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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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So the "glass ceiling" is still intact (even the one at the Javit's Convention Center) and tonite is another in a long list of Hillary Clinton failures she and the nation can pin on her pinata...including healthcare reform, Wall Street reform, the Clinton impeachment scandal and cover-up, the Iraq war vote (and support through the years), the Libyan fiasco and related Benghazi scandal, the Syrian genocide, the Yemeni civil war embroilio, the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play influence peddling scandal, and the email server cover-up scandal, (anyone notice a pattern here...scandal follows this lady like a rabid soi dog).


It's strange the Dems were so blind to to the flaws and disabilities in this candidate when they were as plain as the nose on her face...I guess playing the identity politics game and making history were more important to them than nominating a viable candidate to actually win an election.

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31 minutes ago, Usernames said:


And don't forget how Wikileaks lifted the rock up and exposed the explicit collusion and conspiracy b/w the Big Media and the establishment of both parties, but especially with the Democrats.

Maybe Trump can make Julian the Ambassador to Ecuador 

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13 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

does anyone think hillary will do a 'Thaksin' if the FBI changes tune?.......


She would have to have friends in Saudia Barbaria!.....

She doesn't have any friends there now. All those millions $$$$ they funneled through the Clinton Foundation for favors to be "named later" are kaput.


She is dead to them...

.....and me btw

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10 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

I made more than a few posts in these US presidential election threads, and in nearly every post I stated that there was no way that Trump could win.  I was so sure that it was impossible.


I was dead wrong.  



Nobody gave him a chance, right from the start of the primaries. He did it on a comparatively low budget too. That's the mark of a good businessman - spending as little as possible to get the job done. That's got to count for something going forward.

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6 minutes ago, Usernames said:


But, but, she was entitled to be president. She deserved it.  Bill and the Big Media said so.

Why of course...she's "Hillary" after all...and putting up with the blue-stained dress and playing the "standing by my mine" charade in the hope of being president some day :tongue:


What do you wanna bet those Women's Card members want a refund.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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7 minutes ago, Usernames said:

As I first said back in August 2015: Trump is Coming.  Today, he arrived. Hear this, Democrats and Hillary Supporter: We won. You lost. Change is coming. Deal with it.


He pulled off what THE SYSTEM has always been geared to prevent. A non-political outsider winning a presidential election. That's what hurts the most. How dare a person who has never held political office try to enter the system.


It's a victory for democracy. 

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Just now, tropo said:

He pulled off what THE SYSTEM has always been geared to prevent. A non-political outsider winning a presidential election. That's what hurts the most. How dare a person who has never held political office try to enter the system.


It's a victory for democracy. 


The entire rotten contraption is crumbling. Only a Trump could have done this.  As Wikileaks showed, the 17 other Republicans were just Democrats by another name.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

He pulled off what THE SYSTEM has always been geared to prevent. A non-political outsider winning a presidential election. That's what hurts the most. How dare a person who has never held political office try to enter the system.


It's a victory for democracy. 

Except for Eisenhower.

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Just an other example why the US is a failed democracy. Courts, especially the supreme court should be a shining beacon of objective unbiased fair rulings. It's simply entirely insane that judges are appointed via some political (or any other) bias, these judges should be as close as unbiased as humanly possible!
Nevermind what hypocrits the Republicans are by having refused letting Obama appoint the Judge while in the past if it was in their favour they did not want to wait with such an appointment untill after upcomming elections.
The US truely is a failed democracy. People being forced to vote between a turd sandwhich and a steaming pile of sh*t in these elections. Other parties having no real influence, basically absense of a true liberal party/runner (Johnson) , Greens/Social-Dems (Stein). Only having two parties that have any real power or influence is entirely messed up!
As is the whole voting system, the outdated with constituents deciding who will be president, the winner takes all principle, the way election results are influenced by the way voting regions are set up, the sillyness around registrating to vote and so on.
The system is a mess. And I am not exactly pleased with republicans basically controlling every position of power now (white house, congress, senat, supreme court). Not that I am a fan of most democrats either though, both republicans and democrats are too right winged for me.
So congrats to Trump. The US would have ended up with a shitty president regardless of who won.

America is NOT a Democracy, it's a Representative Republic that works exactly as it was designed to.
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Just now, NovaBlue05 said:


It's worth about the same as Loretta Lynch' s chances of being retained as AG


I would love for somebody to drop a live microphone in on the next conversation b/w Lynch, Comey, Clinton, and Obama. My guess is that they are all ready to give each other a cyanide capsule.

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Your list would fit about 90% of the past occupants of the Oval Office (except for military service) and many of them did a pretty good job; so I'm feeling pretty good right now.


Whatever personal failings and mistakes past presidents may have had, Trump magnifies those to the nth degree.


Reagan didn't want to be buddy buddy with Soviet dictators. Nor did Roosevelt or Wilson for the dictators of their era.


FDR and Kennedy had visions for America that were meant to bring out the best in people, not to divide and ridicule and engender hatred and fear of those different from you.


Johnson had a vision of the Great Society, not building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico or trying to deport millions of law abiding residents.


Trying to compare what we've seen of Trump thus far with a lot of our former presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, is a long long long stretch.

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8 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

I wonder when the investigations will begin?

You mean about trump fake university? That trial is coming up pretty soon I think. Commander in chief  -- con man in chief. Same same. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Whatever personal failings and mistakes past presidents may have had, Trump magnifies those to the nth degree.


Reagan didn't want to be buddy buddy with Soviet dictators. Nor did Roosevelt or Wilson for the dictators of their era.


FDR and Kennedy had visions for America that were meant to bring out the best in people, not to divide and ridicule and engender hatred and fear of those different from you.


Johnson had a vision of the Great Society, not building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico or trying to deport millions of law abiding residents.


Trying to compare what we've seen of Trump thus far with a lot of our former presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, is a long long long stretch.

Those are just your opinions (taken directly from Democratic talking points) and you're perfectly free to hold them but the majority of your fellow citizens don't buy them.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Sour grapes? You should send your pearl of wisdom to the Hillary campaign...maybe she'll use it in her concession speech.

Sour Grapes? So we all have to listen to you and the other Trumpeteers saying the elections are rigged for the last 2 months, copying the bile that came out of Trumps mouth and now you call sour grapes? Are the elections rigged now?


Trump won because he conned the American population into a frenzy of fear. Clinton the crook, rigged elections, America on the brink of anarchy which only he can fix, he used gutter tactics with everyone he competed against (Good for a boxer not for a President) and the truth is - non of it was the truth absolutely non of it. You all swallowed his snake oil. Today he calls her 'Secretary' Clinton, even said they should be 'friends'. You will come to see that he is evil personified.


And when America is in ruins just think how much cash him and his three little piggies will make buying up all that cheap property. Maybe I should have said 9/11 never forget 11/9 live to regret.


Well I will buy the popcorn and sit back now, I don't often like to watch drama's about the plight of people living in misery but there is a good 4 year series about to start in January next year and everyone around the world will be watching. Now remember to keep him to his electoral promises, on the first day in office he will turn over everything Obama has done, he will approve the building of the wall and he will appoint a special prosecutor for Clinton. Welcome to Democracy USA style  :wink:





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