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Thai youths dig up dog corpses to eat - then find out the animals had rabies


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42 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

I think the threat of rabies is the most exaggerated illness in thailand...been here 16 years never seen a rabid dog and count on one hand being chased on my bicycle...ride regularly....


10 minutes of driving, unsafe and high risk behaviors observed all over the place...


foreigners need to better prioritize their hierarchy of complaints...




Agree entirely that rabies is the most exaggerated threat in Thailand and like you, have never seen a rabid dog.  I haven't even heard any 'friend of a friend' stories about anyone that has seen one.


The threat is an exaggeration promoted by those wanting to get all soi dogs exterminated.


But when it comes to dogs chasing 'bikes - I've come across it a few times.  Not a problem if I'm in a small soi and therefore travelling quite slowly - just stop, stare and its funny the way they will slink away :lol:.   Other posters here however, would consider them dangerous dogs....


As you say, genuinely dangerous driving is far more of a problem - but this will not stop those who hate soi dogs considering getting rid of those poor dogs (who only want, but are unlikely to get a home) a higher priority in their personal 'hate' list.....


I'd have added a 'laugh' emoticon to the end of that last paragraph, but its not funny - its sad the way so many expats have no empathy at all towards the soi dogs.

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9 hours ago, psyvolt said:

My thoughts exactly.

So many  on here who would rather poke and make fun, rather then to see if there was an underlining reason to why they would eat what they did.

I just hope for a lot of the posters here, that if their family ever got so desperate for food and had to resort to something akin to what happened here, that they dont mind if ppl make jokes at their expense.


Because most people here know that Nobody in Thailand needs to be that hungry.


Really poor and hungry people do get looked after here by various foundations and the Wat's will always find food for people.


It is a nasty thing to do with virility not hunger.

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Table 1: Distribution per year of human rabies and dog bite cases in countries of the southeast Asia region.

CountryEstimated no. of dog bitesEstimated no. of human rabies casesEstimated no. of human cases per million populationSource of information

Bangladesh300,0002,000–2,50013Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh

Bhutan5000<103Ministry of Health, Bhutan

DPR KoreaNot availableNot availableNot availableN/A

India17,400,00018,000-20,00018Assoc. for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI)

Indonesia100,000150–3001.3Ministry of Health, Indonesia


Myanmar600,000100022Ministry of Health, Myanmar

Nepal100,000<1004Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal

Sri Lanka250,000<603Public Veterinary Services, Sri Lanka

Thailand400,000<250Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

Timor Leste1,00000Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste

SE ASIA TOTAL19,156,00021,345–23,995



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11 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:


When still living in Scotland, we had a French family visit. We went for a visit to a local castle, in two cars, them following. I passed a squashed pheasant on the road, so what? Looked in the mirror, no Froggies behind! Waited down the road for them, they caught up, we visited the castle. When we got home, great excitement, "look what we got for you! " One dead pheasant in the passenger footwell. ."where shall we put it?" I indicated the rubbish bin. No way was wifey, or I, about to pluck, clean and prepare a week old pheasant squash, never mind ear it! They were mega-offended!

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10 minutes ago, Grusa said:

When still living in Scotland, we had a French family visit. We went for a visit to a local castle, in two cars, them following. I passed a squashed pheasant on the road, so what? Looked in the mirror, no Froggies behind! Waited down the road for them, they caught up, we visited the castle. When we got home, great excitement, "look what we got for you! " One dead pheasant in the passenger footwell. ."where shall we put it?" I indicated the rubbish bin. No way was wifey, or I, about to pluck, clean and prepare a week old pheasant squash, never mind ear it! They were mega-offended!



and tenderized too

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13 minutes ago, Grusa said:

When still living in Scotland, we had a French family visit. We went for a visit to a local castle, in two cars, them following. I passed a squashed pheasant on the road, so what? Looked in the mirror, no Froggies behind! Waited down the road for them, they caught up, we visited the castle. When we got home, great excitement, "look what we got for you! " One dead pheasant in the passenger footwell. ."where shall we put it?" I indicated the rubbish bin. No way was wifey, or I, about to pluck, clean and prepare a week old pheasant squash, never mind ear it! They were mega-offended!

I cant see the problem, a week old no need to hang it

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3 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

I think the threat of rabies is the most exaggerated illness in thailand...been here 16 years never seen a rabid dog and count on one hand being chased on my bicycle...ride regularly....


10 minutes of driving, unsafe and high risk behaviors observed all over the place...


foreigners need to better prioritize their hierarchy of complaints...




Thanks for that mate its nice to know that everybody else is wrong and you are correct

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11 hours ago, burgdawg said:



you are preaching to the choir.

December 2015 and I am pedaling at night and I get jumped by a pack of soi dogs riding east of Pattaya.

Huay Yai area. I pedaled like hell to get away---instinctive reaction. No time to even swing my pepper spray in their direction.


Nasty bite.

I actually found the Thai owner of the dog (1am mind you...) showed him  my wound. Just above my left ankle.  I had compression hose on that hid the real damage. Smart move to at least break the ice with the guy. I asked why keep such nasty dogs? He replied "...thieves in the area, stealing his cows." We shook hands, exchanged phone numbers. NO raised voices. A discussion, very cordial. I was shocked. Amazing Thailand.


I thought my wound minor----went to the clinic in Pattaya. Not so minor wound. Started on tetnaus and rabies series (VeroRab). About 5 injections. Not so painful, about $100. The Tai farmer paid the tab! I MIGHT have skated by not getting any shots---but what if the dog that bit me feasted on a rotted corpse of any animal? That was my dilemma. The dog looked healthy, but I did not wish to take a chance.


He knows me when I pedal by---I ring my bell. Yes----I agree with this thread---there really are too many free-ranging dogs off leashes. What leashes? I know there is the VN and Laos BBQ option---but that is a very hot button topic. I take care of a soi dog on my street. There are legit owners who pay the Vet bills and shots and vaccinations are up to date.

In Mexico, free ranging dogs are rounded up from the pueblas and villages and taken way off shore and drowned en masse---about June---after tourist season. Drown, BBQ or really---spade and Vet services. None of this is easy nor cheap. Many cross cultural issues about "Fido."


In USA---owners DOGS receive better health care than their owners!







    That's why it's best to be pre-vaccinated for Rabies if you're going to be travelling or moving to countries where Rabies is common.  Then you only need two booster shots when bitten.  Not five.  And, more importantly, if pre-vaccinated you have a couple more days to get to help, and you don't need Rabies Immune Globulin... which can sometimes be hard to find and pricey, but which you need if you have not been pre-vaccinated. 

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20 minutes ago, Catoni said:


    That's why it's best to be pre-vaccinated for Rabies if you're going to be travelling or moving to countries where Rabies is common.  Then you only need two booster shots when bitten.  Not five.  And, more importantly, if pre-vaccinated you have a couple more days to get to help, and you don't need Rabies Immune Globulin... which can sometimes be hard to find and pricey, but which you need if you have not been pre-vaccinated. 


yes, yes, yes,


jumping up and down, blue in the face again.


Everybody should get inoculated against rabies and everybody should endeavour to get all the dogs and cats that you own or frequently come into contact with inoculated.


It really is rare in Thailand now, although there do seem to be a few more cases than normal around recently. My take is that with all the heavy rains the rats get driven out of their nests and bite dogs and cats and humans that are chasing them - as happened to one of my small shop owning neighbors in Pattaya last rainy season.


3 shots, cheap and no pain. Do it for all your family for Christmas, or Eid, or Deepavail or Parinirvana Day, or Anti-Rat day (must be a Trump day), or whatever, but do it.


Rant over till next time.











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I thought I would try to do a little research to see if eating a dead dogs penis as a virility booster is common with Chinese - like Tigers, but was inundated with so many penis enlargement adds that I was just giving up when I came across this gem that I thought I must share with those TV posters with a kind of sense of humour. See for yourself.


An elderly Romanian man is recovering in hospital after mistakenly cutting off his own penis, which was then eaten by his dog.

Constantin Mocanu, a 67-year-old from a village near the southeastern town of Galati, rushed out into his yard in his underwear to kill a noisy chicken keeping him awake at night.

But instead of cutting the chicken's throat, Mr Mocanu cut off his own penis.

He said: "I confused it with the chicken's neck. I cut it and the dog rushed and ate it."

Doctors said the man, who was bleeding heavily when brought in by an ambulance, was now out of danger.




At least he will not get rabies.

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This is the reason I read Thaivisa news , there's always something new and shocking to read about  , you just can't make it up., this is the real deal .   


Edited by balo
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This is one of those stories where if it had happened in your home country nobody would believe it, but as it's in Thailand everyone is just like "yeah, sounds about right".


My wife's auntie decided to store poison in water bottles next to her usual water supply in a shed.  Didn't change the labels or use different shelves or anything to differentiate what was bottles of poison and what was the water.  Didn't take long before one dark night she accidentally drank one of the bottles of poison and nearly died.


If I told this story to anyone in the UK they would never believe me that any grown up could possibly be this stupid and irresponsible with their life but I bet that everyone on Thaivisa knows it's true.

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I've been through a rollercoaster of emotions since seeing this headline.


First Reaction:


How fitting.  Idiots.  


Second Reaction:


Well, I don't really know what their living conditions were like.  Maybe it was out of necessity.  


Third Reaction:


Why wouldn't  you just kill a live dog or cat and eat that if they were really hungry?  Didn't the missing heads sort of give a clue that maybe they were messing with something they shouldn't be?  


Fourth Reaction:


How fitting.  Idiots.  


Fifth Reaction:


I am absolutely convinced that at least one of those children will one day have MP,  PM, or Gen in front of their name.  



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15 hours ago, fruitman said:


Rice costs 31 baht a kg at the Makro and around 40-45 on the markets in BKK....If the farmers get 5-6baht they don't know how to do business...


But i won't buy it on the market or from any vendor because they always like to overcharge me so  we eat rice from the Makro and don't care if the farmers get 5 baht. Som na na...

Once you get head your head out of your deep nether regions you would see that the farmers have to sell to the Chinese/Thai rice factory owners. The farmers get a mere pittance and does not even cover costs. The profits are made by the factory owners. And as for not caring about the farmers then where do you think makro would get their rice from if farmers did not grow it. Sure they could import but then you would be crying because it would be twice the price.

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21 minutes ago, callaway said:

Once you get head your head out of your deep nether regions you would see that the farmers have to sell to the Chinese/Thai rice factory owners. The farmers get a mere pittance and does not even cover costs. The profits are made by the factory owners. And as for not caring about the farmers then where do you think makro would get their rice from if farmers did not grow it. Sure they could import but then you would be crying because it would be twice the price.


The ricefarmers must be very daft to sell to factories who won't pay, why don't they start their own factory together? And why not open riceshops in BKK? Who wants to drag a 30-50kg bag of rice from a market? They also have bottleshops where you park infront of the entrance and they put it in your car.


I don't care where Makro buys the rice and if it's too expensive we'll eat potatoes or noodles/spaghetti.


Is that too hard for you to understand mai? Are you a ricefarmer yourself maybe?

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


The ricefarmers must be very daft to sell to factories who won't pay, why don't they start their own factory together? And why not open riceshops in BKK? Who wants to drag a 30-50kg bag of rice from a market? They also have bottleshops where you park infront of the entrance and they put it in your car.


I don't care where Makro buys the rice and if it's too expensive we'll eat potatoes or noodles/spaghetti.


Is that too hard for you to understand mai? Are you a ricefarmer yourself maybe?

No I am not a rice farmer. But I believe you should never bad mouth a farmer while your mouth is full. They are the people who allow you to fill it. As for potatoes and noodles. Who do you think allows you to purchase those? Produce grown by farmers. As for them starting a co-op it would not be possible. Do you not think the Thai/Chinese rich factory owners have not closed that loophole. The farmers are poor and you know the power that poor people have in this country. Absolutely none.

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3 hours ago, callaway said:

No I am not a rice farmer. But I believe you should never bad mouth a farmer while your mouth is full. They are the people who allow you to fill it. As for potatoes and noodles. Who do you think allows you to purchase those? Produce grown by farmers. As for them starting a co-op it would not be possible. Do you not think the Thai/Chinese rich factory owners have not closed that loophole. The farmers are poor and you know the power that poor people have in this country. Absolutely none.


5 hours ago, fruitman said:


The ricefarmers must be very daft to sell to factories who won't pay, why don't they start their own factory together? And why not open riceshops in BKK? Who wants to drag a 30-50kg bag of rice from a market? They also have bottleshops where you park infront of the entrance and they put it in your car.


I don't care where Makro buys the rice and if it's too expensive we'll eat potatoes or noodles/spaghetti.


Is that too hard for you to understand mai? Are you a ricefarmer yourself maybe?


"And why not open riceshops in BKK?"  Probably you should prefix "fruitman"  with "loopy".


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4 hours ago, callaway said:

No I am not a rice farmer. But I believe you should never bad mouth a farmer while your mouth is full. They are the people who allow you to fill it. As for potatoes and noodles. Who do you think allows you to purchase those? Produce grown by farmers. As for them starting a co-op it would not be possible. Do you not think the Thai/Chinese rich factory owners have not closed that loophole. The farmers are poor and you know the power that poor people have in this country. Absolutely none.



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