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Horrifying fatal crash caught on camera after minivan is knocked off road in Thailand


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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Absolutely horrible. The whole road carnage needs to be addressed. 


I expect to see the chief of police strongly condemning wreckless driving and threatening harsh punishments soon, right? 


Love your sense of humour.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


When i'm driving on a fast lane behind a very slow driver (mostly Thai ladies) i go drive 50 cm from their bumper for a while...they don't like that so they'll move to the left slow lane.


Those ladies even step on the brake when they go faster than 50km/hr on the main roads. :passifier:


So you think that driving dangerously close to another vehicle that isn't being  driven dangerously is clever?  You shouldn't be allowed to hold a licence.

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6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

In the video you see a movable speed bollard  sign on the left protruding out from the shoulder of the access way,


1 )  The driver of the camera vehicle is traveling slower than the van , so that driver never used his mirror to see what was happening behind him / her , (courtesy to other road users , not here)

2) The driver of the silver car  could not judge distance  could not look ahead when he she sees the bollard coming up , their reaction to distance travelled towards the bollard causes them to panic and veer right into the van,

3) Van driver was also not using his  / her mirrors to see what was around them, no attempt by the mini van to apply the brake unless the brake lights were not working, 


All round a typical day driving in Thailand skill set and use of mirrors not evident, no idea to look ahead or behind 


Unless reversing, or changing lanes, you are not responsible for what is happening behind you, also this overtaking on the left, so many people do not understand it, you must not overtake, on the left, if you are in the same lane, unless the vehicle in front is turning right, if a multilane road you can overtake in the left lane, simple really, just think about it.

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7 hours ago, Pungdo said:

Back home in Oz many large trucks have 2 small signs on the back, the one that points to the right says "Passing Side" the one pointing to the left says "Suicide" Thais need to take a long hard think along those lines, I see it way too often, impatient idiots trying to overtake on the wrong side of vehicles.

In America they have "BEAT ME"  "EAT ME".

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29 minutes ago, Red13 said:


No, no, no and no.


In any Country where you drive on the left hand side of the road, such as Thailand, you keep left at all times unless overtaking or unless lane/road markings say otherwise.


The camera car had no business being in the right lane unless they were just about to pull a U turn.




"Pulling" a u-turn, wow, that's cool.

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

Camera-car is guily for not keeping left while there's an empty left lane. See it every day, pure Thainess.

What you are saying is true, but what if the inside lane is rutted caused by a combination of hot weather, overloaded trucks, and materials used for resurfacing the road not up to standard. Although that is not the situation on this instance, very often the inside lane is not fit for driving on, and some vehicles are forced to use the second lane, perhaps driving at the speed limit but still causing impatient drivers to attempt to undertake on the hard shoulder.

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3 hours ago, mike324 said:

I think its silly to blame the dash cam car, perhaps he was already going the speed limit, he did not need to move left.


I think people missed out on a crucial detail that in the beginning, a man ran across the road. Perhaps they were travelling at the same speed, both cars had to slow down as a man ran across the road, the dash cam car had to slow down even more because the man was last on the right lane. Hence that is the point where the van sped up past the dash cam car.


The last car which caused the crash probably did not see the man crossing the road, and was obviously speeding, thought he could overtake on the most left lane which is not a proper lane. As you know, many speeding drivers like to follow so close that they can't see whats going on up front, the last car swerve left to try to overtake only to be block by a triangular road warning sign (13 sec), he swerved back without reducing speed enough which then cause the crash.


The fault lies squarely on the last car.



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"I think its silly to blame the dash cam car, perhaps he was already going the speed limit, he did not need to move left".

You are wrong, the lane the dash cam car was on is for overtaking only, not hogging it.

Although in Thailand, a vehicle needs to get in the right lane in plenty of time if he is going to make a U turn, or right turn ahead.

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3 hours ago, ScotBkk said:

They need to learn to drive period. Just tearing along having no respect for other road users. They never earned their 2nd most dangerous ineffective motoring skills in the entire world for nothing. 


Irregardless of who's fault it was the time surely has come for something to stop these endless tragedies from happening.



I agree.  How can things improve without effective police and rule of law? IMO these do not exist here.  

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3 hours ago, wgdanson said:

So Mike, you mean that if you are doing the speed limit, you can stay in the fast lane regardless of other traffic?.


Yes I would stay in the right lane and drive the speed limit or even faster so I don't end up like the van on the left, OR the numerous accidents that happens with 10 wheeler trucks on the left lane. Of course in the West, it would be very different. West logic don't apply on the roads here.


Unbelievable how many are blaming the dash cam driver for causing the crash....




Edited by mike324
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Most Thais initially learn to drive on motorcycles, where undertaking/passing on the inside is the common illegal practice. When they progress to driving cars they take this bad habit, and others, with them. 

Edited by mankondang
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Don't be so quick to condemn the camera car, he could be in the outside lane preparing to turn right at the next junction or u turn.


Patience is not taught here, either to van drivers undertaking (accepted in Thailand) or to silver car drivers undertaking on the hard shoulder (unacceptable anywhere). General lack of risk assessment and preparedness means the effects are much worse than they should have been. Just some of the 95% of drivers in Thailand with no sense of roadcraft.

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Idiot number one: the driver of the vehicle with the camera, hogging the outside lane.

Idiot number two: the driver of the minivan overtaking idiot number one on the inside.

Idiot number three: the driver of the silver car attempting to overtake two other idiots on the inside.

So that's three drivers and three idiots. Sounds about normal for here to me.

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It is common Thai practice to pass another vehicle any way they can whether slow lane fast lane or what we call the emergency lane...


you  guys cite Thai codes...compliance to codes don't matter until there is an accident....


everyone is driving poorly but the small car is the one that causes the crash...


all 3 drivers represent driving we see here everyday...slow cars in the fast lane, car using slow lane to pass and then the most aggressive driver who wants to pass both cars in the emergency/cycle lane...


glad this example was caught on camera and should be used in driving Ed....


so typical...

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13 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

It is common Thai practice to pass another vehicle any way they can whether slow lane fast lane or what we call the emergency lane...


you  guys cite Thai codes...compliance to codes don't matter until there is an accident....


everyone is driving poorly but the small car is the one that causes the crash...


all 3 drivers represent driving we see here everyday...slow cars in the fast lane, car using slow lane to pass and then the most aggressive driver who wants to pass both cars in the emergency/cycle lane...


glad this example was caught on camera and should be used in driving Ed....


so typical...

A very good summary of JUST some of the reasons why the slaughter continues unabated on the roads of Thailand

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It looks like a deliberate shunt or extremely bad judgement, but with obstuctions coming up, one can speculate that the van driver braked to let the guy by at exactly the instant the car driver decided to give up overtaking as a bad job, and get back into lane. It's a theory, nothing more. 

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14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Absolutely horrible. The whole road carnage needs to be addressed. 


I expect to see the chief of police strongly condemning wreckless driving and threatening harsh punishments soon, right? 

Yeah, right!

All three drivers in this are in the wrong.

It is called "lane discipline" something Thais are completely unaware of.

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Just my TV detective worth.

I'm thinking not deliberate but the silver car had already lost control of their vehicle.

I believe the silver car was not trying to undertake. (There's a narrow inside lane, but full on holes, leading upto the collision).

The person that died was a motorcyclist that the van hit when it crossed onto the other carriageway.

Sad to see only a few meters up the road, there is a safety barrier in the middle of the highway, maybe could of saved an innocent life if was installed where the van crossed.

Angry to see that it took the camera car a long time to stop and that they were hogging the overtaking lane. Unknown if they gave any help.

The video below has a lot of information in Thai language if someone would like to translate.





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16 hours ago, TheMysteriousMrTesla said:

Any comments on the role of the camera car hogging the right-hand lane in the lead up to the accident?


Would the outcome have been any different if the camera car had been in the left hand lane so the van didn't have to pass him on the left?


If that had been the case the silver car would have been passing the van whilst still on the tarmac.


Very much so. Every time I take a taxi from the airport all the vehicles heading in the same direction invariably hog the right hand lane. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a bus, a truck or a car and they tailgate each other regardless of speed.


In this particular case, both the minibus and the silver car are in the wrong by overtaking on the inside. But the driver of the silver car seems to have had no patience at all and that has resulted in the death of an innocent person.


I dread to think of the carnage which could have occurred if a vehicle coming from the opposite direction had been unable to avoid the minibus as it entered the opposite carriageway.

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2 hours ago, nausea said:

It looks like a deliberate shunt or extremely bad judgement, but with obstuctions coming up, one can speculate that the van driver braked to let the guy by at exactly the instant the car driver decided to give up overtaking as a bad job, and get back into lane. It's a theory, nothing more. 

Your theory wouldn't carry much weight in a court of law. The fact no brake lights were showing on the van would indicate he wasn't braking.


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11 hours ago, djayz said:

The minibus driver seems to have done a good job controlling the van. Good on him. 


Not really since it seems to have resulted in the death of one of his passengers. Or at least I assume that's the case since there's no mention of either driver dying.

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8 minutes ago, berybert said:

Your theory wouldn't carry much weight in a court of law. The fact no brake lights were showing on the van would indicate he wasn't braking.



8 minutes ago, berybert said:

Your theory wouldn't carry much weight in a court of law. The fact no brake lights were showing on the van would indicate he wasn't braking.


OK, I didn't notice that, forget what I said. It's a bit weird though, bashing into someone like that. 

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