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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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Well I wonder just how much of what he said he would do he will actually achieve???


My guess even though both houses of Congress are Republican lead not all Republicans see eye to eye with the President elect and he may well find some immovable walls... 

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40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That's a gross distortion and outrageous simplification of that case and you know it. Come back when you have something honest to say. 



Not really:



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40 minutes ago, teatree said:

The Democrats failed to hold Vermont, a place where Independent Bernie Sanders has 87% approval rating.

Had Bernie been the Democrats candidate, I am certain he would be president now.




Vermont was the first state called, for the Democrats, and they won the Senate vote too.

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12 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Well I wonder just how much of what he said he would do he will actually achieve???


My guess even though both houses of Congress are Republican lead not all Republicans see eye to eye with the President elect and he may well find some immovable walls... 

He has one benefit in that Harry Reid is out of the picture and perhaps the new minority leader is more willing to talk

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3 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

I made more than a few posts in these US presidential election threads, and in nearly every post I stated that there was no way that Trump could win.  I was so sure that it was impossible.


I was dead wrong.  





If only more people of whatever political stripe were so forthright. Let the healing begin.

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7 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

Hillary lost when she condemned poor white voters as "deplorables" and labeled them "Irredeemable".


The smear which will live in infamy.



As for him ....  Trump - won because he said loudly what many think

So, nothing new

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15 minutes ago, NovaBlue05 said:

He has one benefit in that Harry Reid is out of the picture and perhaps the new minority leader is more willing to talk

That guy is owned by Wall St and was one of the Dems biggest problems. 


Taxes on high incomes    
Schumer had been a staunch defender of low taxes on hedge fund and private equity managers in the past, arguing that this was necessary to protect the industry. Serving on both the Senate Banking and Finance Committees, Schumer was in a position to block attempts to tax their financial gains at the rate other taxpayers pay for income.[119] In 2010, however, Schumer suggested that a hedge-fund tax would be acceptable and not hurt the industry.[120]

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56 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I don't think it's been stressed enough...the Republicans ran the table and now out and out control two of the three branches of government...and the two are the law-making and law enforcing branches. This is the first time for this since 1988 (almost 30 years)...let the good times roll!!!

It will be interesting how Trumpster explains why he needs to break all those promises.

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Well I woke this morning to: It is bad news stock falls 5% in Asia...

Early trading in the UK, FTSE100 dropped over 1% on early trading only to rally (and close 1% up) after Trumps speech where he said some very nice things about Hillary given it was only yesterday he was saying she should be locked up and the keys thrown away, may be people are staring to realise he aint going to do all the things he said he would. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

That's a gross distortion and outrageous simplification of that case and you know it. Come back when you have something honest to say. 



My My. Here's JingThing still going on like the Energizer Bunny. Jingthing, when Trump announced his candidacy, how many times did I tell you right here in this forum:


1.  Never bet against Donald Trump?


2. Hillary is a proven loser with the personality of a bale of hay who won't win anything?


3.  Trump will win this election going away? This before he won the nomination.


Yes I did numerous times until I got tired of all of the posters who angrily posted things they knew nothing of and simply decided it wasn't worth it.


NOW I'M WATCHING the SAME PEOPLE who GOT IT ALL WRONG about the election tell us what will happen next!! :smile:  Amazing that they still think they know ANYTHING.  :saai:


While I'm here please let me post a pic of a conversation I had way back last February when I got really tired of the hatefulness on the forum.







Ued-1 copy.jpg

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14 minutes ago, pegman said:

It will be interesting how Trumpster explains why he needs to break all those promises.


I would suggest he tries something like "pursuing unity" but I doubt he will.. He has such an opportunity and so few skills to pursue them. It's a damn shame.

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

may be people are staring to realise he aint going to do all the things he said he would. 

Maybe people could at least give him a chance to get sworn into office before making judgement on what will or will not get done. 

Seems to me he has accomplished everything he said he was going to do up to this date, even when every one, including his own party and the media, was firing torpedoes at his every move, 

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50 minutes ago, pegman said:

That guy is owned by Wall St and was one of the Dems biggest problems. 


Taxes on high incomes    
Schumer had been a staunch defender of low taxes on hedge fund and private equity managers in the past, arguing that this was necessary to protect the industry. Serving on both the Senate Banking and Finance Committees, Schumer was in a position to block attempts to tax their financial gains at the rate other taxpayers pay for income.[119] In 2010, however, Schumer suggested that a hedge-fund tax would be acceptable and not hurt the industry.[120]

Not saying Schumer is a boy scout by any stretch but Reid is more like human filth personified so you have to play the hand that is dealt you

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1 hour ago, balo said:

It's only 4 years , what could possibly go wrong ?   :huh:




Obviously you want to continue being part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. America has voted and they voted against people like you and those like you that want rule through fear and division.

Have a great time in your very small world.

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Another failed Democrat prediction - the Markets will collapse and not recover.

Well, this is what they look like right now:




So much for that sorry so-called "Economist" Krugman, eh?



Shortest panic in history! :smile:

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2 hours ago, expat_4_life said:

Hillary lost when she condemned poor white voters as "deplorables" and labeled them "Irredeemable".


The smear which will live in infamy.


But she didn't do that.

It was a political mistake for sure but the way you painted it is not true.


“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”

“Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.



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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Another failed Democrat prediction - the Markets will collapse and not recover.

Well, this is what they look like right now:




So much for that sorry so-called "Economist" Krugman, eh?



Shortest panic in history! :smile:


Krugman is the worst. It was obvious this was going to rebound today to take advantage of a short squeeze. Nothing to do with Trump. The short squeeze could continue for awhile, but eventually people are going to see valuations are pretty stretched.

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10 hours ago, phrodan said:


This is normal for Jingthing - even down to the weasel way he replied without quoting me directly. 


He knows who he is talking to - he probably also knows I've been in Puerto Vallarta area for months. He knows that's a strong gay community - and he knows I'm telling the truth.

I did not know before. After private communication, now I do know. Based on that realization of who he is, the PRUDENT thing to do now is to put "phrodan" on my ignore list. I have no interest in getting into ancient baggage with this particular character. 

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Nov 9, 2016


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday Russia was ready to fully restore relations with the United States following the election of businessman Donald Trump as the new U.S. president.


Receiving credentials from new foreign ambassadors to Russia, Putin said he had heard Trump's campaign statements about improving ties with Moscow. He said Russia was ready do its part to achieve this but recognised it would not be easy.





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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

Nov 9, 2016


Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday Russia was ready to fully restore relations with the United States following the election of businessman Donald Trump as the new U.S. president.


Receiving credentials from new foreign ambassadors to Russia, Putin said he had heard Trump's campaign statements about improving ties with Moscow. He said Russia was ready do its part to achieve this but recognised it would not be easy.





And a full restoration of dialog with Israel is on the books already.

This Trump victory will be a very good thing! :smile:

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