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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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9 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Breaking news!

Shortly after Trumps victory speech.

Crow was placed on the endangered species list.


Image result for eat crow


Yes, our Liberal friends are surely on an Emotional Journey right now although recovery is assured once the reality of the situation becomes clear to them! :smile:



Edited by Boon Mee
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56 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Yes, our Liberal friends are surely on an Emotional Journey right now although recovery is assured once the reality of the situation becomes clear to them! :smile:

I find it more humorous those conservative that were so quick to "jump ship" are in front of the chow line with olive branches in hand.

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15 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Breaking news!

Shortly after Trumps victory speech.

Crow was placed on the endangered species list.


Image result for eat crow


Yes, our Liberal friends are surely on an Emotional Journey right now although recovery is assured once the reality of the situation becomes clear to them! :smile:

Romney's congratulations were real lame though.

It was just "Best Wishes" and didn't address him by name.

What a sorry RINO...:sleep:



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26 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Breaking news!

Shortly after Trumps victory speech.

Crow was placed on the endangered species list.


Image result for eat crow



Members of this forum alone could wipe out the entire crow population. If they don't, they will after Trump turns out to be a good president.

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Has anyone ever seen a man work as hard as Trump does? Toward the end he was doing 5 rallies per day in different cities and different states. In between he made remote appearances on TV shows and radio shows. He never slowed down from the moment he announced he was running. I've never seen anything like it and I have no idea how he does it.


As president I know of nothing Obama accomplished other than to take vacations or improve his golf handicap. Oh, and blow up the ME.


Bush started 2 wars and Obama promised to end them. Not only didn't he end them, he started 4 more. Iraq and Afghanistan, we know. There’s also Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.


Under Obama, the US has been at war longer than under any other president and he leaves a mess.





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1 minute ago, NeverSure said:

Has anyone ever seen a man work as hard as Trump does?

Amazing stamina!  There's no one in my living memory that worked as hard as the Donald and if it's any indication (& it is) on how he approaches his new job...watch out!  Big changes (good ones) are coming! :smile:

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Well, if it finishes the phony new cold war with Russia that'll be a good thing.. Here's my advice to Trump. What other countries do within their borders is up to them. It's nothing to do with us; we sort out our own problrms, you sort out yours. 

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Under Obama, the US has experienced the slowest economic recovery since WWII. WSJ


Hillary likes Obama's programs and would amount to his 3rd term.


Obama is the only president in history to never have a single year of at least 3% growth in GDP.  LINK


The American people have had enough.  


Trump wins in a landslide, 309 to 228 electoral votes. The outcome was never in doubt for "some of us". Obama is simply in over his head and can't manage a country. Hillary has experience but it's all bad experience full of the same mistakes.


Get to work, President Trump.



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12 minutes ago, Usernames said:

I do think we should help the Bernie Sanders people.  All those students worried about tuition.  So, let's lower tuition and pay for it by cutting professors' salaries and increasing their workload.


Or, in the interest of national unity a mandatory national service program that confers tuition grants upon completion. 

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


You know, there's not going to be any Wall. Do you use the term as a metaphor for something else?


I wouldn't be so sure. To quote Ann Coulter:


I don't think so! To help Mr. Trump keep his promises, I've compiled a detailed schedule for his first 100 days in office. Please note that each day is meticulously planned: 

Day 1: Start building the wall. 

Day 2: Continue building the wall. 

Day 3: Continue building the wall. 

Day 4: Continue building the wall. 

Day 5: Continue building the wall. 

Day 6: Continue building the wall. 

Day 7: Continue building the wall. 

Day 8: Continue building the wall. 

Day 9: Continue building the wall. 

Day 10: Continue building the wall. 

Day 11: Continue building the wall. 

Day 12: Continue building the wall. 

Day 13: Continue building the wall. 

Day 14: Continue building the wall. 

Day 15: Continue building the wall. 

Day 16: Continue building the wall. 

Day 17: Continue building the wall. 

Day 18: Continue building the wall. 

Day 19: Continue building the wall. 

Day 20: Continue building the wall.

Read More »

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2 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


I wouldn't be so sure. To quote Ann Coulter:


I don't think so! To help Mr. Trump keep his promises, I've compiled a detailed schedule for his first 100 days in office. Please note that each day is meticulously planned: 

Day 1: Start building the wall. 

Day 2: Continue building the wall. 

Day 3: Continue building the wall. 

Day 4: Continue building the wall. 

Day 5: Continue building the wall. 

Day 6: Continue building the wall. 

Day 7: Continue building the wall. 

Day 8: Continue building the wall. 

Day 9: Continue building the wall. 

Day 10: Continue building the wall. 

Day 11: Continue building the wall. 

Day 12: Continue building the wall. 

Day 13: Continue building the wall. 

Day 14: Continue building the wall. 

Day 15: Continue building the wall. 

Day 16: Continue building the wall. 

Day 17: Continue building the wall. 

Day 18: Continue building the wall. 

Day 19: Continue building the wall. 

Day 20: Continue building the wall.

Read More »


I don't know why they give her so much grief. She's got just about the best sense of humor of any political commentator.

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15 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

This picture speaks a 1000 words. (Note: young Hillary supporters post-election)

From President-Elect Trump's victory speech:


"That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I’ve got to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It’s gonna be a beautiful thing.

"Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.


Well this picture may speak 1000 words if they stay forgotten


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7 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

From President-Elect Trump's victory speech:


"That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I’ve got to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It’s gonna be a beautiful thing.

"Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.


Well this picture may speak 1000 words if they stay forgotten



Millions of American jobs have been shipped out of the country for cheap labor for the big corporations, and factories that once provided good jobs are in ruins. 


People give lip service to hating big corporations and big pharma and Wall Street but they let them ship American jobs out of the country for cheap labor without a whimper. Then those corporations send the products back into the US without penalty including tariffs, and people wonder why they can't find a good job?


Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and Hillary is all for "globalism" in that manner. Once China was included in free trade it was all over. That's not considering Mexico.


Liberals will defend the big corporations and bash Trump for criticizing their business model and yet next week hold an "Occupy Wall Street" rally to rail against the "system" that is screwing them. That's how schizo lib thinking is.


Hillary would have been America's Angela Merkel wanting open borders and lots more immigrants including unvetted people from ME countries. She wanted to increase that inflow by 550% in her own words.


Americans are wising up and aren't having any more of it. We want our manufacturing back and we don't want to look like Germany or even the UK's "no go" zones or creeping Sharia.


We are armed and dangerous. We vote. Don't tread on us.



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5 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Millions of American jobs have been shipped out of the country for cheap labor for the big corporations, and factories that once provided good jobs are in ruins. 


People give lip service to hating big corporations and big pharma and Wall Street but they let them ship American jobs out of the country for cheap labor without a whimper. Then those corporations send the products back into the US without penalty including tariffs, and people wonder why they can't find a good job?


Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and Hillary is all for "globalism" in that manner. Once China was included in free trade it was all over. That's not considering Mexico.


Liberals will defend the big corporations and bash Trump for criticizing their business model and yet next week hold an "Occupy Wall Street" rally to rail against the "system" that is screwing them. That's how schizo lib thinking is.


Hillary would have been America's Angela Merkel wanting open borders and lots more immigrants including unvetted people from ME countries. She wanted to increase that inflow by 550% in her own words.


Americans are wising up and aren't having any more of it. We want our manufacturing back and we don't want to look like Germany or even the UK's "no go" zones or creeping Sharia.


We are armed and dangerous. We vote. Don't tread on us.




Perhaps the single best succinct summation ever written on TVF about the establishment's betrayal of working Americans and what has made Trump's victory possible.

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10 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Millions of American jobs have been shipped out of the country for cheap labor for the big corporations, and factories that once provided good jobs are in ruins. 


People give lip service to hating big corporations and big pharma and Wall Street but they let them ship American jobs out of the country for cheap labor without a whimper. Then those corporations send the products back into the US without penalty including tariffs, and people wonder why they can't find a good job?


Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and Hillary is all for "globalism" in that manner. Once China was included in free trade it was all over. That's not considering Mexico.


Liberals will defend the big corporations and bash Trump for criticizing their business model and yet next week hold an "Occupy Wall Street" rally to rail against the "system" that is screwing them. That's how schizo lib thinking is.


Hillary would have been America's Angela Merkel wanting open borders and lots more immigrants including unvetted people from ME countries. She wanted to increase that inflow by 550% in her own words.


Americans are wising up and aren't having any more of it. We want our manufacturing back and we don't want to look like Germany or even the UK's "no go" zones or creeping Sharia.


We are armed and dangerous. We vote. Don't tread on us.




The people have been co-opted by big multinational corporations because the government created a retirement system that basically required them to invest in those companies for their future security. Once the corporations interests became aligned with the people's sense of their own financial security the rest was easy.

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13 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


"....................Hillary would have been America's Angela Merkel wanting open borders and lots more immigrants including unvetted people from ME countries. She wanted to increase that inflow by 550% in her own words............................."






Hillary did say that Merkel was the woman world leader she respected most

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41 minutes ago, Usernames said:


The Wall is going up. The illegals are going out. And the remittances are going to be confiscated.


Build a wall in locations where it makes sense. Use high tech and drones and supplement border patrol with national guard if additional manpower is needed. Stop the bleeding first. Give employers an amnesty period to come clean about their illegal hiring and then apply draconian punishments after period ends.

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