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What Do You Think About Tuk Tuks? Do You Ride Them?

Andrew C

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I prefer them to taxis in Bangkok. Never a problem negotiating price and they generally get from A to B much more quickly than a taxi would. Drivers, in my experience, are more knowledgeable finding the place you're looking for and the drivers, again in my experience, are quite nice.


That said, we do seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for new topics to post.

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My first time in one, was way back in 1999 in BKK.

The driver was wearing a second world war German army helmet, with a swastika on it.

The idiot insisted on trying to do wheelies, I insisted on not giving him a tip!  :coffee1:

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I quite like them, but the only time I travel in them is when the driver sits in the back seat and lets me drive, it happens occasionally if I offer to pay for any damages.


They often get out a bit shaky, try it sometime you'll have a pure glee moment.



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They're irritating with their wasp like sounds and u turns but they can be very useful in an emergency. When I severed a tendon due to a neon light imploding in my hand the blood was flowing freely and I really didn't fancy sitting on a motorbike taxi trying to stem the flow. A tuk tuk beat all the stationary cars by whizzing up the road the wrong way , jumping lights, etc  and got me to the hospital in record time.

Upcountry the skylabs are much more enjoyable. A pleasant baritone sound to the engine, it's a more relaxed ride with the two seats facing each other as the driver cruises along at a sedate pace.

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Don't use them. They are for tourists and an uncomfortable means of transport whose driver is going to try and overcharge me.

I would use them away from touristy areas where perhaps there is no alternative and I had something to carry, but mostly the back of a motorcycle is easier.

Edited by jacko45k
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3 hours ago, bannork said:

They're irritating with their wasp like sounds and u turns but they can be very useful in an emergency. When I severed a tendon due to a neon light imploding in my hand the blood was flowing freely and I really didn't fancy sitting on a motorbike taxi trying to stem the flow. A tuk tuk beat all the stationary cars by whizzing up the road the wrong way , jumping lights, etc  and got me to the hospital in record time.

Upcountry the skylabs are much more enjoyable. A pleasant baritone sound to the engine, it's a more relaxed ride with the two seats facing each other as the driver cruises along at a sedate pace.

all very true but watch out for that low metal bar across the back.

a falung foot can exactly fit under it as he gets out.

this leaves the falung bent forward double with his head touching the road

while the leg is bent backwards and nearly broken.

when it happened to me the driver just picked me up and i struggled out.

he had seen it before and just laughed.


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Well, after reading all the negative comments on here I reckon i am very lucky.


Came to Thailand 2 years ago and met the most accomodating tuk-tuk driver.  Sooooooo very helpful.


Have used him his tuk-tuk and his taxi ever since - never ripped me off - sometimes not charging me enough.


I live in Kata and he took me to the airport, waited six hours and picked me up to bring me home for 1500 baht.


Another time I didn't have any change to pay him and he told me to pay him the next day.  Which of course I did.


Always on time, also the advantage is, if he not available then his son or wife usually is.


Must be lucky huh???

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Three times - and one of those was because a Tuk Tuk dropped me off at the wrong place & had to get another one.....


They don't make'm in 50 long....I don't fit well in them....Kind of a limbo akimbo thing getting in & out....

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You guys must live in tourist ghettos. I have three tuk-tuk drivers I use; well, my wife uses them all the time--she dislikes trying to find a parking place. All three are trustworthy, helpful, and do not overcharge. They come to get us, drop us wherever, help with the goods purchased, pay utility bills, find specialized craftsmen, and run other errands. They are happy to receive B100 round-trip and we have used them for almost 10 years.

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I love them, I love them I tell you!! they are the essence of life in Thailand along with the night markets. They may be slightly more expensive than taxis but they know where the hookers are. I often bump into soibiker when I use one. They are honest hard working people I would not question their integrity.

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Just now, anotheruser said:

I love them, I love them I tell you!! they are the essence of life in Thailand along with the night markets. They may be slightly more expensive than taxis but they know where the hookers are. I often bump into soibiker when I use one. They are honest hard working people I would not question their integrity.

I'm disappointed to find out soibiker is either selling or buying seafood, anotheruser doesn't make it quite clear which it is.

I was going to vote for him as poster of the year but I may have to switch my vote now to someone more upright,  possibly a George Jones fan such as possum.

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On 11/11/2559 at 3:01 AM, anotheruser said:

I love them, I love them I tell you!! they are the essence of life in Thailand along with the night markets. They may be slightly more expensive than taxis but they know where the hookers are. I often bump into soibiker when I use one. They are honest hard working people I would not question their integrity.

You bump in to Soi Biker when you use a tuk tuk, why is that? Oh, I see, you must be neighbours then.

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