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Trump pressing into Democratic territory in final days


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11 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

And CLINTON is a LIAR and a THIEF.

So who do you vote for?


                  Trump .   A  cull is long overdue .

Edited by elliss
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15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Its capitalism baby...if u dont like it move to russia.....


It's called cheating.  People all over the world do it.  Trump happens to do it bigger than most people.  


       A true little story:  Today I went to buy some disposable shaving razors.  I picked 4.  The young lady at the counter was filling in for the regular store clerk.  The razors didn't have prices on them, and she and her boyfriend didn't know how much they sell for, so they said 20 baht would be enough for all 4.  I said, no. I was sure they cost more.  The young lady called the store manager on the phone, and came back to announce the actual price was Bt.25 each.  No problem for me.  


       That's one of a thousands differences between me and Trump.  He would have gladly paid the lower price and scooted out of the store with a big grin - all the while knowing the items cost more than he paid.  I could list many other gaping differences between Trump and me.   Some that come to mind:  I don't call names.  I'm a fair player.   I don't put people down who speak ill of me.  I don't say US generals are losers (that was Trump's latest comment, today, in reference to US generals' tactics in Mosul, Iraq).   Most American voters can see through Trump's ugly character traits.  That's why he will lose on Tuesday.  However, because he and his fans are such ugly losers, they will continue to hound HRC incessantly, like a pack of rabid dogs.  

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


Fake Fareed…stealing material from others to pad his book….zero credibility …and of course one of crooked hillary's poster boys. No wonder he got away with just an apology.

Very trumpist way of avoiding the content of what he said. 

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2 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

If HRC wins its lights out in America as we know it now. I am perplexed that so many people should vote for such A corrupt woman and family. She represents the NWO with all its ramification. Oh , and Obama heading up the UN. 

 Maybe watch the Fareed video again and you won't be so perplexed. 

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The below is super highly likely what we'll be looking at by Wednesday morning.






Eastern Time Zone will report first. It includes southward from NY state, PA and Ohio, down along (red) West Virginia, continuing along VA, NC, GA, FL.


ETZ is the single most populous time zone and it concomitantly has the most Electoral College Votes.  Hillary Clinton will probably win overall nationally by 4 points over Donald Trump.


The Clinton victory will be driven by women and a massive Hispanic turnout that is already exceeding OB's 72% in 2012 - upwards of 80%. It is highly likely (but not assured) that, for the first time since the 1960s, the Cuban-American vote will be majority Democratic Party. The one surprise could be deeply Red Arizona going Blue on the strength of the expected huge turnout of Latino voters.


It is illustrative to reiterate that HRC is getting a projected 52.6% of the two-party vote . Since 1900 every winner of the election of Potus has won the two-party vote (independent voters at their typical and predictable 50-49 divide are insignificant). The empirical range is from 55% - 45% so HRC at 52.6% is on a solid footing.  


We're at the end game.

Edited by Publicus
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3 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

If HRC wins its lights out in America as we know it now. I am perplexed that so many people should vote for such A corrupt woman and family. She represents the NWO with all its ramification. Oh , and Obama heading up the UN. 

Electing a competent, experienced politician to the highest elected office in the US will cause "lights out in America as we know it now"?


So you think electing a completely unqualified blow-hard with no elected office or military experience will be good for America? 


Let's not forget he refuses to release tax returns and detailed financial disclosures, and he won't commit to putting his business interests in a blind trust if elected.


I predict that if Trump is elected the US will end financial sanctions on Russia, Trump Inc. will receive permission to build a Trump tower in Moscow on very generous terms, and President Trump will insist the two events are unrelated.

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11 minutes ago, Publicus said:

We're at the end game.


According to the Trumpet boys Julian will be dropping his bombshell before Tuesday and sinking Clinton.  Amazing how they are having to pin their hopes on Julian Assange given the way he was vilified by everyone not so long ago.

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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


According to the Trumpet boys Julian will be dropping his bombshell before Tuesday and sinking Clinton.  Amazing how they are having to pin their hopes on Julian Assange given the way he was vilified by everyone not so long ago.


The candidate facing multiple accusations of sexual assault is being helped by the man hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault charges.   How appropriate.

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4 hours ago, evadgib said:




A sad old Brit posting a VDO of a sad old Brit spouting a bunch of sad old reactionary racist fear mongering.


What is it about these Brit pensioners wanting to taint America with their brand of nativism? Obama a Europen Socialist?


Sad old pensioners. Now  minority, fringe voices. They don't like it. Better get used to it. The new normal.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Extremely eloquent, well presented argument which is hard to disagree with….unless you are a blowhard with a closed mind.


A former alleged 'comedian' who incompetently aligns Brit racism to American society and politics. Not surprising that only the sad old Brits believe his brand of BS.

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This election will tell us whether there is going to be a major political-cultural shift in the USA.


Each HRC and Trump in these final days are focusing on each other's base. That is, Trump is spreading out in certain Blue states talking his anti-trade and anti-globalisation stuff. HRC is in traditionally Red states where socio-economic and demographic changes are affecting voting patterns.


Trump is trying to win over to the Republicans solid Blue states in the 'rustbelt' industrial midwest: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and in other parts of the country, such as New Hampshire, Nevada, Colorado. (Trump cancelled in Wisconsin moments after Speaker Paul Ryan had said he'd attend Trump's scheduled rally uninvited.) 


HRC is moving in on deeply Red states in the 'sunbelt' South and West. She's got the edge in North Carolina, long a Red state stronghold of the Old Confederacy. Likewise Georgia. Virginia, the seat of the Confederacy, and which until 2008 had voted Red for Potus since 1968, is already solid Blue and Tim Kaine on the ticket should contribute toward making VA solid indefinitely.


If anything, however, it looks like HRC will hold the Democratic Party base in the Trump targeted Great Lakes states mentioned in the post along with the others -- and that, moreover, HRC may win a couple of historically Red states of the South and the West, specifically, NC and possibly AZ, with a somewhat slightly more remote possibility of GA. 


If the 2016 Republican Party can't gain traditionally Blue states from any shift that may occur, and if it tanks in retaining the subject Red states HRC is focused on, then the Republican Party would be looking into the political abyss.


If the Democratic Party in this election gets one Red state, such as North Carolina, then it's probably a matter of being not too far away from getting the other vulnerable historically Red states. If HRC might win both Red NC and Red AZ, then the shift would identifiable as initiated and underway.

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The financial crisis was caused by one thing and one thing only.  The massive amount of defaults of home mortgage loans.  Loans that should have never been made.  Who held the loans, how the loans were repackaged after being made, and derivitives made no difference.  All of that is just left wing smoke and mirrors in an effort to re-write history.  The average cost of housing in the US adjusted for inflation had held steady since WWII and then suddenly had a 300% increase soon after the initiation of the Community Redevelopment Act Part II.  Janet Reno gave speech after speech which can be seen in numerous YouTube videos saying banks would be prosecuted if they did not make the loans. 

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Trump is killing Crooked Hillary in Minnesota!

To wit:

There are over 12,000 people in the hangar area for Trump, and thousands and thousands and thousands outside. Lots of fellow deplorables with me!

At some point, the hangar was full and they stopped letting anyone in, but people kept coming anyway. My Facebook feed is full of pictures from the Trump rally. Here are a few:





The enthusiasm gap between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is palpable. Hillary has endless money at her disposal, but she can’t buy a crowd. The symbol of a corrupt status quo, she is the candidate of entrenched interests that are willing to support her, but can’t pretend to be proud of it "


And these are the #deplorables that didn’t get inside!





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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Fake Fareed…stealing material from others to pad his book….zero credibility …and of course one of crooked hillary's poster boys. No wonder he got away with just an apology.

OMGiminpattaya added, about Fareed; "Totally discredited nerd...only you still watch him ???"


     Why am I not surprised?  It's happened for over a year.  Whenever a public figure (a former president, or whomever) who comes forth and tells the world what a disaster Trump would be as president, Trump fans immediately jump up and down shouting how horrible the messenger is. They do it every day.  


       Have you ever disciplined a naughty young boy (your son, perhaps?) and had that boy immediately look at you in anger and say something like, "I hate you. You're the stupidest person in the world."  That's Trump and his fans responding to each non-praising remark (about Trump) elicited by newscasters, politicians, celebrities, commentators, present and former military brass, or foreign leaders.  Well, in a few days, Trump can take his ball and go home in anger.  He won't have as many disparaging things said about him.  65% of the American people can sit back and breathe a collective sigh of relief that they narrowly dodged the fake gold bullet known as Trump.

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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump is killing Crooked Hillary in Minnesota! To wit:

There are over 12,000 people in the hangar area for Trump, and thousands and thousands and thousands outside. Lots of fellow deplorables with me!At some point, the hangar was full and they stopped letting anyone in, but people kept coming anyway. My Facebook feed is full of pictures from the Trump rally. Here are a few:

The enthusiasm gap between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is palpable. Hillary has endless money at her disposal, but she can’t buy a crowd. The symbol of a corrupt status quo, she is the candidate of entrenched interests that are willing to support her, but can’t pretend to be proud of it "


And these are the #deplorables that didn’t get inside!


And Justin Bieber recently packed a stadium with 300,000.  Does that mean Bieber is 25 times more popular than Trump?  (300k compared to 25k)   Note:  During the last days of the 2012 campaign, Obama was pulling in less numbers to rallies than Romney, and the enthusiasm level was higher at Romney rallies.  


If I wanted to get tens of thousands of rednecks to gather together, I'd put out posters for a demolition derby, and offer free beer.  I could get well over 25k.   I might add a wet t-shirt contest and double the numbers.  Add a monster truck crushing cars, and triple the numbers.

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5 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


A sad old Brit posting a VDO of a sad old Brit spouting a bunch of sad old reactionary racist fear mongering.


Are newbies exempt from the usual rules or  "is it because I is British?"

Edited by evadgib
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