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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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The problem here is Trump talks in sound bites meant to appeal to his non-college degree educated followers, and yet, the world has real serious, complicated problems that his facile sound bites aren't going to solve. Likewise, having the U.S. turn its back on the rest of the world--although it might play well in domestic politics--isn't going to make things any better, either.


What's he going to do about Iran and their nuclear pursuits? Nuke them, really?


What's he going to do about the North Korean nut case and his nukes?


Do anyone seriously think Putin is going to be put off his expansionist ambitions just because Trump has become President?


Is dis-engaging from the Middle East going to make Americans safer? Is letting Muslim extremists take control of entire countries and use them as their bases of operation to spread terrorism and Muslim extremist ideology good for U.S. security?


There are a myriad of thorny, international issues out there like these. And Trump isn't going to solve them or make them any better having the U.S. turn its back on the world, or, by walking up to the Presidential podium and saying, "You're fired."


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

What we don't see on CNN etc is...

What the mainstream media won't show you: 300,000 people and counting at a Trump rally this morning in Philadelphia #MAGA


Never let it be said that I enjoy raining on a parade or pissing on corn flakes but doesn't that look more like a flock of Toronto Blue Jay supporters than the let's make America Great again if we can Trump was sporting.

Given that the majority might be wearing their Democrat blues in anticipation of more unfiltered trumpbull brown in the air, let's consider the difference between another unorganized cast of paid Trump supporters always prepared in the event of a loss vs. the spontaneity of groups of people across the nation singing united we stand. (oh I hope I don't get in trouble for my bent sense of humour again when I really don't give a flying what thought)

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I did not vote for Trump but he won and he won for a reason. Americans are mad as hell and they don't want to take it anymore. Trump represents possible change while Hillary represented the status quo which is what Americans do not want or need. I will give Trump a chance but he has a rough road ahead. However, he does have a Republican Congress which should help his agenda.

We cannot dismiss some of his ideas which actually make sense- such as repatriating all the money companies are keeping offshore to avoid the taxes. He wants to lower that rate to get the money back into America to invest in jobs and use some for rebuilding America's infrastructure.


In addition if a company  wants to leave America their products will be taxed at 35% when brought back- A very good idea that will make a company think twice about going abroad.


His idea about getting Asian and European countries to pay their fair share if they want the American security blanked makes much sense when you consider the fact that America has paid a disproportionate share of defense while American citizens are getting poorer and other countries taking advantage of American largesse are getting richer. This needs to change and it will.


In addition, something must be done about Obama Care- it is not affordable and a disaster except for already wealthy Insurance Companies. America needs universal Health care and Obama had a chance to do it- but he didn't do it right. If Trump has the guts he will accept the fact that America needs universal healthcare coverage and go to a single payer plan and get rid of the  current system. While this would be a socialistic approach it is the only one that will really work.


I doubt he will accept the Clinton pledge to provide free college tuition but let's see if he can't come up with a plan to help struggling middle class and poor students who are indebted to the Government for 20 years repaying student loans.there are virtually many more things he must tackle but even if he could do the above he would be a success.


You did what you said you would- you won. Now the really hard part is ahead.


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

What we don't see on CNN etc is...

What the mainstream media won't show you: 300,000 people and counting at a Trump rally this morning in Philadelphia #MAGA


Chicago Cubs World Series champs rally. Take 2:


Edited by JLCrab
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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Chamberlain in the Uk tried to get along nice with Hitler too, right up to and until the Germans began overrunning Europe. You have to wonder if Trump won't do the same with Putin.


Is it time to call GODWIN'S LAW on this thread?

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10 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I did not vote for Trump but he won and he won for a reason. Americans are mad as hell and they don't want to take it anymore. Trump represents possible change while Hillary represented the status quo which is what Americans do not want or need. I will give Trump a chance but he has a rough road ahead. However, he does have a Republican Congress which should help his agenda.

We cannot dismiss some of his ideas which actually make sense- such as repatriating all the money companies are keeping offshore to avoid the taxes. He wants to lower that rate to get the money back into America to invest in jobs and use some for rebuilding America's infrastructure.


In addition if a company  wants to leave America their products will be taxed at 35% when brought back- A very good idea that will make a company think twice about going abroad.


His idea about getting Asian and European countries to pay their fair share if they want the American security blanked makes much sense when you consider the fact that America has paid a disproportionate share of defense while American citizens are getting poorer and other countries taking advantage of American largesse are getting richer. This needs to change and it will.


In addition, something must be done about Obama Care- it is not affordable and a disaster except for already wealthy Insurance Companies. America needs universal Health care and Obama had a chance to do it- but he didn't do it right. If Trump has the guts he will accept the fact that America needs universal healthcare coverage and go to a single payer plan and get rid of the  current system. While this would be a socialistic approach it is the only one that will really work.


I doubt he will accept the Clinton pledge to provide free college tuition but let's see if he can't come up with a plan to help struggling middle class and poor students who are indebted to the Government for 20 years repaying student loans.there are virtually many more things he must tackle but even if he could do the above he would be a success.


You did what you said you would- you won. Now the really hard part is ahead.



try getting healthcare before "obamacare" age 50 with Diabetes,  check the prices  ..........hint there was no price, as you can't get healthcare, Trump is not anyone's saviour,  he can't wave a wand and get whatever,  he says today, 


they will repeal "obamacare" and you will get nothing,  except more uncertainty than you already had,  the same 1% rules  the republicans ,  guess what they aren't going to   vote in term limits on themselves, because Trump  waves his wand  

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15 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You can stop your Hillary electioneering now...the election's over and the crook lost.


May want to try some of that yourself. Quite disappointing to see so many Trump supporters carrying on with HRC bashing, Democrat bashing and baiting other posters - rather than emulating the spirit of the President elect's speech. Granted, these things were common from both sides of the political divide during the election campaign, perhaps its time for something like being gracious in victory.

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Hillary Clinton really did not understand that because of the economic meltdown in 2008 that a huge part of the population was financially decimated and that this was caused by the 1% playing fast and loose with the 99%'s hard earned money. Bernie Sanders realized and that is why he almost beat Hilary but he did not have the finances of a Donald Trump. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs; their homes; their future and even their spouses and have never really recovered. Banks and financial institutions were protected by the government and no one went to jail or even accepted responsibility. No one bailed out families losing their homes or losing their jobs. Now , many Americans are working 3 part time jobs to make up for one lost full time jobs. 

People are extremely pissed off and Donald Trump represents a possible change. He played the campaign perfectly appealing to the anger and built up resentment.


I voted for Hillary because I didn't believe Trump could produce but he won and I am willing to give him the time to see what he can do.  I actually hope he can succeed but he needs to change his rhetoric and bring a very divided country together. Time will tell.

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14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Much as id like to see some comeuppance for these, it would just be a long drawn out distraction when theres important work to be done. 


The Don might just let it slide since he got what he wanted...hes not one to waste more energy than is needed....just a guess. 


You are talking about a guy who starts tweet wars in the middle of the night. Over trivial matters.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


May want to try some of that yourself. Quite disappointing to see so many Trump supporters carrying on with HRC bashing, Democrat bashing and baiting other posters - rather than emulating the spirit of the President elect's speech. Granted, these things were common from both sides of the political divide during the election campaign, perhaps its time for something like being gracious in victory.

We've been that...as for some posts, just setting the historical record straight.

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9 hours ago, NeverSure said:


Members of this forum alone could wipe out the entire crow population. If they don't, they will after Trump turns out to be a good president.


What makes a good president, though? Considering how divided the US is, seems like almost any president will be discredited by the opposition, simply on partisan grounds.

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8 minutes ago, chubby said:


try getting healthcare before "obamacare" age 50 with Diabetes,  check the prices  ..........hint there was no price, as you can't get healthcare, Trump is not anyone's saviour,  he can't wave a wand and get whatever,  he says today, 


they will repeal "obamacare" and you will get nothing,  except more uncertainty than you already had,  the same 1% rules  the republicans ,  guess what they aren't going to   vote in term limits on themselves, because Trump  waves his wand  

Exactly. His kill Obamacare plan and replace it with total BS will mean hundreds of thousands of Americans that he will indirectly murder.


Americans SHOULD be protesting this proactively. He has promised to do this right away and he has the votes in congress to do it. Unless there is a massive wave of dissent against this madness it will definitely happen, and fast. It still might happen but people should at least try to stop it, especially as trump did NOT get a mandate to rule, failing to even win the most votes!

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10 minutes ago, Morch said:


You are talking about a guy who starts tweet wars in the middle of the night. Over trivial matters.

Your "tweet wars" is a new form of direct campaign communications technology for the social media era. President Elect Trump understood this and took advantage of it...Hillary Clinton chose to sleep instead.

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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Another failed Democrat prediction - the Markets will collapse and not recover.

Well, this is what they look like right now:




So much for that sorry so-called "Economist" Krugman, eh?



Shortest panic in history! :smile:


The market taking a plunge and recovering quickly is not surprising. A good day for those of us who were ready. But in line with the call to give Trump's presidency a chance, perhaps better save judgements on the merits of Krugman's "economic fallout" prediction until some time later in Trump's term. I don't think things will be as bad as described, but probably not rosy (at least as far as some markets are concerned).

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The fix to Obama care is so very simple.  Put all Americans into the current Medicare system which now extends only to those age 65 or over. ONce you do this you don't need Insurance companies; you don't need IRS agents checking whether you bought insurance or not; and you won't have hospitals and doctors charging prices that would be considered gouging anywhere else. The Government already runs the program and it pays only a certain amount for certain items so the over pricing will stop and since it will be the only healthcare option- hospitals and doctors will have to accept it as well as the outrageous charging pharmaceutical companies.

It can be paid for by working Americans as a percentage taken from their salaries. If you're unemployed or over the age of 65 you get it all for no cost.

Every industrialized country in the World has the same plan.  It may be Socialistic but it works

Obama had the option of doing this but he caved into the Insurance industry and Big Pharma. Let's hope Donald Trump has the intestinal fortitude to tell the Insurance Industry and Big Pharma to take a hike and do something for the American people.

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5 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Your "tweet wars" is a new form of direct campaign communications technology of the social media era. President Elect Trump understood this and took advantage of it...Hillary Clinton chose her beauty sleep instead.


I wasn't referring to political or campaign relate tweeting. Rather to indulging in online flame wars with non-political people. Running the US (and perhaps with an emphasis, the US foreign policy) is not about campaigning.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


The market taking a plunge and recovering quickly is not surprising. A good day for those of us who were ready. But in line with the call to give Trump's presidency a chance, perhaps better save judgements on the merits of Krugman's "economic fallout" prediction until some time later in Trump's term. I don't think things will be as bad as described, but probably not rosy (at least as far as some markets are concerned).

I could care less what the "markets" think or do, as with Brexit, the people's choice is priceless.

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6 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Real border security...a border in which 30M people cannot cross illegally. It shouldn't be too hard.


Spread this figure over years, and over the miles of border in question.

Not as easy as some tout, obviously could be improved.


I think the border "walls" of other countries used as reference do not come close to the scope and complexity of the US-Mexico border.



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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Spread this figure over years, and over the miles of border in question.

Not as easy as some tout, obviously could be improved.


I think the border "walls" of other countries used as reference do not come close to the scope and complexity of the US-Mexico border.



The Chinese built a rather impressive one over 2500 years ago, as did the Romans in Britain 2000 years ago, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

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4 hours ago, NeverSure said:


Reagan was dealing with the USSR which didn't collapse until Bush 1 was pres. The USSR was rightly called "The Evil Empire" by Reagan due to overrunning a bunch of existing countries against their will. You can't negotiate with people like that. Reagan's way was to get tough which worked to a large degree and the USSR did collapse for a number of reasons. 


Now it's Russia and Putin and Trump hopes that he can have some kind of a dialogue with Putin. Trump is the only POTUS we've had in my lifetime who could sit at a table across from Putin and get respect. He's used to dealing with world leaders on big deals because he has investments in many countries. He's used to doing big deals.


Give him a chance. Hillary and Obama have us on the verge of war with Russia right in Syria. The US and Russia are fighting and backing two different sides so in a way we are at war. Trump wants to get out of these wars and stop trying to nation build (which has been a disaster) and he'd like to have a conversation with Putin about jointly fighting ISIS. Putin hates ISIS.


Good luck to both of them. It could be historic.




I doubt that you, or anyone, can assert that Putin respects Trump. That Putin says one thing or another is not an indication of anything much. Not until the first sit down with Trump as president. That's not to say the Putin seemed to have a whole lot of respect toward Obama, so no need to go there.


As for Trump being "used to dealing with world leaders" - given Trump's business affairs are not public, how would we know? We do not even know all of the economic ties in question.


The US is not, and was not, on the verge of war with Russia over Syria. That's plain scaremongering. Supporting different factions of an armed conflict is not quite the same.

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6 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

The Chinese built a rather impressive one over 2500 years ago, as did the Romans in Britain 2000 years ago, so it shouldn't be too difficult.


Inane historical references will not make the wall come up.

And both walls did not save the the related empires.

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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 Shortest panic in history! :smile:


It was a staged, strategic "panic" right from the start in a failed attempt to scare Trump supporters to change their vote.


One thing I've noticed - it was mainly Clinton supporters who were vocal on this forum pre-election. Trump supporters had a wait and see attitude - and now they're coming out. I think a lot of Trump supporters were scared to voice their opinion lest nasty members such JT et al. attack them and start rounds of endless bickering/insults.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He won, she lost, he's going to be president.

No sane leader is going to treat the leader of the world's superpower as you suggest.

Few people now care about those court cases or any of the other muck that got dredged up during the campaign. The campaign is over. Even HRC and Obama have accepted it and called for people to unite behind him for the benefit of the country.


Then what's Trump going to do when he's dejected and angry?  Bomb them?   Probably.

Anyone that would seriously advance that sort of theory ( being polite ) isn't going to get a response from me anymore. Bye.


World leaders may or may not treat the POTUS in one way or another. Enough examples of dissing a POTUS without resorting to Trump.


The court cases are not going away (at least not all) whether people care about them or not (which is, by itself, a mere projection).


I don't think Trump will "bomb" anyone as a result of being dejected and angry. The US doesn't work this way. But sure would be a struggle for him to keep his conduct in check, given the certain frustrations coming with the territory.


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The problem here is Trump talks in sound bites meant to appeal to his non-college degree educated followers, and yet, the world has real serious, complicated problems that his facile sound bites aren't going to solve. Likewise, having the U.S. turn its back on the rest of the world--although it might play well in domestic politics--isn't going to make things any better, either.


What's he going to do about Iran and their nuclear pursuits? Nuke them, really?


What's he going to do about the North Korean nut case and his nukes?


Do anyone seriously think Putin is going to be put off his expansionist ambitions just because Trump has become President?


Is dis-engaging from the Middle East going to make Americans safer? Is letting Muslim extremists take control of entire countries and use them as their bases of operation to spread terrorism and Muslim extremist ideology good for U.S. security?


There are a myriad of thorny, international issues out there like these. And Trump isn't going to solve them or make them any better having the U.S. turn its back on the world, or, by walking up to the Presidential podium and saying, "You're fired."



Was Hillary going to fix all that?


You're going to see solutions you never even thought of, once you stop thinking everything is impossible.

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