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Are we heading for World War 3? Fears of ‘dangerous and volatile’ world under 'maverick' President Trump


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Honestly speaking the world (Non US citizen) should focus more on what's the Us foreign policy. Under "Nobel prize" Obama we assisted at harsh times, with the destabilization of middle east and secret agreement with the saudi...I don't think Trump or Hillary will make a substantial difference. Us economic has big investment in the weapon industry, and as long as they will keep this line the face they put in the front as representative does not make any difference to the real events, be it Hitler or madre Teresa. It's just a big farse...

Edited by Nerone
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More gutter press nonsense. Trump is on record as saying he favours nonintervention in the affairs of other nations - and has even questioned the need for NATO.


His problem will be resisting pressure from the White House puppet masters to start a potentially catastrophic "limited war" against Russia in order rescue the broken US economy and further undermine the crumbling EU as the US's major trade rival.


Thankfully, this wealthy maverick is in the pockets neither of Wall Street nor the military/industrial alliance,  which between them historically make or break Presidents and dictate much of US domestic and foreign policy.


With Putin as the first (and only?) leader to welcome his victory, the Don looks to have a trump card in his back pocket.

Edited by Krataiboy
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2 hours ago, oilinki said:

I know, I'm from a country with a long border with Russia. From a country with Western European values in general.

your handle and the long border with Russia indicates your home country is Finland. interesting is that inspite of the Russian "threat" Finland spends less on defence (percentage of GDP) than Thailand.

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15 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Been telling people this for a long time and the Clinton bootlickers wouldn't believe:

Kremlin: Clinton Victory Would Have Led to World War 3 Between Russia and USA...


And here's another quote from the Kremlin:


Russia says it was in touch with Trump's campaign during election


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39 minutes ago, Naam said:

your handle and the long border with Russia indicates your home country is Finland. interesting is that inspite of the Russian "threat" Finland spends less on defence (percentage of GDP) than Thailand.

We prefer to spend the money to our future. Education and healthcare. The less money spent to the military, the better. We prefer diplomacy over use of power and only have defence force, which main purpose is to say "It will be too costly even to try".

However we have had to put more money and resources to some parts of the military. This is not optimal and once again, the money is out of other parts of the society. 


Russian bullying at the Baltic sea has already had an negative effect to our and many other countries economies and general feeling of safety / optimism.  

All the countries, which are part of EU and / or NATO are part of these unions, because we really want to be part of them. Our ideologies are part of these entities. 

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14 hours ago, off road pat said:

And he was so right !!!! It has been proven recently !!!

Why do you post flagrant falsehoods?  :ph34r:


Donald Trump did not say that Republicans are the "dumbest group of voters" in a 1998 'People' magazine interview.




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13 hours ago, Naam said:

i haven't watched Russia Today for a long time. whatever i wrote are facts which can easily be verified. for what it is worth... U.S. foreign politics is not in line with the thinking of most of my American friends (exemption my Redneck friends). somehow i feel quite bad condemning the politics of the country of my dreams when i was a teenager, at that time willing to sacrifice my left ball in exchange for being an American. a decade later i changed my mind after having served two tours in Viet Nam which was an eye opener.

Got ya.  Some don't agree with those "facts".  Especially those killed in Gori by Russian bombing.  Nothing justifies that.  Nothing.


I agree American politics aren't perfect.  Pretty bad at times, somewhat like the foreign policies of other countries.  But blaming smaller countries trying to side with NATO to protect themselves against Russian aggression isn't NATO's fault. These are also facts easily verified.  Visit Gori.  Or Transnistria.  Or Crimea.  Or....


P.S. My guide in Tiraspol has relatives in Crimea.  They've been living there a long time.  They've now lost all their property because the Russian officials are taking property from foreigners and giving it to Russian nationals.  Great policy, eh?


It's OK to bash US foreign policy.  But it's also good to look at issues from the other side.

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10 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


where do you get all these crackpot links from?


heatstreet….give us a break.


Low level trolling won't make it go away. Pick whichever source you like, it's all over the place. Simply a direct quote by a Russian official.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

My guide in Tiraspol has relatives in Crimea.  They've been living there a long time.  They've now lost all their property because the Russian officials are taking property from foreigners and giving it to Russian nationals.  Great policy, eh?

reminds somehow me of my former near next door neighbour Sheriff Vogel, Volusia County, Florida who established check points on I95 and confiscated any cash from poor pensioners who came from up north to buy a trailer for their planned retirement. he was cleared in a bunch of court cases and later celebrated as a hero (drug money confiscation) but his innocent victims had no access to their money for years.


joke aside, Crimea property confiscation is of course not a great policy and neither is a great policy (supported by the U.S.) to steal land from Palestinians in the West Bank.


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On 11/10/2016 at 9:28 AM, fvw53 said:


The war in Libya was started by Europeans (France, UK and Italy) after a telephone call from Benghazi French millionaire Bernard Henry Levy to President Sarkozy that Qaddafi's army was preparing a great massacre. The US then participated "leading from the back"




Hillary took full credit for it. It's her monkey.

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9 minutes ago, Morch said:


Low level trolling won't make it go away. Pick whichever source you like, it's all over the place. Simply a direct quote by a Russian official.


Oh, and look it this. Amazing how you forgot to mention it was "routine" and they contacted the Clintons, too:


Russia said that it talked with the teams of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton during the U.S. presidential election as part of routine outreach during a campaign.






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7 minutes ago, Naam said:

reminds somehow me of my former near next door neighbour Sheriff Vogel, Volusia County, Florida who established check points on I95 and confiscated any cash from poor pensioners who came from up north to buy a trailer for their planned retirement. he was cleared in a bunch of court cases and later celebrated as a hero (drug money confiscation) but his innocent victims had no access to their money for years.


joke aside, Crimea property confiscation is of course not a great policy and neither is a great policy (supported by the U.S.) to steal land from Palestinians in the West Bank.


The US had big problems with small town sheriff's doing this.  Thus, a law was passed some years ago to limit the amount of money they could collect.  Couldn't be over a certain percentage of their revenue.  Sadly, the same is still happening in many countries all over the world.


Not sure what Palestine has to do with this.  But an absolute mess, for sure.  Plus, it wasn't the US who did this directly.  In Crimea, it's Russian officials doing this...directly...

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19 hours ago, Rob13 said:


I doubt he'll last 4 years. Too many legal problems lurking in the background. I doubt HRC would have finished her term either.

Yes your right. I have lived through so many of these "we are one nation and we must pull together" speeches and they never seem to amount to a hill of beans. Hillary suffered from a case of aloofness while campaigning she did not hear the pain at ground level especially in the rust belt states. So many "qualified" people are anti Trump and when being asked to serve some are flatly saying no. Its a strange strange world Master Jack as the saying goes. 

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18 hours ago, Naam said:

-the "aggressions" in Georgia and especially Ukraine are justified,

-the EU is indeed not an enemy but the bootlicker of the U.S.,

-nations bordering Russia are lured to the EU (and indirectly NATO) to strangle Russia with missiles stationed at her borders as it was done during the cold war (re: Turkey /  Cuba missile crisis).


in other areas of this world "war games" provoking North Korea are going on since decades. unwarranted and ridiculous joint exercises with Thai forces, flotilla parading in the South China Sea speak volumes. add to afore-mentioned the decade long meddling in Central, South America and the Caribbean plus the hard facts Viet Nam, Iraq II and Afghanistan and the picture is clear who is the old and new aggressor.

Yes there never seems to be any shortage of aggressors and putzy dictators in the world. 

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On 10/11/2016 at 7:05 AM, jimmyyy said:

Oh my, the sky is falling the sky is falling.  Globalism is dead.  Climate change has been denied.  Liberal policies are gone.  Two maybe three Supreme court justices to be chosen by the Donald.  Overwhelming mandate from the American people to make America Great again.  Deal with it.  Countries throwing out Americans, yes perhaps in Europeistan, but really who wants to visit those hell holes anyways. 


Can you hear me now!







What also needs to be included, especially for those less familiar with US geography, is that the blue areas include the heavily populated urban areas and much of the red is rural or less populated. 


And no, I am not a Hillary supporter. 

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On 10/11/2016 at 8:31 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

All this sturm and drang is pretty ironic when one realizes the only atomic weapon used in history was dropped by a Democrat...but what's a fact of history when there's a stupid lamestream article to be written.


So what?


I am sure that the concern about Trump has not to do with his party affiliation, but with his character flaws, lack of judgment and his irresponsible remarks.  If he had won as a Democrat somehow, I am sure that the same concerns would be raised.  


If there was Twitter in 1945, I doubt very much that Truman would be using it at 3am to insult people. 



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On 10/11/2016 at 10:56 AM, landslide said:

Let's look at the wars the US has been involved in during the last 100 years, and the president in office when they started.  World War I, with Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, as president.  World War II, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat, as president.  The Korean War, with Harry S. Truman, Democrat as president.  Vietnam War, with John F. Kennedy, Democrat, as president.  Also, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, who escalated the "police action" in Vietnam.  Iraq (Desert Storm), George H. W. Bush, Republican as President.  Finally, Afghanistan and Iraq, with George W. Bush, Republican as President.  

Seems like the Democrats have involved us in a few more wars that the Republicans.


As I recall, the USA did not start WWI or WWII, and the North Koreans invaded their neighbor to the south.  Mentioning Vietnam is fair, but the other three were not conjured up by US presidents.  So, I am not sure what your point is.   

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I just want to say how proud I am that Mr Donald J Trump has been elected as president of America, and the president of the world and I'm not even an American.


Go Mr. Trump. Make the world great again and make us all believe. Just by even being elected, you have already made the world a better and safer place.


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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Why do you post flagrant falsehoods?  :ph34r:


Donald Trump did not say that Republicans are the "dumbest group of voters" in a 1998 'People' magazine interview.




You are right, I checked, and I am sorry to have posted it. sorry there is no undo or delete button here !!!


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14 hours ago, nottocus said:

I just want to say how proud I am that Mr Donald J Trump has been elected as president of America, and the president of the world and I'm not even an American.


Go Mr. Trump. Make the world great again and make us all believe. Just by even being elected, you have already made the world a better and safer place.

<revolting photo manage removed>


Would you please provide say five bullet points of strategic policy articulated by Trump to prove your point.

Unless of course Trump, the opportunist hypocrite,  has reversed all his talking points during the election campaign (that would not go down well with his base, indeed NeverSure's claimed 200 million gun owner friends might get very p8765ed off).

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17 hours ago, helpisgood said:


So what?


I am sure that the concern about Trump has not to do with his party affiliation, but with his character flaws, lack of judgment and his irresponsible remarks.



Demonstrably false. Trump has been in the public eye for well over 30 years. It wasn't discovered he was an unhinged, psychopathic racist until he ran against a Democrat.

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