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Obama worries black vote is not solid enough for Clinton


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It is truly amazing that in the 21st Century black voters are treated this way. The Repubs know that blacks traditionally vote Democratic and they are using this tactic to suppress votes in the hope Trump  can become President.

With Trump as President and a possible Republican Congress- the Civil Rights Act of 1964 will become meaningless as it won't be enforced. 

Why anyone would actually vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension. We need unity in America and people working together not the divisiveness that the Trump people want. America will never be great unless we stop the tyranny of the minority.


Edited by Thaidream
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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump is right. They should vote for him. Too many blacks have nothing to lose.


Do you mean they should vote together/for with the KKK's  favorite candidate without losing anything ? REALLY?  


Edited by Opl
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27 minutes ago, Opl said:
14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump is right. They should vote for him. Too many blacks have nothing to lose.


Do you mean they should vote together/for with the KKK's  favorite candidate without losing anything ? REALLY?  



Donald has both the white and black supremacists supporting him. How can he lose? He certainly knows how to capture the extremist votes.


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1 minute ago, Opl said:
looks like back to the days of 1933 when a madman was elected chancellor to become a dictator.

There are similarities.

Still time to stop the MADNESS.




On Election Day, America faces a choice, and it’s not a tough one, but a stark one. It is the difference between tolerance and intolerance. It is the difference between respect and disrespect. It is the difference between a politician with some flaws and a flaw threatening our politics.

Donald Trump is America’s existential threat. On Tuesday, America has an opportunity to defend itself.







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The  main issue is ,

are these the  best two  canditates  the USA , can deliver  to be their next President 

     If so ,.  Frightening .

Edited by elliss
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Just now, elliss said:

The  main issue is ,

are these the  best two  canditates  the USA , can deliver  for their  President .

     If so ,.  Frightening .

No, they are not but one of them is massively worse than the other, and his name is trump. There is no equivalence. 

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7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Why anyone would actually vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension.


Why anyone would vote for either Trump or Clinton is beyond my comprehension!!  They make Frank Rutherford, Played by Kevin Spacey, look like a saint!

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25 minutes ago, wayned said:

Why anyone would vote for either Trump or Clinton is beyond my comprehension!!  They make Frank Rutherford, Played by Kevin Spacey, look like a saint!

Who else do you propose we vote for? Or is this a Pontius Pilate act? And it's Frank Underwood

Edited by SaintLouisBlues
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36 minutes ago, wayned said:

Why anyone would vote for either Trump or Clinton is beyond my comprehension!!  They make Frank Rutherford, Played by Kevin Spacey, look like a saint!

So precious.

Because one will be the next president, the most powerful person in the world, and one is MUCH WORSE than the other.



Next ...

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33 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So precious.

Because one will be the next president, the most powerful person in the world, and one is MUCH WORSE than the other.



Next ...

It was meant as a facetious remark.  But you said it all and it's scary that we have to choose the better of the worse rather than the better of the best!


STL:  Thank you for correcting me, Underwood, not Rutherford.

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6 hours ago, elliss said:

The  main issue is ,

are these the  best two  canditates  the USA , can deliver  to be their next President 

     If so ,.  Frightening .


Politics doesn't usually attract the most creative, benign, problem solving types.  I get your point though. With 330 million souls in the country, we should be able to find two better degenerates to represent. 

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10 hours ago, elliss said:

The  main issue is , are these the  best two  canditates  the USA , can deliver  to be their next President 

     If so ,.  Frightening .


Just as frightening, one of the 2 major parties, the Republicans, had 17 candidates and boiled it down to one, who happened to be the rudest, most belligerant of the bunch.  Yet, most of their other candidates were as scary as Trump in their own ways:   Carson and Cruz are top examples.  Republicans should change their party name to Frankensteinans.  The candidates which go and come out of their nefarious lab are spookier than coffin worms.

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16 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

What have Democrat congresspeople done for blacks?  Several things, including making health insurance more accessible.  Dems try to help all folks, including middle class, poor, disadvantaged, whether they're black, brown, yellow or whatever.  Even if Reps want to clutch onto the fairy tale that Dems have done nothing for blacks, they they've got to admit their Republican lawmakers have done a lot less.   


As for schools, Dems are helping blacks by encouraging school busing - which is anathema to Republicans.  Dems also advocate free lunches for inner city kids.  Republicans don't even think about such silly issues.


Republicans say they want to abolish the Dept of Education.  What they're aiming for is stratified schools.  In other words: residents of rich areas (mostly whites) should be able to keep going to well-funded elite schools, and residents of inner cities (mostly blacks and minorities) can keep going to underfunded schools.  Trump, ever the shrill alarmist, paints a picture of the inner cities as hell, with the likelihood of getting shot every time a person steps outside their front door.   Not really true, and Dems want to level the playing field.


Another reason the Reps want to abolish the Dept of Education is to get Church schools everywhere, which teach anti-science 'Creationism' (everything is designed by a God) instead of scientifically accepted 'Natural Selection.'   Koch Brothers pour hundreds of millions of $$'s into school district candidate races, mainly for that reason.

And yet we see, Obamas home town of Chicago, record number of shootings and murders, mainly in the AA communities. How does one reconcile this?

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20 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Black people voting for Trump hmm. If your black and a bit down on your luck President Trump will do his utmost to cancel your food stamps and social benefits and find you meaningful employment like mowing lawns or cleaning pools. Hold on a moment the illegal Mexicans have that area sewn up tight. 


Not for long. It's about time someone started kicking people off the government tit and got them out earning my tax dollars.

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18 hours ago, bangon04 said:

" Barack Obama twice generated a historic wave of African-American support on his way to the White House, but worries now the black vote "is not as solid as it needs to be"  "


possibly, just possibly, they feel let down by Obama and his Democrat successor?

Is there such a thing as feel good feeling by the Republicans just asking. If you know of someone that has the cure for all that ails America and the world in fact please send me a PM well no announce it here for all to gain hope from. 

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10 hours ago, LennyW said:

The very fact that Obama is touting for crooked Hillary should be warning enough not to!!

No more same o same o!!!


Reminds me of the kid who kept telling his mom "I hate broccoli! I'm never going to eat it!"


.....so he got served  something different for the next four years, ........mud cakes.

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On November 3, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Jingthing said:

Yeah, sure.

Nothing to lose.

Wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me cheap?

Maybe jump off of it? The waters are fine. Nothing to lose. Free swimming.


A black church in Mississippi was reportedly set on fire and graffitied with the words ‘Vote Trump’ late Tuesday night, according to several news reports Wednesday.



And who would have most likely done that? I would say its 90% chance the Hillary Clinton campaign. Don't ever underestimate US politics. 

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3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

And who would have most likely done that? I would say its 90% chance the Hillary Clinton campaign. Don't ever underestimate US politics. 

It is quite obvious that it wasn't a Trump supporter. Logic and common sense says they wouldn't spray "vote Trump" and set the church on fire. It is only another lefty ploy.

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3 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

It is quite obvious that it wasn't a Trump supporter. Logic and common sense says they wouldn't spray "vote Trump" and set the church on fire. It is only another lefty ploy.

It is very hard to convert hunter/gatherers into farmers/workers I think. Good luck trying though.

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3 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

It is quite obvious that it wasn't a Trump supporter. Logic and common sense says they wouldn't spray "vote Trump" and set the church on fire. It is only another lefty ploy.

I think so but we must consider the uneducated people that they are targeting.  That ploy will probably work well with them.

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