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Confidence Gives Way To Dread At Bangkok Election Party


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10 hours ago, jonclark said:

I think this victory explains why California just legalised weed. Just something , anything to get the liberal west coasters through the next nightmarish 4 years!!


Well done Donald - You're gonna make an awful president, just as bad as Hilary would have. 

Not nearly.  And certainly oceans of improvement over his predecessor (which is a large part of what got him elected instead of Hillary in the first place...)


Can't you just hear the whining of Clinton's Ignorables starting to swell to deafening proportions...


Where can I place my bet on Streisand & Co.'s promises to leave the country just being the usual spoiled brat blather?

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Congratulations to the American people for their 2nd successful and magnificent American Revolution.  President Trump won American women voters, Latino voters, large numbers of Afro-American voters... all of which the clueless news pundits were declaring would never vote for him.  An American Brexit.  Thanks be to God.  Middle America and the Silent Majority still rule when push comes to shove and those watching our Republic from outside our country should not forget that fact.  Wishing the world Peace and Prosperity.

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As someone who grew up in the midwest and made frequent trips to Washington D.C.  I often wondered why a visa was not required for someone from "flyover country" visiting this'd foreign metropolis.  


In my life I have come to believe three things to be true (sometimes learned the hard way):


1.  Being educated is not the same thing as being smart.

2.  Being smart is not the same thing as being wise.

3. Knowing more is not the same thing as knowing better.


Sadly, the coasters in the US have not learned these lessons and will probably not have learned them even after those who exemplify them made their voices heard yesterday.

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I'm delighted that Trump won....this year's been a good year for me as a Brexiteer.


Anyone who wanted Clinton to win please google the following...


bill Clinton America Caligula     arkancide    what really happened.com   the mena cover up




The Clinton family are evil



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Hahaha.... Americans need to accept the results of their own democracy that they are so willingly force onto other nations ... I support neither of these candidates as I am not a citizen of the US but I am surprised to see the demonstrations by the Clinton supporters... sour losers.... hahaa 

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20 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Just lets see how many of his promises he can fulfill, 

one good thing he said the UK will be first in line for 

trade deals,after we left the EU.

regards worgeordie



And what makes you think you can believe anything Trump said? During the campaign he changed his policies every time he spoke.  Add this:


Edited by Farang99
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18 hours ago, ChoakMyDee said:

It's a glorious day.  The American people have come to their senses and decided to save their country. Had Hitlery been elected it surely would have meant WWIII and the further decline of the American empire. The Liberals will cry and stamp their feet like petulant children for a while but they will eventually come to their senses and realize how they've been saved from the brink of ruin.

No the American people have voted for a person who will probably be the second president to be impeached for criminal activities, that is if he runs the presidency the way he ran his companies

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On November 9, 2016 at 0:05 PM, worgeordie said:

Just lets see how many of his promises he can fulfill, 

one good thing he said the UK will be first in line for 

trade deals,after we left the EU.

regards worgeordie

Yes, Trump will have to moderate his campaign rhetoric to reality. Let's see if his supporters will realize he cannot fulfill his talk. One of the most dangerous times in history is when rising expectations are not fulfilled.

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7 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

This only revealed the real face of the USA right now. white racist, bigoted, nationalist. The forefathers are turning in their graves.


white racists (so u judging people on their colour), bigoted (so u judging me on my point of view and whatever else  u feel like) nationalist (loving ones country is a sin?). 


The hypocrisy...from all sides is astounding

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3 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Yes, Trump will have to moderate his campaign rhetoric to reality. Let's see if his supporters will realize he cannot fulfill his talk. One of the most dangerous times in history is when rising expectations are not fulfilled.


Yes. Unfulfilled expectations. You do remember 8 years ago when that election resulted in the end of climate change? Remember how the oceans stopped rising?  

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6 minutes ago, NowImEasy said:


Yes. Unfulfilled expectations. You do remember 8 years ago when that election resulted in the end of climate change? Remember how the oceans stopped rising?  

? Did climate change stop? Did the oceans quit rising? I fear I do not understand your point.


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22 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Not nearly.  And certainly oceans of improvement over his predecessor (which is a large part of what got him elected instead of Hillary in the first place...)


Can't you just hear the whining of Clinton's Ignorables starting to swell to deafening proportions...


Where can I place my bet on Streisand & Co.'s promises to leave the country just being the usual spoiled brat blather?

I have already left as I can live better in Thailand on my retirement income.


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19 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

This only revealed the real face of the USA right now. white racist, bigoted, nationalist. The forefathers are turning in their graves.



You mean forefathers like these presidents? All slave owners :sad:


George Washington 317 Yes (1789–97) Washington was a major slaveholder before, during, and after his presidency. His will freed his slaves pending the death of his widow, though she freed his slaves within a year of his death. See George Washington and slavery for more details.
3 Thomas Jefferson 200 Yes (1801–09) Jefferson was a major slaveholder but opposed the institution throughout his life and promoted legislation to free slaves. Because of overwhelming debt he only freed a few of his slaves in his will. Most historians believe Jefferson fathered multiple children with his slave Sally Hemings, the half-sister of late wife Martha Wayles Skelton. See Thomas Jefferson and slavery for more details.
4 James Madison 100+ Yes (1809–17) Madison proposed the Three-Fifths Compromise, which counted slaves as three fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and legislative representation. He did not free his slaves in his will. Paul Jennings, one of Madison's slaves, served him during his presidency and later published the first memoir of life in the White House.
5 James Monroe 75 Yes (1817–25) Monroe was critical of slavery despite owning slaves himself. He supported sending freed slaves to the new country of Liberia; its capital, Monrovia, is named after him. See James Monroe#Slavery for more details.
7 Andrew Jackson <200 Yes (1829–37) Jackson owned many slaves and faced several controversies related to slavery during his presidency. During his campaign for the presidency, he faced criticism for being a slave trader. He did not free his slaves in his will.
8 Martin Van Buren 1 No Van Buren's father owned six slaves. The only slave he personally owned, Tom, escaped in 1814. When Tom was found in Massachusetts, Van Buren tentatively agreed to sell him to the finder, but terms were not agreed and Tom remained free. Later in life, Van Buren belonged to the Free Soil Party, which opposed the expansion of slavery into the Western territories without advocating for abolitionism outright.
9 William Henry Harrison 11 No Harrison inherited several slaves. As the first governor of the Indiana Territory, he unsuccessfully lobbied Congress to legalize slavery in Indiana. President Jefferson opposed these efforts despite being himself a slave owner.
10 John Tyler 70 Yes (1841–45) Tyler considered slavery evil, but he never freed any of his slaves and consistently supported slavery and its expansion during his time in political office.
11 James K. Polk 25 Yes (1845–49) Polk became the Democratic nominee for president in 1844 partially because of his tolerance of slavery, in contrast to Van Buren. He generally supported slavery as president. His will provided for the freeing of his slaves after the death of his wife, though the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution ended up freeing them long before her death in 1891.
12 Zachary Taylor <150 Yes (1849–50) Although Taylor owned slaves throughout his life, he generally resisted attempts to expand slavery in the territories. After his death, there were rumors that slavery advocates had poisoned him; tests of his body over 100 years later have been inconclusive.
17 Andrew Johnson 8 No Johnson owned a few slaves and was supportive of James K. Polk's slavery policies. As military governor of Tennessee, he convinced Abraham Lincoln to exempt that area from the Emancipation Proclamation.
18 Ulysses S. Grant
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Amazed at so many negative comments here ????  Certainly most my US friends and contacts are absolutely delighted that Clinton did not win and that is what most of us should be celibrating now.  We have far more hope now of all of us surviving longer without a nuclear war that would in the end be caused by a totally meglomaniac, arogant and insane Hillary Clinton.  


Certainly I am not a big lover of Trump with my being more closely aligned with the original more people friendly Democrat party of old, but I do admire his more up front honesty even if I do not agree with him on many issues.  Personally I have said from early this year that the Democrats should have selected Sanders for their candidate, but then again he showed just how insincere and weak willed he was in the end, very disappoining for me and so many of his supporters who with no other sensible choice voted for Trump in the end.  Dr. Jill Stein IMHO would have been the most sensible and honourable choice for US President.


Anyway democracy has chosen Trump.  However I have to say that the US electoral system, like that in the UK, is still deeply flawed with it truly needing a state by state single transferrable vote AV electoral system to ensure a true 50%+ majority acceptance (yes the real true democratic majority will of the people) in each state to make the final decision as to who gets their Electoral College votes. Anyway under the US electoral system that is of course in place, we now have to all grow up and accept the result of the peoples' choice and give Trump a real chance to show that he can change many things for the better and start to put an end to Washington corruption.  Only time will tell.  


At least he has pledged to overturn the massive Washington corruptions and stamp down on the wicked undemocratic lobbying from Wall Steet, the armaments industries, foreign rogue nations like Saudi, and other loathsome big destructive corporates that have been feeding the Clinton foundation and their personal massive mainly criminally obtained wealth of which has been totally against the public interest. We will soon start to know if he is a man of his word and works hard to fulfill his election promises.


Well done USA, you finally saw sense and most of you used your brains by denoucing Hillary Clinton if nothing else.  IMHO you should have chosen Dr. Stein, but as she was given hardly any media coverage it was of course unlikely, and thus Trump was the only logical choice left for most folk of course.  It was actually of little surprise to me that he did win, as surely we could all feel the vibes and see the massive following he had.  Mainly I am so pleased he at least has kept crooked Hillary out of the Oval Office, as that would have been a frightening nightmare for us all. 

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There still is a chance for Hillary to win.


"According to the Constitution, chosen electors of the Electoral College are the real people who will vote for president, when they meet on Dec. 19 in their respective state capitals.


However, there is technically nothing stopping any of the electors from voting their conscience and refusing to support the candidate to whom they were bound, or from abstaining from voting altogether."


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23 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

? Did climate change stop? Did the oceans quit rising? I fear I do not understand your point.



That was my attempt at satire  Obama said at around the time of his inauguration in 2009 that his very election caused the earth to start the healing process.  And it also caused peace and understanding to break out among the nations of the world, if you can believe the Nobel committee who awarded it's peace prize to Obama before he even took office.


So my poor attempt at humor is just a warning about expectations, good or bad.

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1 hour ago, NowImEasy said:


That was my attempt at satire  Obama said at around the time of his inauguration in 2009 that his very election caused the earth to start the healing process.  And it also caused peace and understanding to break out among the nations of the world, if you can believe the Nobel committee who awarded it's peace prize to Obama before he even took office.


So my poor attempt at humor is just a warning about expectations, good or bad.

Obama was hopeless and about as much use a Jimmy Carter or Gerry Ford.

US needs a Reagan and I think they might have one.


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9 hours ago, 3FingeredWillie said:

There still is a chance for Hillary to win.


"According to the Constitution, chosen electors of the Electoral College are the real people who will vote for president, when they meet on Dec. 19 in their respective state capitals.


However, there is technically nothing stopping any of the electors from voting their conscience and refusing to support the candidate to whom they were bound, or from abstaining from voting altogether."


You sound just like a Brexit "remoaner" that will not accept a democratic vote. Are you an anarchist?

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On 11/10/2016 at 1:15 AM, Xircal said:


Yes, after you leave which presents a bit of a problem here since the UK cannot negotiate any trade agreements while it remains a member of the EU.


Since May lost the recent court case (she's appealing I know) and now has to accept that Parliament has to vote on the issue before Article 50 can be triggered the House might put forward several amendments to whatever she has in mind in her negotiating stance. That in turn might mean she won't by able to press the button come March 2017. Anything which delays the final date when the UK completes its divorce from the EU may possibly mean that by the time the country actually does leave Trump's tenure in office might be all but over since each term in office is only four years.


If Trump screws the economy up and doesn't make it into a second term the next incumbent may not look so favourably at the UK since it will no longer be a member of the EU and may not have reached a good deal to access the single market.


So don't count your chickens just yet. ;)

Humm, and neither should you my friend. Come January the Supreme Court decision might not confirm the High Court, and the divorce can start as planned. If I was married to Tusk, Junker or Schulz I would be in a rush to leave, but it needs care or else, as any man knows that has been divorced, you can end up losing the house, car and dog very easily.

What the UK doesn't need is back stabbing from the "remoaners", who just don't believe in democracy, and giving the other side your game plan before kick off.

The Single Market is not some Holy Grail. Check this out:



Democracy has spoken, Trump has 4 years and May the same. It is a long time in politics.



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On 11/8/2016 at 11:47 PM, Baerboxer said:


The American voters clearly don't agree with you. And rejected a very dubious alternative.

I doubt the Canadian Immigration system went down.  They probably just don't want these whining progressive socialists  in their country.  Heaven knows we all have enough already.

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