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Tears, anguish, devastation for many female Clinton voters


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33 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:



And even the staunchest Trump fans know that if the results were the other way around (If Trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college) that Guiliani, Christie, Trump and all the other cry-babies would be out screaming in the streets of having a stolen election.   


Except the shoe is on the other foot and it is the criminals supporters doing it. Stop trying to deflect. 

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5 hours ago, mike324 said:

I find it funny how now Trump supporters are not saying the election is rigged now just because he won, and the fact that they have failed to see the entire world mocking the US with Trump as president. The US has truly taken a step backwards. But the truth is that Trump will never act on most his brash words and promises.


there was voting fraud and monkey business and it's been discussed and analyzed already but they couldn't pull irt off against a landslide-tsunami

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53 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Like The Divider crying about the polls always being wrong when they showed him behind.  And him crying about the election being rigged, weeks before the election.   Trump won the cry-baby vote.


And even the staunchest Trump fans know that if the results were the other way around (If Trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college) that Guiliani, Christie, Trump and all the other cry-babies would be out screaming in the streets of having a stolen election.   


More than any other person, Comey enabled Trump to win.   Guiliani knew about Comey's announcement days before.  There's an interview on CNN with Guiliani sheepishly giggling like a toddler while he kept saying, "there will be a big surprise in two days, giggle giggle giggle."    How much did the Republicans pay Comey to throw the election?   Ten million?   50 million? 



this is cnn reporting about emmy winning documentary by it professionals and voting professionals.   thers also video documentation of voting machines defaulting to hillary despite the voter pressing trump.



blackboxvoting.org  documented software that actually does alter election results


it is an imperfect world. this time it was the democratic party rigging the system. in the furure it might be the republicans.


keep an open mind.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Like The Divider crying about the polls always being wrong when they showed him behind.  And him crying about the election being rigged, weeks before the election.   Trump won the cry-baby vote.


And even the staunchest Trump fans know that if the results were the other way around (If Trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college) that Guiliani, Christie, Trump and all the other cry-babies would be out screaming in the streets of having a stolen election.   


More than any other person, Comey enabled Trump to win.   Guiliani knew about Comey's announcement days before.  There's an interview on CNN with Guiliani sheepishly giggling like a toddler while he kept saying, "there will be a big surprise in two days, giggle giggle giggle."    How much did the Republicans pay Comey to throw the election?   Ten million?   50 million? 

The "Divider" leaves office in 71 days

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Like The Divider crying about the polls always being wrong when they showed him behind.  And him crying about the election being rigged, weeks before the election.   Trump won the cry-baby vote.
And even the staunchest Trump fans know that if the results were the other way around (If Trump had won the popular vote but lost the electoral college) that Guiliani, Christie, Trump and all the other cry-babies would be out screaming in the streets of having a stolen election.   
More than any other person, Comey enabled Trump to win.   Guiliani knew about Comey's announcement days before.  There's an interview on CNN with Guiliani sheepishly giggling like a toddler while he kept saying, "there will be a big surprise in two days, giggle giggle giggle."    How much did the Republicans pay Comey to throw the election?   Ten million?   50 million? 

Comey has financial connections to the Clintons...not the Republicains.


Sent from my SM-A510F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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More great news! Salt has plummeted even further due to the massive increase in supply :)


Already saw a petition to get the Electoal College removed, Yale making the entire midterm tests optional to recover from this crushing defeat and repair their feefees, the discovery of 3 new earth like planets, the meme where thailand miss universe (2015?)  gets crowned and then taken away again to have the other one get the crown....of course facepasted with Trump and Clinton and of course the millions of tweets etc ranging from leaving the country to the sham that is democrazy and not to forget "how do I tell my little girls" because <deleted> all do they care about politics and what shit even means. Also <deleted> how to explain whatever to little boys because they don't matter obviously.


That shake up was needed for millions of people anyhow, seems their democracy is good as long as you share the same opinion, well, welcome to the reality of it, then again, they could go to North Korea and have their aligned opinions hehe


I'm having a field day and it's G.R.E.A.T.

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3 hours ago, tifino said:


quite funny watching on the television; all the  :passifier:Waaaaaaa  :passifier:Waaaaaaa  :passifier:Waaaaaaaa  by grown adults     



and Hillary got her solace, by hugging (caressing? ) someone else's poor little girl


Did someone mention cry babies?



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How could have the pollsters gotten it so wrong?  Many more men voted for Trump than projected.  The media say that they lied to the pollsters.  I can imagine Hillary's minions telephoning or visiting and saying, "You are going to vote for Hillary, aren't you?"  To which the men apparently the men apparently replied with the equivalent of "Yes, dear."

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4 hours ago, Chilon said:

The poor snowflakes, anyone would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh out loud.


For a good belly laugh at blubbering Hillary followers check out the following short video-






Thanks for a good laugh, that was great! I especially liked the Rachel Maddow looking like she had eat shit, and the girl after that thought she was dying! HAHA

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Just now, beechguy said:

Thanks for a good laugh, that was great! I especially liked the Rachel Maddow looking like she had eat shit, and the girl after that thought she was dying! HAHA

I won't watch it but I suggest you consider those that are grieving and shocked by the national  tragedy of the ascension of trump are the ones that are seeing things CLEARLY.

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39 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I won't watch it but I suggest you consider those that are grieving and shocked by the national  tragedy of the ascension of trump are the ones that are seeing things CLEARLY.

I see them for the morons that they are. Hillary has had a clear track record of dishonesty and deceit for decades, enough people opened their eyes and recognized it. If Hilary wants to blame someone, she only needs to look in the mirror.

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15 hours ago, mike324 said:

I find it funny how now Trump supporters are not saying the election is rigged now just because he won, and the fact that they have failed to see the entire world mocking the US with Trump as president. The US has truly taken a step backwards. But the truth is that Trump will never act on most his brash words and promises.

Are you serious that you cannot understand english and are telling lies on a forum and can also see the future  ? Trump said the election was rigged against him so why would they complain ?DUH!  The fact that he was standing against the most corruption , lying , sexist  politician usa have ever had but the negative media coverage was 10 to 1 against him seems to justify this .
  Please could you tell me which counties in the entire world are mocking him as i have watched lots of news coverage  , bbc , cnn al jazeerah and discussions and have seen nobody mocking the usa .
 How many politicians actually carry out their election promises ?How do you know what he will carry out . Please tell me where you got your crystal ball as i would like 0ne

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17 hours ago, mike324 said:

I find it funny how now Trump supporters are not saying the election is rigged now just because he won, and the fact that they have failed to see the entire world mocking the US with Trump as president. The US has truly taken a step backwards. But the truth is that Trump will never act on most his brash words and promises.

Just as Obama was highly respected around the world, what a joke.. he was laughed at and considered weak.. stripping more and more of are constitutional rights away from us.. I'd rather have Trump, a man who loves America, and will fight for the United States, its seniors and veterans, and not for the 3rd world countries that hate and despise America.. the biggest empty suit ever, race devider and ISIS sympathizer ever.. the American people have spoken loud and clear... get over it.. 

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8 hours ago, beechguy said:

I see them for the morons that they are. Hillary has had a clear track record of dishonesty and deceit for decades, enough people opened their eyes and recognized it. If Hilary wants to blame someone, she only needs to look in the mirror.


Hillary's few lies (which she acknowledged and apologized for) pale in comparison to Trump's avalanche of much bigger lies.  


4 hours ago, nottocus said:

Stupid left wing hypocrites.

You can call me a left-winger if it makes you feel better.  As for stupid, at least we left-wingers (I prefer the term liberals or progressives) are not as often in deep doo doo as Trump.  Most of us......


>>>  know what the nuclear triad is

>>>  can pronounce Tanzania

>>>  know that it's illegal to torture prisoners

>>>  know that Russia invaded Ukraine and took a chunk of its territory

>>>  abide by the votes of the electorate (Trump said he wouldn't, if HRC was elected)

>>>  know that it's illegal to bomb civilians who are connected to our enemies

>>>  don't publicly shame women for being overweight.

>>>  don't grab women's privates or kiss them open-mouthed with no warning

>>>  wouldn't want to punish women for seeking abortion info

>>>  believe in the findings of 97% of the world's climate scientists

>>>  see 29 out of the 30 of the world's largest glaciers are receding dramatically, and deduce that the earth is warming.




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10 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:


Did someone mention cry babies?



LOL!!!  I watched it twice.  Hillary Clinton was a deeply flawed, ethically challenged candidate.  If a male had her baggage, there is no way they would have received the nomination.  To vote for a candidate based on gender, race or religion is wrong.  There are imminently qualified women who would make a fantastic president, and sooner than later, one will be elected.  But they will be elected based on their abilities and qualifications because they are honest with the American people and have the ideas needed to improve the lot of all the citizens, not because they are a woman.  As for Trump, he can be crude and vulgar, but what you see is what you get.  Clinton's beliefs change with the political winds, be it telling Wall Street she was all for "open borders" and that she had their back when president while speaking to them in private (and being paid a tremendous sum of money for doing so), and telling her supporters she would rein in Wall Street and go after the banks and big business.  There is a reason why the majority of voters, even some of those who voted for her, considered her dishonest.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Hillary's few lies (which she acknowledged and apologized for) pale in comparison to Trump's avalanche of much bigger lies.  


You can call me a left-winger if it makes you feel better.  As for stupid, at least we left-wingers (I prefer the term liberals or progressives) are not as often in deep doo doo as Trump.  Most of us......


>>>  know what the nuclear triad is

>>>  can pronounce Tanzania

>>>  know that it's illegal to torture prisoners

>>>  know that Russia invaded Ukraine and took a chunk of its territory

>>>  abide by the votes of the electorate (Trump said he wouldn't, if HRC was elected)

>>>  know that it's illegal to bomb civilians who are connected to our enemies

>>>  don't publicly shame women for being overweight.

>>>  don't grab women's privates or kiss them open-mouthed with no warning

>>>  wouldn't want to punish women for seeking abortion info

>>>  believe in the findings of 97% of the world's climate scientists

>>>  see 29 out of the 30 of the world's largest glaciers are receding dramatically, and deduce that the earth is warming.




Well, Mr Progressive. Your party isn't progressing well for sure.


Face it mate. One of the reasons your candidate lost is because of the progressive or liberals like yourself. It's the hypocrisy, elitism and sense of entitlement that people got fed up with. They said enough is enough. We don't need to be told how to think. We can think for ourselves.

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16 hours ago, anotheruser said:


Well Obama told him to stop whining, go get votes and accept the results. Seems he took Obama up on that.


Yes he did, but he could not man up enough about accepting the results, he was still crying about election being rigged and not accepting the results if he lost till the end! Sounds more like a typical cry baby till the end until he got what he wanted.

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4 minutes ago, mike324 said:


Yes he did, but he could not man up enough about accepting the results, he was still crying about election being rigged and not accepting the results if he lost till the end! Sounds more like a typical cry baby till the end until he got what he wanted.

If it wasn't rigged he would have won every state

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18 minutes ago, nottocus said:

If it wasn't rigged he would have won every state

I doubt he would have won California.  There is a real reason that many of the people that live there are/were referred to as nuts, fruits, and flakes.  

There are enclaves of people like that in Texas, but are not the majority of the Texans.  

There are good people in California, but, in the 17 years that I lived there I met some strange ones and they would never vote for anyone in the Republican party!


Edited by radiochaser
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11 minutes ago, mike324 said:


Yes he did, but he could not man up enough about accepting the results, he was still crying about election being rigged and not accepting the results if he lost till the end! Sounds more like a typical cry baby till the end until he got what he wanted.

Democrats tried to disenfranchise me and many others, years ago in California. There was about 100 other people, plus or minus a few of that number.

 I was only one of three people that had kept the receipt, with serial number, of the voter registration form two elderly democrats had given me to fill out to re-register, as I had recently moved from another county.  

I and two others were the only ones who were allowed a provisional vote, in a presidential election.  The others were denied the right to vote, as all they could do was claim that they had registered to vote, without any other proof.  

The good part of this was, the state of California did prosecute the two democrats and convict them of felonies for criminal violation of voting laws.  

I would say that was an attempt at vote rigging.  


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12 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

How could have the pollsters gotten it so wrong?  Many more men voted for Trump than projected.  The media say that they lied to the pollsters.  I can imagine Hillary's minions telephoning or visiting and saying, "You are going to vote for Hillary, aren't you?"  To which the men apparently the men apparently replied with the equivalent of "Yes, dear."


Isn't the key question re voting intentions one is passion? IE, those Trump supporters, when asked about voting intentions were far more likely to be 100% committed whereas a section of the Hillary supporters who said they were likely voters really meant they would vote if it did not interfere with their plans for the day: eg, a choice of waiting in line to vote v quick access to a caramel soy frappucino and Hillary was toast.

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