the Brexiters believed what they were saying and the rest is history.  Throughout the whole campaign the Brexit boys distanced themselves from Farage refusing to ever share a platform with him.  It is true that Farage pushed and pushed and effectively forced the referendum.  Whether that turns out to be a good thing remains to be seen.


As far as UKip  is concerned it doesn't matter who is elected leader.  The party is falling apart and they are all dead men/women walking.

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