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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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2 hours ago, chubby said:

did you notice during the debates "his tweets" were still going out,  hint duh,  trumpster has never sent an email in his life, it is his Breitbart AM hate radio friends  in control of "his tweets",   can't believe how stupid people are 


I imagine he has his secretaries write letters for him too. What's your point? 

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The rape case against Trump was dropped. It had been dropped  before and refiled. It would only be seculation  as to what caused the case to be dropped again. It could be a monetary settlement was reached which involved no admission of guilt and a confidentiality agreement that the petitioner gets the settlement money but cannot discuss it.  In any event, nothing was ever proved so I am putting it in the same category as all the other unproven innuendo against both Clinton and Trump.

In regards to the Clinton email situation or possible foundation irregularities- Obama will probably issue a pardon and Trump will agree to it.  Trump probably wants all the court action on both sides to go away so he can get on with the job. After all, he won- the rest is history.

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Let me tell you something about Trump. He did not become a billionaire because he was dumb. This man knows how to win. He read the mood of the people correctly and tempered his speeches with what the public wanted to hear and he put out just enough policy information to make people understand he would be a change agent.

He will have tons of experts around him to brief him on all sides of every issue and then he will make his decisions.  For example- he will try and build the wall on the border and probably get some funding to start it but I doubt it will ever be completed. He will run up against land owners in some sectors that won't allow access or Native American Tribal Lands that will not allow access. He is pragmatic and won't spend his energy on things that he cannot make a success.

I expect him to temper his speech. i doubt we will hear public outbursts or controversial tweets about people. He is now the President elect and  he will start acting like it.

I  did not vote for him but he deserves a chance to succeed or fail. 

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30 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Somehow, I'm not going to be holding my breath for the Donald to come up with solutions to problems that have frustrated world leaders for years.


I've never said a word here in these threads about HRC, because I wasn't much impressed with her as a candidate. But at least, for all her faults, the woman could think and bring an intellectual temperament to the job.


Trump is nothing more than a political charlatan, and probably one with the attention span of a gnat for anything other than his own personality and what others are saying about him.


solutions to problems that have frustrated world leaders for years.

Unfortunately, none of the world's leaders that I can think of are shining beacons of intelligence and most of them probably couldn't change a light bulb without a team of advisors to help them. Some are even outright dangerous to their own countries societies, like ( IMO ) Merkel. Some are just stupid. Many are greedy, power mad or even corrupt.

Politics is broken all over the world- probably always has been, but at least in the past there were always statesmen at a time of need to rescue us from the bad people, like Churchill in WW2. I don't see any statesmen anymore and I fear it is just going to get worse.

IMO, the last decent American president was Kennedy, and I can't even think of a decent prime minister in most western countries since I became an adult and started thinking about such things.

The satirical tv comedy series "Yes, prime minister" said it best about political leaders.


Whatever, Trump isn't going to do any worse than any of the others in the clown car.

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21 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


I imagine he has his secretaries write letters for him too. What's your point? 


the point is the man  allowed himself to be a tool  of the hatemongers, and isn't a tweet genius,  only thing the guy stands for is himself,    he can't put together  two coherent minutes  or ideas,  


he will never be accepted by most of america, as he is a loud mouthed bigot,  forget even thinking he is "going to change" into anything worth waiting for. 


in making america great, he panders isolationism,  that isn't going to work in this day and age.   


but again,  you go ahead and 'give him a chance'  ;  just like  the UK gave Hitler once

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Just now, chubby said:


the point is the man  allowed himself to be a tool  of the hatemongers, and isn't a tweet genius,  only thing the guy stands for is himself,    he can't put together  two coherent minutes  or ideas,  


he will never be accepted by most of america, as he is a loud mouthed bigot,  forget even thinking he is "going to change" into anything worth waiting for. 


in making america great, he panders isolationism,  that isn't going to work in this day and age.   


but again,  you go ahead and 'give him a chance'  ;  just like  the UK gave Hitler once


So you had no point, understood.

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The AP article today on Trump's camp and GOP legislative leadership's early days plans talked about:


--redoing the tax code to include lowering the top tier tax bracket for the highest wage earners to 33%, and


--repealing Obamacare and replacing it with tax savings accounts and allowing insurers and policy buyers to buy and sell nationwide instead of just state by state.


If there's any good thing to be found in the aftermath of this election, it is, ironically, the fact that the Republicans now do control the White House and both houses of Congress.  They've basically done NOTHING substantive in terms of legislation in recent years, preferring to spend most of their time and energy dogging Obama and Clinton and repeatedly passing pointless repeal Obamacare bills (pointless because Obama was going to veto, and they could not override any veto).


But now, the Republicans won't have any viable excuses any longer for failing to deal with the many serious problems and issues facing ordinary Americans, especially including the blue collar folks who helped put Trump into office. Let's see, indeed, after they re-write the tax code to benefit millionaires and billionaires, and try to outlaw abortion and repeal Obamacare, if they actually can manage to do anything to meaningfully help ordinary Americans.  Somehow, that's not the kind of legislative agenda that these folks typically are interested in.


Unless you believe in the well-worn Republican fallacy of trickle down economics, that by making supposed "billionaires" like Trump even richer than they already are, that the common man ends up better off. Somehow, it rarely seems to work out that way.


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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I wonder where he stays between now and the inauguration….new york is particularly hostile to him….I won't be surprised if his security has been tripled.


Florida might be more conducive for now.


Of course his security will be the highest he is the President of the USA and it comes with all the trimmings. (OK President elect, same thing)

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I meant tripled over what a prez usually gets. 

I wonder if they can "require" him to move to a safer location. No doubt there are plenty of crazies out there planning to do it. I don't fancy being the person who's job it is to protect Trump, and gets to carry the can if it all goes wrong.

I wonder if he thought about that aspect of being president? Can't be fun walking around with a big target on your back.

Whatever, all this insanity is why "normal" people don't stand for president.

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Somehow, I'm not going to be holding my breath for the Donald to come up with solutions to problems that have frustrated world leaders for years.



Wouldn't that be great if you actually were holding your breath, but you're not. You and most of the anti-Trump camp have him failing before he begins, just as you laughed at his chances of winning.



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An airplane was about to crash. There were 4 passengers on board, but only 3 parachutes.
The 1st passenger said, "I am Steph Curry, the best NBA basketball player. The Warriors and my millions of fans need me, and I can't afford to die." So he took the 1st pack and left the plane.
The 2nd passenger, Donald Trump, said, "I am the newly-elected U.S. President, and I am the smartest most very smartest President in American history, so my people don't want me to die they really don't they would be heartbroken because I am the nicest most loved man in the history of the world ever." He took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane.
The 3rd passenger, the Pope, said to the 4th passenger, a 10 year old schoolboy, "My son, I am old and don't have many years left, you have more years ahead so I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."
The little boy said, "That's okay, Your Holiness, there's a parachute left for you. America 's smartest President took my schoolbag."
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You could have simply quoted Dunford, rather than linking yet another scaremongering clip. I have commented on the issue of no fly zones on a previous topic. In essence, everyone, and that includes HRC, are and were aware this is not going to happen without Russian cooperation. There was never any real danger of direct military confrontation over this.


HRC made her comments while on the campaign trail. Even if she had won the elections, this would have gone nowhere for months. In the mean time, the Russians are carrying on their military intervention without hindrance. By the time a new US president would be able to start addressing the issue, a major part of the Russian operation (read Allepo) could be over anyway. Then, the new president could deal with the Russians, and the Russians could agree to cooperate. Doesn't work that well for Syrian civilians on the ground, but doubt most politicians on either side care.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wonder if they can "require" him to move to a safer location. No doubt there are plenty of crazies out there planning to do it. I don't fancy being the person who's job it is to protect Trump, and gets to carry the can if it all goes wrong.

I wonder if he thought about that aspect of being president? Can't be fun walking around with a big target on your back.

Whatever, all this insanity is why "normal" people don't stand for president.


Why, don't you think there were 'lots of crazies' who didn't want a black president, who screwed up badly and couldn't force himself to say Islamic Terrorist's?


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4 hours ago, tropo said:

Wouldn't that be great if you actually were holding your breath, but you're not. You and most of the anti-Trump camp have him failing before he begins, just as you laughed at his chances of winning.




I think at least some of those on the anti-Trump camp would consider him succeeding in implementing certain policies a failure.  Losing an election does not imply adopting the ideology, policies or view of the winning side. Fair enough with regard to giving Trump at least a grace period, but honestly - would HRC have been treated differently had things gone the other way?


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1 hour ago, camble said:

We need to change the 22nd amendment.  Keep the 2 consecutive term maximum but let he electorate roll back if the next guy screws up too badly.


There are checks in place. After Obama screwed up so bad in his first year, the electorate flooded Congress with Republicans to keep him in a box

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4 hours ago, tropo said:

Wouldn't that be great if you actually were holding your breath, but you're not. You and most of the anti-Trump camp have him failing before he begins, just as you laughed at his chances of winning.


Well, you're totally wrong about that.


I personally NEVER laughed at his chances of winning (although I would have laughed at him as a candidate, if it wasn't so sad). Unfortunately, I all along had the fear/belief that Republican Party voters would be so deluded and intellectually bankrupt to pick this charlatan as their nominee.


As for how he does as President, naturally, I hope, for the country's sake, that he'll succeed in making the country and its people better -- and not just flattering himself and lining his own pockets along the way. But I'm pretty doubtful the former is going to happen.


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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Well, you're totally wrong about that.


I personally NEVER laughed at his chances of winning (although I would have laughed at him as a candidate, if it wasn't so sad). Unfortunately, I all along had the fear/belief that Republican Party voters would be so deluded and intellectually bankrupt to pick this charlatan as their nominee.


As for how he does as President, naturally, I hope, for the country's sake, that he'll succeed in making the country and its people better -- and not just flattering himself and lining his own pockets along the way. But I'm pretty doubtful the former is going to happen.



I doubt his run for the presidency had anything to do with lining his pockets. As a 70-year-old billionaire having money is probably of little interest to him, as he's never been without truckloads of it. I think he's genuinely ticked off with the direction America has been going for decades and wants to change that... especially the way they are being <deleted> over by China and many other countries. America has made a lot of mistakes under the Obama presidency, which he hopes to correct. He's a true patriot.

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22 minutes ago, tropo said:

I doubt his run for the presidency had anything to do with lining his pockets.


Really?? You think he's ever about anything other than promoting himself and trying to find ways to make money?




Donald Trump’s stunning victory will force the United States to confront a series of never-before-seen entanglements over the president’s private business, debts and rocky financial history.


No laws prohibit Trump from involving himself in his private company, the Trump Organization, while serving in the highest public office.


And Trump has so far resisted the long-standing presidential tradition of giving his holdings to an independent manager, stoking worries of conflicts of interests over his businesses’ many financial and foreign ties.






"President-elect Trump will likely take the witness stand in a federal civil trial starting later this month, a first for an incoming president, over claims of fraud at his Trump University real-estate seminar series.


Other Trump companies are partially indebted to banks in Germany and China. On financial disclosure filings, Trump listed involvements in more than 500 companies, some in countries where the U.S. has sensitive diplomatic or financial relationships, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and China."


It was surprising to me to learn that it's NOT a law that U.S. Presidents have to put their assets into blind trust or similar. But it's not surprising that Trump apparently isn't willing to do what prior presidents have done in that regard.


If he was really more interested in upholding the role of the Presidency rather than self-promotion and self-aggrandizement, then he would remove himself from involvement in his private business ventures while serving as President to avoid the many real and serious potential conflicts of interest that will exist.


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50 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Really?? You think he's ever about anything other than promoting himself and trying to find ways to make money?




Yes, I do. 


Stop stressing out. Give him at least 100 days before you start panicking too much.

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3 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:



I can see Christie and Gingrich being quite useful


he Democrats could be quite useful to him as well, to keep the worst proclivities of the Republican leadership in check. Trump has some stated positions that run to the left of Hillary Clinton.. I'm not so sure he will abandon those. We'll just have to wait and see.



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To all of whom are (in any way) a Trump supporter...

It's not over yet... Hold the fort...

The electoral colledge does not submit those votes till Dec 5.

I fully expect issues up till then (and afterwards).

Perhaps even more violence, perhaps some 'red-flag' ops,

and Obama doing his best to screw things up.

Just say'in

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The Republicans have got what they want. They need the electoral votes to be passed through in Dec and then they will help to throw Trump under the bus. They will then have Pence as President. Sweet for the republicans with all 3 houses, Pence is controllable and Trump will be on the Dump. There is no way the Republican core will forgive or forget Trump for what he said and did about his fellow Republicans in the primary's. Watch this space.

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3 minutes ago, howto said:

To all of whom are (in any way) a Trump supporter...

It's not over yet... Hold the fort...

The electoral colledge does not submit those votes till Dec 5.

I fully expect issues up till then (and afterwards).

Perhaps even more violence, perhaps some 'red-flag' ops,

and Obama doing his best to screw things up.

Just say'in


Everyone loves drama. I'm sure violence will continue and worsen as Trump supporters start to become involved.

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