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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

At the moment Trump is slightly ahead,

Your post shows it was made one hour ago, or roughly 6:30 AM EST. Since polls don't open in any state until 7 AM at the earliest (except for a small town in NH which prides itself on voting just after midnight), I would be very curious as to how Trump is ahead?


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1 hour ago, WaywardWind said:

Your post shows it was made one hour ago, or roughly 6:30 AM EST. Since polls don't open in any state until 7 AM at the earliest (except for a small town in NH which prides itself on voting just after midnight), I would be very curious as to how Trump is ahead?


Sorry, it appears he omitted the word 'dick'

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WHEN will we know (probably) who won?



The only thing left is the voting — and the counting. And it can be hard to wait. Trust us. We know. We'd like to know how this is all going to play out, too.

To that end, we have a few solutions. In the video above, The Fix's Chris Cillizza goes through poll closing times across the country, and explains which particular closings might signal big election-night moments (hint: the 9 p.m. hour could be critical).



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15 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

Your post shows it was made one hour ago, or roughly 6:30 AM EST. Since polls don't open in any state until 7 AM at the earliest (except for a small town in NH which prides itself on voting just after midnight), I would be very curious as to how Trump is ahead?


Obviously never heard of early voting. It's been HUGE.


It's too close to call the final result, but he's still slightly ahead as I type this.

I'm enjoying the BBC commentary immensely, as they seem very depressed at how Clinton isn't miles ahead at this time of the election day. As I watch it, the commentators are just about crying, as they clutch at any straw to explain why their heroine isn't already the next POTUS. As I said, I'm enjoying it HUGELY.

He could still win, but the Clinton HQ is wonderfully subdued, and haven't opened the bubbly yet.


Perhaps for the last time I can still say  "be scared, be very scared".

Must be a lot of TV posters sweating now, and a lot of nail biting going on.

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5 minutes ago, yaagjon said:

Wow, who would have thought. Watched events unfurl on CNN, they were most reluctant to call the result for Trump.


Let's just hope he doesn't carry through on many of his policies.

One commentator is saying some judges are researching whether they might really have to enact some of the crazy things he called for.  Would it be legal for them to not abide by his requests.  Unreal.

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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He officially made it...his acceptance speech so far is one of the better ones I've heard.  All we can do is hope for the best and has an epiphany to become a stand up guy.



the world may now be a far more peaceful place. 

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24 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How about ratchet back the rhetoric and start rebuilding the nation.  Clinton is the least of his worries.

Yeah, like now that the R party controls everything and will repeal Obamacare, what are they going to do about the over 20 million people (many millions who are seriously ill) they are kicking off health care. In case anyone noticed, the trump monster has NO plan to address that. What happens to the millions of people that have been honest to their doctors thinking the preexisitng condition insurance nightmare is over ... and now it's not?



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

How about ratchet back the rhetoric and start rebuilding the nation.  Clinton is the least of his worries.


The Hillary bit was just a joke.

You voted for change , 

you may not like it all,,   but change you will get.

All the previous lot,   were just on the political gravy Train ,   same old,  same old

You got something different now.

Good luck to the people of the USA. :thumbsup:



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1 minute ago, champers said:

This is USA's version of Brexit. Trump has led the USIP vote to the white house. Good luck to all of you US citizens and good luck to the rest of all of us too.

You guys left the E.U. We have left SANITY. The majority of Americans think correctly that trump is unfit to be president, yet they voted him in. A bit reckless, wouldn't you say? 

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In the UK the three co-leaders of the Out campaign were all considered unfit to actually run our country and have been sidelined to some degree. Boris Johnson is our equivalent of your Secretary of State, but his job is only at the good grace of PM Theresa May. The other 2; Farage and Gove have practically disappeared from frontline politics.

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Trump found his footing in the last 3 weeks (relinquished control of his Twitter account, LOL) and expended the most incredible energy campaigning. Now that's an inspiration to our OAP. Very smart (flawed judgment on occasion, but let he without sin . . .) and a quick study when he needs to be. Inexperienced, obviously, but that can be a great positive. I trust he'll do as he says in surrounding himself with bright, competent people. No politician (as he is now) can fulfill all the campaign promises. That's just as well in many cases. ;) He'll have play nicer in the sandbox to get any part of his larger agenda accomplished; I trust he will.


A historic day to remember if only for the astonishing upset it was. Me, I'm wishing him the best (as I did Obama; he paid little attention, though) as I light up a fine stogie and pour a shot o' bourbon to commemorate. Interesting times have perhaps begun. :)

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