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Clinton challenges FBI, declaring, 'There's no case here'


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Clinton challenges FBI, declaring, 'There's no case here'



KENT, Ohio (AP) — Hillary Clinton forcefully challenged the FBI's new email inquiry Monday, declaring during a campaign rally in battleground Ohio, "There's no case here."


Clinton's comments were her most pointed yet on the subject, and they underscored her campaign's decision to fight back aggressively against FBI Director James Comey.


On Friday — just over a week from Election Day — Comey alerted Congress that the FBI has obtained new material that may be related to its dormant investigation into whether classified information passed through Clinton's private email server while she served as secretary of state.


The FBI plans to review the emails to see if they contain classified information and if so, whether they were handled properly. The Justice Department said Monday it would "dedicate all necessary resources" to concluding the review promptly.


Clinton accused the FBI of having jumped into the election "with no evidence of any wrongdoing with just days to go." She said that if the bureau wants to look at the emails, which appear tied to her longtime aide Huma Abedin, "by all means, they should look at them."


But she insisted the FBI would reach the same conclusion it did earlier this year, when it declined to recommend Clinton and her advisers face charges for how they handled classified information.


"They said it wasn't even a close call," she said. "I think most people have decided a long time ago what they think about all of this."


The investigation appears to center on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and Abedin's estranged husband. It's unclear whether the material on the device was from Clinton. It's also not known if the emails in question are new or duplicates of the thousands the former secretary of state and her aides have already turned over.


In another sign of the Clinton campaign's escalating feud with Comey, her advisers leapt on a CNBC report that the director opposed releasing information close to Election Day about Russian interference in the White House race. Campaign manager Robby Mook called the report evidence of a "blatant double standard."


The AP has not confirmed that report, and the FBI declined to comment on it Monday.


Intelligence agencies have linked Russia to the hacking of Democratic groups during the campaign. Clinton has charged the Kremlin is trying to tilt the election in favor of Donald Trump and has questioned the Republican's financial ties to Russia.


The Obama administration delayed for weeks formally blaming Russia because of sensitive negotiations that were taking place with Moscow at the time over Syria, according to people familiar with the investigation. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the hackings, which were investigated as counterintelligence cases.


Even hawkish officials within the Justice Department who were urging an announcement blaming Russia did not object to waiting for those negotiations to conclude. When the Syria talks collapsed in failure, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Homeland Security Department released a joint statement accusing Russia of the hacking.


Clinton's advisers were stunned by Comey's decision to publicly alert Congress that the bureau had new information that could be pertinent to its initial email investigation. Comey's letter to lawmakers was short on detail, infuriating the Clinton campaign, which accused him of leaving the situation open to inaccurate interpretations.


Trump has seized on the FBI review, gleeful over getting a new opportunity to hammer Clinton's trustworthiness and perhaps change the trajectory of a race that appeared to be slipping away from him.


On Monday, Clinton tried to refocus the contest on Trump as she opened the final full week of campaigning with a rally at Kent State University. She's blasted Trump at length for being unfit to serve as commander in chief, bringing together several of the charges she has leveled against him throughout the campaign.


Speaking in serious tones, Clinton warned at length about putting Trump in control of the nation's nuclear stockpiles. She accused him of talking "casually" about nuclear war and wondered whether he knows "that a single nuclear warhead can kill millions of people."


Clinton's message was amplified by Bruce Blair, a former intercontinental ballistic missile launch control officer. Blair said he would "live in constant fear" of Trump making a bad call about nuclear weapons if he were still a launch officer.


Clinton's blistering warnings about Trump's preparedness for the Oval Office were an attempt to refocus the choice in front of voters after a rough stretch for her campaign. Her team has long accepted that many voters simply don't trust the former secretary of state, but they believe she is viewed as more qualified than Trump to be president — an assertion backed up by many public opinion polls.


Democrats have robustly rallied around Clinton, including black and Hispanic lawmakers. During a Congressional Black Caucus news conference on Saturday, Rep. Gregory Meeks suggested Comey might be trying to affect the election results.


"Don't hide in silence," Meeks said. "Don't be the one that's trying to sway an election 10 days beforehand. The American people deserve and we want to know in its entirety what the emails are and what you are investigating."


AP writers Catherine Lucey in Des Moines, Iowa, and Ted Bridis in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-01
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Just as there was a significant case gross and willful negligence and obstruction of justice in the prior investigation, this current investigation will confirm and compound the criminal activities of HRC and her staff.

I believe Comey's conscience got the better of him by bending to the corrupt will of the attorney general and the White House.



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4 hours ago, dcutman said:

Just as there was a significant case gross and willful negligence and obstruction of justice in the prior investigation, this current investigation will confirm and compound the criminal activities of HRC and her staff.

I believe Comey's conscience got the better of him by bending to the corrupt will of the attorney general and the White House.




That so called "accidental" meeting at the airport between Bill Clinton and his family friend the AG prior to the FBI deciding there was no case to prosecute previously was too much. Anyone naive enough think that the Democrat AG hasn't been leaning on the FBI DG to sweep this all under the carpet and protect HC deserves the type of administration they'll likely get. A Clinton one where lies, as before, are acceptable when dealing with the people.


She was grossly negligent before, and then tried to brush it under the carpet including obstructing the investigation and being less than forthcoming. Now she's looking like a rabbit caught in headlights whose defense seems to be attack the process - somewhat reminiscent of all modern politicians caught out.


Had the GoP got a mainstream politician opposing her, that person would have been well ahead by now.

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3 hours ago, bamukloy said:


-Clinton gets elected.

-They impeach and kick her out.

-Obama back 


all very neat

If the Republicans were smart they would let it play out that way and then Tim Kaine would be president. Looks like a controllable lad. He might even switch sides before his 4 year term is up. 

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How did such an appearingly smart lady turn into such a Dunderhead. Like the President of South Korea found out surround yourself with a better class of people. The wife of Weiner was a poor choice and after he made a fool of himself you kept her on. Silly woman. 

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Hillary Clinton will be elected President simply because Trump is the worst candidate ever to run for President. Probably, any other Republican candidate would have been elected. If there is a case against Hillary, it will proceed and all will see the results. If there is no case- the FBI will close it.  It doesn't matter, as her ability to govern  will be fraught with Congressional investigation after another by the Republicans and the American people will have continual gridlock. If she is forced to resign-and that may be a good solution- the Vice President will take over. At least, then the bloodletting will end. Both Trump and clinton would be gone and the new President may be able to work with a divided Congress.

The real losers in this charade- are the American people- stuck with an electoral system that allows people like Trump and Clinton to become candidates. American politics badly needs reform. The problem is who is going to do it. It's like asking the Godfather to reform the mafia.

I am certain of one thing- America's time is running out. If the politicians do not reform themselves- we can expect more fringe candidates to appear when what we need is a young; charismatic person to come forward- make the hard decisions- and not worry about being re-elected and put the US on a fast track for success.

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Yes, Hill will probably still win, but this last minute Comey thingie gives trumpists a glimmer of hope. God help us (this coming from an atheist)!


James Comey’s Blunder Could Make Donald Trump President



Edited by Jingthing
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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, Hill will probably still win, but this last minute Comey thingie gives trumpists a glimmer of hope. God help us (this coming from an atheist)!


James Comey’s Blunder Could Make Donald Trump President




The election prediction markets have been roiled by Comey's power play, but Clinton is still at 60-70%, though down from the 80s as before. She should still clearly win decisively.

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Comey coming forward at this time to me is bizarre and his letter to the Congress is incompetent.  There are people on this forum who could have written a better letter. In addition, his refusal to make comments on the Trump investigation and Trump's alleged involvement with Russia shows me that either he is trying to influence the election or he is just ignorant. In either event, he should resign -effective immediately.

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22 minutes ago, muffy said:

Any male that votes for Hillary , isn't a man , just a traitor. Any female that votes for Hillary just because she is female is sick

Anyone who votes for Trump has either had a traumatic brain injury, a learning disability or a mental illness.


Especially women.


Boon Mee will be along in a minute to prove my point.





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10 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Anyone who votes for Trump has either had a traumatic brain injury, a learning disability or a mental illness.


Especially women.


Boon Mee will be along in a minute to prove my point.







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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Yeah, what are you going to tell your kids when they ask why you voted for Crooked Hillary?

Lying is OK for her - just you don't do it...:sick:



You can say I voted for the choice that lies much less ... Hillary Clinton. 

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I will tell my grandchildren and children I voted for a person who does not denigrate women; make fun of the disabled; speak poorly of people of color; fight with the families of dead veterans but speaks in a positive way regarding what actually will make America a better country. I will say she has her faults but is by far the most reasonable choice of either candidate. Donald Trump is the worst candidate ever to run for President and history will record it the same way. I don't hate Donald but I dislike what he stands for.

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9 hours ago, dcutman said:

Just as there was a significant case gross and willful negligence and obstruction of justice in the prior investigation, this current investigation will confirm and compound the criminal activities of HRC and her staff.

I believe Comey's conscience got the better of him by bending to the corrupt will of the attorney general and the White House.


And you know that how? Channeling your inner Nostradamus? Or are you trying to like use the force?

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, Hill will probably still win….


Hill?! 555555555


I feel a bit sorry for crooked H…wikileaks is toying with her like a rag doll…..they are dragging this out, timing it to perfection, to expose exactly how she lies to protect herself….turning her over the spit ever so slowly….just as she says "there's no case", Im betting they'll release the big one.


Stick a fork in Crooked H…she's done.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Why should I believe anything found through Wikileaks, It is run by an alleged rapist who is locked up in a foreign embassy in the UK because he refuses to answer some questions by the police who are investigating the allegations. In addition, all the alleged information from Wikileaks was obtained through a criminal enterprise- hacking another's private emails.

I don't need hacked emails to find out about Donald Trump. Everytime he opens his mouth and denigrates others he shows me his temperament.  Every time I read about his business dealings which he admits to- I  find out about his using the tax code and eminent domain laws to avoid his responsibilities to other human beings. Not only would he make a horrid President- as a human being he leaves much to be desired.

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