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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump


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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump



The nuclear trigger is now in the hands of maverick who claims his strongest negotiating hand is his “unpredictability” and who has happily boasted about “nuking ISIS”


LONDON: -- The election of Donald Trump sent shockwaves through the international community today as they braced themselves for a more ‘dangerous and volatile’ world.


Experts warned a Trump presidency has increased the chance of war, left the future of Nato in doubt and threatens to fracture long-standing Western alliances and disrupt global trade deals.


There are fears that the nuclear trigger is now in the hands of maverick who claims his strongest negotiating hand is his “unpredictability” and who has happily boasted about “nuking ISIS.”


Only one world leader was toasting Trump’s victory : Vladimir Putin.


Full story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/heading-world-war-3-fears-9228959


-- Mirror 2016-11-10

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Do not believe those experts. If they say that a Trump presidency has already increased the chances of nuclear war, than Vlad Putin cannot benefit from that. He and Russia is and will be the target.
Nobody around Trump will allow him to nuke the Middle East.
Isis will be dealt with conventional. Together with Russia, or not.

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Let's see now... Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, where Clinton threatened to create a no fly zone, sabre rattling in Eastern Europe against Russia when the real enemy is a potential EU member... doesn't seem like a pacifist attitude to me.

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The Clintons started five wars and Bill almost initiated a nuclear war with Russia at Pristina. Fortunately, the British commander in Kosovo told Wes Clark, Clinton's Nato commander, that he wasn't going to start World War III for him.  And, then, there's Libya.  

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Trump is the Manchurian candidate and I guarantee that US nationals will now be target number 1 for hatred. I don't think the lippy  smug  gloaters fully appreciate  just how much the rest of the world detests Trump and the policies he has espoused. They will soon find out. It will be interesting when US nationals find themselves confined to their own country as no one will want them in theirs and/or it is too dangerous to leave the USA.  

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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump?


I think exactly the opposite. The Trump program is essentially national (nationalist?) With a drastic tax cuts replaced by the stop of deemed unnecessary expenses.


So not the time to hire new conflicts with pharaonic costs.

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Oh my, the sky is falling the sky is falling.  Globalism is dead.  Climate change has been denied.  Liberal policies are gone.  Two maybe three Supreme court justices to be chosen by the Donald.  Overwhelming mandate from the American people to make America Great again.  Deal with it.  Countries throwing out Americans, yes perhaps in Europeistan, but really who wants to visit those hell holes anyways. 


Can you hear me now!






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7 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

.... It will be interesting when US nationals find themselves confined to their own country as no one will want them in theirs and/or it is too dangerous to leave the USA.  

So you're saying us American Farangs living in LOS need to move back to the USA?

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19 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump is the Manchurian candidate and I guarantee that US nationals will now be target number 1 for hatred. I don't think the lippy  smug  gloaters fully appreciate  just how much the rest of the world detests Trump and the policies he has espoused. They will soon find out. It will be interesting when US nationals find themselves confined to their own country as no one will want them in theirs and/or it is too dangerous to leave the USA.  

You once were such a well balanced poster.......


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I was more worried with Hillary as far as war is concerned, she would probably have sent the West to war, Bush-style, in the name of women or gay rights. With him we're less likely to get a new "in the name of Human rights and democracy" war, we're just not sure he won't launch a preventive strike for getting offended by an embassy cultural attaché during a cocktail.

Edited by Calach
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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

Trump is the Manchurian candidate and I guarantee that US nationals will now be target number 1 for hatred. I don't think the lippy  smug  gloaters fully appreciate  just how much the rest of the world detests Trump and the policies he has espoused. They will soon find out. It will be interesting when US nationals find themselves confined to their own country as no one will want them in theirs and/or it is too dangerous to leave the USA.  


Dude, you need to chill man. Why don’t you invite Mr. Hand over, smoke a bowl and order some pizza.

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Oh pullleeaase! Do not listen to a rag like the Daily Mirror. Utter tripe. The world has been heading for WWIII since the end of WWII, but there is probably far less likelihood it'll happen in the next four years than if Clinton got in. It's all about Russia, and with them two buddying up, nowt's going to happen. China does not have the balls or means to start something big should Trump upset them in trade or the SC Sea, and they are the only other real contenders for a major global conflict. In any case, Trump is no idiot despite what people think; he's a shrewd businessman and ain't likely to go around bombing all n sundry.


Saying the Japanese/Koreans should properly 'arm' themselves and take care of their own backyard (NK) sounds logical to me. Yes, nukes. Unfortunately this is the world we live in.


Of NATO, who gives a smeg. From an American point of view, it's about time the Europeans wholly looked after their own affairs, though of course the trade-off would be the closure of American bases and interests. I'm from that region and while the Yanks sticking their nose into others' business is cringeworthy, it pales into comparison with the way some of the Euro leaders carry on regards the US and even their own.


I don't see anything racist with wanting to deport millions of immigrant CRIMINALS from one's country, but most of the rhetoric is likely campaign bluster anyway and he'll be tempered somewhat by the more measured minds of his circle. With folk wanting to move out of US and the likes of lady GaGa (stroll on) getting all uppity, I say get a life and get behind him as Obama and Hillary have done. Give the bloke a chance, he may turn up trumps.  :smile:

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as a quick antidote to worrying about WW3... try this one.... there is a 10 to 40 year lag between emissions and it's effect.... find out how that is.... and then... what it might imply.... thoughts of napalm and H bombs will quickly dissipate. that's Co2 emissions.... not methane.


the US Pacific Command Admiral Locklear knows. he can explain it too. another 'worry wart'.

Edited by maewang99
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Well the press was against Trump through the whole campaign and is continuing to bash him after his victory. Surely his win means that a majority voted for him, so the press needs to wake up.


Previously I heard that if HC won then WW3 was imminent, not the other way around.


I think this was a good result as DT spent so much less than HC and HC cheated, at least at the first debate by obtaining the questions in advance and wearing an illegal ear.

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  Good lord, you'd think this was the first election ever held.  Similar dire warnings were issued when Reagan was elected, when Clinton was elected, and when Obama was elected. 


  While I'm relatively happy she wasn't elected, I'll give Hillary Clinton credit for an exceptional concession speech today.  Of particular note was when she said (paraphrased) that Trump deserves the opportunity to demonstrate that he can lead the country.  


  (Side note: if she had given speeches like that during the campaign, she might have fared a bit better.)

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