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Daughter of Ratchada crash victim calls out ‘pretty’ who put her father in hospital


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4 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:

Model :D :D

Wondering how this plastic puppet looked before her operations and before hours-long make ups....

No, please not, don't show me, she's "plastic fantastic .." ..... why spoil my scream dreams

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Another spolit brat to get away with a serious criminal charge. This is really becoming a pathetic sick joke.


I'd love to be a high court judge in this country if only for a day. I'd be in The Guinness Book of Records!!     :1zgarz5:

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4 hours ago, chowny77 said:

I saw the video and she was clearly on something. She looked like trailer trash and should be locked up.

I like trailer trash. But this creature here is a freak! What a pathetic case...

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It looks like this is another case of narcissistic personality disorder.



The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include: grandiose sense of importance, preoccupation with unlimited success, belief that one is special and unique, exploitative of others, lacks empathy, is arrogant, and is jealous of others.


There's a lot of it about.

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2 hours ago, Enoon said:

Wouldn't it be nice to see "The Great Defender" issue one of his famous "instructions" to throw the book at rich, chalk white, car driving, marauding, killers from now on?


But I don't think that's going to happen.


Perhaps many Thai people may be getting increasingly irritated by that same thought?


More kindling for the fire.

You would hope this to be true, but the fact she gained thousands more followers on her facebook page tells its own story. Life goes on as normal.

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The alien was not tested for alcohol or drugs or interviewed by the police?  Really, it's assault with a deadly weapon.  Temporary insanity?  I don't understand how this look is desirable?  It may be proof that aliens are beginning to control our minds!?

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apparently before this pretty got rich, she was a overwieght person. she went thru plastic surgery n slim down n started to get a following online cos of her plastic surgery success n slim down process. she got approach by a certain product n brand which wanted to use her face to their product and she agreed on the conditions that this brand has to make her the ceo and market her online as well cos she wants to be famous. 


 after the success of the product n brand in thailand, this pretty started letting all that success n money goes to her head. she started on an ego n power trip abusing her power against the employees and even the real owner of the brand that made her who she is. so of cos the brand fired her from the ceo position n ever since she has been upset n even convinced that its was a conspiracy to get her out once the product started doing well but forgot to check herself. 


according to those around her she is always on ice, methamphetamine hence her paranoia. According to close sources around her she was high on the drug n havent slept for 8 days prior to the accident.


i m doing business in the industry too and knows the product n brand well.

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3 hours ago, Maejo Man said:

She might be classed as a "pretty" but looking at the video (all for show) I noticed that she has awfully ugly feet :sleep:

They will be the next plastic surgery she has done, head to toe. 

regards worgeordie

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Look at her arms!  Just skin and bones.  She looks anorexic or suffering from amphetamine addiction. The alcohol test would have probably been negative as drugs look like the real culprit. She needs to detox or she will slowly waste away.

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5 hours ago, Rooo said:

Duhh, couldn't communicate? Drunk or high. Any tests at the hospital? What a joke.


The police said yesterday that it wasn't their job to test her, but the hospital's. So now we know - if the Thai police want to breathalise you (joke) just tell then it isn't their job.

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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Oh yes, the system is tailor made for some.


A major part of the problem is that a large % of society put these celebrities people up on pedestals and have no hesitation to demand they should have special rights, often outside of the applicable laws.  You can find something similar in the USA and of course many other countries.


I taught my Thai son to have the highest respect for people who really contribute to society, to respect the concepts of equal status and equal opportunity for all people, including reliable and sincere people and often humble people, and equal and fair application of the law. My son is now teaching the same values to his 3 kids, i'm so proud of him.  My own parents taught me the same stuff. 

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Perhaps she's earned a rename to the Zombie?

She's got the tunes turned up high, boom box in the back, thumping out da bass, windows up, car filled with da Rasta smoke, listening to the junglistic vibes, then it's
B a n g !!!!
Whoops I gone crashed my ride man, tut, tut, tut, man, I'm wasted, gonna whitey out...
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7 hours ago, ezflip said:

Another user, Thongphon Wongwang, said that those seeking to avoid justice are using the same playbook.

“It’s the same trick of famous people. When they get in an accident, they are stressed and they have mental disorders,” Thongphon wrote. “In the end, the issue will go away quietly. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see.”


At least some Thai people are crying out for REAL justice. Good on them.

Right on...I lose more respect for Thais everytime they let one these entitled fluffers go free

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3 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

apparently before this pretty got rich, she was a overwieght person. she went thru plastic surgery n slim down n started to get a following online cos of her plastic surgery success n slim down process. she got approach by a certain product n brand which wanted to use her face to their product and she agreed on the conditions that this brand has to make her the ceo and market her online as well cos she wants to be famous. 


 after the success of the product n brand in thailand, this pretty started letting all that success n money goes to her head. she started on an ego n power trip abusing her power against the employees and even the real owner of the brand that made her who she is. so of cos the brand fired her from the ceo position n ever since she has been upset n even convinced that its was a conspiracy to get her out once the product started doing well but forgot to check herself. 


according to those around her she is always on ice, methamphetamine hence her paranoia. According to close sources around her she was high on the drug n havent slept for 8 days prior to the accident.


i m doing business in the industry too and knows the product n brand well.

Can you name your sources? A  few mentions of "apparently and according to"

Also is it "n" or "and"?  I guess they are the same..

Sorry but you sound as if you cannot wait to gossip.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Cops waived sobriety test for net idol 'millionaire pretty'

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter -



A photo of Kritrada Tabtimphol posted on her Facebook on Sept. 23. Image: Kritrada Zomy Tabtimphol / Facebook


BANGKOK — Police did not conduct a sobriety test on a businesswoman who caused traffic mayhem in downtown Bangkok during Tuesday’s rush hour because she was meditating and could not communicate with officers, a policeman said Thursday.


Kritrada Tabtimphol, who’s known online as a successful internet idol, was allowed to go to hospital without any charges, prompting fresh allegations police shielded her from the full force of law, similar to other cases of high-profile car accidents involving the rich and the privileged. As of Thursday, she had not been charged with any crime.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2016/11/03/cops-waived-sobriety-test-net-idol-millionaire-pretty/


-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2016-11-03

Hmmm... another source that can't be linked here but which has the initials BP says that a blood sample was taken and would be tested at Ratchaburi Hospital. Who to believe?


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4 hours ago, james.d said:

Can you name your sources? A  few mentions of "apparently and according to"

Also is it "n" or "and"?  I guess they are the same..

Sorry but you sound as if you cannot wait to gossip.

its ok its not gossip and all over thai news by now. its even on her own facebook posts from before. If u can understand and read thai like i do then u would know. all u need to do is go to her facebook and follow her progress from way before n to now.


Like I say she is not a personal friend but my shop carried her products b4. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find it hard to think that one driver was 100% to blame.


More likely she collided with one or two cars... other drives speeding, failing to keep a safe distance and not keeping there eyes on the road may account for the large number of vehicles involved.



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On 2016-11-03 at 5:46 AM, SoFarAndNear said:

Model :D :D

Wondering how this plastic puppet looked before her operations and before hours-long make ups....

Still doesn´t even make it close to pretty. Beaten by 80 percent of all that works in 7-Eleven.

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It´s always very tragic that all the people that wants to die, not just can have the courtesy of doing that in places where they not make other people hurt at the same time.
As a last thing on this earth, you can at least try to be respectful.

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