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Murderer seeks prison transfer from Thailand to Canada


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3 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Anyone can be rehabilitated. 

Not many compassionate human beings here.


What compassion did he show his 27 year old girlfriend?


After all he just snapped her neck and killed her, then cut off her limbs and dismembered her (hopefully she was dead at the time) and mutilated her face and body with an electric saw.


My compassion is for the girl he brutally murdered and not with him.

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On 24/10/2016 at 7:31 AM, performance said:

Not saying it's right but do not be stupid. Some of these girls are mental cases and very dangerous and sick. Yes I not a soft man and no I do not trust Thais. Bad luck. I been in the boxing business 25 years. Grew up with some of the hardest. I take people on face value. But not Thais lol. He probably has changed and who knows what the Thai did.

I believe you are right when you said "Some of these girls are mental cases and very dangerous and sick".  How do I know? because I go to Thailand often and I talk to them(ladies) and my sixth sense told me something is quite right here. No, I am not claiming clairvoyance or mind reading. Just your gut feeling, well, you put out your feeling and you feel and sense danger. I become careful when dealing with them. Just pay what I should pay and that's it. No love or emotion for them to go on.

For them to get a Farang boyfriend and no money from them is deep disappointment and big shame. I don't sympathize with this canadian man just that he just seems to get deeper into shit.

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5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Prison transfers to home countries happen all the time- why get hysterical about it? Personally I don't think it should happen but it does.


The issue isn't with the process. The issue is with the fact that he's only served 5 years for the brutal murder and dismemberment/mutilation of a young woman. He actually thinks he should be returned to Canada and set free and the (Canadian) "Public Safety Minister" stamped his approval on the request.


There are guidelines (and treaties) governing the transfers and often there are various conditions that have to be met before a transfer can be approved. It seems as well from what I've just read that it is up to the receiving country as to how to deal with the balance of the sentence. Sort of like when Omar Khadr was returned to Canada and almost immediately set free after spending 10 years in Gitmo for killing a US medic in Afghanistan.


Among the conditions for a prisoner in Thailand (like Karas) to be eligible for a transfer is that he must have served a minimum period of imprisonment. I hardly think that 5 years qualifies so it's probably not too likely that Thailand will approve the transfer any ways.

Add to that that it took 15  years to finally get him sent back from Canada in the first place. Add to that that when the crooked banker (Rakesh Saxena) helped cause the "asian flu" banking disaster in 1996 and fled to Canada with his ill gotten loot, it took 14 years to get him extradited from Canada. (One more year and he would have beat the Statue of Limitations and gotten away with it completely !) Thailand may not be in too much of a hurry to send this guy back in any case.


I took issue with the way the news article tried to make this guy look like a sympathetic sob story, as well as with his (Karas's) attitude (like he thinks he's being treated unfairly by being sent to prison in the first place) and with the "Public Safety Minister" that has literally rubber-stamped every request that crosses his desk (in the first 9 months of this year he's already approved almost as many transfers as the previous government had done in the 2 years prior, and he hasn't denied a single request regardless of the circumstances).


Yeah, prisons in Thailand suck. Boohoo. He's still alive, unlike the young woman he murdered.

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On 10/24/2016 at 10:36 PM, rotorbreeze said:


How Canadians look after criminals better than the elderly.... my older friends want to be in prison in their later years...looking at being in a hotel and getting all benefits most Canadians can not afford.



Each living unit will have computer inmate kiosks
that contain custom, secure software designed
to provide personal information for inmates
such as their trust account balances, health
care appointments and visit schedules. These
kiosks allow inmates to be more self-sufficient
by providing them access to their personal
information when they need it. In the past, when
an inmate would like to know their account
balance or schedule a medical appointment, they
have to wait until their living unit correctional
officer is available. By providing inmates with on-
demand access to their information, correctional
officers will be freed up to spend more time on
inmate supervision and communication.
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1 hour ago, madusa said:

I believe you are right when you said "Some of these girls are mental cases and very dangerous and sick".  How do I know? because I go to Thailand often and I talk to them(ladies) and my sixth sense told me something is quite right here. No, I am not claiming clairvoyance or mind reading. Just your gut feeling, well, you put out your feeling and you feel and sense danger. I become careful when dealing with them. Just pay what I should pay and that's it. No love or emotion for them to go on.

For them to get a Farang boyfriend and no money from them is deep disappointment and big shame. I don't sympathize with this canadian man just that he just seems to get deeper into shit.

Yes and tread with the utmost caution. Here there protected. You unless connected friends are open season. She will never see a long jail term. You will be in a cheap box in a freezer. For a lowie.

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16 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.


"Good day sir.
I find it unbelievable and near incomprehensible that you would even CONSIDER a prisoner transfer for this convicted MURDERER who not only killed a young woman, but dismembered and MUTILATED her body to try and prevent it from being identified (and thus tied to him).


This man was a CONVICTED criminal BEFORE he went to Thailand and travelled on a FALSE passport. Now he thinks YOU are going to bring him back to Canada and let him go free after serving ONLY FIVE YEARS in prison !??!?!?


Is that some kind of SICK joke ? Or is it the Liberal mindset that because the young woman was a Thai citizen her life doesn't matter ? 


Do you even READ what some of these people have done before making your decisions or do you just rubber stamp everything ? Five years for murdering and dismembering a body, by someone who was already a convicted criminal. She was a 27 year old woman and he admitted to "snapping her neck". He then used an electric saw to cut off her limbs and mutilate her face !


And YOU want to bring him back to Canada and let him go free ?!?!?!??!??!??


What would the sentence be in Canada for a convicted criminal found guilty of murdering and dismembering a body ? This person should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, PERIOD. 


He does Not deserve to be rewarded with freedom. "


Let's get onto the Canadian Media and expose this story to the Canadian Taxpayers/Voters.

Doubt they'd be too thrilled to know they may have to foot the bill for this lump of Excrement to hang out in the comfort of a Canadian Prison.


Let the scumbag rot here in Thailand !


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Just now, balo said:

Has this murder been reported in the media here?  It happened 5 years ago ?  A link to the story would help. 


20 years ago... 1996.


15 years resisting his extradition, this was of his own making by trying to avoid extradition, please do not count that time as punishment for this crime.





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19 hours ago, Kerryd said:

What a ******** joke. The guy was a convicted criminal BEFORE he came to Thailand.

He MURDERED his girlfriend and dismembered her body but is whining because he thinks he should have only been charged with manslaughter, not murder ? 

Not to mention he's apparently only been in prison for FIVE years ? <deleted> ?


He's under the impression that he'll be sent back to Canada and almost immediately released "because of the conditions in the Thai prison". No doubt he'll get it to with the current government in charge (in Canada).


FIVE years for murdering and dismembering a young woman !??!??!? Unbelievable !




THIS is why capital punishment is necessary.  NO SUCH THING as life in prison.  LIP is just the drivel the "progressives" feed the dumbed-down gullibles & naives to try and obscure the revolving door that actually exists.   (...which is the whole thing driving this creature's plan.)


Oh wait.  Maybe this guy was falsely convicted!  Why he should be freed immediately!


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21 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.


"Good day sir.
I find it unbelievable and near incomprehensible that you would even CONSIDER a prisoner transfer for this convicted MURDERER who not only killed a young woman, but dismembered and MUTILATED her body to try and prevent it from being identified (and thus tied to him).


This man was a CONVICTED criminal BEFORE he went to Thailand and travelled on a FALSE passport. Now he thinks YOU are going to bring him back to Canada and let him go free after serving ONLY FIVE YEARS in prison !??!?!?


Is that some kind of SICK joke ? Or is it the Liberal mindset that because the young woman was a Thai citizen her life doesn't matter ? 


Do you even READ what some of these people have done before making your decisions or do you just rubber stamp everything ? Five years for murdering and dismembering a body, by someone who was already a convicted criminal. She was a 27 year old woman and he admitted to "snapping her neck". He then used an electric saw to cut off her limbs and mutilate her face !


And YOU want to bring him back to Canada and let him go free ?!?!?!??!??!??


What would the sentence be in Canada for a convicted criminal found guilty of murdering and dismembering a body ? This person should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, PERIOD. 


He does Not deserve to be rewarded with freedom. "


He should be kept in a Thai real prison, never allowed into a farang prison which would be like a holiday camp for him.  Ideally he should be hung.


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12 hours ago, kingstonkid said:



He is held in a secure plexi glass cell getting university degree.  A better place would be in a heavily populated jail with asian criminals 

I didn't know they were really buddies, but then I'm not from where people are tragically hip, what with having had a composite on the visor of my car of a person wanted for questioning over a rape or two in Scarborough.. Which one was that?

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21 minutes ago, silent said:

I didn't know they were really buddies, but then I'm not from where people are tragically hip, what with having had a composite on the visor of my car of a person wanted for questioning over a rape or two in Scarborough.. Which one was that?

The man on the visor and the one in jail are the same piece of crap.  


I long for the days when these guys were not kept away from the Gen POP.  Man things were different and more painful then.  Lots of slipping in showers and no liquid soap to make it easier

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6 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

The man on the visor and the one in jail are the same piece of crap.  


I long for the days when these guys were not kept away from the Gen POP.  Man things were different and more painful then.  Lots of slipping in showers and no liquid soap to make it easier

Actually I think you're wrong and it would be justice for all three if Karla could be put in a cell with them for life.

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6 hours ago, balo said:

Has this murder been reported in the media here?  It happened 5 years ago ?  A link to the story would help. 



6 hours ago, Basil B said:

20 years ago... 1996.


15 years resisting his extradition, this was of his own making by trying to avoid extradition, please do not count that time as punishment for this crime.


Karas had been convicted for some bank robberies in Canada, did time and was released on parole.

While out on parole he acquired a fake passport and travelled to Thailand (in 1994) where he was living under a false name.

He shacked up with a Thai woman in hotel rooms rented in her name. 

In 1996 he murdered that woman and fled back to Canada where he was arrested for parole violations.

After he was back in prison it was learned that he'd murdered the woman in Thailand. Thailand started trying to have him extradited.

In 2004 he was facing a deportation order. He confessed to a couple of "cold crime" bank robberies and was sentenced to a few more years in prison. (At that time it was noted that since 1981 he'd spent an aggregate of 23 years in prisons already. Also noted that he apparently had escaped or "walked away" from various prisons 4 times as well.)

In 2011 his time was up and he'd lost all his appeals against the extradition order.

He arrived in Thailand in 2011, was charged, found guilty and sent to prison. He claims (now) that he thought he was pleading guilty to manslaughter, not murder. I don't know what sentence he was given.

In 2016, after serving just 5 years in Thai prison, he applied for a prison transfer back to Canada. The Transfer was approved by the Canadian Public Safety Minister.


It is now up to Thailand to decided whether or not to allow the transfer. There is a special committee of some very senior people that meet to decide these cases. 


As for the original story, the closest I can get is a Pattaya Mail story from October 1996, as they don't have any earlier issues archived. The Oct story is about Karas being arrested in Canada.



I've contacted the Pattaya Mail people to see if they possibly have an article about the murder that maybe they just never got around to archiving or something.

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On ‎24‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 9:01 AM, Kerryd said:

I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.


"Good day sir.
I find it unbelievable and near incomprehensible that you would even CONSIDER a prisoner transfer for this convicted MURDERER who not only killed a young woman, but dismembered and MUTILATED her body to try and prevent it from being identified (and thus tied to him).


This man was a CONVICTED criminal BEFORE he went to Thailand and travelled on a FALSE passport. Now he thinks YOU are going to bring him back to Canada and let him go free after serving ONLY FIVE YEARS in prison !??!?!?


Is that some kind of SICK joke ? Or is it the Liberal mindset that because the young woman was a Thai citizen her life doesn't matter ? 


Do you even READ what some of these people have done before making your decisions or do you just rubber stamp everything ? Five years for murdering and dismembering a body, by someone who was already a convicted criminal. She was a 27 year old woman and he admitted to "snapping her neck". He then used an electric saw to cut off her limbs and mutilate her face !


And YOU want to bring him back to Canada and let him go free ?!?!?!??!??!??


What would the sentence be in Canada for a convicted criminal found guilty of murdering and dismembering a body ? This person should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, PERIOD. 


He does Not deserve to be rewarded with freedom. "


I agree, leave him to rot it the Thai jail.


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52 minutes ago, b24u said:

I agree, leave him to rot it the Thai jail.



It is also clear that the Canadian penal system is unable to reform him, or even keep him incarcerated seeing as he has walked out of prison 4 times, something he will not be able to do in Thailand. 

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If Canada repatriate this piece of garbage I could assure you  I will send email to my member of government about this guy getting a much easier time in jail if he is sent to Canadian jail  on my tax money.

Let this garbage rot in Thai jail he might learn the language???? or be dispose off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/24/2016 at 4:20 PM, Psimbo said:

Prison transfers to home countries happen all the time- why get hysterical about it? Personally I don't think it should happen but it does.

no hysteria. the Canadian taxpayer should not have to support this putz.

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